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Gold Rush?
October 22, 2005

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


the power is back open - is Kennedy new? I think they added Lashley too.
Juventud (195 pounds) vs Paul London (Austin, TX, 190 pounds) for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship - your ref is Charles. Your hosts are Romero and Josh for this double titles edition of Velocity. Announcers waste no time shilling WWE.com stuff. Paul wants a handshake, and gets it. Juvi claps. Lockup, London with an armbar wristlock, Juvi rolls and kips up to a reversal. London 

steps under to reverse. Headlock, backed into the ropes, shot off, back with a shoulderblock, Juvi kips up and London kicks him. Juvi chops him back, and they back off. Crowd seems behind Juvi. Another handshake? Sure. London somewhat mockingly claps for him. Circle. Lockup, London with a waistlock, into a rollup, one two no. London charges into a kick, Juvi small package one two no. Juvi off the ropes, over, roll under, London off the ropes, under, over a monkey flip, zero leg trip, Juvi tries the leg trip but London leaps over, London tries a kick but Juvi ducks under, and we have another standoff. Crowd cheers. London charges, clothesline is ducked, Juvi with a waistlock, switch, Juvi battling, elbows to take control, turning around for a Northern Lights Suplex, one two NO, Juvi floats over and tries to pin London down via double wristlock, one shoulder up. Again, one, shoulder up. London monkey flips Juvi over, but Juvi holds onto the double wristlock. They both turn to their feet to take control - London gets it with a back heel trip with the double wristlocks still on, holding him down one two NO, one two NO, one two NO. Juvi uses London's momentum to get to his feet. Juvi attempts to leap to the top rope, with the wristlocks still on, but over shoots it, momentarily landing on the apron before just letting going of the wristlocks and dropping safely to the floor. Fans scream, but he's not in too much trouble. They quickly recover, with Juvi  jumping back on the apron, giving London a shoulder to the gut, a Stunner over the top rope, and a springboard dropkick, one two NO. Chinlock by Juvi. London trying to draw from the crowd, but they're not coming with him. Juvi cinches hit more. London tries to roll free, but Juvi holds on. London tries to get in his own headlock from below, but no go. London up a little and punching, but Juvi forearms him down. London up to his knees, and Juvi just kicking him in the face. off the ropes, into a London wheel kick. One two no. Dropkick to the head by London. Kick to the ribs, kick to the back. London picks up Juvi. Right. Right. Corner whip, reversed, Juvi charges into a back elbow. Up to the second rope, Mushroom Stomp, dance? London with a forearm to the back, corner whip, charge into a boot. Juvi chops London down. Right hand, right hand. Corner whip, Juvi charges into, London moves, and Juvi splashes the corner. London kicks him in the back, sets him on the ropes, and picks him off - crucifix bomb reversed into a 'rana one two NO! (Josh does say Razor's Edge.)  London's kicked is ducked under, Juvi loads him on his shoulders, face first electric chair suplex! Both down - Juvi up first, rolling London over one two NO. Juvi working him over with forearms. Off the ropes, cross body, London rolls thru, scoops Juvi up, and swings him out into a sidewalk backbreaker one two NO. London yelling in frustration. Forearms. Corner whip, reversed yet again, London goes in chest first, Juvi off the ropes, London nails him with a leg lariat, one two NO. London can't believe it. London with forearms. Juvi's set up on the top rope, but London is punched off when he joins him, landing on the apron. London fights back from there, kicking Juvi off the corner and to the mat. London springboard meets Juvi dropkick one two London grabs the ropes! Juvi slow to follow up - falling down as he gets up. They're both up at the same time, strike battle with London winning on forearms, but both ending up clotheslining each other (doesn't look so good, both tired.) Both slow up. London with a kick to the shoulder. Kick to the gut. Corner whip, Juvi kips up, London catches him by the legs and loads him up, but Juvi pulls off a reverse headscissors! Juvi's pumped - JUVI DRIVER. One two three. (9:02) Josh: "A five star match to start it here on Velocity" - hey, it was good, but maybe...Josh is using a 9 star system?

