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London Under Siege
June 6, 2005

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


TV PG V CC entertainment open - is that a new clip of Booker? Not sure who was there.
Basham Brothers (Columbus, OH, 495 pounds) vs Teddy Hart and J. D. Michaels (390 pounds, already in the ring) - Hey, they got their hometown back. The team of Hart and Michaels, ha. Your announcers are Romero and Josh, who never actually make it clear if the other guy's initials are JDee or JBee. Those are some pants on Teddy Hart. Lockup, Doug throws down Teddy and poses. Lockup - no, 

kick, snap mare, chinlock, Teddy reverse to a hammerlock and then into a headlock. Romero: "Josh, I know you've heard of Teddy Hart before (because I have no idea who this is)" Back suplex escape by Doug, Teddy lands on his feet, grabs waistlock, and eats some back elbows. Chops. Hard turnbuckles mash. Doug yells something at Teddy but Romero won't stop talking about Teddy Hart's self defense class. Corner whip, kip up and escape, Teddy armdrag, armdrag, armbar. Tag to super star JD, for the top rope axhandle. Michaels puts on an armbar, and gets leveled by a Doug right. Doug offers to slap the taste out of Teddy's mouth. Tag to Danny. Corner kicks. Turnbuckle smash. Chop. Whip, Michaels sorts slides, sorta rolls under Danny's legs, sorta looks bad. Fans sorta notice. Michaels up with a forearm, off the ropes, and beheaded by a Danny clothesline. Bashams are looking super today. Danny asks Michaels if he'd like to quit right now. Not yet. Stomp. Tag. Double hanging suplex. Got enough time here to tell you the ref is Charles Robinson. Doug working over Michaels, cover, one two no. Tag to Danny. Hold for a chop. Snap mare, chinlock. Cranking it. Michaels rallies up, and gets thrown down by his hair. Danny walks over Michaels to get the corner, corner pump nothing eats boot. Danny is able to tag in Doug, but Doug misses the running boot and Michaels tags in Hart. Doug misses aright, Teddy with rights for Doug, moves around Danny for punches for him. Punch for Doug, high dropkick for Danny gets a loud reaction. Whip, reversed, Teddy comes back with a float around reverse DDT. Whip, reversed, blind tag by Michaels (huh), Doug puts his head down too soon, Teddy leapfrogs over, but then runs into a Danny backdrop, sending him to the floor. Michaels comes in, only to a get a knee, and some weird variation of a stunner from Doug. Brain Damaja with Doug spiking the head! Doug covers, one two three. (6:05) We briefly see Teddy roll up his pants to grab his knee but the announcers don't make note of it.

Tonight: Paul London vs Akio vs Chavo Guerrero in a triple threat match for the Cruiserweight Championship

learned something knew today: Apparently, ECW was all about corporate doubletalk lingo.

Hulk Hogan appearance at a World's Gym - wait, this is on here why? Maybe there's a good reason, but how could you actually be waiting twenty two years to meet Hulk Hogan if you really wanted to me him, since he's been meet and greets for that long. (1:26)

In an heroic effort, Josh segues from Hogan to ECW.

JBL's speech from SD! Wait, shouldn't JBL love Paul Heyman - if it wasn't for him, he would've never split from Faarooq and become JBL. Unless Nunzio is beating up JBL at One Night Stand, this really didn't help with much. (5:26) I don't think he is, thanks for asking.

