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The Fourth "I" is for Irrelevance
October 25, 2004

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


TV PG V CC entertainment open fireworks 
All Three Dudley Boys (693 pounds) vs FBI & Funaki (635 pounds) - I guess we're not seeing Josh and Bill, because Josh goes out of his way to do the introductions. Bill: "I'm a people person!" Spike and Nunzio to start? Okay. Nunzio's got a knee wrapped up - and he's got a forearm in the back, courtesy of D-Von. Guess it'll be D-Von and Nunzio to start. 

Forearm. "Who's the man?" Forearm. Stomp. Bubba really loud. Right. Whip, quick reverse into a small package one two no. Forearm, forearm, whip, reversed, D-Von goes for a monkey flip (!?!) but Nunzio stops short and stomps him. Dropkick to the face, one two no. Armbar, tag to Johnny, Johnny with a punch to the midsection. Armbar. "DUDLEYS DUCK". D-Von escapes with an eye rake. Punches. Whip, clothesline misses, and Johnny lands a jumping forearm. Kip up, but D-Von stops him with an eye poke. Tag to Bubba, charge in to a lockup, Johnny headlock, shot off, and Johnny gets the better of the shoulderblock. Johnny off the ropes into a hiptoss, blocked and Johnny clotheslines him one two NO. Armbar, tag to Funaki (Bubba: "No no no! Not him!"), Funaki axhandle to the arm. Armbar, twist, Bubba uses the hair to whip him, Funaki back with a sunset flip, Bubba blocks, bows, sits down , and miss, Funaki dropkick to the head one two NO. Armbar, Bubba with an eye rake to break. Funaki is whipped into the Dudleys corner, Spike starts yelling at him, and Funaki clears D-Von and him out. Bubba charges, Funaki sidesteps, inside cradle, one two NO. Funaki with a right, right, whip, reversed, D-Von grabs a leg, Funaki turns around and gives him a swinging dropkick, taking himself to the apron. Bubba tries to suplex Funaki in from there, Funaki lands behind and forearms him in the back. off the ropes, Funaki visibly ducks under the clothesline, and then falls down like it hit him anyway. Maybe it got Funaki's hair? That looked really bad. Bubba distracts so Spike can come in and throw Funaki out, and then Johnny argues while D-Von flapjacks Funaki on the barricade. Funaki thrown back in. Bubba poses. Funaki picked up by his hair. Tag to Spike. axhandle to Funaki's back. "DUDLEYS SUCK" Spike with right hands. Running boots in the corner. Johnny's taunted in so Bubba can get in a chest slap. Bottom rope springboard kneedrop by Spike. Turnbuckle smash, tag to D-Von. Right. Snap mare. Crowd clapping for Funaki, but he's just getting into the neck vice. Funaki rallying quick though, elbow, elbow, elbow, off the ropes, jumps (at the last second) into D-Von powerslam one two no. This is not Funaki's best night. Tag to Spike, knee to Funaki's midsection. Standing chinlock. FBI trying to rally Funaki and the crowd. Spike forearms Funaki down before he can rally. Corner whip, reversed, and Spike goes in hard chest first. Race to the tag, no, Spike's got one foot, and then he feels the other. Tag to Johnny. Shoulderblock for Spike, clothesline for Spike, whip, huuuge flapjack for Spike. Backdrop for D-Von, scoop and slam for Bubba, press  slam for Spike, double clothesline for Bubba and D-Von, sidewalk slam for D-Von, Bubba tossed off the top rope. Quite a run for Johnny. Spike charges into a spinebuster one two D-Von break sit up. Nunzio and Funaki in and everyone fighting or recovering. Double dropkick takes Bubba out of the ring. Double clothesline for D-Von, and he rolls to safety. Nunzio gets Johnny back up, and he slams Spike. Nunzio and Johnny split the legs so Funaki can land What Are You Doing. D-Von in, double boot to him, and he's corner whipped into Spike. Bubba in, and he's whipped in to his half brothers. Bubba thrown out, D-Von thrown out of the ring, and Funaki heads up. PLANCHA! Spike manages an eye rake on Johnny while Nunzio has backed up the corner. Dudley Dog - no, reversed into the side backbreaker. Now Nunzio standing there makes sense, because he's right in position for the Sicilian Slice to complete the Kiss of Death! Johnny covers, but Nick Patrick is being occupied by D-Von. Johnny's got the corner forever, but he's also got a big elbow drop from Bubba. Spike rolls over on top, one two three. (8:44) Outside of Funaki, this was pretty good. Bubba carried Spike to the back.

Tonight: Hardcore Holly vs Kurt Angle
Tonight: Big Show in action "right here, on Billocity!"

SmackDown! Live - hey, they took Cena out of this!
10/24 - Montreal, QC [Holla Holla Tour]
10/26 - Omaha, NE [SD!]
10/31 - Louisville, KY [Holla Holla Tour; early start]
11/01 - Cape Giradeau, MO [Holla Holla Tour]
11/02 - St. Louis, MO [SD!]

Tough Enough 4 highlights. Pushing the physical toll hard. I think the Miz would have a much better chance on the old system; they obviously want and expect a guy who's at least a solid midcarder and has sure potential to be a main event look guy, and no amount of promos is going to make up for him not being one of the more imposing guys included. Navy guy, arrogant guy, chick picker upper guy, Miz, broken shoulder guy (cut! not cut! what a way to string him out), and the eight who made it. (6:55)

Tonight: Hardcore Holly vs Kurt Angle
Up Next: Big Show in action "right here, on the big B, Billocity!"

