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A Battle for the Ages: A-Train vs. Bob Holly
March 15, 2004

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Early Warning: I'm going to the Friday/Sunday NCAA games, so either I'll be late or doing my WWE impression and taking it easy the post-WM week. Please adjust your life accordingly. 

TV 14 DLV cc entertainment open fireworks

Chuck Palumbo (280 pounds) vs Orlando Jordan (Miami, FL, 247 pounds) - your announcers are Josh and Bill. Bill pretends someone's hit him in the throat as we go back to the voice over, because since the live shot he's lost a lot of his voice. Josh continues to try and make a storyline out of Orlando's weekly encounters with the FBI, but it falls apart if he's facing Chuck again. Circle. Stand off. Lockup, Orlando with an armdrag. Orlando hopping back and forth on his feet. Circle. Stand off. Lockup. Bill: "Let me give you a history lesson - you keep barking up the wrong tree here on Velocity and SmackDown and you're going to get beat down." How is that a history lesson? Battle for control goes into the ropes, around, and ends with an Orlando armdrag. Armbar. Into a hammerlock. Chuck looking for a way out but can't find it. Orlando inside cradle one two no. Back to the armbar, but Chuck quickly stops that with a forearm. Orlando run back first into the corner. Corner whip, Orlando kips up and out but Chucks' stops short, forearm to the back. Chuck with a knee to the head. Knee to the head. Knee to the chest. Corner choke. Brian Hebner tries to break it up, but Chuck gets in a deadly punch over his head. Cover one two no. Chuck back suplex, one two NO. Josh promises all the info about the Cruiserweight Open later - they never say anything new. Chuck with a neck vice, and uses feet on the rope for a bit. Yep, takes three times. Orlando trying to fire back with punches from his knees, but a knee stops that. Corner whip, Chuck charges in, Orlando moves, and Chuck's shoulder hits the post. Both men are on their knees. Chuck up first, but Orlando stops him with a back elbow. Chuck tries a clothesline, Orlando ducks, off the ropes, jumping clothesline. Dropkick. Dropkick. Shuffle, third dropkick. One two NO. Chuck with a high kick/knee, catching Orlando by surprise one two NO. Chuck is sure that was three. Chuck off the ropes, into a backdrop. Orlando covers one two NO. Orlando pounds the mat in frustration - and he's going up. Bill asks like Orlando doesn't try this top rope cross body every other week. Top rope cross body is rolled through, one two no. Chuck can't believe it. Orlando with a kick, shoulder powerslam isn't loaded up right and Orlando has to walk around while trying to control it, Chuck slides free, WHACKED to the back of the head one tow three. (5:32) He didn't get to do as much cool Chuck stuff in this one. Turning point is Chuck using the tights to roll through the cross body.

Dawn of Big Show's Threat to John Cena of Two Weeks Ago

This week, Cena gets in some post match. (1:12)
WMXX: Big Show (c) vs John Cena for the US Championship
Still to Come: Stone Cold on SmackDown

SmackDown! Live
3/14 - New York, NY [WMXX, SOLD OUT]
3/15 - Manchester, NH
3/16 - Boston, MA [SD!]
3/23 - Grand Rapids, MI [SD!]
This was a short segment. They skipped over the UK dates.

Best thing about Brock leaving: No more Cell-Tech/Nitro-Tech commercials. Maybe. They're still here now.

2 Weeks Ago, Paul Heyman and Kurt Angle criticized Eddie Guerrero's behavior. And they each took action about it. Angle's worked out better, if you believe they were acting separate. Last week, Angle shows off his new love of staring and monocolored tops. We talk over Tazz calling them Team Angle, which I still can't believe someone in the WWE catching that and fixing it. Unless they wanted us to notice. Unless unless unless. (3:21)
WMXX: Eddie Guerrero (c) vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship
WMXX: Big Show vs John Cena for the US Championship
WMXX: Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty (c) vs Basham Brothers vs World's Greatest Tag Team vs APA for the WWE Tag Team Championship
WMXX: First Ever Cruiserweight Open
WMXX: Rock N' Sock Connection vs Evolution
WMXX: Chris Jericho vs Christian
WMXX: Victoria (c) vs Molly in a Women's Championship vs hair match
WMXX: Booker T & RVD vs Jindrak & Cade vs La Resistance vs the Dudley Boyz for the World Tag Team Championship [First Fall Wins]
WMXX: Triple H (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship
WMXX: Undertaker vs Kane 
WMXX: Torrie & Sable vs Miss Jackie & Stacy in a Playboy Evening Gown Match
WMXX: Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg with Stone Cold Steve Austin as a special referee.
Order Now! They didn't specifically say what the rules are for the first tag team match, but if they're both listed as Fatal Four Ways, I guess they have the same rules.

Tonight: Hardcore Holly vs A-Train.

WM Recall: Hogan vs Rock, WMXVIII. Oddly, the crowd seems much more in favor of Rock than you might remember.

