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5/05: It's Like Shoe Leather...
May 7, 2002

by The Cubs Fan


Two Years Ago, Alex Beckers saw Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn's unahppyness spill over to a Saturn loss to Val, not-Head Cheese beat Kai En Tai, Godfather beat D'Lo but D'Lo laid him out after, and special guest commentators (to save Heat for being boring) Edge and Christian cost Too Cool a match against the Dudley Boyz. Also, a ton of skits.

One Year Ago, the night after an oddly spelled UK PPV, Triple H and Stephanie were back in the US and wasting an hour of our lives with a completely pointless interview.

tv 14 (wwf) attitude open fireworks.

Mr. Perfect vs Tommy Dreamer - Your hosts are Coach and Raven, who's back on the drugs ("Mr. Perfect, an exciting athlete, always fun to watch him perform.) Coach is offended by Undertaker not respecting Hogan. Raven says "nostalgia." Perfect throws his towel at Coach. Lockup, break. Five people start a Tommy chant. Perfect with a waistlock, standing switch, standing switch, slap from Perfect. "That's why I'm Perfect!" Lockup, no, Perfect will go out. Dreamer pulls Perfect in by his hair (Perfect puts one leg through the middle ropes, then realizes that's not gonna work as while his hair is being pulled, so he awkwardly goes over the top rope - looked very strange.) Perfect grabs a headlock, pushed off the ropes, Dreamer puts his head down too soon so Perfect does a cartwheel. Raven: "Curt Hennig, Mr. Perfect." Dreamer does a cartwheel! Perfect has enough of this - clothesline misses, Dreamer with a slap and Perfect is knocked to the floor. Dreamer pushes Perfect into the corner, but Perfect turns it around - chop, chop, snap mare, head snap. Perfect pushes Dreamer in the corner, but now it's Dreamer turning it around, chop, chop, snap mare, head snap - but Dreamer hurts his left knee in the process. I guess that's our injured Tommy body part for the night. Perfect kicks the bad leg to trip him up - spinning toe hold! Now he'll just go down to the mat and hold in a grapevine. Leg snap - why doesn't Val do that any more? Tommy crawls to the corner, but Perfect pulls him more the middle - sit down on the leg. On to things that matter: RVD, realizing that RAW had no matches of it's own yet for Judgment Day, has challenged Eddie Guerrero for a rematch on the PPV. Eddie's response to come - Raven thinks he should say no, but figures Eddie will say yes. Standing grapevine - Perfect grabs the ropes probably earlier than he wanted to, but it was just for balance. Perfect with the spinning toe hold - but Tommy rolls him up in a small package one two no. Tommy with some questionable low rights, whip, back elbow. DVD? No, Perfect escapes - right is blocked, Tommy hits his, whip, head down too soon, and Perfect grabs him - Perfectplex one two three. (3:25

Still to come, RVD vs Justin Credible and Trish vs Molly. 

No one likes D'Lo, you see.

Judgment Day hype (new WWE logo appears here) and then to Scorpion King Hype - you've seen all this. Or maybe not. (2:40)

the Boss Man (w/night stick) vs you betta recognize D'Lo Brown - Raven, not even a second after Fink's made the introduction, says "the Big Boss Man." Maybe it's a lower case 'big'? Raven thinks D'Lo needs a big win tonight - too bad this is his match. D'Lo doesn't look 265 pounds, hmm. Boss Man rushes D'Lo from behind mid entrance - ax-handle to the back, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, turnbuckle smash, corner whip is so hard D'Lo goes down. Coach: "D'Lo, a triumphant return to the WWF last week" - Raven corrects him. Coach says "put on a very very good showing" like he's talking to second graders who lost at kickball. Kick. Right. Whip, D'Lo slides under, up, right, right, whip, back elbow, Boss Man does the falling bounce off the ropes like last week, D'Lo off the ropes, under a clothesline, back elbow but he's caught and lifted up - spinebuster. Boss Man is proud of himself - now he's covering, one two no. Boss Man argues the count, leaving him open for rights. Whip, reversed, big boot is caught by D'Lo, but Boss Man manages an eye poke to get himself free. Right, then headbutts to the back. Stretching the eye sockets, that's always scary. Kidney punch. Stretching the face. I guess that's supposed to be raking the face. Corner whip, Boss Man charges into D'Lo back elbow, but Boss Man hits an elbow of his own. Corner whip, back into the same corner, D'Lo to the second rope (Coach: "top rope!") for a clothesline. Whip, jumping heel kick, flourish legdrop. One two no. Right. Right. Whip, reversed, Boss Man puts his head down and gets it kicked. D'Lo off the ropes, but Boss Man backdrops him to the floor. Boss Man grabs the night stick, hiding it from referee Jack Doan (who's counting D'Lo out.) D'Lo pulling himself up on the apron, Boss Man swings but everyone ducks, shoulder to the midsection, slingshot sunset flip in, Boss Man's got the ropes with the nightsick but Doan it away and D'Lo completes the move - one two three. (3:10) Raven: "This match, to quote JR, looked like shoe leather" - huh? Maybe he was looking for bowling shoe ugly.

