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Who From Velocity Goes to WM20?
Not So Fast, Bill and Josh!

March 1, 2004

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


tv 14 dlv entertainment - Last Thursday, Angle stared in the camera and offered to explain, later - open fireworks yellllllllll

Tajiri (Japan, 206 pounds, w/Akio and Sakoda) vs Paul London (200 pounds, sponsored by Wendy's) - your announcers are Bill and Josh. This could be interesting. The music they're using for ESPN Dream Job's radio commercials either is "Hey You" or close enough that it's been bugging me all week. Circle. Tajiri trying to find a way in with leg kicks but London keeping away. Lockup, Tajiri with a waistlock, switch, into a single leg and leg hold. London reverse to a headlock, Tajiri fights out, London shot into the ropes, back with a shoulderblock. Off the ropes, over (roll), and back with a kick. Bill's complaining that Rey got screwed out of a win? Odd. Whip, reverse, Tajiri puts his head down too soon, so London does the Mushroom Stomp. Josh sings again this week. Tajiri grabs his back and stumbles, London charges and uses a handspring hiptoss. Armdrag, armbar. Oh, he's sticking up for Chavo too. Tajiri up to his feet and eye raking free. Kick, corner whip, London with a kip up into a reverse bodyscissors (a bit slow transition), but Tajiri turns it over before a count, pinning London on his back with London's legs hooked under Tajiri's arms and his shoulders on the mat one two shoulder up, back down, one two shoulder up, shoulder down one up again, and Tajiri can't maintain the hold. Kicking London hard in the hamstring is a good substitute. Stomp. Corner whip, reverse, London tries for a monkey flip, Tajiri blocks and puts him on the top rope, London punches his away and tries kicking, Tajiri grabs a leg, I think London had ideas of going over the top of Tajiri with a sunset flip, but Tajiri moves to the side as London flips over him, and pushes on London's leg to make sure he lands on his back. Looked messed up but could've been wore. As Tajiri distracts the ref, Sakoda grabs London's left leg and holds over the apron, and Akio comes off the apron with an axhandle to the leg. Josh wonders if Akio or Sakoda will be in the Cruiserweight Open; someone needs to recalibrate the scales if Sakoda does participate. Bill: "They said any Cruiserweight on the SmackDown! roster - that includes YOU" Tajiri brings London in, cover one two no. Stomp to the leg. Stomp to the leg. Yanking on the leg. Bill: "So by you ignoring me, that means your not entering the Cruiserweight Open?" "I am absolutely not entering the Cruiserweight Open." Josh and Bill discuss Bill's ability to make weight, and then Josh drops "Japanese Strong Style". London trying to rally out of a leg bar, but not yet. Toehold by Tajiri now. Stomp while holding it in. London moving to the ropes, and he grabs it. Tajiri stomps London to get him to let go, pulls him into the middle of the ring, and doesn't break the hold at any point. London tries kicking Tajiri away with the other leg, and it takes three kicks to the chest to do it. London still can't get up, but he uses Tajiri leaning on his legs to roll them both up to standing position, and right into the dropsault. Tajiri's still the first one up, London's knee really bugging him and another Tajiri kick not helping him. Whip, reversed, Tajiri goes for his handspring elbow, but London counters with a jumping back elbow of his own. Both guys go down, but London crawls on top, one two NO. London and Tajiri slapping at each other from their knees, London getting the better of it with punches as they stand up. Whip, quick reverse, single leg is blocked and London hits the enziguri. Crawling over again, one two NO. Corner whip, London charges in and gets kicked in the leg, perhaps not a good plan. While he's in the corner, Tajiri figures he might as well hook on the Tarantula but London slips free, grabs Tajiri and drops him in the ring with a face first powerbomb. One two NO. London going for the double chickenwing, but Tajiri kicks himself free, making contact with that bad knee. London rolls to the apron, using the ropes to pull and hold himself up, forearming Tajiri from there. London knocks down Tajiri and hangs on the ropes recovering, stirring only when Akio charges on the apron to boot him. Double springboard moonsault, Tajiri moves, London lands on his feet for a microsecond before collapsing. It's all over for him. Tajiri knocks him down with a dropkick, and sets up for it. Buzzsaw kick, one two three (5:54) Turning point is Akio attacking the knee (though Tajiri was actually already working it over before then.)

