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Nunzio: Leader of Men, Winner of
#1 Contender Matches

April 12, 2004

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


TV 14 DLV CC entertainment 

Two Weeks Ago, Kurt Angle was looking for a Great American. One nominee gets slightly more time. (1:56)

open fireworks

Doug Basham (Columbus, OH, 240 pounds) vs Paul London (Austin, TX, 200 pounds) - "You won't believe who won!" Your announcers are Bill and Josh, and they're hyped for the #1 contender Cruiserweight four way. Josh [pulls out - playa card?]: "HOLLA AT YOUR BOY". Josh is amazingly white at times. London moved? Oh right we're in Texas. Josh and Bill debate if Teddy Long actually gave him that card, or if perhaps he stole it from someone a little more playa. Circle. Lockup, London shoved into the ropes. Trash talking. Lockup, Doug headlock. Shot off, back with a big shoulderblock. Bill is in an argumentative mood. Doug is not - he offers that London could leave, lose by countout, and escape this beating. London says....dropkick. Well, not says as much as does. Pescado teased (and called by Josh! hi Josh) but London fakes it when Doug ducks out of the way. Doug up to the apron, London slingshots him in. Okie roll one two no. Inside cradle one two no. Turnbuckle smash, right hands in the corner, one two dropped with an atomic drop. Doug chucks London into the corner post, and I think he's in control of this match now. London pulled out of the corner one two no. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Armdrag, kneedrop on the hurt left shoulder. Doug goes back to talking trash, allowing London an opening with forearms. Stomps stop that. Legdrop on the left arm. Kick to the arm. Armbar. London trying to forearm out of it, so Doug pulls him down by his hair. Top wristlock as Bill baits Josh into a stupid argument for the third time this match and Josh no sells him. Knee to the shoulder, cover one two no. Bill: "You call me jaded!" Back to the armbar by Doug, back to the forearms by London. Doug uses the hair pull again, but Bill is too busy yelling to care. Bill: "You see things one way - what's good for Josh!" Korderas makes Doug let go of the armbar because he used the hairpull. London with a chop from his knees, stomp by Doug stops that. Shoulder to his shoulder. London tries to fight up, but gets another shoulder to his shoulder. Crowd rallying for London, and he sneaks in a forearm as Doug pulls him in this third time. Off the ropes, one armed sunset flip, that's not enough to get Doug over, and he axhandles the bad shoulder. Hammerlock by Doug, into a back suplex so London lands bad arm first. Doug to the second rope, and there's the flying nothing, right into London's boot. Bill: "He can not make a cover on Doug Basham with his feet!" I hope London wins this with a victory roll or something. London pulls himself up in the corner, and keeps Doug away with a boot. Kick to the gut, kick to the chest, wheel kick. Dropsault, hurting himself slightly in the process, one two no. London grabs Doug, but Doug knees left side. Armwringer on the bad left arm. Whip, reversed into a short backdrop. I didn't know that was possible. Crowd chanting "BASHAM SUCKS" (which is also at least improbable) as London goes to the corner and waits for Doug. London to the second rope - springboard moonsault bodyblock, one two NO! London climb up enziguri, Doug falls chest first into the ropes, London pulls him into an inside cradle one two no. London's left arm is dead. Whip, quick reverse into a hammerlock, and Doug lifts him and drops him on the top rope by the bad arm. Jumping leg lariat, one two three. (6:45) Hey, I think we've got a finisher! Everyone's saying "Last Impression" a bunch so I think that's your name. Bill's turning point is London going into the post shoulder first. 

Tonight: Rey Mysterio vs Nunzio vs Akio vs Billy Kidman in a Fatal Four Way #1 Contender For Cruiserweight Championship
Up Next: Chavo Guerrero (c) vs Jamie Noble for the Cruiserweight Championship

Backlash: Chris Benoit vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels (the final encounter)
DS9 on Spike TV
Gatorade X-Factor
Milky Way
Resident Evil: Outbreak
Texas Chainsaw Massacre DVD
Comcast Cable (tree of shame, local)
Auto Truck Group (local)
Spike TV (laptop)

Rico and Miss Jackie's Runaway Arrival coming this Thursday (:30)

Jamie Noble vs Chavo Guerrero (c) for the Cruiserweight Title (3:32)

Still to Come: Kurt Angle presents the winner of the Kurt Angle Great American Award

SmackDown! Live
4/11- Omaha, NE [WMRevenge]
4/12 - Terre Haute, IN [WMRevenge]
4/13 - Indianapolis, IN [SD!]
4/14 - Medicine Hat, AB [WMRevenge]
4/15 - Kelowna, BC [SD!] 