Coming up later, Trish vs Molly. But next, RVD vs Justin Credible.

WWF Tributes. (:35)

Rob Van Dam (w/Forceable Entry and ads) vs Justin Credible - We're still waiting for Eddie's response. The Hungry Man ad features a WWE logo. Update on Lita: Surgery went okay, more tomorrow. Circle, RVD with a kick to the air, lockup, Justin pushes RVD in the corner and gives the break. Then he yells something or other. Raven says they were both major stars in ECW, which doesn't seem to make sense. Lockup, headlock by Justin, RVD tries to break free, no, off the ropes - you know you're in a bad spot when even Coach is finding creative ways to call you a loser - over, monkey flip by RVD on the next pass. Justin up, and into RVD's wheel kick, one two no. Raven says that when you're in a losing streak, it's very hard to break free of it (especially if you decide you don't want to wrestle any more, instead letting your pal from Jersey do all the work) but when you do, good things happen. Justin's clothesline misses, RVD with a waistlock, back elbows drive RVD back first into the corner and Justin frees himself. Right, Corner whip, charge into a boot. RVD with a - we'll call it a running drop toe hold one two no. Leg trip, standing moonsault one two no. Raven bashes the standing moonsault as an effective move. "It has no impact and it really doesn't hurt." Raven later amends to "it really doesn't hurt very much." RVD with a headlock, push into the ropes, RVD off the other ropes, Justin's head down too soon so RVD flips over it, standing spin kick is ducked - SUPERKICK connects! one two NO! Well, no one but me and Coach cared - Raven says the aim was slightly off (hitting the shoulder), and that cost him the three. Kick, stomp, stomp, pulling powerbomb. Justin argues the count. Snap mare. Chin lock, "SHUT UP!" Down to the mat. Knee to the back. Since they have time to kill here, let's talk about Lesnar and Stasiak. RVD battling up, elbow, elbow, elbow, but Justin pulls him down by his hair. Whip, clothesline but RVD was already rolling under it, Justin tries a kick but RVD catches it and there's the step over heel kick. Both men slow up - Justin right, RVD right, Justin right, RVD right, forearm, forearm, leg sweep. RVD backs up - Rolling Thunder. One two no. Rolling Thunder is painful, thanks Raven. Forearm, forearm, corner whip, reversed, RVD kips up and out, Justin walks  out into a fireman's carry - forward roll slam, and hopping to the second rope - moonsault, cover one two no hook of the leg. Stomp, stomp, going all the way up - Five Star Frog Splash one two three. (4:41) Coach says this is a huge win for RVD. He's a replay of the Frog Splash - and a second angle in slo-mo. 

Backstage, Terri talks to Eddie Guerrero - Eddie's checking Terri out again. Let's skip past Eddie hitting on Terri (the highlight of which is "Do you have a little Latin blood in you?" "No, I don't." "Well, would you like a lot of Latin blood in you?") to the answer to the challenge. "Rob Van Dam is very cocky. He is very arrogant. Not like humble, like me, Latino Heat, only the best the wrestling in the WWF, but it's okay mami, it's okay. You want to challenge me, you want a shot at the InterContinental Title at Judgment Day? That's no problem, bay, because the last time, I beat him with my Frog Splash and I took his title. So come Judgment Day, he wants a piece of Latino Heat otra vez - again? No problem, 'cause I know, I'm gonna be feeling Froggy and this time I'm not just going beat him, I'm gonna take him out, uno dos tres!"