Still to come: Why Kurt Why
Tonight: Orlando and Hardcore Holly vs FBI

MX Special Guest Referee for WrestleMania of Monday

A-Train (Boston, MA, 350 pounds) vs Shannon Moore (Raleigh, NC, 207 pounds) - Josh: "Just don't look at the A-Train and he'll leave you alone." "You don't look at him." "I try not to." Apparently Ultimo Dragon was otherwise busy. Josh wastes no time mentioning Shannon beating A-Train one time (and not the many times he's lost.) "You are a MooreOn! Your are a Shannon Moore fan, you're a MooreOn." "Keep it up." We're pretending there is a pending issue here. Face to face. Well, face to chest. A-Train with a slap to the head. Shannon charges, right into body block. A-Train nearly beheads referee Charles Robinson while reaching for the ropes to boot choke Shannon. 

Josh: "You said 'I'm a Shannon Moore fan', and -" 
Bill: "Call the match, don't talk to me, call the match!" 
Josh: "Shannon Moore-" 
Josh: "Would you rather me call you du-?" 
Bill: "I rather you leave right now!" 
Josh: "I could call you Hugh if you want." 
Bill: "We're going to be the next match at WrestleMania." 
Josh: "No we're not." 
Bill: "Then call the match." 
Josh: "Okay. That's money, me and you, WrestleMania XX"

Certainly. Shannon thrown hard in the corner, A-Train charges into a boot, then charges into a double boot, but catches them and throws Shannon out. Shannon run into the apron. Josh wants to watch the Playboy match by himself. Thrown in. Elbow to the back. Jumping elbow drop but Shannon rolls out of the way, and right out of the ring. A-Train grabbing Shannon by the hair, but Shannon by forearming him through the ropes. Up to the apron, shoulder to the midsection, shoulder meeting a knee. A-Train grabs Shannon by the hair and tries to run him into the post, but Shannon puts on the brake and gets an eye gouge. Climbing up - and pulled off by the arm. Shannon lands on his back and grabs it, in case we didn't know this was the body part of choice. Double under hook - well, hanging for quite a while here - suplex. One two no. That was impressive. Scoop into a side backbreaker. Holding on and dropping him on the knee again, before stretching Shannon over the knee. Shannon trying to find a way out but not there yet. Bill notes that A-Train has a hand press on Shannon's throat, which helps. Shannon not giving up but not moving either. In this for a thirty seconds, and now trying to kick his way out (check the sudden camera switches on the kick - 8 changes on 2 kicks.) Shannon's kicks get A-Train to let go, and Shannon uses a Spike Dudley battering ram to keep A-Train from getting back on him. Shannon unwisely jumps at A-Train and is easily caught. A-Train runs him back first in to the corner  and clubs him down. Shannon pulled up by the hair so A-Train can club him back down. And a third time. A-Train takes a moment to pretend to listen to Charles Robinson. Back to Shannon. "You ain't nothing, Moore. You can't beat me! You will never beat me again!" Shannon forearming out of the corner, but A-Train shrugs them off and pushes Shannon back in the corner. Charge, but Shannon drops down and gives him a drop toe hold into the middle buckle. Forearms to the head and neck, but A-Train's still getting up. A-Train with a choke, but Shannon forearms free again. Off the ropes, into a kick. Lift, Train Wreck? No, Shannon slips behind with a sunset flip one two NO. Shannon right back on A-Train with forearm, off the ropes, and run over by A-Train.  A-Train to the second rope, second rope pump splash hits! One two three (4:26) Well, I guess that's why he keeps trying to do it. Josh: "Shake it like a Polaroid picture, A-Train"

Up Next: Rey and Cena vs Show and Chavo

WM Recall: Brock's Shooting Star Press WMX19, 2003.

That tag match (2:04)
WMXX: Big Show (c) vs John Cena for the US Championship

YJ Bashams cause Rikishi to aimlessly wander into a Rikishi clothesline of Last Thursday

