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OJ vs. the FBI, Ten Years Later
March 8, 2004

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


tv 14 dlv cc entertainment open fireworks

Jamie Noble (Hanover, WV, 198 pounds) vs Paul London (Hartford, CT, 200 pounds) - Jamie's lost weight! Your announcers are Bill and Josh. Bill stole a shirt from Tazz's closet. Josh wastes no time saying BY GOD. Circle. Lockup, London with a waistlock, takedown, Jamie trying to find a way out and the ropes will be it. London's a bit reluctant to let go which prompts a discussion. Bill is worried that Jamie's distracted by being on the WrestleMania card (8 days from today) for the first time ever. Lockup, Jamie with an armbar, twist into wristlock, Paul spins out into his own wristlock. Josh declares the 9 non-Chavo parts of the Cruiserweight Open "AWESOME!!!" and you do have to say it with three exclamation points to get the feeling. Jamie with roll and a cartwheel to slip into a northern lights suplex - no bridge, holding on to the armbar instead. Knee to the shoulder as Noble pins him down to the mat. London kips up, reversing the armbar and sending Noble down to the mat. London uses his knee to pin Noble down now, Jamie trying to break free again, London switches to the double wristlock to pin both shoulders to the mat - one, left shoulder up, one two right shoulder up. Noble kips up with the wristlocks still on, breaks one with a kick and reverses another into a top wristlock. London fights it, then steps through to a hammerlock. Bill and Josh feel Paul's chain wrestling style is an new and exciting side of him. Jamie looking for a way out, chooses to drop down for the toe hold, floataround into the front facelock. Two minutes in, the only time someone's touched the ropes is when Jamie grabbed 'em to break the waistlock. London tries to roll out of the hold, but Noble rolls with him, and lays on his back to set up a chinlock. London again tries to roll out, and this time he does escape, getting back the hammerlock. Josh just read of the Cruiserweight Open list, not mentioning why London's not in it. Bill, hyping up the match, says that for the ten involved, winning the Cruiserweight title at WrestleMania is the biggest thing they could ever accomplish. Noble steps behind on the hammerlock, then turns into into a wristlock of some kind, dragging Paul to the mat and putting on a headscissors. London trying to turn or crawl out - Noble grabs his tights to block him from moving for a moment, but London turns it so his chest is on Jamie's legs, then does a couple small hops to get momentum for a headstand kip up out of the headscissors. London doesn't really land on his feet (though Josh says he did), and Noble goes right for the legs when London gets his footing. Takedown is eventually successful, but London keeps fighting him by kicking him away from the mat. London with a drop toe hold (three minutes into the match) and an armbar. Jamie decides enough of this, and uses a tights pull to send London into the middle buckle. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Right. Chop. Chop. Chop but London ducks under and hits his own, chop, chop, chop. London's chops aren't near as good as Noble's, so he switches to a forearm before snap maring Noble to the mat. Soccer kick to the back, off the ropes, somersault neckbreaker! One two NO. I don't know if I've seen that to a seated opponent before, though it's not that much different from a neck snap. Corner whip (near four minutes), reversed, Noble charges into a back elbow, and London gives him a knee smash from the second rope one two NO. Slam, one two NO. Corner whip, London charges in and is backdropped to the apron. London with a forearm for Noble, slingshotting to the top rope a moonsault, but Noble shoves him off and London flies off the top rope into the barricade on the floor! London got some hang time on that. Guy down out of the ring, so if you picked up that they were giving this match time - and another segment - you're right. (4:44 before the break)

So if it's voted on by our favorite WWE superstars, that means, what, A-Train doesn't get a vote?

