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Sean O'Haire is Just Happy to be on TV
October 14, 2003

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Ooooh, someone forgot to hit the button for the SpikeTV branding between shows

TV 14 DLV entertainment CC open fireworks SCREAM

Jamie Noble (Hanover, WV, 200 pounds, w/Nidia) vs Shannon Moore (Raleigh, NC, 205 pounds) - Josh: "We're two weeks away from No Mercy - the first ever Father vs Daughter match, and the WWE Championship will be on line." I hope Josh just used poor grammar there or I've really missing a title change. Tony Chimel is running late with the ring introductions, unless we've already got someone waiting in the ring that I just haven't spotted yet. Your announcers are Tazz and Josh. Josh: "The wealth on Velocity just got - a lot more." Yep, it's the grammar. Tazz explains to me that the cap Jamie is wearing (well, before he put it on Nidia) is a West Virginia Mountaineer hat, in support of his team almost winning - something Jamie can identify with! Oh, wait, his chances just went way up. Josh: "Tazz, I lost a lot of money on that West Virginia/Miami Hurricane game." "That's really great, no one cares." Tazz, after being surprised that people like Josh watch football, talks about Shannon being injected with Mattitude via banana juice in his yam bags. Circle. Nice shot of Shannon's new Perry Saturn starter kit. (Alternate Joke: "Now that he's been hanging out with Matt a lot and has a big tattoo on his shoulder, Shannon is only two things short of getting a Lita book deal.") Lockup, Shannon with a waistlock, Jamie trying to get free, battling, armdrag, headscissors on Shannon, Shannon kips up, Noble taking him right back down with a headlock. Josh kisses up to Tazz. Back to their feet. Shannon tries to turn out of it, but Shannon keeps turning and puts on a hammerlock. Shannon opts to back Noble into the corner, Choida orders a break but Noble thinks about just putting on a full nelson. Noble breaks, Shannon turns and slaps. Noble is ticked and chases Shannon into the ropes. Shannon makes it, but Noble pulls the hair till he's pulled off. Let's try this again. Tazz: "Shannon Moore's dragon is getting bigger. [beat] I mean the tattoo on his arm." Lockup, no Jamie with a kick, forearm, forearm, turnbuckle smash, chop, kick, chop, kick, bringing him out of the corner and suplex, legdrop one two no. Tazz: "She's such a tomato, Nidia. That's a hell of a beaver...she's got on." Corner whip, reversed, Noble kips up and out, Shannon turns and hiptosses Noble into the corner buckle! He landed right on the back of his head. Shannon is pushed away so Choida can check to see if Noble wants to go on. He does, so he's stomped by Shannon. "WHAT'S MY NAME?" Tazz says his name is Shannon Moore, with the big dragon. Choke on the middle rope, forearms to the back, off the ropes, running hipcheck. One two NO. Back suplex. One two no. Shannon's back suplexes have gotten Chavo-rific. CHINlock. Noble up and punching out, with Nidia rallying the crowd for him. Nobel off the ropes, right into a knee. Tazz is telling a bizarre story about things falling out of Big Show when he went to the bathroom. "PLOP! A midget fell out! The midget wasn't alive though. That's sad, yea, sad. But Big Show carries a lot of things in his body. He's like a great white shark." Shannon, perhaps as disturbed as I am, takes time following up from that knee. One two no. Kneeling surfboard. Jamie standing up of it, trying to turn, no good, so he'll drop to his back and kick Shannon away. Both up, and Shannon takes Noble down with his leg lariat. Shannon crawls over to cover one two NO. Stomp. Stomp. Taking his time, off the ropes, and nailed with a clothesline. Tazz is railing against Shannon's (learned from Matt) cockiness, but gives it a little credit. "That's what my grandma used to say - be cocky Tazz, just don't smell like cock." I'm waiting for the TV M logo to show up in the corner now. Noble with right hands, kick, kick, kick, kick, (are these supposed to be K1 leg kicks? They're not the typical babyface kick to the gut kicks but I don't watch kickboxing), off the ropes, running knee to the head one two NO. Noble with a corner whip, charge in, Shannon gets up double boots, Shannon charges out into the Noble quick powerslam one two NO. Jamie remembers he has a billion finishers and goes for one of 'em - double underhook (Josh: "Going for the Tiger Driver here") but Shannon backdrops out of it. Moore going up - HALO! One two NO! Halo never works, why did I shout that? Shan-trum. Tazz: "Shades of Michael Cole again, throwing that tantrum, when he's at the bar, when they say 'No more Shirley Temples for you Cole, you're acting up.'" Shannon goes for a suplex, Jamie slips behind and goes for a reverse bodyscissors roll, Shannon blocks, jacknife cover one two NO! Josh with a kick to the rib, right, reverse neckbreaker is shoved off and Shannon goes into the corner. Noble charges into a back elbow, Shannon covers with the feet on the ropes one  Nidia and Choida point it out. Shannon chooses to blame Nidia for this - I guess Choida might have glanced at her pointing and noticed it, but I think he could've got it anyway. Shannon advances on Nidia (on the apron), Nidia sticks out her tongue but then starts to back away and off the apron - Noble inside cradle one two NO! I'm pretty sure Jamie's tights pull on that move caused Shannon to moon the crowd, if that loud group of female cheers was any indication. Shannon with a clothesline, Nobel ducks and floataround for a DDT - holding on for the double underhook choke - PAYDIRT! Josh called it! (6:06) Tazz talks about stretch marks on Nidia's tongue. 