The World's Greatest Tag Team (489 pounds) vs Matt Cappotelli and John Hennigan (Tough Enough 3, 410 pounds, already) - Shelton and Charlie have hideous new tights. Bill will only admit to training these two after he sees how well they do in the match. Shelton and John to start. Circle. Lockup, Shelton forces John into the corner, break ordered, and given, except for a potato. Circle. Lockup, Shelton with an armbar, John gets to the ropes (no break), and John uses them to forward flip into a reversal. Shelton tries a short clothesline reversal, but John ducks under, armdrag on Shelton (didn't look right), armdrag (better angle), armbar. Bill offers to celebrate in the ring with John and Matt if they win, how giving of him. Whip, Shelton pulls himself out of the ring to think this over. Shelton chats with Haas, as Bill mentions OVW and Danny Davis. Okay, Shelton's back in and ready to get this going again with John. Face off, Shelton trash talking. SLAP by Shelton. SLAP by John. John following up with forearms, whip, reversed, Shelton right misses, John hits a jumping straight kick to the head that might've been half of a dropkick, armdrag, armbar. He got Shelton good with that. Shelton backs John into the corner, blind tag by Haas. Forearm by Haas gets Shelton loose. Forearm to the back. Stomp. John looking for a tag but Haas puling him away. Whip, head down too soon, John rolls over the top, tag to Matt, Matt in and ducking a clothesline, forearm to Haas, right to Haas, whip, back elbow. Kick to Charlie. Corner whip, charge in splash meets boot, ow. Forearm to the back. Armbar by Haas, Matt trying to block Haas from locking in all the way. Matt trying to forearm out, whip, Haas clothesline misses (again?) and Matt hits a dropkick. Armbar by Matt, tag to John. John takes over on the armbar, but Haas gets loose via knee. Haas runs John into the corner, kicks to the gut. Haas makes a show of letting John out of the corner to Nick Patrick, so Shelton can use the tag rope to choke John out behind his back. Haas comes back to get in a few shots, but it's John who's doing the striking, forearms and back elbows to fight out of the corner. Haas misses with a wild punch, John slips under and lifts him up back suplex style, Shelton makes the tag without John seeing, John drops Haas down with an atomic drop. Clothesline to Haas' back. John still has no idea Shelton is legal, and is whipping Haas into the corner. Whip reversed, John charges out of the corner, Haas' clothesline misses but Shelton is standing behind him, exploder suplex for John one two NO. Corner whip, and down goes John. Standing on the neck. Tag to Haas, Shelton with a scoop slam on to Haas' knee. Haas let us know they're the World's Greatest one two John pulls Haas off. Haas with stomping, side backbreaker, stretching John over his knee just like A-Train did Shannon Moore last match. Similar long usage as a rest hold, and John tries to use the same kicks to get out, Haas letting go of it to try another side backbreaker, but John reverses into spinning headscissors. Can he make the tag? Yes, tag to John. Haas' right misses, Matt's doesn't. Right for Shelton, chop (?) for Haas, dropkick for Shelton and a kip up to his feet. He's pumped. Kick for Haas, corner whip, charge in splash hits. Off the ropes, spinning cross body one two Shelton breaks it up. John rushes in to nail Shelton with a forearm and almost knocks himself down. Kicks and Punches for Shelton to knock him out of the ring, but John misses on the baseball slide dropkick and Shelton nails him with a clothesline. John working Haas over with forearms in the ring, whip, reversed, Haas with a slam, John slips behind and pushes Haas into the ropes, Nick Patrick watches Haas grab the ropes and recover as Shelton slips back in the ring and murders Matt with a superkick to the back of the head. Haas of Pain for no good reason except it's fun. Matt has just enough consciousness to tap out. (6:47) Yea, Matt's still better than John.

Up Next: "I attacked Eddie Guerrero because it was the right thing to do."

SMackDown Live!
3/2 - Savannah, GA
3/9 - Atantic, City, NJ
3/14 - New York City, NY [WMXX - SOLD OUT]
3/15 - Manchester, NH
3/15 - Boston, MA [SD!]

Why would you schedule a house show the Monday after WrestleMania?

Eddie looks for revenge, gets a trip to jail (4:37)
WMXX: Eddie Guerrero (c) vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Title
WMXX: Torrie & Sable vs Miss Jackie & Stacy in the 1st Ever Playboy Evening Gown Match
WMXX: Big Show (c) vs John Cena for the US Championship
WMXX: Undertaker (not pictured) vs Kane
WMXX: Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg with special referee Stone Cold Steve Austin

