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Needs More Britons
November 16, 2005

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


I didn't get to this till Sunday. 

the power is back.

Road Warrior Animal & Heidenereich (570 pounds) vs Nunzio & Vito (415 pounds) - not labeled as LOD for whatever reason. Your announcers are Romero and Josh. Romero says Animal "is getting in incredible shape." FBI are scared of LOD, though Vito decides he can take them. LOD rush - Nunzio, actually. Vito is content to stay on

the apron. Animal dropkick! Elbow drop, no one home, and Nunzio rolls out. Animal tags in Heidenreich in the mean time. Nunzio back in, talking trash, Heidenreich with a right, Nunzio with a slap, and decides to duck out of the ring, he's chased, cut off by Animal, crawls back in, and still gets booted.  Vito gets in a shot from the outside to turn the tide, and Nunzio gives Heidenreich a running dropkick to the head. L O D chant. Tag to Vito. Right hands. Josh dubs Vito "the Sicilian Silencer." Mounted punches. Whip, Heidenreich runs the ropes funny, Vito puts his head down too soon, Heidenreich kicks him in the head, Heidenreich off the ropes, Vito clotheslines him. Heidenreich took a weird landing there. One two no. Your ref is Charles, by the way. Front facelock, backing into the corner so Nunzio can tag in. Chops, armbar, this is kinda ridiculous, but Nunzio takes Heidenreich down with an eye rake. Heidenreich basically just shakes Nunzio loose, but can't make a tag before Vito comes into pound him. Armbar, cranking the arm, forearming the arm, tagging in Nunzio. Nunzio works over Heidenreich, tag in Vito. Josh: "I've got Survivor Series fever, and we now know who will be representing SmackDown! at Survivor Series: [silence - removed audio]". That's odd. notFBI tries a double clothesline, but Heidenreich ducks and gets one of his own.  Tag to Animal. Clothesline for Nunzio, shoulderblock for Nunzio, backdrop for Nunzio, powerslam for Nunzio, one two Vito breaks it up. Josh talks about Survivor Series team member Batista here, so that's not what they were covering up. Heidenreich wants in but is told to go back - he still manages to beat up Vito, so who knows. Vito is thrown out, Nunzio is loaded up, Heidenreich goes up - Doomsday Device. Animal covers, one two three. (3:27) Josh: "The Doomsday Device, perhaps having taken out more tag teams than any more in history." In case you were wondering, the greatest tag team in history is the one on screen at that moment.

Simon Dean (Clearwater, FL, 210 pounds) vs a point - Dean Machine, check. Bad, check. Referee Chris Kay, check. Microphone, check. "People, my name is Simon Dean! And you see, all my life, I've been a winner, which is why it amazes me, that no matter what city I go to, I can't find a single person who's just like me, a winner. Instead, I keep in running into the exact opposite - a bunch of people who enjoy being pathetic, a bunch of people who enjoy being out of shape, a bunch of people who enjoy being pathetic out of shape losers. That's right people, I'm a winner because of my patented Simon System, and my name is Simon Dean and Simon Says-" Well, I guess he doesn't.

Simon Dean vs Hardcore Holly (Mobile, Alabama, 243 pounds) - He's gonna talk? He's got a competing brand. "You know, Simon, there needs to be a little truth behind the Simon System. Apparently, the Simon System seems like laxative to me! Which is bad for you, because I'm fixing to kick the crap out of you, right here!" Okay. Simon attacks him by using Chris Kay as an obstruction, and we're off. Punches and forearms, and that's the end of that, as Hardcore turns it around and pounds him down. Time for chops. Hardcore pulls down Simon's top so he can feel it better, and pulls him around to another corner for more. Josh: "He can rip a nipple off!" Going for the Alabama Slam already? Simon grabs the ropes and climbs out to the apron. Chris keeps Hardcore way, and Simon pulls him out. Right hands, forearms to the back, rammed into the apron, and Hardcore thrown in, cover one two no. Forearms to the back, chinlock. Double armbar now instead. Now Into a Dragon sleeper, make up your mind. Simon lets go to axhandle him, and then choke with his boot. Hardcore escapes into the corner, and Simon works him over more, ending with a short clothesline for two. Loud HOLL E chant out of nowhere. Simon tries a suplex, Hardcore gets a small package, one two no. Hardcore with chops, but Simon stops him with a knee. Corner whip, Hardcore drops down with a knee, Simon has a springboard knee to the back. Forearm. They talk about Eddie/Kennedy here. Modified chinlock. Hardcore hiptoss out, and drops Simon with the half nelson slam. Hardcore with rights, and chops. Whip, back elbow. Whip, dropkick. One two NO. Alabama Cruncher. Alabama Slam. One two three. (4:56

