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Smell the Continuity!
October 11, 2004

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


TV PG V CC Entertainment fireworks
Torrie Wilson is out for no reason. Well, that outfit is actually the reason, but otherwise no. Josh: "This is the best part of the show, and we just started." Should be a long 58 minutes. Bill: "The show could end right now! But it won't." Torrie: "Are you ready to spend your night with the Stars of SmackDown!? Are you ready to spend your

night with me, Torrie Wilson? Well, I had so much fun last week that i came back for another week of Velocity, and get ready for the ride." Josh: "Hey, I'm not touching my remote control." "WHAT?"

Doug Basham (Columbus, OH, 240 pounds, w/Danny Basham) vs Rob Dam (Battle Creek, MI 245) - Hey, that's what she said. (She might have said the "VAN" as we were listening to the fireworks.) Josh: "It's late Saturday night, when this show is over, it's technically Sunday." "Maybe for you! All I'm saying is, I got an hour." Bill lives in the Central Time Zone state of mind. "You know what I can do in an hour?" "You know what I can do a couple times in an hour?" "No." MOVING ON. RVD and Doug have a conversation. Point. Danny distracts RVD with a swipe at his legs, RVD turns around, and Doug forearms him in the back of the head. Turnbuckle smash. Right. Corner whip, charge in to a back elbow. RVD quick with a springboard cross body one two no. RVD armdrag, Doug backs off, Danny gets up on the apron, RVD turns and scares him off, Doug drops RVD with the Last Impression. CALL IT JOSH. "Jumping leg lariat." Anyway, Doug's knee hit RVD in the face on that, and both people are hurting - probably Doug more so, since he's limping. Right, right, grab my knee. Hand choke in the corner. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. RVD elbows out, Doug stops that with a forearm. Suplex, grab my knee, cover one two no. Limp, chinlock. RVD's pulled down into a half bodyscissors. RVD rallying out and the crowd catches up to him. Elbows out, pulled down by his hair. Warned by Brian Hebner. Slam, no RVD lands behind, kick enziguri is ducked! and Doug clotheslines him. Doug: "[point] [point] [double thumbs down] [turns into a RVD wheel kick]" Both guys are down. Both up at five. RVD wins the punch battle while Doug holds his face between punches. Right right, spinning heel kick. Corner whip, charge, shoulder, shoulder, monkey flip. Doug begging off, RVD thinks about and dropkicks him in the head. Right in position. RVD looks, off the ropes, Rolling Thunder eats knees! Doug covers one two NO. Knee. Knee. Knee caught into a dragon screw leg whip. Doug up first again, kick catch step over heel kick. Danny up, Danny down. RVD going up, RVD going down - Danny pushes him off and crotches him on the ropes. Doug covers one two NO. No one beloved that as a near fall. RVD chant. Whip, Doug limping again, head down too soon, and RVD kicks it. RVD's standing spin kick is ducked, Danny kick hits, turnbuckle smash is blocked and RVD kicks him in the head. RVD going up again, and Danny's in - first arguing with Hebner, than making a move towards RVD. RVD sees him - jumping kick to the chest. Now to the other corner, Five Star Frog Splash, fixing his position in mid air one two three (5:58) Torrie does a one armed point while announcing the winner. Your announcers are Bill and Josh. Bill and Carlito shop at the same shirt store. Watch Torrie walk away.

Tonight: "The Dudley's" vs F B I. The Dudley's what?
Tonight: Luther Reigns

JBL vs Hardcore Holly on SmackDown! (5:02)
SmackDown!: JBL (c) vs Hardcore Holly for the WWE Championship in a Hardcore Match

Earlier Today, in a dark room, Luther Reigns talked while making sure we got an eyeful of the bruise on his face. "Police Baton? Eddie Guerrero had the audacity to bust me in the face with a police baton? Well, Eddie, it's not the first time I've been hit with one, but I swear it'll be the last. You broke my own promise, you showed me No Mercy, you might've won the battle Eddie, but you didn't win the war. And make no mistake about it, we are at war. And you just signed my next opponent's death warrant, because I'm going to show him No Mercy"

SmackDown! Live
Turin, Italy [SmackDown! Down and Dirty Tour, Sold Out]
Nottingham, England [SmackDown! Down and Dirty Tour, Sold Out]
Manchester, England [SmackDown! Down and Dirty Tour, Sold Out]
10/17 - Rockford, IL [Special Sunday SD! Taping]
10/18 - Minneapolis, MN
10/21 - Ottawa, ON

SAW brings you Billy Kidman giving Jackie a BK Bomb, but not a SSP.

Luther Reigns (Phoenix, AZ, 295 pounds) vs Ricky Vega (Boston, MA, 212 pounds) - Vega does not have a mask or a scar. Luther wants to kill him immediately but Jimmy Korderas obstructs. Back to No Mercy to show the Police Baton to the Head. The bruise is very visible. There's the bell, this is over (though not yet officially) Luther starts off with a headbutt, and throws Vega into the corner, head first. Short clothesline. Josh lays down (or reminds? I've forgotten) the backstory: Luther's spent time in jail getting hit by batons, and promised himself it wouldn't happen again when he got out. But now it did and so Eddie/Luther won't end quite yet. Vega's kicked out of the ring, literally. Vega set up on the apron for a big kick straight to the face. Luther back in, rolling Vega on the back, pulling back his chin and sticking a knee in the face. Vega may be bleeding. Corner whip, charging into a kick (let's pretend.) Vega with a right, right, kick, right, shoved hard into the ropes, and running right into Luther. Luther scoops Vega up, sits him on the top rope, and boots him to the floor. Wow, yea, Vega's bleeding bad for TV PG standards. Luther brings him back in, teases it, and does the "devastating neckbreaker" one two three. (2:28)

And now, a letter:

Dear WWE, 

Before you give Luther Reigns the feud win over Eddie Guerrero, could you at least come up with a freaking name for his finisher? Thanks a bunch. 