YJStinger (Eddie)
Starburst (flying fish) 
X-Box (jungle)

Punisher Worm Stop of Thursday

Billy Gunn (269 pounds) and Hardcore Holly (Mobile, AL, 234 pounds) vs Eddie Craven & Russell Simpson (410 pounds, already in the ring) - Josh loves the team of Gunn and Holly, as you might expect. Walking Tall, XBOX, YJ Stinger all sponsored this match. So sad. They never told us which one is Eddie and which one is Russell so I'll just relax here. Announcers are all over the Dudley Boyz win and what it means it for future challenges. Gunn and Holly are using tag team moves, which means we may be stuck with them for a while. Holly is beating the crap out of the guy in red. Josh is putting Gunn and Holly over super duper strong. Bill: "You gotta take Eddie Craven seriously. A student of Shawn Michaels school, from, uh, Paul London, from, uh, Lance Cade." Good one! Gunn has taken the scoop slam into a side slam move. Holly makes the slowest entrance on a hot tag in history of Western Civilization, but probably because no one's rushing out to meet him. He's also using John Cena's style, according to Josh. Ah, they've finally cleared up which is which. Super low blow for Russell. Alabama Slam on Russell one two three (3:50) Bill and Hardcore share a non-gay hug. Did Nick Patrick make the X sign? Simpson must've hit his head on the slam and got knocked goofy. Josh: "If Billy Gunn and Hardcore Holly want the tag team titles, I don't know of anyone who could stop them!" They cut out anything wacky post match that might have happened between Gunn, Holly and Josh.

Up next: the winner of the Kurt Angle Great American Award goes to

Confidential: the Rock on other TV shows
Truth (lung cancer haircuts)
Monster: Barney's New York recruitment
Gatorade (street ball)
X-Box (jungle) 
Honda Rancher AT (GPS system)
Sour Starburst (see the baby)
John Cena Word Life DVD

Hey, look at the camera or Josh and not vacantly in the crowd, Bill. Ah, nice deep sigh. Bill's upset about how the Great American Award was awarded, so let's see that now.

Did Eddie forget from last week when he was told that he couldn't win the award? Man, I was sure Charlie Haas was going to be #1 contender. Votes!
John Cena: 280,429
Booker T: 65,863
John "Bradshaw" Layfield: 33,988
Big Show: 20,875
Charlie Haas: 19,531

Wow, this is gonna be a while. (12:12)

Next: Rey Mysterio vs Nunzio vs Akio vs Billy Kidman in a Fatal Four Way #1 Contender For Cruiserweight Championship

Walking Tall
Kill Bill: Vol 2
Snickers (impaired judgment)
Resident Evil: Outbreak
Monster.com (production manager)
McDonalds (39 cent hamburgers, local)
White Castle (single, double, local)

Drakengard death from tag team partner leaving of last Thursday

Rey Mysterio (San Diego, CA, 175 pounds) vs Akio (JAPAN!, 200) vs thug life Billy Kidman (Allentown, PA, 215 pounds) vs Nunzio (201 pounds) in a Fatal Four Way #1 Contenders Match - Josh: "the Area Code! in Velocityville! is now SIX ONE NINE!" Bill is confused by Rey saying hi to (a fan wearing a) Rey (mask) in the crowd. 

Chimel: "from Japan, weighing in at 200 pounds, Akio!"
Josh: "Korea's most favorite actor, Akio."

Nunzio wants the belt! It's good to have goals. Josh: "the leader of the FBI" Bill: "How can you be the leader when there's only two members." Everyone in? Everyone in. Split up into Rey/Nunzio and Akio/Kidman pairs. Akio gets the better of Kidman, throwing him out. Whip for Nunzio, reversed, Rey slides under but Akio stomps him as he gets up. Double team stomping on Rey. Nunzio taunts while Akio is warned about using the ropes and stomping. Double whip, double back elbow. Nunzio's thrilled. Akio's hopping from foot to foot. Stomps. Double whip, double head down too soon, kick for Nunzio, right hand for Akio is ducked, Akio grabs Rey in a full nelson and holds him for Nunzio. Nunzio with a right hand, Rey ducks and Akio takes it. Rey wisely just gets out of the way as Akio and Nunzio go nose to nose. Akio right hand to Nunzio, Rey dropkick to them both. Nunzio flies out, but Akio lands on the second rope. Time to make a call? Off the ropes, but Kidman stops him with a dropkick. One two NO. Kidman sets up a powerbomb, but Akio is up to break that up with a forearm. Akio has Kidman, suplex, one two no. Akio grabs Rey now, hard corner whip. Sliding dropkick to keep Nunzio out of the ring. Stomp for Kidman, kick. Corner whip for Kidman, Tiger Mask corner flip, but Nunzio sneaks in behind Akio and grabs him in a Russian Legsweep one two no. Kidman with a kick catch enziguri for Nunzio, one two Rey breaks it up with a dropkick. Stomp for Nunzio, but he's going for Kidman. Forearms. Bill's doing this digression about if Bradshaw hates Chavo because he's Mexican or likes him because he's also evil. "We heard how Bradshaw feels about Mexicans." Josh: "Billy Kidman's not Mexican!" Whip, sunset flip by Kidman, Rey with the roll through dropkick, one two no and then Nunzio shows up to break it up and then we go to commercial with no warning (2:26)