Coming up, Molly vs Trish, but next, video package.

Stone Cold/Ric Flair (3:56) - that leads to the big six man tag for Monday.

Coming up, Trish vs Molly - also, Miss Jackie's the referee and Crash will be in Molly's corner - huh? But next, Tough Enough highlights.

Slim Jim Steven Richards Hardcore Title Win Of Monday - Raven calls him Wacko Stevie a few more times.

Tough Enough 2 - Your mini recap: They're in South Africa and it's hard work and a vacation. Someone will get cut in South Africa (and hopefully be left behind.) Everyone makes fun of Hawk so he shaves his head - so everyone makes fun of Hawk. Hawk is sad. Anni is Pauline. Pete is a dork. They're all stupid (except Jake) and don't realize they want to work out at all times. Al is mean just to be mean. No new episode this Thursday. (2:12) Do you want to be on TE3? Then I guess you should figure out how to sign up.

Coming up (and we probably mean it this time), Trish vs Molly.

Well, first, this ad for RAW.

1-800-Call-ATT Hogan win of Thursday - hey, this isn't RAW.

At Judgment Day, it's Hogan vs Undertaker. 

Your special guest referee is Miss Jackie. Is this a one time thing? I thought they dropped the Miss Jackie as a referee after the split. 

Trish Stratus (w/Oxygen magazine and Judgment Day hype) vs Molly (w/Crash) - I'm thinking there's not a lot of cross over between Oxygen and the WWF, but what do I know. This promo features the WWF logo. So are they back together now - or is this part of the Jackie/Crash feud? Coach points out that Crash and Molly haven't been working together for some time as well. Crash does have words (and a chicken dance) for Jackie and hides himself behind Molly when Jackie starts walking his way. While Molly's watching this, Trish walks over and pushes her - so Molly slaps her in the face. Armdrag. Armdrag. Chop. Looks better than Ivory's. Side back breaker, one two no. Chop. Coach is acting like there hasn't been this long gap of time where Jackie wasn't a referee. Whip, Molly's head is down too soon so Trish kicks her in the shoulder, Trish off the ropes, sunset flip one two no. Trish ducks the clothesline, kick, reverse neckbreaker! One two no. Molly backs off - Trish over, but Molly trips her out of the ring. Trish quickly up to the apron, shoulder to the stomach, but Crash pulls Trish off the apron! Crash plays innocent when Jackie questions what happened. Molly with a chop on the outside. Chop. Chop. Head first into the apron. Thrown back in. Molly back in, face smash into the mat. Again. Raven aghast that Ric Flair would step back in the ring - he's retired! He's a glory hound! Whip, backdrop. Cover one two no. This hasn't been bad. I say this now before someone flubs someone and makes me change my mind. Raven complains about Jackie's slow pin counts, inconsistent at best. Molly with a corner whip, charge into a back elbow. Trish with a turnbuckle smash, kick, putting Molly on the top rope, but Molly pushing her back off and to the mat, so Trish charges - handstand on the bottom rope and Molly gets a headscissors takedown to the mat! Coach calls it the Stratusphere. Clothesline. Clothesline. Chop. Chop. Chop. Whip, reversed, Crash grabs Trish's leg. I don't think Jackie could've missed that - but she's not doing anything. Crash lets go, and Trish walks right into a kick, double leg takedown is blocked and Trish gets a backslide - Crash slides into to break it up but Jackie nails him with a baseball slide dropkick and now she counts - one two NO. Trish isn't happy about the slowness to get a count. Molly gets in an eye rake, whip, reversed into a kick - Stratusfaction. One two three. (3:13) I think Molly is gonna need more help than Crash to win. Trish wants more but Jackie prevents it.

See you on RAW. That's it.


The Cubs Fan has yet to file one of these goofy mini-bios.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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