Later: Rey Mysterio vs Nunzio! Josh says the dealio is that Rey wants a title shot and will beat whoever it takes to get it.
Up Next: Will Stephanie back down? No.

SmackDown Live!
10/07 - Hartford, CT [SD!] 
10/09 - Turku, Finland [Euro Passport To Pain Tour]
10/10 - Cologne, Germany [Euro Passport To Pain Tour]
10/11 - Birmingham, UK [SOLD OUT] [Euro Passport To Pain Tour]
10/12 - Manchester, UK [Euro Passport To Pain Tour]

They did the usual oversea thing of not mentioning the dates for the foreign shows, but they're on the Calendar they show so there you go. They have a 10/06 show in Trenton on the Calendar, but voiceover guy didn't mention it. 

I told you, she didn't back down. (6:12)
No Mercy: that match

Still To Come: Undertaker/Kurt Angle vs John Cena/Brock Lesnar

WM Moments - I forgot they were doing these - HBK beats Bret Hart in the Iron Man, WM XII. 

WM ticketline footage. Eh.

Sean O'Haire (274 pounds) vs Kevin Kruger (already in the ring) - production screws up and gives us the usual arena shot for ads instead of a look at the local guy. There we go. Josh and Tazz talk about Tazz's friend Jeff being at No Mercy with explaining anything more than that, but the Tazz tells people like me (well I assume) that I shouldn't worry about it. Thanks, Tazz! Tazz will then spend this match wondering what happened to Freddie's mask. Lockup, Kevin thrown down. Stomp. Front facelock. Up - and swinging neckbreaker, and holding on. Good enough for me. Forearm. Stomp. Turnbuckle smash. Sean with a right. Knee. Knee. Corner whip, Sean charges in but no one's home, inside cradle is rolled through by O'Haire and he pops up with a clothesline. Tazz notes Kevin's large kneepads and asks Josh if he had a pair like that. Josh: "I don't wear kneepads." "No, when you used to wrestle - I would never imply something." Knee drops and stomps. Clothesline. Josh tells a story about finding Tazz talking to Sean about the strategy in his match tonight, and Tazz telling Josh never to talk to him in front of other superstars. Tazz says it's true! Sean with a corner whip, Kevin rebounds out, scooped and tossed. Tazz: "Shades of Ken Pantera!" There's the slide for no reason, Kevin kick is blocked, Field Goal Kick by Sean. Whip, clothesline misses, Kevin tries the cross body because this match is almost over. Lift into the fireman's cover, Inverted DVD one two three (2:29) He's pumped - pumped to win yet another Velocity squash. Tazz: "Loaded with talent - LOADED!"

Next: Funaki vs Rhyno. Josh thinks Rhyno might have the advantage!

WMXIX Crossfaces For Everyone Of Thursday. Benoit lost a bet, you know.

Rhyno (Detroit, MI, 275 pounds) vs SmackDown #1 Announcer Funaki (Japan, 206 pounds) - Funaki does not try to set off the fire by himself, sadly. Rhyno pounds Funaki as he comes in the ring, and this won't be long. Whip, back elbow misses, Funaki with right, right, right, chop, chop, whip, reversed, spinning headscissors. Turnbuckle smash! Elbow, chop, turnbuckle smash, chop, turnbuckle smash, chop, turnbuckle smash, chop, turnbuckle smash, chop, turnbuckle smash. Rhyno's as disoriented as I am by that combo, Funaki with another chop, corner whip, reversed, Funaki with the WOW crossbody one two NO. Off the ropes, ducks a back elbow but gets nailed with a clothesline anyway. One two no. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Corner whip, Rhyno charges in shoulder first. Short knee. One two no. Stomp. Pose. Stomp. Tazz is big in rambling speeches tonight. Funaki rallies back with right hands, kick catch enziguri. Who's gonna be up first? Josh picks Funaki. Tazz picks up Detroit. I think it's Funaki, but Tazz is too busy making fun of Josh to notice. Rhyno with a chop, Funaki double chop (he's been hanging around Ultimo too much!), Rhyno chop, Funaki double chop, Rhyno chop, Funaki double chop, Rhyno chop is ducked, Funaki with a right, right, right, whip, reversed, Rhyno puts his head down too soon and gets it kicked. Funaki off the ropes, right into a bearhug - side belly to belly suplex. Rhyno calls for it, and gets in position - Funaki gets out of the way of the Gore just in time. Bulldog, had to get that in. One two NO. Corner whip, reversed, Rhyno charges into a double boot. Funaki charges out, inside cradle one tow no. Funaki with rights, whip, quick reverse into the Concrete Crunch. Rhyno doesn't cover - he's going for the Gore one more time. Waiting. Funaki had to spot him there, but he still stands up in the path - GORE. One two three (4:21)

Up Next: Undertaker/Angle vs Cena/Brock

So, there's the match (6:09)
No Mercy: Brock Lesnar (c) vs the Undertaker for the WWE Championship
No Mercy: that match
No Mercy: Chris Benoit vs A-Train
THIS JUST IN: No Mercy: Rey Mysterio vs Tajiri (c) for the Cruiserweight Championship

Next: Rey Mysterio vs Nunzio - well, that last match gives it away, right?

