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Hey, Dawn: Seduce THIS!
February 16, 2004

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


tv 14 dlv entertainment open fireworks yelling

thug life Billy Kidman & Paul London (417 pounds) vs Nunzio & Johnny Stamboli (451 pounds) - London's not used to all this walking to the ring. Your announcers are Bill and Josh, aww. "I never thought I say it, but it's good to see you." Everyone [hearts] Kidman/London as a tag team, despite their grand total of zero wins. "They look good together." Maybe I'm thinking of the tag team concept wrong. Chuck's not here because he's got a big big match vs Orlando Jordan. Kidman and Nunzio to start. Lockup? No, Nunzio must bicep pose. He wants a test of strength. Josh: "Good thing this isn't a posing contest, Kidman would be in trouble." Nunzio tries to sneak in a kick, Kidman catches it, drops it, Nunzio's clothesline misses, kick is caught again, this time Kidman spins Nunzio around before giving him an atomic drop. Kidman mocks Nunzio's pain before taking him down via armdrag. Armbar, back up, twist, front facelock, tag to London, London in with a slingshot sunset flip one tow no. London with a right hand, whip, reversed, Nunzio charges in with a splash but London's moved out of the way. Hiptoss, armbar. Nunzio complains about a hairpull but no one's listening. Tag to Kidman. Whip, London drop toe hold (not called), hold so Kidman can add the sliding dropkick to the had one two no. Nunzio escapes enough to tag Johnny. Johnny first move is to no sell a drop toe hold (! Johnny's done that as a blown spot before but I think it might have just been a riff of those mistakes, just because you'd think he'd stop doing that on accident after a while), Johnny elbow drop but Kidman rolls out of the way, then walks over and tags London in, obviously not wanting a piece of Johnny. London slides under Johnny on a charge and uses forearms  so good we're not allowed to see 'em. Corner whip, reversed, London with a back elbow on the charge. London to the second rope for his jump/double boot on the charge. London charges Johnny on the apron and takes a backdrop to the apron. Johnny turns into a forearm, forearm for Nunzio too, London going up but Johnny sweeps him off the top rope. Cover one tow Kidman breaks it up. Johnny whips London into the FBI's corner, tag to Nunzio so they both can kicks him down, tag to Johnny so he can get in his kicks. Tag to Nunzio so eh can pose. Boos from the crowd. Snap mare, chinlock. Crowd cheering for London as Nunzio yells at them. Up to their feet, elbows, and Nunzio forearms him down. Slam, no, London behind, London with a waistlock, Nunzio races to the ropes, ducks, and Johnny forearms London down one two no. London dragged over to the FBI corner, tag to Johnny. London tries to fight out of the corner but punches stop him. Johnny brings him into to the middle of the ring and punches him down. Choke on the top rope, from the outside in. Taunt to Kidman, Kidman wants in, Johnny can hold in that choke a little longer. Johnny taunts Kidman some more, so Nunzio can kick London while he's hanging there. Johnny with a light stomp, cover one tow no. Neck vice by Johnny. In a weird turn of events, Bill is pro-Goldberg (or at least his wacky antics) while Joshi is anti-Goldberg. "Wait a minute - if Goldberg has no business being at a SmackDown! PPV, then Paul Heyman had no business being RAW." Uh oh, he's using logic! Back to the farm for him. London elbowing out, whip, uh, not happening, he's not moving. Short clothesline by Johnny. Snap mare, tag to Nunzio. London crawling to the corner. The Credo of Bill DeMott: "I watch. I learn. I deal in reality. Not what ifs." Nunzio with his very devastating Jumping Jacks. Choke. Chop to the neck. Dropkick tot he head, one two Kidman pulls Nunzio off. Nunzio knocks Kidman off the apron in return. Back on London, smashing his face into the mat. Bill: "This tag team thing is new for both Kidman and London" - I guess he means together. Nunzio with a knee to the face, and a chinlock-ish hold, sure. London trying to draw from the crowd. Elbow, elbow, Nunzio stops that with a knee. Knee to the midsection. Nunzio's forced to give London some room, as they've battled into the ropes. London uses the moment to get in a forearm to the midsection, but he still needs the ropes to pull himself up - Nunzio helps himself out by chopping London hands off the ropes. London starts pulling himself up again, Nunzio tries it again, and London lets go so Nunzio chops the rope and hurts himself. To make this weirder, Nunzio follows by grabbing London's legs while he's holding on the ropes. 99% of the time, London takes a powerbomb like bomb, but defying physics, reason, and good sense, this some how turns into a dropkick on Nunzio. Guess it's time for the hot tag.  Tag to Johnny. London has away to go and he's not going to get there. Johnny grabs London's legs and flips him to his back, but London kicks Johnny in the head from there. Tag to Kidman. Clothesline for Johnny, forearm for Nunzio, kick, springboard bulldog on Johnny turns into a 'rana on Nunzio. Kidman ducks a Johnny clothesline, spinning headscissors for Johnny, kick catch enziguri one two no. Johnny stops the madness with an eye rake, suplex, Kidman lands behind turning around in the process, reverse neckbreaker but I'm not sure who did it? Johnny covers one two London breaks it up. I guess it was some weird suplex into a reverse neckbreaker that shouldn't be done like that ever again. Nunzio charges London and gets backdropped. Nunzio rolls out of the ring, and London rolls on him with a slingshot somersault plancha. In the ring, Johnny misses a clothesline and Kidman does not miss the dropkick. Time for it? Dragging Johnny into the corner. "And Bill, I don't think I need to say anything." "This is the GameCube thing, right?" "Well, yea." Johnny with a right hand to prevent a catchphrase, and he's joining Kidman on the ropes. Kidman fights back and pushes him off. Waiting for Johnny to get up, second rope cross body is caught! Johnny goes for a press slam, Kidman fighting it, slipping behind for a sunset flip but Johnny not going, London in - dropsault knocks Johnny over, Kidman holds on for the one two three! (9:34) Nine minutes, wow. And it didn't drag, with a smart finish. So I guess I have to take this team seriously now (even if they defeated the non-usual tag team combination of the FBI.) Nunzio's not sure how that happened.

