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Money in the Bank II Reunion Show?
April 10, 2006

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


the tired is approaching. (That doesn't even make any sense!) Open.
Finlay (Belfast, Ireland, 233 pounds, w/shillelagh) vs Psicosis (200 pounds) - your announcers are Romero and Josh. Quite a tie on Josh. This is Finlay's debut on Velocity - lucky us. This shall be interesting. Hey, can Psi get a shot at the title now? I think he should! Josh fails to use the Rey/Psi rivalry segue, but that's because they've been talking about Rey from go anyway. Your ref is  

James. Psi not in a hurry to lockup, in hurry to clap - though the crowd isn't. Lockup, Finlay backs him in the corner, clean break? Huh, yea. Psi tentatively with a single wristlock, rolling backwards to try and take control he, forces Finlay into the ropes, which Finlay steps thru to breaks. Lockup, Finally with a headlock, out into an armbar, Psi trying to flip a way into a drop toe hold, but Finlay stomps him into the mat.. Announcers talk about RVD winning the MiTB, which is odd because they didn't talk about it at all on Heat. (Finlay's here, that's why. Though, would you rather see Rey vs RVD or Cena/Triple H/Edge vs RVD?) Finlay European Uppercuts Psi into the corner. Corner whip, Psi kips up and out, Psi tries a kick, Finlay catches it, and Psi lands an enziguri like kick to the shoulder (can't actually be an enziguri, not the back of the head, but you get the visual.) Finlay, hurt bad, rolls out, but neglects to move away from the ring, and Psi connects on a sliding dropkick to the shoulder. Psi points to the sky. Pescado? Finlay with his ring apron crotch corner to that. Psi is kicked while he's hung out. Into the ringpost for him. Finlay back in and jolly about his work. Fans not so jolly. Finlay stomping Psi's left shoulder - turnabout, I guess. He's got an elbowlock on the arm, and Psi is pounding the mat to get free. Rolling up with shots to the midsection, but Finlay stops that with a knee. Forearm to the back. Finlay murders him with a short clothesline. Josh falls back on his "American/Japanese Strong Style" description - he really should make the connection to Regal and call it "Classic European Style" or something along those lines. Corner whip, Finlay charges in, Psi moves. Psi with a set of corner clotheslines, and pulling Finlay out for a bulldog. Psi rallies the crowd, but he looks like he's in a fight. Wheel kick connects, and he's headed up. Finlay standing up too, so Psi tries Plan W - top rope wheel kick is sidestepped. Finlay scoops him up. There's Emerald Fusion.  One two three. (3:41) Emerald because it's the Emerald isle, of course, and Fusion because that's the neck operation you're getting after you take that move. (I totally just made that up - can you tell?) Is Psi going to get up? Well, not if Finlay doesn't get off him. 

Ad: WM 22: the replay 

Matt Hardy (Cameron, NC, 236 pounds) vs Colt Cabana (202 pounds, already in the ring) in a special Ring of Honor match - what? No? Are really sure it's not? Huh. I guess I should welcome Matt back home, but I think he's familiar with the place. Your ref is Charles. The only four KOTR winners they feel comfortable bringing up are Bret, Triple H, and Austin. Why not Edge? Crowd chants for Matt. Lockup. 

Josh: "There's not much to figure out about Colt Cabana - I don't like him, so there you go. He tried to big league me one time, and now Colt Cabana's going to get his teeth kicked in by Matt Hardy." 

I didn't see that one coming. Matt with a headlock, shot off, back with a shoulderblock. Headlock, shot of - not, Matt holds on. Colt out into an armbar and happy about, the crowd is more happy when Matt reverses. Colt reverses into his own again, and into a hammerlock. Matt reveres to his own, and the crowd cheers again. Colt tries to snap mare out of it, and Matt rolls with him. Colt looking for a way out - he's got the ropes, that'll do. Matt turns to have a world with Charles, and turns back into a punch.  Colt claims it was a clean shot. Shoulder gutbuster by Colt, one no. Right hands, Matt back with left and rights. Charles pulls him off, but Matt manages to charge in and land a clothesline - bulldog. matt telling Colt to get up - Side Effect. Matt calling to end this already?  Kick, aaaah, Twist of Fate. One two three. (2:41) You don't screw with Josh, apparently. Why is the Road Warrior here and why is he clotheslining Matt? I guess this hurts his KORT chances. Road Warrior choking Matt with his vest is so exciting, we take a look at that clothesline. Matt gets thrown shoulder into the post. Road Warrior want a mic? Road Warrior want a chair. Chair shot to the left arm, and the way Matt's grabbing it, he might not make it to his first ring KOTR match. "The party isn't over! It ain't over till I say it's over!"  