Y2J Sting of the Red Mist of Two Weeks Ago. 

Hey, who that jumping out of the sky

Rey Mysterio (San Diego, CA, 175 pounds) vs Nunzio (201 1/4 pounds) - No sleep till the other two get back from Asia. Lockup, Nunzio with a fireman's carry, armbar, Rey with a single leg to reverses, cover for zero, Rey ends up getting a waistlock, Nunzio tries to turn out of it, Rey with knee, corner whip, reversed, Rey kip up and out, Nunzio out of the corner with a clothesline one two no. Choke on the mat. Tazz talks about Nunzio wrestling in "shoot fight outfits" in Japan. Whip, Rey slides under, Nunzio with a knee, Nunzio with a slam, Rey slips out, spinning headscissors. Rey charges Nunzio in the corner, Nunzio puts him on the top rope, punches to keep him there. Nunzio to the apron - ah, he pulls Rey off by his arm, snapping it over the top rope. One two NO. Keylock with the feet on the ropes- Brian Hebner notices in short order. Nunzio to a top wristlock, which Josh calls and Tazz is happy, since he taught him that. Rey trying to battle out, single leg to escape, Nunzio rolled to his feet, Rey hits the ropes odd and is slow to follow up - Nunzio up, ARRIVEDERCI! Well shut my mouth - one two NO! Wait, that's his move! Nunzio seems unphased by HIS MOVE BEING KICKED OUT OF, going right back to the top wristlock. He's a calmer man than I, I guess. Rey battles out of the wristlock, but gets forearmed back down. Chinlock. Jumping jacks? That's Rey Mysterio, not Scott Steiner. And you're not Test. Otherwise, right on. Nunzio goes back to stomping Rey and cranking the arm. Forearm. Choke on the middle rope. Top wristlock. Tazz disagrees with the strategy of going after the arm (rather than a leg.) Nunzio with a knee, knee, corner whip one two no. After pointing out that Nunzio is Italian (as you can tell with the flag on his backside) and Rey is a Full Blooded Mexican, Tazz wonders what Josh is - Greek? He heard some things. Things that go right over Josh's head. Hammerlock. Nunzio uses the hammerlock leg crank move - he saw Val do it on Heat! Armbar with a knee driven into the shoulder. Josh talks about Tajiri/Rey at No Mercy being the rubber match, and whoever wins "breaks the rubber." Tazz: "Breaks the rubber? That's dangerous!" Armbar. Shoulder to shoulder. Tazz: "I've never broken a rubber!" Josh declares this a trainwreck. Nunzio going to the middle rope while still holding the armbar, but Rey is punching his way free. Rey climbs up after him - top rope 'rana! Is that enough? One two NO! Tazz wonders if Rey is looking past this match. Announcers discuss that Rey was flirting with the longest Cruiserweight Reign in (post-split) History, as held by Jamie Noble. Both slow up, Nunzio with a double leg, Rey kicks him away. Rey charges, Nunzio, backdrop to the apron, Nunzio turns into a shoulder. Rey with a springboard Thesz Press one two NO. Rey off the ropes, over, springboard cross body, one two NO. Rey's arm is still bugging him. Picking Nunzio up, but Nunzio urns him in the corner. Corner whip - no, back the same way, Mysterio kips up but is caught on Nunzio's shoulder, but Rey drops down - reverse DDT one two NO. Rey going out and saying he's going up. Taking too long? Yea, Nunzio after him with punches. Nunzio faces the middle of the ring while grabbing Rey's arms - reverse crucifix powerbomb one two NO. Nunzio grabs a waistlock, but Rey gets to the ropes, back elbow, back elbow, he's free so he springboards off the bottom rope to a headscissors, but Nunzio blocks and drops him with a face first powerbomb one two no. Josh asks Tazz why Nunzio isn't hooking the leg, and Tazz tells him to go ask Nunzio. "You're just like Cole, you think I've got ALL the answers because I was a great wrestler." Choke by Rey. Whip, Rey hooks the ropes, Nunzio charges into a boot. Flapjack on the middle rope, 619. Waiting, Drop The Dime one two three. (8:04) Josh says the 619 and the Dropping the Dime is one of the best combinations EVER, which translates to "don't expect him to do the West Coast Pop anytime soon - and no, we're not going to tell you why."

SmackDown In Hartford! Confidential now.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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