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Mark Jindrak: Welcome to Smac....
I Mean, Velocity!

March 29, 2004

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


tv 14 DLV cc entertainment

Draft Lottery - SmackDown picks. (1:15)

open fireworks

Billy Gunn (269 pounds) and Hardcore Holly (Mobile, AL, 234 pounds) vs Akio & Sakoda (Japan, 437 pounds) - your announcers are Josh and Bill, still, and this the 95th Velocity. Let us go back to the draft, where Eric drafted Tajiri (:05) and put these guys in permanent Velocity limbo. Circle. Sakoda and Gunn lockup, Gunn spun into the corner, Sakoda breaks but shove. Lockup, Gunn spun around into the corner again, Sakoda shoves him again. Crowd chants "USA" which annoys Sakoda. Lockup, no Gunn slips under and socks Sakoda with a right hand. Josh loves the Triple H for Booker T & the Dudleyz, while Bill would rather wait and see. Headlock by Gunn, shot off and back with a shoulderblock, one two no. Sakoda escapes with an eye rake, tag to Akio, Akio runs into a hiptoss one two no. Armbar, tag to Hardcore. Kick to Akio. Hard turnbuckle smash. Chop. Chop. Whip, reversed, Akio's hiptoss is blocked and the takes  slam. Hardcore with an armdrag, armdrag, armbar. Tag to Gunn. They're pushing Hardcore vs Booker here. Armbar on Akio, kicking Akio down. Tag to Holly. Holly with a kick, but Akio gets in a chinbreaker to end the run. Tag to Sakoda, who runs right into an armdrag. They're getting nothing in. Tag to Gunn. Double whip, double hiptoss. Hardcore and Gun teamed on the last Europe tour, apparently. Gunn off the ropes, but Akio gets in the swinging kick form the apron, and Sakoda drops him with a single DDT. Sakoda stomps the left arm as Bill notes that the shoulder that has been surgically repaired a time or five. Akio tagged in to stomp that arm some more. Stretching the arm over the middle rope. Stomp to the arm. Stomp. Akio distracts Nick Patrick, and Sakoda works in an arm smash into the apron. Akio back over, and he does his own arm smash. Back in to cover, one two no. Hammerlock, and a break? (3:46)

Special RAW Repeat on Sunday
Drakengard for PS2
Walking Tall (Friday)
Snickers (peanuts at the game) 
Vehix.com (minivans)
CareOne Credit Counseling
the last second of an Aerosmith ad
Special RAW Repeat on Sunday [2]
SpikeTV (surfing)

Sakoda is working over the left arm as we return. Sakoda taunts Hardcore, but Hardcore won't be baited. Stomping the arm, and now putting on a step over armbar. Billy should have no problem grabbing the ropes but he hasn't yet - wait, there we go. Stomp, tag to Akio, Akio quickly catching up to Gunn before he gets to the tag, hammerlock around the ropes. Akio's forced to break and Gunn is punching his way free - Diamond Cutter! Gunn crawls towards the wrong corner, but uses the ropes to get his feet. Now he's going, but Akio's got his foot. But Gunn is tall - so he can reach the corner. Right for Akio, right for Sakoda, right for Akio, right for Sakoda. Whip for Sakoda, Best Dropkick in the Business. Whip, backdrop for Akio. One two NO Sakoda breaks it up. Hardcore forearms Sakoda out of the ring, and turns back to Akio. Akio pulling himself up on the ropes, so Hardcore works in the super low blow which is still not illegal. Josh: "Right in the egg rolls!" Bill: "The egg rolls?" "The egg rolls - Akio is Asian." Hardcore going up, but Sakoda's got a hold of him- but Gunn stops that with a forearm to take care of him. Hardcore off the top rope with an axhandle - he actually lands before Akio hits the side kick to the midsection, but I guess it's good enough. Akio with a whip, reversed right into the Alabama Slam by Holly, but Sakoda is in and kicking Holly before he can do it. Akio turns it into a sunset flip, Nick Patrick gets Sakoda out before counting one two Gunn breaks it up. Gunn keeps Sakoda out with a baseball slide dropkick. Akio and Holly back up in the ring, Akio with his jumping spin kick but Holly ducks, picks him up, Alabama Slam. One two three. (6:55)

Your new GM, Kurt Angle, announces his first moves. Booker T isn't happy. (6:44)

Still To Come: Booker T vs Eddie Guerrero

John Cena DVD
Twix (birthday party)
Nike (Marion Jones vault)
Burger King (we got the same thing)
Drakengard for PS2 [2]
Footlocker (#3 back in NYC)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre DVD