WM 23: Detroit

Miz annoy people! Go with your strengths, I always say. (:51)

Funaki & Scotty 2 Hotty (420 pounds) vs Jamie Noble & Kid Kash (402 pounds) - Kid Kash doesn't like the way Scotty's standing there and doing nothing in particular, so he rushes the ring and knocks him down and that's how we start. Jamie beats up Funaki while Kash works over Scotty. Scotty thrown out - no, he's still in the ropes, and back to throw Kash out. Scotty wants Noble, but ref Chris Kay is keeping him away - I guess he's decide those guy are the legal guys. Jamie slams Funaki. New trunks for Jamie? Right hand. Chris Kay is in a yelling mood today. Whip, reversed, Noble gets the ropes, Noble charges, Noble gets punched anyway. That was dumb! Armwringer. Armbar, tag to Scotty, kick to the arm. Armbar. Tag to Funaki, top rope axhandle. Armbar. Shot to the arm. Sit on the arm. Nobel chopping his way free, though his left arm is still bugging him. Noble attempts to ram Jamie into Kid Kash's boot, but Funaki turns it around and Jamie eats Kash's boot, and Kash eats a Funaki forearm. Everyone's hungry. Scotty in for no reason - this allows Kash to kick Funaki the back while he goes for a suplex, and Noble to reverse to a swinging neckbreaker one two no. Stomp. Tag to Kash. Double whip, double should block, Funaki jumps on top to cover, Kay yells at Noble to get out, one two no. Clubbing forearms to the forehead. Rubbing Funaki's face into the mat. Hard chop. Tag to Noble, Kash holds Funaki down for Noble to kick. Kash gets into an argument with Chris Kay - did Noble pulls someone from his tights? String? While Chris Kay is looking the wrong way, Noble chokes Funaki with it for a bit. Legdrop, one two NO. Kneeling chinlock, crowd trying to rally Funaki, but Noble stops that with a knee. Funaki trying to punch his way to his corner, but Noble stops him. Forearm to the back. Whip, reversed, Funaki puts his head down too soon and gets forearmed, then Nobel whips him hard into the corner chest first one two NO. Tag to Kash, stomps in the corner. Snap mare, spine kick. One two NO. Funaki fights his way up, but Kash stops him with a knee. Whip, reversed, Kash sneaks behind and gets a sleeper. Funaki reaching for the ropes, but fading - jawbreaker! Josh wants to get a restraining order against Romero. I guess it makes sense, where a 13 foot ladder becomes a twenty foot one, a 200 feet restraining order becomes "the whole arena". It's all exponential. Kash manages a tag to Noble, but Noble misses a running sit on Funaki, and Funaki makes a diving tag to Scotty. Scotty with an atomic drop and a five arm on Noble. Kash in and Kash taking a backdrop. Scotty going insane. Right for Kash, corner whip into Noble, back suplex on the rebound, Scotty with a kip up. Noble in position - two handed bulldog. It's time. W O R M who who who woo woo woo HA. One two Kash breaks it up, Funaki gets him with a dropkick. It's officially breaking down on Velocity. Funaki tries to throw Kash out, but Kash gets him instead and Funaki has a hard ride to the floor. Scotty goes after Kash, right hands, but Kash stops that with a knee. Whip, reversed, Scotty misses a clothesline, and Kash and Noble hit him with a clothesline/spear combo. That's that, one two three. (7:02) That was some impact.

SD!: Henry vs Undertaker. The one thing is, they (and Taker too) may bring in big stupid guys to work with him, but Undertaker doesn't keep big stupid guys around if they suck. (1:45)

Bobby Lashley (Colorado Springs, CO, 273 pounds) vs Vito (235 pounds, w/Nunzio) - this is Josh's KOTR pick. Is Nunzio hurt? He doesn't seem to wrestle much anymore. Your ref is Nick. Vito's going to wrestle in his suit pants? Remember when this was a feud? Yea, no one else does either. Lockup, getting no where. Lockup, Lashley headlock, back with a shoulderblock. Vito is angry. Vito tries another shoulderblock, goes down again, and is angry again. A third time - Lashley shows off his leapfrogs, and hiptosses Vito. Crowd  is into everything Lashley does. Vito grabbed, forearmed a bunch, and held up for a hanging suplex. Lashley waiving the the crowd and turning around. There's the hard drop. Vito hitting in the ropes. Lashley backed off, but Vito hides in the ropes again. Vito sneaks in a punch this time. Thrust kick. On Lashley with strikes, but Lashley barely selling it. Corner shoulders to the midsection. Chest slap. Forearm to the back. Forearms to the chest. Hard corner whip. Choke on the ropes. And again. Vito back in to yell. More strikes. Bite on the head, great. Forearm. Chinlock. I'm half falling asleep here and this match isn't helping. Crowd tries to rally Lashley. Vito's SO not the guy to try and go six minutes with Lashley at this point. Lashley rallies up, gets a forearm. Corner whip, reversed, Vito tries to kip up and out abut Lashley hasn't charges. Clothesline misses, Lashley blocks the next, forearms. whip, backdrop. Shoulderblock, and another. Belly to belly suplex. Lashley waits for Vito to get up. Corner clothesline. Vito thrown out of the corner, and Lashley waits for him to get up and turns around. Spear. Dominator, could've looked better. One two three. (6:31)

That's it.


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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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