Shannon Moore (Raleigh, NC, 207 pounds) vs Paul London (Austin, TX, 200 pounds) - Shannon bobs his finger to his music. It's not a hard beat for that sorta thing. His entrance video may be 15 second long. London move? Odd. I thought they said something different last week but this week I'm sure they did. Josh Mathews takes us back to 1985, with the moves, TV and songs of the time. Circle. Lockup, London powers Shannon in the corner! You always wondered who'd win. Clean break. I wish Josh wouldn't remind me we're the same age. Circle. Lockup, Shannon with a waistlock, London looking for a way out, into a wristlock. Josh is a fan of 1985! I didn't know you could be a fan of a year. Shannon with a forward roll and a kip up to escape. Armbar. Into a headlock. Josh: "There's a whole world out there Bill! C'mon!" Josh using the foot into the knee to escape, wristlock, cranking it. Shannon looking for a hairpull out, but settles for a punch. London back with a forearm. London with a forearm of his own. Shannon with a forearm. London with a forearm. London with another forearm. Chop, whip, Shannon back with a hard shoulderblock. Off the ropes, over, under, no Shannon stops short and chops London in the chest. Bill's favorite year is '99? Moore off the ropes, but right into the dropsault. One two NO. Josh: "Why, Bill, is 1999 your favorite year?" Bill: "Because I can remember what happened in 1999." "Can't remember any other ones?" "I don't choose too." Shannon retreats into the corner and takes a running forearm. Corner whip, London charges into a back elbow, Moore charges out into a wheel kick one two NO. Forearm. Whip, Shannon grabs the top rope, London charges and Shannon messily tries to throw him out, and London lands on the apron safely. Shannon realizes it a second late, and throws a bad clothesline before being grabbed by the hair. Shannon escapes with a back elbow, and then snaps London's neck over the top rope. London is still standing, but Shannon dropkicks him to the floor. Shannon out to run London back first in to the apron. Bill tries the "if London only wins here, he might yet be in the Open!" match. Shannon with a back suplex, one two NO. Kneeling Tazzmission. London trying to find a way out, trying to draw from the fans but not really get it. A little bit. London with a knee, elbow, forearm, whip, reversed into a drop toe hold onto the ropes by Shannon. Shannon with forearm to to the top of the back, off the ropes, running hip check. London staggers to his feet, right in line for the Moore swinging neckbreaker one two NO. London trying to fight back with forearm from his knees, but Shannon stops that with a forearm. Suplex. One two NO. Kneeling chinlock. London trying to draw again, still not getting much. Elbows out. Shannon stops him with a knee. Whip, quick reverse into the climb up enziguri. Both are slow to their feet, Shannon uses the ropes and is dizzy as he stands, kick is caught , London spins him around hit the clothesline. Back elbow. Drop toe hold. Waffle Face! Josh calls it this week! One two NO. Corner whip, reversed, London slingshots to the apron, forearm to Moore as he goes up. London with a frog splash cross body one two NO. Shannon with an ugly chinbreaker. Corner whip, London climbs up to the top rope, Shannon charges in, London almost over shoots him on a second rope sunset flip, one, Moore rolls through for a dropkick to the head. Shannon is holding his head but going up. To the top rope - and London crotches him. London going up  for a top rope 'rana - but Moore's legs are on the outside, so he just shoves London off. Moore to the second rope - Mooregasm! One two three! (7:25) THE MOOREGASM ACTUALLY WORKED! Josh wonders if this could be the scene tomorrow...nah. Shannon Moore is no Jamie Noble, shiny pants or not.

Up Next: Stone Cold vs the World?

Snickers Brock, new star of Grand Theft Auto of Two Weeks Ago

So why did Paul's plan not work? Well, you're not going to find out while rewatching it. (8:15)
WMXX: Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg with Stone Cold Steve Austin as Special Guest Referee

Up Next: Hardcore Holly vs A-Train

WM: Tomorrow

A-Train (Boston, MA, 350 pounds) vs Hardcore Holly (Mobile, AL, 234 pounds) - A-Train walks over to stare at Josh, who passes it off as A-Train/Bill issues. Bill is excited for A-Train/Josh at WM. Bill: "He hates your guts." Josh: "WHO?" "Both of those men." Lockup, A-Train slowly wins. "YOU AIN'T NOTHIN'! YOU UNDERSTAND ME! NOTHING! NOTHIN!" Hardcore shoves him. Bill has maybe 10% of his voice left. Lockup, A-Train goes right to the knee. Turnbuckle smash. Right, no it's ducked and Hardcore hits many punches. Chop. Chop in another corner. Chop in another corner. Forearm, whip, reversed, A-Train misses a clothesline but nails Hardcore with a shoulderblock. Turnbuckle smash. Clubbing corner blows look to be partially deflected by Hardcore each time, but he still sells them. Short clothesline one two NO. Choke on the mat. Neck vice. Hardcore manage to stand up out of it, and use right hands. A-Train stops it with a bearhug. Bill thinks Molly - minus hair = A-Train. Hardcore Holly trying to back elbow out, but A-Train just cranking in the bearhug, lifting Hardcore back up. Hardcore trying to pound again, but this bearhug won't end. Oh, now it will, since A-Train just ran Hardcore into the corner. Shoulder to the midsection. Hard corner whip. Stomp. Confidential is next. Choke. A-Train isn't being paid by the star tonight. Perhaps by the yelling taunt. Hardcore trying to fire out of the corner with punches and chops, but right back to the bearhug. Hardcore doesn't seem the type to bite out of this. Forearms to the head instead. Off the ropes clothesline. I'd like to point out that A-Train's had Hardcore in a bearhug for nearly one half this match, and Hardcore is not selling the back in the least. Off the ropes, A-Train misses the clothesline, Hardcore hits his. Clothesline. Whip, quick reverse into a press, but Hardcore quickly slips behind, waistlock, A-Train gets the ropes, Hardcore lifts the legs and hit the super low block kick. Nick Patrick rules it legal. Hardcore going to the top - top rope clothesline. One two NO. Hardcore off the ropes, into a powerslam one two no. A-Train can't believe it's two. Powerbomb? Wait, I bet he's calling for the Train Wreck, but Hardcore slips out of it. Waistlock, but A-Train rushes to the ropes again, ducking down so Hardcore goes into the ropes. A-Train back at him, but Hardcore hits a particularly ugly looking dropkick one two three? (7:02) I didn't think he had a Alabama Slam in him there, but that's still kinda a lame ending. Now he sells the back a little. 

WM is tomorrow. Confidential is now.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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