Hellboy RVD debut win of Thursday

Tyson Dux (Grand Rapids, MI, 202 pounds) vs Mark Jindrak (Atlanta, GA, 253 pounds) - Tyson Dux gets an entrance? So he can do his wacky dance. Hebner and Chimel crack up. Josh says Dux is the best dancer and has the best music in the business. Back to RAW, where Heyman gets the toughest task of his career - making drafting Jindrak sound like a big deal (:08). Josh says "welcome to Velocity" but does not say "because you're going to be here an awful lot." I bet Jindrak wish someone told him he was going to be moved before he and Cade bought new matching tights. Dux dances some more. Tyson fires the crowd up. Lockup, Jindrak walks him into the corner. Trash talking forearm break. Lockup, no Dux ducks, and then does his wacky dance. Jindrak is annoyed enough to charge him, but Tyson avoids the clothesline, Jindrak ends up in the corner, Tyson charges in himself and gets backdropped to the apron. Dux with a punch and he climbs up, Jindrak retaliates with a dropkick - except he doesn't hit it good (going too high of all things), and Tyson has one of those split second delays in selling that make it look very staged.  Since his vertical leap is everything, announcers pretend that didn't just suck. Tough job. Jindrak brings Dux in and stomps him some. Corner whip, Dux goes in chest first and really regrets it, as his left knee connects hard with the bottom buckle and he's down. He's ain't moving, not even when Mark stomps him. Jindrak pucks him up, slight delay suplex. Dux grabs his knee as Jindrak covers, one two no. Whip, Dux is limping as he runs the ropes, sunset flip is off a little because of that, Jindrak blocks it by sitting down and giving us a double bicep pose, one two no Dux hooks the arms to complete the sunset flip one two no. Jindrak with a big right hand. Jindrak pulls Dux up, but Dux can't put much if any weight on that bad leg and drops to one knee before Jindrak picks up again. Back suplex into a Rock Bottom one two three. (2:18) Good thing they had the sense to end it now. Jindrak wipes his sweat off and flings it at Dux. Turning Point is a much better angle of Dux's knee getting hurt.

Tonight: Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty vs Nunzio & Johnny Stamboli

Rundown [2 - though different ad]
Honda VTX 1800
Resident Evil Outbreak
YJStinger (Fozzy)

The end of APA and the beginning of John "Bradshaw" Layfield (6:46)

Up Next: Booker T vs Eddie Guerrero
Behind the Scenes - Walking Tall (1:11)

Rundown [3]
Drakengard for PS2 [3]
Ninja Gaiden
last second of Guns and Roses ad

Booker T vs Eddie Guerrero, except this isn't the TV Title (4:05)

Up Next: Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty vs Nunzio & Johnny Stamboli
But as Josh is finishing up hyping the match, we go to the back, where Rue (huh) is grabbing a cameraman to catch up with the FBI before the match.
Rue: "Nunzio, Johnny, quick question, how do you feel about the fact that your partner Chuck Palumbo has been traded to RAW and is no longer part of the FBI?"
Nunzio: "How do we feel? We think it's a disgrace! First of all, they trade Chuck Palumbo for Rico, a guy that puts makeup on his face, a guy that when he gets in the ring, he prances around, like a little girl. How do we feel? We're no longer the FBI"
Johnny: "We're no longer the FBI, we're more like the BI, or the FI. I mean, "
Nunzio: [interrupting] "It's quite obvious Johnny the Bull is upset himself"
Johnny: "Or the IF, I mean-"
Nunzio: "Johnny, Johnny, she gets the point. Literally, me and Chuck were the hart and soul of the FBI, and what they did was rip the heart and soul out of FBI."
Johnny: "So if Chucky was the heart, and you were the soul, that must mean make the brains!"
Nunzio: "Certainly don't make you the brains. Maybe the liver, but that's besides the point. Right now, we need to go out there and show everybody that we're still a dominant force right here on Velocity and SmackDown! Let's go" [leaves]
Johnny: "You calling me chopped liver? Is that what you called me?"
Rue ponders her choice for interview subjects as Johnny follows Nunzio. Odd that they'd have Funaki was as background scenery and Rue as interviewer this week; misallocation of resources.

SmackDown! Live
3/28 - Tampa, FL [WMRevenge Tour]
3/29 - Louisville, KY
3/30 - Columbus, OH [SD!]
4/3 - Mobile, AL [WMRevenge Tour]
4/4 - Dothan, AL  [WMRevenge Tour]

Why are the Monday shows never part of the WMRevenge Tour?