Still to come: Eddy/Angle vs Brock/Show with an impact on No Way Out
Up Next: Eddie vs Brock face to face

Heyman get speared (:33)
Eddie and Brock have words (2:37)
No Way Out: Brock Lensar (c) vs Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Championship
No Way Out: "Crossing Borders" by Rey Mysterio is the official theme song

Backstage, Dawn Marie is here? Paul Heyman is here? Dawn, who is awful shiny, thanks Paul for taking that spear for SmackDown! Rubbing Paul's midsection makes it hurt more. Heyman's still in a lot of pain. Goldberg's made a lot of history with that spear, and now he wants to make history on Paul's first SmackDown only PPV. Either Goldberg is going to live up to the hype or Brock is going to maul Goldberg and show that SmackDown > RAW and Brock > Goldberg.

MX Unleashed defeated of Tajiri, one punch KO of Last Thursday.

Ultimo Dragon (Nagoya, Japan, 185 pounds) vs Shannon Moore (Raleigh, NC, 207 pounds) - Wow, they're really doing this every two weeks now! Shannon points at Ultimo, as if declaring that he'll really win this time. Really. You believe me. "How do you know it's not Paez under that mask?" "It's not Jorge Paez, it's Ultimo Dragon." "How do you know?" Shannon wants to lookup when he's good and ready. Like now. Shannon manages with a wristlock, Ultimo trying to battle out, forward roll, forward handstand, armdrag. Shannon runs into a headlock takedown. Shannon shoots Ultimo off into the corner, Ultimo comes back, Shannon whiffs on the clothesline and Ultimo inside cradles him one two no. Headlock takedown. This best part about this drawn out tangent about Rey's mask the announcers go on is that Bill asks Josh if he knows what the mask means, Josh says yes, and Bill explains what the mask means anyway. Shannon trying to turn out into a waistlock, Ultimo turns with him an reapplies the headlock. Shannon trying to elbow out of the headlock, Ultimo shot off and back with a shoulderblock. Off the ropes, over, rolling under, spinning headscissors one two no. Dropkick to the back sends Shannon through the ropes. Ultimo hops to the apron, but Shannon trips him up before he can think moonsault. Elbow to the neck by Shannon, and Ultimo's sent in. Shannon follows and dives on top for a cover. One two no Bill explaining how Rey would feel if his mask was taken: "You might as well kick his dog, punch his mom in the face, steal his kids, and flatten all the wheels on his car." Shannon's back suplex works one two no. Chinlock. Ultimo standing back up from it after about fifteen seconds. Elbowing out, off the ropes, under a clothesline, pause for a moment before Ultimo finishes his run to the ropes, quebrada connects - but Ultimo is grabbing his ribs and own. Both men are down, Ultimo crawls over on Shannon at the five count one two NO. Both pulling themselves up with the ropes, right is blocked, Ultimo kicks the hamstring. Repeat. Ultimo ducks a clothesline and hits the three kick combo one two no. "You just don't like anyone, do you?" "Not really." Turnbuckle smash for Shannon. Corner whip, reversed, Ultimo kips up and out, waits for Shannon to turn around, spinning heel kick to the midsection. Ultimo decides it's time to call for the Asai DDT even though he'd hit the turnbuckle if he tried to do it there. Shannon takes advantage of the five second call for the move and gets in a leg lariat to the back, one two no. I like Shannon's new tights. They look nifty. Reverse neckbreaker, one two no. Whip, reversed, Shannon with a sunset flip, Ultimo rolls through, running kick to the chest! "Have you ever been speared by Goldberg? I was the first man to be speared by Goldberg!" Shannon retreats to the corner, Ultimo charges, Shannon gets a boot up. Ultimo charges again and get two boots. Shannon to the second rope, MOOREGASM! One two NO! That always happens! Shannon is still upset! Back suplex (never works twice), Ultimo lands on his feet, waistlock, Shannon with a switch, Ultimo hits a back elbow, Asai DDT one two three. (5:10) Hey, it works better if you don't spend 5 second calling for it, what do you know. See ya again on the 28th!

