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Can Bob Holly Blemish the 
Reflection of Perfection?

June 21, 2004

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


TV PG V cc entertainment open fireworks

Jamie Noble (Hanover, WV, 200 pounds) vs Paul London (Austin, TX, 200 pounds) - Jamie has new Jamie Noble Boy tights. Your announcers are for this 109th Velocity are Bill and Josh. Bill explains the cement truck is still here because Paul Heyman demanded it be every arena SmackDown is in to remind the Undertaker. Paul Heyman can do that? We completely need a scene establishing Angle and Heyman are working together. London's got some bigger knee braces than usual. This could be fun. Circle. Lockup, break. No advantage there, but London shoved him away. Bill: "I disagree. That's the way I start every show, I disagree with you." Lockup, Noble manages a front facelock, taking him down to the mat, float around into a waistlock, back up, London with a standing switch and a waistlock takedown of his own. Noble crawls and gets to the ropes. GET HIM OFF OF ME. Noble has his weekly arguments for quicker rope breaks. Lockup, Noble with an armbar, London reverses to one of his own. Noble rolls through, kicks the armbar apart, snap mare to set up the multiple kicks to the back, but London manages to trip up Noble and returns the favor with many kicks of his own. Noble tries to get to the ropes, but London pulls him short and starts giving him some aggressive kneelifts. Using the ropes for more stomp power until Korderas breaks it up. DeMott thinks Rico over Noble was the biggest upset of Noble's career. Noble picked up so London can forearm him. Corner whip, reversed, Noble charges into a back elbow, quick to the second rope for a knee smash to the head. One two NO. Whip, reversed, Noble puts his head down too soon and gets it kicked. London charges to follow up, Noble tosses him out, London hangs on to the ropes and tires to pull himself back up, but Noble dropkicks him off the ropes and to the floor. Noble recovers, and brings London in, one two no. Stomps. Short clothesline, Noble pausing to shout before following up with a leg drop, one two no. London trying to battle up with punches, but Noble drops him with a - um, Noble thought swinging neckbreaker and I'm not sure what London thought but I do know it wasn't swinging neckbreaker. Noble hooks on a straight jacket camel clutch. Josh: "Will Paul London submit? Or will Paul London pass out?" Well I hope not, because we're going to break. (3:23)

He didn't! He's out of the mat and trying to get to the ropes, but Noble brings him up only to bring him down hard with a back suplex. One tow no. Half straight jacket chinlock. London trying to rally, waving his free arm and getting some support. Trying to get to ropes (which would be easier if Korderas didn't get in his way), and he's able to trip Jamie into a middle turnbuckle, face first. Both guys are down. Noble up first, shoving London into the corner. Chop. Right hand. Corner whip, London goes in chest first, rebounds out, German Suplex but London lands on his feet, jumping side kick connects! Both guys down again, and Korderas is making a count. One two three four five six seven Noble up and grabbing London, but London gives him a chinbreaker. Wheel kick almost goes over Noble's head, but it's good enough. Clothesline, dropsault, cover one two NO. London can't believe it. Checking the count. Noble retreats to the corner, but London charges in, landing an elbow smash. Noble is dead weight. Corner whip, London charges in and gives him another running corner elbow. Noble falls to the mat on all fours. London off the ropes, Noble back up and powerslamming one two NO. Both guys tired. Noble trying to set up London for a Tiger Driver, but London hanging on to Noble's legs to prevent it. Noble relents and stomps. Off the ropes, boot to the head is ducked, London stands up and gives the climbing enziguri one two Noble's foot on the ropes. London actually unwittingly moved the leg on to the ropes when he went to hook it, strange as it sounds. London can't believe that story either. Slam. Going up, of course. Way too slow, of course. Noble stops him with a chop. Right hand. Right hurts Noble's knuckles. Going up to join him, but London's fighting him off. Headbutt and down goes Jamie. London to the top rope again - Firebird Splash misses! Noble moved, and now he's grabbing London, Tiger Driver works! One two three. (3:42, total 7:05)

Up Next, JBL has something to say

SmackDown! Live
06/22 - Orlando, FL [SD!]
06/27 - Norfolk, VA [GAB]
06/28 - Winston-Salem, NC [Red White and Bruised]
06/29 - Fayetteville, NC [SD!]
07/03 - North Bay, ON [Red White and Bruised]
No house shows before the PPV makes Heyman's promise (as told by Bill) a lot easier to keep.

He sure did. Josh: "As you can see, the headlines say JBL was fired for being a loud mouth wrestler." Headlines actually say "CNBC smacks down Bradshaw" and "CNBC fires analyst, a WWE star." If they wanted us to think of this as a heel thing, they'd actually mention the details of why he was fired; this smells a lot more like "rally around OUR guy". Fired Bradshaw is fired up! which is cool but I'm still not paying to see this match. "There is a reason they don't do bull rope matches any more!" Well, yea. (3:53)

Great American Bash: Eddie Guerrero (c) vs John "Bradshaw" Layfield for the WWE Championship in a Texas Bull Rope Match
Why is Josh's tag line here "JBL will have no where to run!"?