Is he going to beat him up some more? No, just talking. JOSH HORRIBLE SEGUE TAKES US TO

Tough Enough Hype. So where were these guys the last 3 times? And why do I have this feeling this going to work out no well. (1:04)

Tonight: the Dudleys vs the FBI

Day of Reckoning brings you Carlito's cool debut.

John Cena vs Carlito Caribbean Cool (5:27)

Next: the Dudleys vs FBI

Make a Wish (1:02)

Bubba and D-Von Dudley (New York, NY, 523 pounds, w/WWE Cruiserweight Champion Spike Dudley) vs FBI (419 pounds) - Spike's fingerless gloves are a prefect addition. While Johnny takes off his flak jacket before he gets to the ring because this is about serious revenge, Josh and Bill have another Lindsay Lohan or Meredith discussion. Spike's apparently got a black eye from the No Mercy match. Nunzio makes belt motions. They actually clip out some of the prematch staring (well, they probably clip out a lot of stuff, this time it's just actually noticeable) to get us going sooner. Bubba and Johnny to start. Lockup, no, Bubba changes his mind and D-Von forearms Johnny from behind. Right hands. Whip, clothesline misses, Johnny takes him down with a jumping shoulderblock. Kip up, clothesline, duck D-Von's clothesline, side slam. One two no. Armbar, tag to Nunzio, whip, Johnny with a gut punch, Nunzio with a swinging neckbreaker one tow no. D-Von fights out of a front facelock, armbar on Nunzio, tag to Bubba, Nunzio slips away before Bubba can get his hands on him. Bubba corners Nunzio anyway, and throws him across the ring. Scoop and slam. Bubba taunts. Lockup, Nunzio backed into the corner, Bubba wiping his hands over Nunzio's face, slow to break. Right hand misses, Nunzio armdrag, armdrag, hiptoss blocked, Bubba's clothesline is ducked, Nunzio covers for zero. Nunzio taunts and slaps Bubba on the face. Bubba can't believe, swings at Johnny, and walks into Nunzio's drop toe hold. Front facelock. Bubba tries to power out, but Nunzio is able take him down to the mat. Bubba battles to his feet, out in into an armbar, and uses Nunzio's hair to throw him down. Corner whip, Nunzio manages to elbow D-Von away from him, Bubba retaliates by elbowing Johnny, Johnny wants in, Nick Patrick cuts him off, Spike uses the distraction to choke Nunzio with the tag ropes, and hold him in place for Bubba corner splash. With no segue or warning and Josh in mid word, I've got a commercial break here. Maybe a local cable error? We were due for a break. (3:22)

Back, where Josh doesn't say anything about the odd break and says the Dudleys have been in control. D-Von snap mares Nunzio over, and puts him in a neck vice. Quite a while, but Nunzio battles up, D-Von stops him with a back elbow, slam, Nunzio slips behind, backslide is blocked, D-Von's clothesline is ducked, Nunzio with a crucifix one two NO. D-Von up first and kills Nunzio with a clothesline. D-Von yells at Nunzio, and yells at Johnny. Slam. D-Von to the second rope, elbow drop hits (let's say - not a good camera angle there, though I'm sure there was on to have), one two Johnny breaks it up. D-Von and Johnny stare at each other as Johnny leaves. Tag to Bubba. Punch to the gut, slingshot (loud crowd reaction) suplex. Bubba with a shot to Johnny, elbow drop, right hands to the head. Fistdrop misses, as Nunzio rolls out of the way. Nunzio crawls for a tag, but Bubba pulls him away by his right leg. Tag to D-Von, Bubba with a shot that seems close to a low blow. D-Von to the second rope, flying nothing meets boot. Can he make the tag this time? Yea, probably. D-Von looking to stop him, grabbing a leg, but Nunzio hops on one leg to make the tag. Johnny in, right left right, whip, backdrop for D-Von. Bubba in, clothesline for him. Clothesline for D-Von, back elbow for Bubba, side slam for D-Von (Bubba's climbing the ropes, which wouldn't make sense even if there wasn't a pin happening) one two no. Bubba gets tossed off the top rope Flair style. Press on D-Von, and dropped. Johnny covers one two Bubba breaks it up with hard shot to the back of Johnny's head. Nunzio with forearms on Bubba, taking him out of the ring. Spike on the apron, Nunzio misses a right hand, Spike holds him for Bubba, Nunzio moves and Spike gets a punch. Nunzio whips D-Von into a Johnny spinebuster one two NO. Crowd thought that might be it. Nunzio and Johnny go for the Kiss of Death, and Johnny hits the side backbreaker, but Spike pushes Nunzio off the top rope. Johnny grabs Nunzio from the floor, but gets forearmed in the back by D-Von. Bubba back in - 3D. D-Von covers, one two three (3:22, 7:54 total) Turning point is Spike getting involved for the first time.

SmackDown! in Manchester. That's it.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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