Still to Come: a big tag match from SmackDown!

YJ Stinger Mink Coat Alterations of Thursday

Chuck Palumbo (280 pounds) vs Orlando Jordan (Miami, FL, 247 pounds) - I have it on very good sources* that this was going to be Kanyon vs Orlando Jordan. * - I just made that up for no reason. Bill finally gets to crow about Nidia not being blind, and he's happy to do it. Lockup, Chuck with a headlock, headlock takedown, headscissors reversal, break, headlock takedown by Orlando. Orlando getting up to his feet, and CHuck is able to elbow out of the headlock. Headlock, shot off, back with a shoulderblock. Bill wants Josh to admit he was wrong about Nidia being blind. Josh: "I'm not a gynecologist, an eye doctor, I don't know what goes on in the world of eyes!" "You'd be a heck of a gynecologist if you were an eye doctor." Chuck off the ropes, over, under, uh oh he landed bad on his left leg and Chuck noticed, clipping him. Chuck waiting for Orlando to get up, and kicks him in the back of the left knee to trip him up. "Don't you see the dramatic irony in it Bill?" CHUCK PALUMBO FIGURE FOUR! That's it, I've seen it all. Yea, he's grabbing the bottom rope for leverage. Nick Patrick is easily fooled. Gonna do it again Yep. Nick is slow on the uptake still, but notices that bottom rope bouncing. Chuck gets caught on the third time, and Nick orders a break - but Orlando turns it and Nick lets it go, I guess. Chuck grabs the ropes for a fourth time and it's broke. "I wouldn't date her." "You wouldn't date who?" "Nidia. She's a liar." Now everyone has a bad leg, though Orlando knee is worse. He retreats to a far corner, and boots Chuck away when he follows up. Josh: "It's liking going in circles with you!" "I'm right next to you." Orlando inside cradle one two no. Backslide? Eh, close enough one two no. Chuck gets up his feet quicker and boots Orlando right in the face, one two NO. Chuck misses a clothesline, Orlando hits a dropkick, but he's hurt. Crawling, covering, one two no. Orlando jab jab jab bad knee shuffle right cross. Orlando is hurting, so he's going up. This is why you're on Velocity, Orlando! AHAHAHAHAHA HE FELL INTO THE RING! Orlando's knee gave out and just bellyflopped forward off the top rope! That's the best Orlando Jordan spot ever. (Hmm, familiar, with the FBI involved...) Chuck grabs the legs, figure four, no Orlando small packages him one two NO. That should've read "Chuck starts to put on the figure four, then bends so far over Orlando has no choice but to use a small package". Surprised that wasn't the finish - Chuck's killer right hand might have been it. One two NO. Chuck explains to Nick that his fist should've got him three, if not ten. What now? Shoulder slam? Orlando slips behind, waistlock rollup one two three (5:17) Chuck can't believe he lost that match. Orlando limps to celebrate in the aisle- and gets run over by Johnny! Nunzio is out to run Orlando into the apron and throw him back in the ring. Looks like the FBI aren't happy to go 0-2. There's Chuck with a press into a Samoan Drop. Johnny leaps to the top - top rope turning legdrop. Nunzio raises Chuck's hand up. Filler match for No Way Out now? Hmm.