WWE Rewind presented by Wrestlemania 21 and this TV PG V logo: Melina (and two other people) keeps her tag team titles

Shannon Moore (Raleigh, NC, 192 pounds) vs United States Champion Orlando Jordan (Miami, FL, 257 pounds) in a non-title match - of course the title isn't on the line for this match; he's not horrible enough to challenge for this belt. Announcers explain OJ is better than Shannon in every possible way, excluding the important 'most Peroxwhy?gen CDs owned' category. Lockup, OJ with a headlock, OJ tells ref Chris Kay to get out of his way, OJ uses a punch while Kay's using the other way. Moore forearms and shoots Shannon off, but OJ comes back with a shoulderblock. Pose. Off the ropes, elbow drop misses. Shannon armdrag, armbar. OJ backs him into the corner for the break. Corner whip, Shannon with the kip up escape and pointless flip, armbar. Josh hopes Romero gets drafted by Heat. You know, the Todd and Josh combo would either be the best or worst thing ever. There's no in-between. I can not even fathom Coach and Josh. Romero: "You know, it's all about Josh Mathews, isn't it?" Yea, I could care less where you go. OJ forearms out, whip, clothesline misses, Shannon with a cross body, OJ catches it and gives him a fallaway slam - what does JBL think of that? Probably doesn't. Stomps. Swinging neckbreaker, which is "breaking out all the stops" in Romero's world. It's "using a move he uses every week" in mine, thanks for wondering. Elbow drop x3. One two no. Snap mare, stomp on the neck. Chinlock. Let's talk about how everyone (in ECW) teas Steve Romero. Corner whip, OJ misses the charge, Shannon waits for him to turn around, right is blocked, jab jab jab jab, Shannon breaks the laws of goofy trademark moves by falling forward and not allowing OJ to shuffle or hit the cross, so OJ just forearms him down. I guess it could be OJ's fault for doing one more jab than necessary. Stomp. Whip, Shannon slides under, back with a wheel kick. Shannon ducks yet another clothesline, fivearm, running forearm. Whip, kick to the midsection, running swinging neckbreaker one two no. Corner whip, reversed, OJ eats boot on the charge, Shannon to the top rope, HALO. One two th-NO! This is the point where I tell you I really wish they pushed cruiserweights outside of type, because OJ vs Shannon would be a fun feud, if only for the JBL promo. Shannon picks up OJ, OJ misses yet another clothesline (that part's not fun), Shannon off the ropes, into a spinebuster. "THAT'S WHY I'M UNITED STATES CHAMPION." Flatliner - watch Shannon flip. One two three. (4:35) NAME THE MOVE.

SmackDown! Live
06/05 - Des Monies, IA [SD! Live]
06/07 - Kansas City, MO [SD!]
06/12 - New York City [ECW One Night Stand - when you think ECW, you think Booker T clotheslining OJ and Doug Basham]
06/14 - Hershey, PA [SD!]
??/?? - Glasgow, Scotland [SD! SummerBash tour]

Slam of the Week, presented by Juicy Prop Pop [and the TV PG V box - what's with that today?]: Teddy Long makes it a handicap match

and highlights. Really, when it comes down to it, the one question you have to ask yourself, and the WWE, about this storyline is - what does the Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaeuka think about this? (3:18)
SD!: Booker T vs Kurt Angle - assuming neither gets drafted

Tonight: Paul London vs Akio vs Chavo Guerrero in a triple threat match for the Cruiserweight Championship

The TV PG V logo is on the screen every break when they come back from break; I've noticed this on under channels too this weekend. How odd.

Big Show & Cena vs Matt Morgan & Carlito. (1:49)
Gratuitous Be Cool plug. "And just so happens to be gay." They can mention that on WWE TV? Look, a horrible music video you can watch (1:05)

TV PG V Draft Lottery ad. At least you know for sure what ads are part of the program.