Tonight: Mark Jindrak (w/Theodore Long) vs Hardcore Holly - wha? Holly must've lost some weight!

N-Gage Dudley Boyz become the 11th WWE (SD!) Tag Team Champions of Last Thursday. Rico's injury is clipped out here, putting the focus on Haas helping Jackie

Akio & Sakoda (Japan, 437 pounds) vs F.B.I. (451 pounds) - Did you know Akio and Sakoda haven't won a tag team match since November? This is what happens when I get bored. At least these other guys get to face London every so often. Bill: "You see the F.B.I. weren't thrown off by the cement truck." Josh feels compelled to explain the obvious joke, which is amazingly trumped by Bill pretending to be confused between the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Full Blooded Italians as the stupidest part of this segment so far. And that's topped by Johnny kissing Nunzio on the cheeks and Bill's ensuing homophobic confusion. Nunzio and Akio to start. Nunzio does not appreciate Akio's hopping. Shove. Akio stops hopping! Akio starts kicking, but Nunzio catches the leg, takedown, cover for zero, Akio tries to get free and ends up getting Nunzio in a hammerlock. Nunzio looking for way out as they get to their feet, and manages a headlock. Akio judo throws (forgetting the word), Nunzio on to his back one two no. Nunzio fireman's carry one two no. Both up, and Akio slaps Nunzio in the face. Nunzio reels, and slaps back, talking trash the whole time. Akio's right hand is ducked, Nunzio's spinning headscissors works. One two NO. Armbar, tag to Johnny. Akio thrown into the corner, right, right, right, right. Nunzio attempts to hold Akio in the corner, Johnny charges, Akio kicks him, back elbow to Nunzio right to Johnny, back elbow to Nunzio, boot for Johnny, charge out of the corner, Johnny catches him and presses him. Johnny turns and throws Akio back towards the F.B.I. corner, then decks Sakoda on the apron for good measure. Sakoda wants in and Patrick cuts him off, leaving Akio open to a double team stomp down. Nunzio staying in despite no actual tag. Stomp, punches on the mat. Whip, something must've gone wrong with the head down too soon -> kick bit because they used the angle where it's most hidden. Akio off the ropes again, blind tag by Sakoda, Akio's clothesline misses and he begs off, Nunzio yells at him and doesn't realize Sakoda is behind him, pulling down by his hair. Jumping knee drop. Choke on the ropes, as Josh explains this is the first time the Dudleyz have held this particular championship, not having won the tag team titles on this show since the brand split. Bill uses "plethora", which is as close to a shout out I'm gonna get. Sakoda kicks Nunzio down in the corner. Half hour suplex. Sakoda's biggest problem is he's a power wrestler at 230ish pounds, and this isn't the right promotion for that. Johnny isn't getting anywhere with the same gimmick, and he's a lot bigger. One two Johnny pulls Sakoda off the cover. Nunzio pushed into the not-Kyo Dai corner for knees to the head. Sakoda gets a full head of steam before doing one final knee to the head and shaking the ropes like a crazy man. Maybe Sakoda's one wacky beard away from being the Asian Neidhart. Nah. Tag to Akio, hold for Akio to get a kick. Snap mare, neck vice. Nunzio battling up with the crowd behind him slightly for nothing better to do. Whip, quick reverse, Nunzio eventually coming up with a crucifix rollup one two NO. Akio wheel kick connects with Nunzio's head, one two Johnny's gotta break it up again. Johnny's warned and dutiful ignores the warning. Akio chokes Nunzio over the top rope, then distracts so Sakoda can do the same. Akio covers one two NO. Tag to Sakoda. Russian legsweep, one two no. Kneeling  surfboard. Nunzio up and elbowing out, but Sakoda stops that with the ol' forearm to the back. Corner whip, reversal (without actually going anywhere), Sakoda jumps to the second rope and - doesn't do anything until Nunzio's up to forearm him. Not a good sequence there, but it's a trip they had to make to get in Nunzio's second rope Russian legsweep. Which is actually just to transition to crawl to tags, so maybe the trip wasn't worth it. Sakoda is up first and actually gets a hold of Nunzio's leg, and pulls him back towards Akio. Tag to Akio, but Akio misses the elbow drop. Nunzio crawls to a neutral corner, Akio misses a corner splash too, and Nunzio finally makes the tag to Johnny. Akio tries a jumping spin kick, but Johnny ducks under. Clothesline, back elbow, whip, high flapjack. Sakoda in, Johnny awkwardly catches him and drops him in a flapjack on Akio. Johnny raising the roof, which of course means it's time to - cover Akio, okay I guess one two Akio kicks out. Raising the roof again, and this time it's a press, but Akio rakes the eyes before Johnny can complete. Double enziguri! Johnny's out, and Akio's on top one two Nunzio breaks it up! Sakoda throws Nunzio out and is after him, but gets an eye rake. Akio stomping Johnny, off the ropes, caught and given a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Johnny holds on position for Nunzio to add the second rope legdrop - wow, I had almost forgotten about the Kiss of Death, but Josh hadn't - one two three (6:50) That wasn't all that bad. Nunzio is dead tired, but Johnny helps wake up with slaps to the back of the head. 