Up next: the big tag match. They've shown highlights of this the last two bumpers, and managed to only show Eddie, Brock and Big Show

SmackDown! Live
2/15 - San Francisco, CA [PPV]
2/16 - Stockton, CA 
2/17 - Fresno, CA [SD!]
2/22 - Springfield, MO
2/23 - Joplin, MO

Kurt Angle laid out. Kurt gets his revenge - on everyone. (1:45)
No Way Out: Brock Lesnar (c) vs Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Title
No Way Out: Jamie Noble vs Nidia in a "Noble is Blindfolded" match
No Way Out: Rikishi and Scotty Two Hotty (c) vs the Bashams and Shaniqua for the WWE Tag Team Titles
No Way Out: Rey Mysterio (C) vs Chavo Guerrero
No Way Out: Kurt Angle vs US Champion Big Show vs John Cena for the WM Title Shot
Who's going to win the #1 contenders match? I wonder how many people they had to ask to get someone say Show? (:39)

WM Recall: WrestleMania 1, 1985

Billy Gunn (269 pounds) vs A-Train (Boston, MA, 350 pounds) - So is, Torrie trading Billy for Sable an upgrade or a downgrade? Bill strangely hangs upside down in the ropes. And he dances to his music. So this is just a horrible thing to do an ad spot during. I'm begging for the choo choo. Much better. "KEEP ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN" "That's not his song." "I know, I'm not singing along." "It doesn't have words! You keep aggravating me." "Well, that's the last thing I want to do." Circle. Lockup? Not yet. SHAVE YOUR BACK. THE MENTAL GAME. I guess Bill's trying to get a t-shirt, seeing as he's said that phrase 90 times tonight. Lockup, A-Train shoves Billy away. Bill picks John Cena in the #1 contenders, poor John. Lockup, no, Gunn ducks under, headlock. Cranking it. Shot off, no hanging out and dragging A-Train to the mat with him. Back up, A-Train elbows, still stuck. Gunn lifted up and thrown out of the headlock. Is he complaining about a hairpull? Ew. Lockup, no Gunn ducks under, right hand - wait, we pause a Charles Robinson explains to Gunn about no closed fists. A-Train takes advantage, double leg pickup and Gunn's run to the corner. Gunn's arm seems to hit A-Train's head as he lands, and Gunn takes advantage of the fluke with a chop. Corner whip - uh, no. Kick, and try again? No, short clothesline from A-Train. A-Train off the ropes, jumping splash to the back. Elbow drop to the back, and I guess we know where he's aiming. Bill comes dangerously close to reading these recaps, by pointing out last year Cena had a rap and this year he'll have a match.  Kick to the back. Gunn picked up and battling back with punches, off the ropes, and A-Train runs him over with a shoulderblock. Rolling Gunn on to his back, one two no. Bill suggests that one of these two men may yet main event WrestleMania this year! I think the drugs are wearing off. Josh wisely moves on. Bearhug. Gunn fading, fading, coming back. Josh: "Brock Lesnar's beaten Hulk Hogan, beaten the Rock, beaten the Undertaker, beaten Kurt Angle" Elbows aren't working, so how about a head bite? Ew, that's how about it. Off the ropes, right into the back elbow. Stomps by A-Train. No, not the second rope. Splash meets boot. Gunn is slow up to follow, A-Train charges, and Gunn gives him a drop toe hold (called!) into the middle buckle. Gunn off the ropes, clothesline, clothesline. Whip, reversed, A-Train short clothesline is ducked, Gunn "Diamond Cutter" one two NO. Didn't he just break WWE style rules right there? Gunn backs up and waits for A-Train to get up on the opposite corner. Corner splash works. Calling for it, kick, off the ropes, A-Train backs in the corner rather than take the Fameasser. Gunn looks at Charles Robinson as if to ask "he can do that?" and A-Train pops him with the bicycle kick. Cover with feet on the middle ropes one two three (4:21) Gunn should invest wisely.

Back in the GM Office, which I totally forget that we were doing, there's Dawn Marie's breasts. Ah, the joke is that we think Paul's responding to her (stock hype) talk, but he's actually talking to someone on his cell phone. Why is Dawn laying on the top of the sofa like that anyway? I think the girl might have some issues. Paul yells at Dawn for talking while she's on the phone. Paul's ready to get on the plane! Except his ribs still hurt. Off to No Way Out. Dawn's attempts to seduce Paul fail again, and we're done. This was a pretty pointless trip.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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