Up Next: Hardcore Holly and Orlando Jordan vs Johnny Stamboli and Chuck Palumbo

the FBI (Chuck & Johnny, 530 pounds) vs Orlando Jordan (Miami, FL, 247 pounds) and Hardcore Holy (Mobile, AB, 224 pounds)-  Johnny might have traded his hat for sunglasses. This is all about revenge for the FBI's post match attack last week, that I kinda forgot about till Josh just brought it up. Bill says Hardcore's been on a roll, and I'm thinking onion. Bill also suggests that this is the first time Chuck and Johnny have fought anyone besides cruiserweights. Orlando and Johnny to start. Lockup up, Johnny with an armbar. Johnny is happy with not blowing an armdrag. Circle. Lockup, Johnny with a hiptoss. He's a happy about the hiptoss. Lockup, slam. And he's happy about that. Lockup (!) and Johnny with a headlock. Bill's theory is Angle is mad because he wanted the Angle/Brock rematch at WM. He also uses inside wrestling term "boo boo face".  Johnny shot off, back with a shoulderblock. Johnny off the ropes, over, under, into an Orlando armdrag. Armdrag. Slam. Cover one two no. Armbar, does Hardcore want in? He does. Crowd loud for Bob. Bob scares Johnny away. Crowd getting on the FBI. Hardcore content to stand and be cocky. Circle. Lockup! Johnny muscles Bob into the corner. Johnny is the king of locking up. Break is not clean, Johnny misses punches but Bob does not miss his. Chops. Right, kick, kick. Corner whip, reversed, Johnny charges into a back elbow. Hardcore with a kick, whip, reversed, Johnny's hiptoss is blocked, Hardcore's hiptoss is blocked, Johnny's clothesline is ducked, Hardcore's chop hits. Forearm to the back. "If Hardcore was an animal, what animal would he be, Bill?" "The last one standing." "That's not an animal." Johnny rams  Hardcore into the FBI corner, but Hardcore fights out of it with punches and back elbows for all. Johnny stops him with a knee lift, whip, reversed into the Alabama Slam! CHUCK one punch KO! Hardcore goes tiiiiiimber, which I guess means his punch is better than Bart Gunn's. Hardcore is out, and Orlando is complained about the closed fist action. While Brian Hebner yells at Orlando to get out, Chuck pulls Hardcore out of the ring and gives him a strong big boot to the head. Throwing Hardcore in and covering, one two no. Chuck wasn't the legal man but oh well. "Do you think it's weird that they carry potatoes around in a sack?" Chuck with a baaaack suplex. One two no. Cravate! It's all the style at the Oscars. Chuck putting the flat of his foot on the bottom rope for leverage, but Hebner can't see it. Hardcore can and he's annoyed. Chuck lets go in time, and denies accusations made by Hebner. Going for it again, and Hebner probably should've caught him but they're arguing about it. To the ropes a third time, and this time Hebner easily catches it. Break ordered, though Hardcore is still half out and not making anything of it. Chuck picks Hardcore up, and now Hardcore iis fighting back with punches and chops. Whip is blocked and Chuck gives Hardcore a knee. Chuck waiting for his spot as Hardcore struggles to his feet. Hardcore not getting up, crawling to his corner instead, so Chuck knocks him a couple feet with a kick to the ribs. Back to the cravat. Crowd chanting for Holly as he battles out with punches. Chuck stops him again with a knee. Johnny is still recovering on the floor from the Alabama Slam - all considering, it's been a great job for Chuck to not lose this match (yet), since it's really two on one. Chuck with a corner whip, and walks into a double boot. Hardcore tries that new Velocity staple spot, "vault Chuck to make the desperate tag", and joins all those who've yet to make it over Palumbo. Chuck maintains control and rams Hardcore hard into the corner. Tag to Johnny, back up on the apron, so he can get in some stomps. Snap mare, chinlock on the mat. Hardcore standing and punching out of it, though yet another knee stops it. Whip, reversed, and Hardcore hits the dropkick. Both are down, both could use a tag. Hardcore going to the wrong corner, tag to Chuck, tag to Orlando. Jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, whip, reversed, Chuck's clothesline misses, Orlando doe snot. Clothesline for Chuck, clothesline for Johnny, backdrop for Chuck. Johnny's clothesline misses, Orlando does the dance step and big right.  He's pumped, but he's going up. Top rope cross body hits, but Chuck rolls through and tightly holds on the cover one two NO. WHACKED. Chuck probably should stop talking trash to Orlando and look for his partner - Hardcore with a flying clothesline/body attack/whatever. That wasn't clean, but it was effective. Johnny in, pres s for Hardcore, but he slips behind and puts on the full nelson. Bodyscissors too, and Johnny's got nowhere to go, but they're not legal.  Orlando with a "variation" on his shoulder powerslam one two three (8:49) Oh no, I think Chuck Palumbo is my new guilty pleasure. Let's move on quick.

WM XX is 15 days away, Confidential is next.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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