Back (after a bit of black screen) it seems that Noble has pulled London back in and has a chinlock on. Crowd rallying behind London as he's staring his escape. Elbow, Elbow, forearm, forearm and Noble's sent to one knee. London of the ropes, and Noble throws London out - but London grabs the top rope and hangs on! London starts to skin the cat back in, and Noble kills him with a dropkick to the face! That was cruel yet fun. Noble probably stands a chance at winning by countout now, but he goes out to bring back London anyway. Cover one two no. Short clothesline, one two NO. One two NO. Legdrop. Drop my knee pad knee drop! It runs in the family! THEY'RE COUSINS! one two no. A second worth of black screen (as they bring up the bottom line ads) and Noble has a chinlock on when we're back. Crowd loud for London, but Noble keeps him. Elbows to the head. Bill thinks Chavo and Chavo should let go of their anger about the Cruiserweight Open situation because it's WrestleMania. reverse neckbreaker hold here. The best part of this hold is that you can stare at the announce desk and watch their lips not match what the mouth is saying. London battling up, thought he crowd isn't as loud for him as they have been. Right, right, Noble throws him down by the hair. Noble celebrates a bit, to mock the crowd, and back to the reverse neckbreaker. Apparently, Jamie spends his day watching DVDs of all sorts of wrestling to gleam from, which is a nice job if you can get it. London battling up but crowd not loud again. Trying to turn our of the hold, but Noble keeps turning and keeps it on, but London keeps turning it into a DDT. Both men are down and tired. One two three four five six Noble crawling around and up first. Josh does mention here that London's not involved and it bugs him. Noble grabs London, and gets a jawbreaker. Dropsault. Jumping leg lariat, cover one two no. London's tired and not following up quick. Forearm. Whip, reversed into a short clothesline, London ducks under, double chickenwing face first slam powerbomb (Waffle Face, not called) one two NO. Noble pulls himself up in the corner, so London runs him down with a running clothesline. London off the ropes, right into the Noble's powerslam. Scissoring the leg cover one two NO. Jamie thought it was three, but still no. Corner whip, reversed, London charges into a back elbow. Noble to the second rope (there's a clip here, because Noble's on the inside of the second rope, then we switch angles and he's got a foot on the outside the second rope and one on the top rope) , but London kicks him and crotches him. Bill suggests that a London win might possibly put him into the Cruiserweight Open. London moves one of Noble's legs inside the ropes (leaving the other on the outside), pulls Noble's head down a little bit and kicks him in the head as he's sitting there. Now both legs are inside the ropes, and London climbs up. TO the top - top rope 'rana! rolled through! One two NO! If Noble didn't roll though there, he might have landed straight on his head. But guys are stunned.  London's clothesline is slipped under, Noble gets the double underhook for the Tiger Driver, London slips out, Jamie jumps on him with a front facelock and a reverse bodyscissors. London waves his hand frantically to try and grab the ropes or something. NO dice, but a Northern Lights Suplex will work one two Noble rolls onto London, the facelock still on and now sitting on him. London's got no where to go - Jamie's hit Paydrit. That's it. (10:17) That's the single best line you can use on the move, which is why me and Josh keep running it into the ground. Both guys collapse, exhausted. London struggles to his feet, wipes his sweat off in Paul's direction, and collapses to his knees when Hebner goes to raise his hands. DeMott's Turning Point is London taking the dive from the top rope to the floor. "Paul London will find out soon enough that the high flying maneuvers won't win a match." And then he steals from Dick Vitale. 

That wasn't as good as the tag match a couple weeks ago but it was pretty close.

Tonight: Billy Gunn vs Rhyno. Lord, don't let that match be ten minutes
Next: Grand Theft Auto: Brock.

WM Recall: Big Show vs Mick Foley vs the Rock vs Triple H for the WWE Title, WM XVI. Actually, this clip is more about Shane and Vince and then Vince again, which may be how you remember the match. You know, there are so many good/interesting moments from WM that it was a shame they waited till the last couple weeks to start showing anything other than the same eight.

WWE Live! (sorta)
Saturday: WWEHOF Inductions (Sold Out) 
Sunday: WWE "Bacon, Bagels & Biceps" Brunch (Sold Out)
Friday: NYSE - WWE Superstars ring the bell
Friday: Late Night with Conan O'Brien featuring the Big Show
Saturday: Mad TV featuring the Big Show, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho and Trish Stratus
TV Guide: Two covers.