MXC: the new season
Tom Clancy: Splinter Cell Pandora
Twix (birthday party)
YJ Stinger (Fat Joe?)
the Punisher
anti-drug (friendship)
Restore Engine Restorer
Spike TV (permanent marker)

Back. Kidman's down but crawling in the middle of the ring, Nunzio's down in the corner, Akio and Rey are on their feet but not for long as Rey forearms Akio away, then charges and gives Nunzio the Bronco Buster. How I've not missed that move. Probably a mistake to ride him, because it gives Kidman a chance to get behind Rey and grab him for a back suplex. It works one two Akio breaks it up with stomps. Chop, Kidman turns it around and chops some his own. Akio with an eye poke. Corner whip, Akio with the wheel kick out of the ring. Back in to cover one two no Kidman got his foot on the ropes. Leaving Kidman, over to stomp Rey. Whip, reversed into a spinning headscissors. Rey looks around and sees all his opponents down. Rey'll go for - Kidman, kick to the ribs. Bill notes that Nunzio hasn't moved in two minutes. Kidman sat on the top rope, Rey punches him to keep him there but Kidman blocks and punches back. Rey kicked away, and Kidman goes to the second rope - second rope splash! One two NO. Kidman is frustrated, and then he's dropkicked upside the head by Akio. Akio grabs Rey - Russian legsweep into a grounded octopus hold! Announcers are totally confused but slightly amazed. Both Kidman (dropkick) and Nunzio (legdrop) break it up, and now they're fighting. Battle of punches, Kidman getting the better of it. Turnbuckle smash for Nunzio, and he's back down again. Akio picked up and punched. Right. Kick. Rey working over Nunzio in the corner. Kidman with a corner whip, charge into Akio's boot. Rey charges Kidman, Kidman tosses him up and he comes down with a dropkick for Akio! Bill: "I agree with Tazz when he said 'Whoa Whoa Whoa'" Kidman turns to forearm Nunzio, not realizing that Rey's making a cover - one two NO Kidman would've been just late. Split screen replay of that dropkick. Kidman goes back to Nunzio, to stomp him down. Meanwhile, Akio grabs Rey's arm - cross arm breaker! (Josh: "fujiwara armbar" NO thanks for playing). Kidman spots it and stomps Akio to break it up. Whip for Rey, Rey kips up, Kidman catches Rey on his shoulder, Rey slips behind, Rey ducks a clothesline, Rey off the ropes with a roll up into a 'rana, Kidman blocks it, Rey wears him down with punches and 'ranas Kidman into the ropes. Time for a phone call - 619 connects. Mysterio signaling for the Drop the Dime, but Nunzio awakes to forearm Rey off the apron. Akio covers Kidman, one two Nunzio breaks it up. Nunzio with a back suplex, Akin lands on his feet, Nunzio waylays him with a big back elbow. Stomp for Akio, over to Kidman, Kidman breaks free, split legged face first powerbomb for Nunzio (Josh: "BK Bomb!"), roll over into cover one two Akio breaks it up. Bill: "What would the fine be if you weren't allowed to throw kicks in the ring? There's more kicks here than a Rockette show!" Akio's punch is blocked, Kidman with right hands, big right misses, Akio clotheslines him out. Out of control corkscrew pescado onto Kidman! Rey's back in and dropkicking Nunzio in the face. What's he going to do? Springboard plancha onto Akio and Kidman! Nunzio's the only one left in the ring - Nunzio doing jumping jacks in celebration of this fact. Is Nunzio going to try to win by counotut? No - pescado but no one's home! That's never fun. Kidman throws Rey into the barricade and throws Akio in. To the apron, shoulder for Akio, slingshot sunset flip by Kidman, Akio trying to stay up, Rey springboard Thesz press takes him over, Kidman covering, one two Rey breaks it up with a dropkick. Akio rolls out, with a kick form Rey. Rey with a forearm, whip, reversed, Rey with a high springboard cross body and Kidman catches him with a dropkick. Looks like Kidman is going to try and finish it, dragging Rey into position and going up - but Akio crotches him. Stomp for Rey. Whip, reversed, Akio grabs the top rope, Rey charges, Akio catches him, puts him on the top rope and shoves him, but Rey bodyscissors Akio out with him. Back in the ring, Nunzio pulls Kidman off the top rope in a huge DDT! One two three! (5:59, 8:25) Your number one contender is Nunzio. He wants the belt! Replays - Kidman's big dropkick on Kidman, Nunzio's big DDT on Kidman. Rey can't believe it. Kidman's still holding his head. Akio is out of breath.

SmackDown!: Rob Van Dam vs Booker T
SmackDown!: Chavo Guerrero (c) vs Nunzio for the Cruiserweight Title
Confidential: now


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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