Day of Reckoning presents Chavo Guerrero's return of Thursday

Big Show (7 feet tall, 470 pounds) vs Akio (Japan, 200 pounds) - Akio giving up a little weight in this one. Under/over is 90 seconds - make your bet! Quick dropkick, Show ain't going down. Repeat, this time swatted way. Akio thrown into the corner. Right is ducked, Akio with a right hand, and now he's just made Show angry. Akio rammed into the corner. Open hand slap. big hiptoss out. Clothesline. Akio rolling out and asking for time out. Dude should just keep walking. Show picks him up off the floor by the hair, and tosses him in. Press Slam with ease. Calling for it! Goozle. CHOKE (walking) SLAM. One two three. (1:27) Oh so close. Your ref was Jim Korderas, by the way.

Tonight: Hardcore Holly vs Kurt Angle

SmackDown Down N' Dirty Tour highlights. Rey knows three or four words of Italian! FBI is over in Italy. Maybe they should've stayed. Carlito hates all these people! Good for Carlito (2:03)

Booker T is on Booker T's side. (2:32)

Up Next: Hardcore Holly vs Kurt Angle

Juice Box presents Carlito thinks Torrie is not cool of Tuesday

Kurt Angle (no hometown, no weight, w/o anyone?, "the only Gold Medallist in WWE history and a former WWE champion") vs Hardcore Holly (Mobile, Alabama, 234 pounds) - Bill would've punked Carlito out, if only he was there. Odd introduction out of Chimel. Bill points that since it became Billocity, they've been getting Torrie and the Dudleys and Big Show and Kurt Angle; if Billocity is responsible for Tough Enough stealing a half hour chunk out of SmackDown! each week from now on, he may be on to something. Josh is going to lose mega points if he doesn't bring up the history here; he's currently too busy going over the latest Cena/Carlito developments. Circle. Lockup, Angle going for a fireman's carry, blocked, Angle to a waistlock, Hardcore switches, Angle rolls him over to his back, grabbing an armbar, Hardcore with a headscissors reversal, and to a standoff. Circle. Lockup, Angle headlock takedown. Bill: "Let's not forget what happened to Hardcore Holly at the hands of Angle in the past here, in the WWE." Broken arms and all that. Angle with a headlock, shot off, shoulderblock. Angle off the ropes, over, hiptoss, armdrag, and another standoff. Circle. Lockup, Holly with a headlock. Shot off, Holly wit a shoulderblock. Off the ropes, over, Angle hiptoss blocked, Hardcore's not, Hardcore armdrag, armdrag, Angle's clothesline is ducked, Holly waistlock, Angle back elbows free, Angle steps away, then charges, and Holly backdrops him to the floor. Someone out, time for a break. (2:08)

Holly has Angle cornered, and lets loose with a chop. And another. Whip, reversed, Holly goes in chest first, and Angle gives him the German Suplex on the rebound. Holding onto to chain another, Holly blocks and switches, Angle moves forward and grabs Brian Hebner, Hebner is smushed into the ropes and Angle is able tog et in a low blow mule kick. Bill argues Angle should be DQed for touching the referee, but Josh believe Kurt could use an attempt to get the ropes as an excuse. Angle with a stomp and a stomp. Side sidebreaker, one two no. Suplex onto the top rope for a gutbuster, one two no. Kurt with a kneeling waistlock. Fans not sure how to react to this as a weardown hold, but eventually get the clap going. Up to their feet, Hardcore with a back elbow, back elbow to get free. Off the ropes, grabs by Angle, overhead belly to belly suplex one two no. Angle puts a knee in Holly's back and pulls his neck back in a chinlock. Bill: "It's a special breed that competes here in the WWE. You don't just walk off the beach and say you're a superstar! You have to prove it!" See, "the WWE". Angle cranking in the chinlock, now with no knee. Hardcore trying to rally from the crowd, but they're slow to react. They get into it after Holly makes hi more, right, right, right, Angle right, Holly right, Angle right, Holly right, Holly right, Angle headlock, shot off, shoulderblock and both go down. Replay shows it the "smack heads (heads clearly do not touch)" spot someone's grown really fond off the last couple months. Hebner counting them down and up to eight before either is close. Nine, and Kurt uses the ropes to get up. Kurt tries a clothesline ducked, Holly back elbow, clothesline, clothesline, whip, dropkick one two no. Holly with a corner whip, reversed, Kurt charges into a boot. Hardcore swings and misses on a dropkick, Angle with a waistlock, Hardcore reverses to a waistlock rollup, one two NO and Hebner realizes they both were well into the ropes after the fact. Angle charges Holly again, Holly catches him and loads him up for the Alabama Slam, but Angle grabs the ropes to prevent it. Holly turns around underneath, and sets up for the alternative - Alabama Crunch. Reverse DDT, one two NO. Holly going up? Holly going up! Top rope clothesline/press/something one two no. Hardcore right, whip, quick reverse into an overhead belly suplex. Holly grabbing his hip and slow up. Angle up a lot quicker and waiting for Holly to get up. Angle Slam, and it works! One two NO! Hardcore Holly just kicked out of the Angle Slam on Velocity (and it didn't get near the reaction you might think.) Angle still has to pull down the straps, and so he does. Anklelock. Hardcore Holly right in the middle of the ring and not moving. He's got a long way to go, reaching, reaching, spinning and kicking Angle away. Holly up one foot, Angle charges again, Holly catches him and loads him into the Alabama Slam again, but this time we're not near the ropes. Angle improvises with blows to the (weakened!) rib area, and Holly looses his grip. Angle slides down into a sunset flip and rolls into anklelock! Angle scissors the legs. The ropes are just a half an arms length away from Holly, but he can't make a move. Holly gives up. (6:58, 8:64 total) That was pretty fun.

That's it.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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