Christian (T Dot O, 242 pounds) vs Brian Kendrick (Seattle, WA, 171 pounds) - 242 pounds? Really? Huh. Announcers note Peep Fans. So there's a 71 pound difference between these two. These guys are very much pushing the ancillary .com features - do I really want to hear JBL's Current Event thoughts? An interview Jillian Hall? Uh no. Christian says hi to the peeps, then slaps Kendrick. Brian comes back with forearms, but gets shoved away. He's back again, dropkick knocking Christian down. Brian gets speed, and nails Christian with a jumping forearm. Stomps. Christian battling up with right hands. Your ref is Jimmy, by the way. Whip, Clothesline slid under, Brian with a drop toe hold, and slaps to the back of Christian's head. Brian backs off, Christian gathers himself, charges, and takes a leg lariat. Whip, quick reverse, Christian gets in an eye poke. Christian with a suplex on to the top rope, and gives him a running kneelift to send him to the floor. Christian chant from some front row people. Brian thrown in, one two no. Stomps, standing on him choke. Brian battling up, but Christian stops him with a kick. Fireman's carry lift into a gutbuster one two no. Kendrick trying to kick shi way up, but Christian stops him with a gut. Kicks to the midsection. Abdominal stretch! You know, I think Christian might be working the midsection. Brian elbowing out, off the ropes, right into a kick to the gut. Front suplex! One Kendrick grabs the ropes and puts a foot on them. The crowd is real loud and the announcers are really buried in this sound mix, for whatever reason. I didn't change anything. Trying for another front suplex, but Brian reverses into a  small package, one two no. Brian off the ropes, and Christian takes him down with a knee to the gut. Patting his own chest. Choke on the ropes. Jericho mockery? He does the doesn't run in place, but he is setting up for Jericho's running sit on the ropes - too bad Brian's up and kicking. Both slow up. Brain first, forearm, headbutt, off the ropes, (weirdness leads to a) backslide one two no. Brian off the ropes, fivearm. Off the ropes, tope! Christian is up slightly ahead, and punches Brian before throwing him out - except Brian lands on the apron. Christian is slow to realize it, but catches up as he notices Brian is climbing to the top rope. Punches there. Christian joins him, poses (loud cheers), and Brian bites him in the forehead and shoves him down down. Top rope senton! I didn't know he could do that! One two NO - foot on the ropes. Sliced Bread #2 - no, Christian  reverses it to a hard whip the other way, and Brian stumbles into the Unprettier. One two three. (5:54) That was pretty fun. 

Announcers discuss the SD! main event. (2:10)

William Regal & Paul Burchill (England, 504 pounds) vs Legion of Doom (Animal & Heidenreich, 570 pounds) for the WWE Tag Team Championship - your ref is Nick. Heidenreich gets distracted by Regal, and Burchill beats him down from behind to start the action. Big eye rake. Tag to Regal. Regal beats him down some. Some hard cross arms to the face. Holding him down, tag to Burchill. Stomps. Burchill one two no. Paul picks up Regal, and knocks him down with punches. Fisherman's suplex, doesn't hold the cradle, normal cover, one two no. Tag to Regal. Knees, sitting on top cover one two no. One two no. Chinlock. More left hands. Stomps. Tag to Paul. Regal holds Heidenreich for Burchill can punch. Kicks. Snap mare, jumping kneedrop. One two NO. "C'MON! COUNT FASTER!" Chinlock. Burchill using his head as a fulcrum. Clip here? I dunno. Burchill's modified the hold when we come back. Crowd is chanting LOD, or at least some of it. Heidenreich battling up, but Burchill knocks him down. Burchill looks to be using a choke this time, but Nick give sit an okay. USA chant. Heidenreich up, back suplex from Burchill. Time for a tag? Tag to Animal, Burchill never makes his, turning instead into a backdrop. Elbow for Regal. Whip for Burchill, powerslam. Right for Regal. Whip for Burchill, Burchill reverses it into a kick. Another kick is caught - dragon screw leg whip by Animal! Someone lost a bet! One two Regal breaks it up. Heidenreich in, and all four men are fighting in the corners, champions in control. Did I say four men? I guess I meant six men; M & N (w/M) have hit the ring to attack the champions. Nick sees it and calls for the bell, (DQ 4:43) but the numbers aren't looking good for the champions. Double legsweep by Mercury and Nitro on Animal, and it looks like they want to take a picture. Super Crazy and Psicosis are out to make the save, and now it's an eight man brawl. Well, the Brits are actually more just holding Heidenreich down in the corner for a choke, so I don't know if that counts as a brawl. Plus, the Mexicools and MNM take it out of the ring after about five seconds, leaving Animal alone - just in time for the Tolands to attack him instead. We're back to not having a name for them. They use their finisher on Animal (double fireman's carry bomb?), celebrating by ripping their shirts. Burchill gives Heidenreich the shoulderbreaker, and the two teams standing sizing each other up. Are they going to fight? Regal looks ready for it, but the Tolands walk off instead, and the Brits instead get a few more stomps in on champs. 

SD!: Regal/Burchill vs Mexicools vs MNM vs LOD for the WWE Tag Team Titles  

That's it.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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