Special RAW Repeat on Sunday [3]
Burger King (cyborg chicken)
Drakengard for PS2 [4]
Twix (birthday party)
Nike (Andre Agassi as Red Sox SS)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre DVD [2]
Foot Locker (Reebok Classic)
Hellboy [2]
Spike TV (graffiti)

Drakengard Dudleyz debut of Thursday

WWE Tag Team Champions Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty (564 pounds) vs Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio (454 pounds) in a non-title match - Josh makes up the world "chrispiousness". They're still announced as the FBI. I bet Johnny wish he didn't invest in that flak jacket type FBI shirt. Johnny gives Nunzio kisses on the check, and Bill notes the hypocrisy in Nunzio making fun of Rico. It ends up with Bill saying "I'm Italian, I haven't kissed you yet", which scares Josh. Bill hates trading away Palumbo and A-train, as you might imagine. Scotty and Nunzio to tart, but it takes nearly a minute to get to the lockup. "SCOTTY" chant. Lockup, Nunzio with armbar, twist, Scotty with a forward roll and a kip up to reverse it to his own armbar. Nunzio quickly steps through to reverse it as his own, then throws Scotty down by the hair. He's warned, and backs off when Scotty wants a piece of him. Circle. Bill believes that Kurt is making decisions on what's best for Kurt Angle, rather than what's best from SmackDown! Circle. Lockup., no Nunzio slips behind in a waistlock. Scotty with a switch, Nunzio with a takedown between the legs, Scotty kicks him away, Nunzio stops short of running into Rikishi. Nunzio makes the mistake of taunting Rikishi instead of remembering about Scotty, and pays for it with punch. More right hands. Turnbuckle smash. Corner whip, Nunzio charges in with a splash and gets nothing. Scotty armdrag, armbar. Nunzio uses a hairpull to get Scotty into the ropes. Forearm by Nunzio, whip, clothesline misses, Scotty armdrag, armbar. Nunzio is able to rush Scotty back into the IF corner and tag in Johnny. Punches from Johnny, whip, hiptoss blocked, Scotty's hiptoss blocked, Scotty with the cruiserweight flip out escape, Johnny misses a clothesline and Scotty get yet another armdrag. Armbar, tag to Rikishi. Johnny doesn't like this idea, but then goes face to face and trash talks. Rikishi blocks Johnny's cheap shot and punches back. Johnny stops the punches with a knee to the gut (he can find it?) Whip, no Rikishi's not going anywhere, no matter how strong Johnny is. Rikishi whip, clothesline misses, Johnny sunset flip, Rikishi takes too long teasing the sit and Johnny moves before he can even do it. Rikishi points how close he was. Bill and Josh didn't get lunch today, it's very sad. Johnny wants a handshake? He gets a shot to the throat instead. Tag to Scotty. Rikishi holds Johnny, and Scotty kicks him. Scotty raises the roof, which will only upset Booker more. Scotty is slow to follow up, and Johnny grabs him for the ForgetAboutIt, but they've forget about it. Josh LIES, saying Theodore Long gave him a playa's card, when he obviously did not. Tag to Nunzio, who walks in the ring over Scotty's back. Stomps. Snap mare, standing surfboard. Crowd chanting for Scotty. Scotty getting back to his feet, kick, backslide one two no. Nunzio stops him with a knee, back suplex but Scotty lands on his feet, inside cradle one two no. Nunzio stops Scotty again with a back elbow. Russian Legsweep one two no. Tag to Johnny, who picks Scotty up in an elevated bearhug. Crowd trying to rally for Scotty. Scotty drawing from the fans. That's an annoying red light on someone's camera. Scotty with punches and a bite to get out of the hold. Kick catch enziguri, and I think Scotty's got to make the tag here. Josh: "You get bit in the face a lot, Bill?" Bill: "As a matter of fact, yes I have." Okay. Scotty crawls to the apron near the FBI, corner, slides back in under Johnny's legs as he come after him, and crawls over to make the tag to Rikishi. Johnny's punch is blocked, Rikishi right, right, right, whip, clothesline connects. Rikishi ducks a clothesline, low? kick, DDT for Johnny. Nunzio in, Nunzio backing off when Rikishi looks at him. Rikishi feigns a move and Nunzio flinches out of the ring. Thrust kick for Johnny. Waiting for Johnny to get up in the corner - running butt smash. Johnny falls into position, but Nunzio jumps on Rikishi's back before Rikishi can give him the stinkface. Rikishi calmly flings Nunzio over his shoulder to the mat. Scotty's just recovered, and stumbled over to notice that Nunzio's now in perfect position. W O R M woo woo woo who who who ha. Johnny's recovered enough to miss another clothesline on Rikishi, and runs right into a Samoan Drop. One two three. (7:36) And that ends that.

That's it.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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