WWE Cruiserweight Champion Paul London (Austin, TX, 195 pounds) vs Akio (Japan, 190 pounds) vs Chavo Guerrero (El Paso, TX, 200 pounds) in a triple threat match for the WWE Cruiserweight Champion - some kinda champion, coming out first. Your ref is Korderas. Romero would take Heidenreich as a friend over Josh, which says way too much about Romero. Josh votes for Akio as new Velocity announcer, but then he'd have no matches. Whoever's booking Velocity really loves Akio vs London; wish they'd pass it on to the SD! people. Romero: "A well documented rivalry between Paul London and Akio" which only exists on Saturday night. They didn't leave an especially long amount of time for this. First pinfall wins, all three guys in the ring. Circle, with Akio standing back. Chavo and London tease a lockup and come out throwing punches. London blocks Chavo and lands his own, twice. Akio tries for the sneak attack, and gets kicked in the midsection. Forearm to Akio, kick, right drops Akio in the corner. London brings him out towards the ropes, forearm to the head, whip, reversed, Chavo sneaks in front and knocks him down. Looks like Akio and Chavo are forming a pact, stomping down London. Double whip, double back elbow. Hopping! Double suplex. Chavo sneaks in a pinfall, one two Akio doesn't like that idea. Chavo says relax. Handshake? Yes - and Akio slips in the knee. Jumping ax kick on Chavo. Akio kicks Chavo into the corner, and then in the corner. Knee to the midsection. Whip, reversed, and London backdrops Akio - but Akio lands on the apron. Forearms by London, Chavo charges him, London misses a punch, Chavo grabs him a waistlock and runs him to the ropes, where Akio lands a shoulder to the midsection. London's hurting but still near the ropes - so Akio slingshots in, sunset flipping Chavo and German suplexing London in the process! London landed hard! Akio's holding the pin - one two NO. Akio not happy with the count. Akio works over Chavo in the corner as we take a look at a replay. Jumping spinning heel kick knocks Chavo down. He gets back up, and Akio boots checks him. More kicks. Choke. Akio with the hang over the ropes headscissors. Korderas is delivering the four count - but London rushes around the ring to break it up with a hard kick to Akio's chest! Chavo's on his knees in the ring - slingshot Okie roll by London! One two NO. London working over Chavo with kicks and rights, and Akio comes out of nowhere with a running forearm at London's head. Akio works over London with kicks as Chavo recovers in the corner. Jumping corkscrew kick to the head, one two no. Corner whip, Akio charges into London's back elbow, and London promptly lands the Mushroom Stomp. London asses the situation and heats up for the 450 - but Chavo stomps him with punches. Chavo going up for a superplex - but Akio connects on a jumping side kick to his back! Now it's Akio beating up London - Dragon Punch! Awesome. Akio going up top, but London fighting him. All the way up, Akio winning - off the top rope superplex! Everyone's down now, and Korderas is counting - one two three four five six - Chavo crawls on top of London, one two NO. Chavo is ticked, though feeling better. Stomp for Akio. Stomp for London. Stomp for Akio. Chavo is feeling pretty good right now. Stomp for London. Akio up to knees, so Chavo picks him up, and drops him with a European Uppercut. Posing. Akio is picked up, Akio jumping spin kick, Chavo rolls under, Akio charges, Chavo takes care of him with a spinning backbreaker. One two NO. Chavo argues the count, and sees London coming. Kick, brainbuster is slipped free, London Dropsault sorta splashes Akio one two NO. Hit him with the knees and shins and couldn't have felt good to Akio. London starts to work over Akio, but sees Chavo getting up and goes after him with forearms. Whip, reversed, and Akio throws London over the top. Chavo charges Akio, and shoulderblocks him out of the ropes too. What's Chavo going to do? Waiting - pescado! Chavo again is the only one up and feeling good, but maybe a bit too happy. Chavo throws Akio in (he was closer, if that's the reason.) Akio's getting up as Chavo's getting to the apron, but he can't actually get on it because London's got his right leg. Chavo kicks free, but just in time for Akio to forearm him. Suplex in, Chavo lands, er, rolls behind. Akio misses a clothesline, Chavo kick, Gory Bo-no, London superkicks Chavo! Akio gets a Gory Drop, London completely whiffs on the jacknife attempt but tries to make up for it, one two three. (6:46) Josh thinks London is unstoppable as champion.

That's it.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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