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Another New Guy
March 3, 2003

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


short version: TiVo decided it wasn't recording anything for me no more, and I was lucky enough to notice in time to catch most of the show. Times are all guess and estimations. ALSO, about five seconds before starting, I read infuriating WON bit that can unfairly be summarized: "London argued with Vince that taking away their high risk moves would make it hard for them to get over; Vince responded by taking the belt from London and made him into a whiny loser", so I'm in a great mood.
The opener was Simon Dean over Russell Simpson; since we see both those guys relatively often to their WWE-status on these shows (though problems seem to occur often to me with Russell Simpson), I'm assuming we missed nothing.

The SmackDown! Live show listing were either at the end of the first segment. 

Second segment was Booker T/Christian/Mexicools video highlights. Something in the 3-4 minutes range. I didn't watch close enough to tell if they were playing up Christian/Booker or Sharmell/Booker more, but this far away from a PPV, I'm sure they don't have the slightest idea either.

Boost Mobile whatever of the week - this must've been Slam because the Rewind is later, and Bod only lasted two weeks? - is MNM laying out LOD 2K5

Doug Basham (Columbus, Ohio, 245 pounds, w/o a video, with new facial hair and shiny outfit but old music) vs Caprice Coleman (205 pounds, already in the ring) - the first thing Romero does is talk about how nice looking Doug's body, because he's gay and so is the person feeding his lines. Doug's got something to say? And we care because? "No, no, no, hold on [shows off his normal sized tongue in a 'proactive way', I guess] I'd like everybody here to give a nice round of applause to Caprice Coleman. That's right, Caprice [raises his arm], he is living a life long dream tonight. He has always wanted to be a WWE superstar. And now, [pause] he gets to the be in the ring with Doug Basham. [horribly fake boos.] The BashMan! I mean, c'mon kid, you think the people here are going to take your serious? [I can't take Doug serious with that collar] This people want a man they can aspire to be, they want someone like the BashMan! Not some lanky kid that looks like - looks like each and every one of them! [Caprice, by normal people standards, is built]. You wanna live your life long dream, right? Well the BashMan is here to wipe you up!" PIEFACE. What's worse, nickname or catchphrase? Outfit is way up there. Your ref is Nick and this is started.

Doug with a kneelift, and Caprice is thrown out so Doug can take off his ugly ring jacket. Doug looking at the crowd and missing Caprice coming in and forearming him - which is fine since Doug ignores it and kicks him. Clothesline. Kneedrop. Caprice pulled up, corner whip, rebound into a clothesline. "BashMan!" is being said every three seconds. Whip, shoulderblock. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Flapjack onto the ropes. "BASHAM SUCKS" Did he just give a one finger salute? We couldn't see. Dumb looking double neck pinch. Now to a normal chinlock. Face yank. Chinlock. Doug's completely grown his hair back, as completely as it'll grow back. Caprice tries to elbow up, but Doug pounds him down. Corner whip, Doug misses a corner clothesline, Caprice gets an inside cradle, one two no. Caprice ducks a clothesline, waits for Doug, headlock, but Doug gives him an a atomic drop. Last Impression one two three. (2:15ish) No, they don't actually call the leg lariat that. Doug pulled the tights for absolutely no reason there, not that anyone noticed so it could mean something. Josh says "all new attitude" one more time, because he was such a nice guy before. And to think, Frankie Kazarian passed all this up!

Last Week on Velocity: Scotty taking 40 seconds to do the Worm backfired. Can you believe it?

In the locker room earlier today, Josh talked to William Regal: "Young Joshua, you jest. Do you honestly think a man of my standard - by the way, have you seen [does the puffy shirt bicep pull bit] look at that, I've been working on that - do you think a man of my standard would lie there if he had a breath left in his body, and allow someone to hit him? Do you honestly think that a man of my standard would let Scotty Two Hotty make a name for himself at my expense? No! The William Regal that you've seen for the last few years is gone! I'm back to being the William Regal of old, the scallywag, the rogue, the scoundrel, full of vile and venom, and anyone who gets in my way, including Scotty Too Hotty, is going to get a bloody good thrashing! [walks away]"

Vito (240 pounds, w/WWE Cruiserweight Champion Nunzio) vs Brad Taylor (already in the ring, Greensboro, NC, 225 pounds) - Nunzio pumps Vito up with slaps i the face, I guess that's one idea. Your ref is Charles. Circle, Vito scaring Brad. Lockup, Vito violently shoves him into the corner and yells at him with a foreman in the face. Charles forces a break, but Vito shoves Brad back into the corner. Brad fighting for his life with punches, but Vito cuts off his air with a knee and he's down on the mat. Vito forearms him on the mat, picks him up, drops him with a punch. Headlock. Vito's wearing shorts this week. Vito with a headlock, shot off, shoulderblock. Josh's word of the day is 'capricious'. Kneedrop to the head one two no. Slam. Ring is loud this week. Off the ropes, elbow drop. Choke cover, which doesn't get him a count, so he punches Brad instead. Charles warns him, but gets a blank stare. Cutting Edge Josh makes a "Home Improvement" joke. Arm wringer. Straightjacket chinlock. Josh and Romero have some inside joke going. Brad fighting out of the move, off the ropes, into the Mafia Kick, which I guess is supposed to look like that if he keeps on doing it that way. It's pretty much over, because he's not moving, but we have a bit with Nunzio telling Vito to end it. There's the Implant DDT, which is more spinning this week. One two three. (~2:00) Romero: "What is that called?" Josh: "None of your business!" Or that's what Vito told him, anyway. Josh: "Who's going to stop Vito?" Whoever's booking SmackDown, apparently.