Up Next: tag match gone wrong

Where does one get a cement mixer, anyway? How much money did Paul Heyman have to spend here? Why is he spending it? (:30)
Bill and Josh discuss explain Heyman promised a display of loyalty by Undertaker, and the closing of the tag team match. It's interesting how they've switched from Eddie/JBL to Undertaker/Heyman as the main angle of the show over the last month. (2:45)

Great American Bash: Undertaker vs WWE Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz in a Live Free or Die (non-title?) match
Great American Bash: John Cena (c) vs Booker T vs Rene Dupree vs Rob Van Dam for the US Championship
Great American Bash: Eddie Guerrero (c) vs John "Bradshaw" Layfield for the WWE Championship in a Texas Bull Rope Match
PPV free for all active US Servicemen.
and maybe they'll get around to an undercard this week

Tonight: Mark Jindrak (w/Theodore Long) vs Hardcore Holly - wha? Holly must've lost some weight!

Maxim 62nd Cruiserweight Champion (and for the 8th time) Rey Mysterio Jr. of Thursday

Theodore R. Long is in the ring already! And they've found the mirror, thank god. Long says we're in a hurry and gets Mark Jindrak out here right away. "You're looking at a man that rises every day on Perfection." He dreams perfection! Long explains Jindrak is in a bad mood because he has to wrestle in front of an audience full of non-perfection. Theodore: "I can't wait! It makes me want to take my clothes off!" Well, I guess they're not being subtle. Hey, abs. Theodore attempts to remove the hater demons from the people in the crowd. 

Mark Jindrak (w/Theodore R. Long) vs Hardcore Holly (Mobile, Alabama, 230 pounds) - Hardcore's not a cruiserweight! Bill: "Who the hell is Jared?" Jindrak asks for no shots to the face. It's a nice dream. Lockup, Jindrak walks Hardcore into the corner. Hip swivel. Bicep pose. Bill [mocking]: "That's very metrosexual by Mark Jindrak!" Circle. Lockup. Josh says Rey is a 3 time cruiserweight champ, which means we're not counting WCW championships (though Josh did say 18 total for the Dudleyz so it depends) and also points out that each time Rey's won the title, it's been on SmackDown!, not a PPV. Jindrak backs Hardcore up, but Hardcore swings it around at the last second. Chop - no, Jindrak ducks out of the ring. He can't have his chest ruined, you see. No shots to the face, no chops to the chest. Lockup, Jindrak headlock as the Holly chant gets really loud. Holly shots Jindrak off, Jindrak shoulderblock, and Jindrak wipes his sweat off on Hardcore. Jindrak off the ropes, over, under, into a chop-no, Jindrak's bailing again. This one might take a while to get going. Jindrak agrees to come in, but only if he gets a time out. Hardcore says no, but Robinson forces one. Hardcore and Charles talk this over, Jindrak charges, Holly backdrops him. Holly waiting for Jindrak to turn around, and he slices him with a knife edge chop. Jindrak is hurting, and even more when he's forced into the corner for another. And another. And another. Charles tries to pull Hardcore out of the corner and Jindrak gets a kick in. Hardcore pushed into the corner, chop is ducked, and Hardcore lands another of his own. And another. Charles again tries to get Hardcore out of the corner, and again Jindrak gets in an opening - big left to the head. Stomping Hardcore had in revenge for the chops. Robinson pulls Jindrak way, and Theodore Long gets in a chest slap! Death wish. He even goes over to Bill and Josh to brag. Jindrak suplex one two no. Chinlock. Josh: "Teddy Long just said 'I just slapped a cracka!'" Holly battling up and armdragging free, but Jindrak takes him back down with a clothesline one two no. Chinlock. Hardcore battling up, right, right, right, right to the had, right, whip, reversed into a short kick, stand him up, dropkick him down, push ups, sit ups, kip up. Bicep pose. Fans are booing surprising loud. Picking Hardcore up, but Hardcore's waiting for him, right, Jindrak right, Holly right, Holly right, Holly right, Jindrak 'headlock', 'shot off into the ropes', shoulderblock and for some reason they both go down. That was not a great sequence. One two three four five six. Jindrak up. Waiting for Holly to get up, clothesline misses, Holly's does not. Another one, running over Jindrak. Whip, dropkick. One two NO. Jindrak unwisely uses the ropes to lean on, and Holly works in the Alabama Crunch (which must be a real name because Josh has used it twice!) Bill: "How's that gonna look in the mirror?" Holly to the top, top rope inverted bulldog one two NO. Holly telling everyone he's going to end it, and Long gets on the apron to stop it. Hardcore pulls Theodore in the ring. Stalking him, but Jindrak slips behind - Mark of Excellence one two three (6:27) He's still undefeated.

SmackDown!: Orlando! Four or five matches will be made! I guess.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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