the Card
WMXX: Eddie Guerrero (c) vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Title
WMXX: Big Show (c) vs John Cena for the US Title
WMXX: Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty (c) vs Basham Brothers vs World's Greatest Tag Team vs the APA for the WWE Tag Team Titles in a Fatal 4 Way
WMXX: 1st Ever WWE Cruiserweight Open (Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, Ultimo Dragon, Shannon Moore, Akio, Chavo Guerrero (c), Jamie Noble, Tajiri, Nunzio, Funaki)
WMXX: Rock 'N Sock Connection vs Evolution (Batista, IC Champion Randy Orton and Ric Flair)
WMXX: Chris Jericho vs Christian
WMXX: Victoria (c) vs Molly Holly, title for hair
WMXX: Booker T/RVD (c) vs Jindrak & Cade vs La Resistance vs ??? (winner of Storm/Venis vs the Dudleys on Heat) for the World Tag Team Titles in a Fatal 4 Way. Whoa, deja vu. 
WMXX: Triple H (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit for the World Title
WMXX: Undertaker vs Kane
WMXX: Torrie Wilson & Sable vs Miss Jackie & Stacy in the 1st Ever Playboy Evening Gown Match
WMXX: Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg with Stone Cold Steve Austin as guest referee

Brock rides and ATV and I need a break. That's 12 matches. That's a lot of matches. I mean, you could take off both four ways, keep hyping them, and make them main events of the post-WM TV shows. You're not going to lose any buys, you're going to be able to mostly coast for those who did work on the PPV and still have something important for the show. Speaking of coasting, let me do that right now. Look, a clip inside of a clip. (3:53)


Still to come: Eddie vs Heyman 

SmackDown Live
03/09 - Atlantic City, NJ [SD!]
03/14 - New York, NY [WM, SOLD OUT]
03/15 - Manchester, NH
03/16 - Boston, MA [SD!]

Nunzio (201 pounds) vs Orlando Jordan (Miami, FL, 247 pounds) - Josh notes that Orlando's beat Chuck before being punked out, then beat Chuck and Johnny last week, so he can finish it with a win over Nunzio. Bill thinks Orlando still should've brought back up for this one. Josh says Orlando/FBI is a "storied past", but it's not a long story. There's an usher in the front row camera side and quite a few people are looking away form the ring, which is distracting. Circle. Lockup, spinning around and Orlando puts Nunzio in the corner. Break, Nunzio with a shove. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!" Circle. Lockup, Nunzio forces Orlando into the corner! Break? Double slap to the chest. Nunzio's happy with himself and not the crowd. Orlando charges him, Nunzio catches him with a gut punch and a face slap. Nunzio taunts some more more, but then takes off when Orlando chases after him. Both out, Nunzio tries to surprise Orlando with a clothesline as he turns a corner, Orlando ducks it, Nunzio slides in, Orlando in after him, Nunzio tries axhandle and gets a punch to the gut. Orlando jab jab jab duck a punch, inverted atomic drop, shuffle and the big right one two NO. Fireman's carry! One two NO. Nunzio pulls himself up in the corner, Orlando charges in and takes a knee. Nunzio to the apron, and he snaps Orlando's head over the top rope as he drops to the floor. Nunzio taunts before coming in to cover, one two no. Neck vice. Orlando trying to reach for the ropes but he's way away. Trying to draw from the fans? Up to his feet, elbow elbow elbow thrown down by his head Nunzio. Drop my knee pad knee drop (they're COUSINS!) but Orlando has him scouted and rolls out of the way. Nunzio's limping because of the keen, but Orlando is still down. Stomp - is blocked? Orlando catches the boot, and they pretend that Nunzio's mighty leg strength is so much, Orlando needs to use both arms to keep the boot from crushing him. Nunzio spun around and grabbed into an inside cradle one two NO. Swinging neckbreaker one two NO. Bill says "quote unquote Sheriff" and it makes me laugh for some reason. Figure four sleeper by Nunzio. Close to the ropes, is he gonna use them for leverage/ Right now, he's got both Orlando's shoulders pinned, one and they're up. Nunzio grabs the top rope for leverage, Jimmy Korderas catches him and orders an immediate break. Wow, I thought Korderas was going to pretend he didn't see it but he did! Nunzio with a forearm, and back to the neck vice. Josh and Bill are taking turns emphazing the word "passion". In the context of Eddie/Angle, I guess. Orlando trying to battle up, crowd kinda quiet. Elbow, elbow, forearm, corner whip, reversed, Nunzio charges in, Orlando boot but Nunzio catches it, Nunzio lets go and tries a right hand but Orlando rolls under it, Nunzio tries a chop but Orlando ducks under it (not that he really had to move, since he was still on his knees and Nunzio was aiming way too high), Orlando with a chop of his own. Nunzio charges into a flapjack and now they're both down. One two three four five six seven eight - Orlando is just starting to stand in the middle of the ring, Nunzio's pulled himself up on the ropes. Nunzio charges, right into an Orlando dropkick one two NO. Orlando with a whip, head down too soon and Nunzio kicks it, off the ropes, backdrop this time by Orlando one two NO. Orlando is pumped and yelling about something. Off the ropes, fivearm one two NO. Nunzio gets control with an eye poke, arrivederci? Orlando reverses it to Nunzio loaded up on his shoulder, running powerbomb one two three. (5:43) So he beat the whole FBI, and Nunzio isn't going into the WM match on a roll