Holy crap, they're putting the Undertaker/Mankind Hell in the Cell match on DVD! Never seen that.

Your announcers, who are Romero and Josh for this show #171 and probably got introduced after the first match, talk about SD!'s main event.

And so we see it. (~3:45)

Up Next: Scotty 2 Hotty vs William Regal

Wranglers Rewind: Stupid RTC Standards & Practice Network Network? angle. I'm going to kick myself later remembering five other ways Russo redid it.

Scotty 2 Hotty (Westbrook, Maine, 208 pounds) vs William Regal (Blackpool, England, 245 pounds) - Romero: "Who knows why anyone does anything?" Like why you're still employed. Regal's chest is still red from a (house show) match with Hardcore Holly - it's very noticeable. Your ref is Brian, and Scotty hiptosses Regal into the ring to get this started. Scotty is punching mad. Kicking mad. Standing on the ropes and punching mad one two three four oh yea that doesn't work - but when Regal shoves Scotty off, Scotty just hops back on goes five six seven eight nine ten! Regal staggers, but doesn't fall. Another Scotty punch, still staggering, another punch, still staggering, there's a slight uppercut to finally drop him. One two no. I think Regal was staying up to try and get his robe off - he's finally free now. Regal begs off, then leverages Scotty out of the ring. Scotty back in but gets a knee to the side. Stomps. European Uppercut. Corner whip, Scotty running back elbow. Double jumping knee. Scotty with right, right, right, whip, reversed, back elbow looks weird. Scotty stumbles to the ropes, and gets a knee choke there. Face yank. Josh plugs the Lingerie Fight on WWE.com. "I watched it 127 times, and my hand is so sore!" Romero: "From pushing the button, isn't it?" Way to step on the punchline, moron. Regal works over Scotty in the corner, while expressing his knowledge of the five count. Big left. One two no. One two no. One two no. One two no. You're going to wind Hebner if you keep that up. Scotty trying to fire back with rights. Chops. Rights. Corner whip, backdrop one the rebound. Stupid face pose, now cover one two no. Regal begs off. Scotty asks the crowd, Scotty is stupid. Finally he kicks him. Kick. Regal punches him in what would be a low blow area (but it wasn't a low blow punch - that makes sense, right?) and throws him down the mat. Face into the apron. Forearm on the apron. Regal with a kick to the back from the floor. Regal back up on the apron. He makes fun of Hebner's count, and watches as Scotty falls to the floor. Regal annoys the fans as Scotty is out on the outside. Scotty taking his time recovering. Is this a house match? Lot of 'fans count along' opportunities. With the count at seven and Scotty starting to stand, Regal reaches out and pulls him up. Scotty brought up to the apron, suplexed in, Scotty slips behind one two NO. Did he have the tights? We didn't see. Regal kicks him off hard, with Scotty half on the apron, and Regal goes out there for a kneedrop to the back of the head. Forearm. European Uppercut. Regal mockingly apologizes for breaking the rules to Hebner. Choke around the bottom rope. Double neck pinch, eh. Nose yank. Whip, back elbow. Half Regal with and odd chinckenwing/cobra clutch/I don't really know submission. Scotty playing it like a sleeper, as Regal grabs at his nose to hurt him more. Scotty gets back to his feet. "REGAL REGAL REGAL" but like by five people. Scotty elbows free, Regal tries a short clothesline, Scotty ducks under and - oh, that was blown - they were thinking of different things there, I guess. Recovering, Scotty gets a double leg, jacknife one two no. Whip, which they struggle with for some reason, backdrop. Right, right, whip, reversed, fivearm one two NO. Regal begging off, Scotty ignoring it, corner whip, Regal in position. Scotty looks at the crowd. There are some boos out there. Scotty off the ropes, Regal tries a back elbow, Scotty ducks it, superkick connects. Cheers outdoing the boos, but there are some in there. W O OH! Some guy, who I'll just randomlly call Paul Birchall as the announcers are all "WHO IS THAT?", just ran in and killed Scotty with a clothesline. That's your match. (DQ 6:30ish) Scotty acts dead. Paul sizes up Regal. Regal up and looking at him - and they both attack Scotty. Stomps. Double side backbreaker! Regal Stretch! Josh calls it! You'll know now Paul's not a cruiserweight because he's allowed to go up top - flying kneedrop to the back. Play Regal's music because he lost. Hey, how does Josh know Regal fought Hardcore Holly at a show and not know who this is? Oh well.

That's it.

short opinion: I appreciate everything they're doing to ruin my enjoyment of this show so I don't miss it when it's gone. This SUCKED. FOUR TO GO!


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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