Scotty 2 Hotty (Westbrook, Maine, 208 pounds) vs Kid Kash (200 pounds) - Josh says Teddy Long's been working on submission holds with Chris Benoit, in preparation for their Survivor Series match. Your ref is Nick. Circle. Scotty says Kash talks to much. Kash teases a takedown. Circle. The WWE.com shills every match are becoming grating, though we learn Juvi uses the Velocity theme as a ringtone. Armbar by Kash, Scotty reverses to his own, Kash reveres it to a hammerlock, takes him down, Scotty up and reversing, Kash throws him down, then hides in the ropes. Lockup, Scotty with an armbar. Kash with an eye poke to reverse. Corner whip, reversed, Kash goes in hard, gets whipped the other corner to go in hard, gets whipped a third time, Scotty goes for corner punches but is shoved off at five, and thrown into the corner post shoulder first. Armbar. Knees to the arm. They've just listed every member of  Team SmackDown! here, so I can't imagine what that audio drop was about, unless Josh included someone mistakenly and no one caught till after the show was over. Stomps to the left arm. Armbar on the left arm. Scotty rallying up with support from the crowd. Right hands, but Kash stops him with an eye poke. Corner whip, charge in to a Scotty kick. Scotty with right hands. Josh brings up Ricky Morton. Scotty with a running elbow smash, and he's pumped. Corner whip, charge into a Kash back elbow. Kash tries a moonsault bodyblock, Scotty steps forward and under, Kash lands on his feet, Scotty superkicks him. Kash doesn't go down, but is staggered. Scotty gets him with a clothesline, and even though they're on the wrong side of the ring, it's time. W O R M who who who ha ha Kash rolls out because wrestling is fake? I guess. Kash snaps Scotty's arm over the top rope and head sup, but Scotty crotches him. Scotty up after him. Superplex? No, Kash shoves him off so Scotty's arm snaps over the rope once again, and then moonsaults onto the arm! One two three. (4:38) Kid Kash is not a nice guy.

Recap of the End of Batista. Odd to see Chris Masters wearing a shirt. Nice subtle bit was Edge telling Kane to do the corner fireworks, and Kane giving him a "shut up, I'll do the fireworks when I'm good and ready (which is...now)", because they're still not buddies. (2:20)

Brian Kendrick & Paul London (356 pounds) vs William Regal and Paul Burchill (England, 504 pounds) - Kendrick actually beats London to the ring. Your ref is Korderas. Regal and London to start. Circle. Lockup, Regal backs London into the corner, and uses some illegal grabbing to get an armdrag, armbar. London reveres, into a headlock, shot off, shoulderblock actually works (!) and London gets a headlock before tagging in Kendrick for a Mushroom Stomp (!), one two no. Headlock, shot off, over, back with a jumping shoulderblock, one two Regal reveres to a legscissors, Kendrick headstands out and gets that headlock back. Regal gets in a knee, and escapes to tag in Burchill. Brian ducks Paul's clothesline, and pulls him over  in a headlock, takedown. Burchill tries a back suplex, but Brian hands on and pulls him in a headlock takedown. Tag to London, snap mare, London dropkick to the back of the head, one two no. London right back on him with a headlock. Tag to Kendrick. Drop toe hold, Kendrick off both sets of ropes and a neck stomp. Running knee to the head, too. Tag to London again, lots of tags. Whip, double Japanese armdrag, kick tot eh chest, kick to the back. Regal in, and he takes a double backdrop. Double corner whip for Burchill, Kendrick whips London in for a running forearm, then drops to all fours so Kendrick can hit the high forearm. double hiptoss into backbreakers, one two NO! It's Paul and Paul in there now, headlock by London, he reaches for another tag, Burchill kicks at Kendrick, Kendrick wants in, Korderas stops him, Burchill shoots London off, and Regal pulls down the top rope to send Paul London to the floor. Regal works London over on the outside, ramming him back first into the apron. Thrown back in, Burchill with a snap mare, one two no. Regal wants a tag, but Burchill gets in a knee to the back and a slam first. Burchill holds London down so Regal has an easy opening for a stomp to the back. Forearm to the back. Front facelock, tag to Burchill, forearm by Burchill. Burchill with a standing fireman's carry, and back hard for a Samoan Drop. Standing Moonsault! One two Kendrick dropkicks him in the face. Tag to Regal, Burchill holds London (which Romero calls "a figure four leglock" because he's a moron - Burchill is just holding the legs down with his arms) for a kneedrop. Butterfly suplex, one two no. London trying to crawl away, but gets grabbed. Tag to Burchill, Regal scoops him up so Burchill can kick him in the back. Korderas argues with Regal for staying in too long, and is slow to count the pinfall as a result - one two no. Burchill is ticked at the slow count. Side backbreaker, Burchill pressing him down over his knee. London using knees to the head to try and get free, Burchill lifts him up, London slips behind and runs Burchill towards Kendrick, allowing him to make the tag. Kendrick with a swinging dropkick in, dropkick on Regal, dropkick on Burchill, dropkick on Regal, dropkick on Burchill! Jumping forearm for Regal, and corner punches one two three four five six seven eight nine jumping off into a spinning DDT on Burchill for ten! Double dropkick on Regal! STO/Enziguri to the back of the head on Burchill! That had a name I'm forgetting! Kendrick covers one two THREE! (8:26) Haha, it still works! Josh notes it's a upset. We need a MILLION BILLION of these matches. They probably shouldn't hug in the ring just in case, but they manage to live.

That's it.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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