Up next, Paul Heyman vs Eddie Guerrero

Dawn of the Dead - Eddie Thrown Out Two Weeks Ago

Kurt from Pittsburgh. When it comes right down to it, Paul vs Eddie is no Steven vs Test. Though Kurt is a fine Lance Storm. (6:40)
WMXX: Eddie Guerrero (c) vs Kurt Angle for WWE Title

Next: Billy Gunn vs Rhyno

Snickers Where It All Ends of Last Thursday

Billy Gunn (269 pounds) vs Rhyno (Detroit, MI, 275 pounds) - Bill thinks Billy should change his theme song. 

Fans with an "ECW" chant. 
Josh: "The crowd appreciating Rhyno's past." 
Bill: "What does that say about his future?" 
Josh: "I think Rhyno has a bright future here in the WWE."
Bill: "They're not chanting 'WWE'. [beat, then with a trace of a laugh] They're not chanting 'Ass Man' either."

Circle. Lockup. Into the corner, not spinning along the rope to another corner. Rhyno has the advantage, but a break is ordered. Rhyno gives, and gives a shove. Taunting Gunn, so Gunn knocks him down with a right hand. Headlock. Rhyno trying to power out. Nope. Rhyno tries to forearm out, Gunn shot off, back with a shoulderblock, no one goes down. Rhyno misses a clothesline, off the ropes, over, Gunn hiptoss into a suplex one two no. That had a name for like a week. Rhyno rolls out to try and remember what it was, and Charles Robinson prevents Gunn from following. So Bill wanders around the ring while Rhyno recovers on the outside. Rhyno back up the apron at 4, hanging on the apron for a few seconds before coming in. Double wristlock - nope, Rhyno with a kick, forearm, off the ropes, into a Gunn drop toe hold. Gunn with a headlock, Rhyno trying to elbow out, Gunn shot out, Gunn grabs the ropes, Rhyno charges into a back elbow. Gunn charges into Rhyno's Concrete Crunch one two no. Stomps. Using the ropes to get higher on a kneedrop to the back. Ignoring Robinson's request for him to get of the ropes, jumping knee drop to the chest as well. Rhyno with a forearm. Bearhug. Hugging and yelling, a tough combo. Gunn looking to draw, and looking to punch Rhyno in the head. Rhyno pushes him into the ropes, and gives him a fist to the gut when he rebounds. Rhyno poses, then goes back to the bearhug. Bill: "Eddie Guerrero continues to have the worst run as WWE Champion, in my opinion..." Crowd clapping for Gunn, and Gunn gets out of the bearhug with a facebite, yuck. Right, right, right, Rhyno with a knee to stop him. Corner whip, reversed, Rhyno rebounds out into a dropkick one two NO. Gunn runs right into a Rhyno clothesline, one two NO. Right. Right. This is no London/Noble. Right. Billy trying to get the crowd to rally for him but this isn't a rest hold so they don't know. Gunn fights back when Rhyno picks him up, right, right, right, right, corner whip, reversed, Gunn tries a boot but Rhyno catches it, throws it down, misses a clothesline as Gunn runs out of the corner, but hits the flapjack on the corner buckle as Gunn charges back at him. Rhyno setting up, crowd behind him. Gore is leapfrogged, Rhyno hits the middle buckle with his shoulder and stumbles into Gunn and the Fameasser. One two three. (6:20)

WrestleMania is eight days away! But Confidential is now.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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