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Tough Enough 1 Redux:
The Final Blow-Off!
January 27, 2003

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG LV entertainment Invite to SCSAustin (:50) open fireworks

Miss Jackie (Dallas, TX) vs Molly Holly (Mobile, AL) in a "Divas' Contest - I don't know why he called it that. Your announcers are Coach and Lita. We're not in Texas, so I think Molly has a chance. I have no idea what she's doing with the curls in her hair, though. Circle. Single leg doesn't work but frazzles Molly. Like her hair. SHUT UP COACH. This place doesn't have good ventilation, the smoke from the pyros is still around. Lockup, Molly with a waistlock, takedown, Jackie spins her over for a cover for one. Single leg, twisting the leg for a submission. Molly can't get to the ropes, so she switches it into a cross armbreaker! Jackie's more in danger of being pinned here than giving up, taking a couple of rapid one counts. She does manage to reverse out - into a Bow and Arrow! Molly turns out and lands on top for a two count. Up and into a Jackie hiptoss and another hiptoss. Coach notes that Eric Bischoff doesn't want them to say this, but Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle had a really good match at the Rumble. Jackie tries to clothesline Molly out, Molly backdrops her, Jackie hangs on to the ropes and tries to lift herself back in, but really can't get it going - what's supposed to happen here is Molly leans out after her and Jackie bodyscissors her out, but Molly really has to feed herself through the move and it's not disguised much. Jackie with a chop, chop, but Molly with a knee to stop her. Powerbomb on the outside? Jackie punches her way to block it, so Molly just tosses her back, face first drop onto the apron. Molly follows by running Jackie back first in the apron, then throws her in, cover for one no. Double wristlock Northern Lights suplex one two no. Well at least it was two. They're been talking about SmackDown pretty long for people who aren't supposed to be talking about SmackDown!. Jackie with a bodyscissors cradle one two no. Molly up first and hits a clothesline. Cover one two no. Molly with a face yank. Another. Chop. Corner whip, Molly with the handspring backflip elbow but Jackie has plenty of time to come up with a clothesline to the back. Taking her time to cover one two no. I think Lita said Molly's corner flipping move is called the MollyPop, which took me a second to get Jackie with corner punches on Molly, Molly with the double leg takedown and feet on the ropes one two no. Whip, Jackie with a scary spinning headscissors, her head getting way to close to the ground. Both are dizzy, Jackie charges and Molly dumps her on the top rope for a gutbuster, cover one two three. (3:55) Lita thinks Molly's new hairstyle gave her the edge, but I hope not.

Later - a TE3 recap, and Maven vs Chris.

Nathan Jones vignette. (:48)

Rico (Los Vegas, NV, 243 pounds, w/3 Minute Warning) vs Aaron Stevens (Boston, MA) - Coach sings along with Rico's song! I'm more scared of that than Nathan Jones. When Coach pushes the "he's be in solitary - he must be CRAAAAAAZY!" line, Lita suggests that perhaps Nathan is just looking for friends to hang out with. Lockup, Rico with a waistlock, Aaron looks for a way out, Rico lets go to kick him in the butt and Aaron is not amused. Coach remembers we've seen Aaron before. Headlock by Rico, Aaron tries to battle out but can't, tries again and gets thrown down by the hair. Rico makes sure Nick Patrick is in his way to prevent attack. Lockup, no Aaron ducks, then hiptosses Rico. Throwing him down by his hair. Rico complains about the hair pull and gets kicked in the butt. Clothesline, dropkick, one two NO. Aaron tries to work over Rico in the corner but he's pulled back by Nick Patrick and Rico hits an eye poke. Rico with a second rope bulldog - Aaron with a delayed sell, camera switch to try and hide it. It's not as bad as Trish/Jackie (because Rico actually hooked the head and so Aaron was gonna go down at some point), but the were a noticeable pause there. Stomp. Stomp. Short clothesline. Turnbuckle smash. Corner kicks. Springboard snap kick to the head, one two no. Fans do not appreciate the Rico. Neck pinch! Aaron sorta snap mares out of it. Nick Patrick being the ref here lead to a discussion of the tag team titles. Aaron gets the better of Rico and he's got punches - and a jumping former. Clothesline. CLothesline. Wide array of move here, Aaron. Rico begs off and gets in a punch. Whip, Aaron with a jumping spinning neckbreaker one two no. Corner whip, Rico goes in chest first, Aaron takes his time setting up for the reverse neckbreaker, oh, because it's a spinning reverse neckbreaker. Innovative yet pointless looking! One two NO. I bet that's his finisher. Rico with a jawbreaker, there's the standing spinning heel kick one two three. (3:21) Rico threatens more violence but opts not to beat up Aaron.

TE3 highlights. Mike was 2 for 2. The big mystery: what will they call Matt since they have a Matt? I propose: "Gregory" (2:45)

Transition to Nowinski/Maven - later tonight. But next, the horrible horrible accident to a ring post.

Mr. Jericho's Wild Ride from the Rumble). (1:10) Lita reads copy to send us to this match vs Test. Why don't just leave a chair for the wrestlers to take? I mean, they're gonna take it, might as well not have them throw you out of your chair each and every week. WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK ABOUT THE RINGPOST? I think we're spared that replay, but the live shot doesn't look so convincing if you've seen it already. (3:43)

Starburst Jeff hissy fit of Monday

CHRISTIAN (T dot O, 225 pounds) vs Spike Dudley (150 pounds) - What that clip has to do with this match, only God knows. wow, I have had a match of his in forever. Lita liked Jeff's mood change - she must still be hanging out with Matt. Spike taking his time talking to the fans. It must be halftime, because Coach breaks from the digression about the tag titles he was having, wonders why people would just now be joining the broadcast, and goes over the Stone Cold Situation again. Lockup, Spike forced in the corner. Christian misses the punch, and Spike dances instead of following up. Christian points out his name on his new tights. Spike reminds Christian of tantrums. Christian does not appreciate people remembering that, and pushes Spike down hard. Christian does the HBK pose! I have no idea why. Lockup, no Spike with a headlock, whip, Spike slides under, drop toe hold, slaps to the back of the head. Christina does not appredicate that, Spike waves, Christian charges and gets thrown in the corner. Earl warns Spike about the right hand, taking him out of the corner and letting Christian get a kick in. What's with that spot lately? Slam, but Spike lands behind and gives Christian a turnbuckle smash. Many, in fact. How about ten? Okay, there you go - on all three turnbuckle. Running on Christians chest, it's all the Spike spots you know and vaguely care about. Corner whip, reversed into a short kick, suplex onto the top rope! Spike, having seen how this rope gutbuster pinned Jackie, wisely tumbles to the floor to avoid being pinned. Christian pulls Spike up to the apron so he can punch him, but Spike doesn't fall off. Christian off the far ropes, and rockets back to knock Spike hard to the floor. Christian poses. Christian brings Spike back in, spots up, and kicks Spike in the ribs. Coach says D'Lo's not allowed to be back on Heat because he's so ashamed of him. I think Coach meant as an announcer, but maybe he's the all powerful God of Heat - that would explain a thing or two. Gutbuster! One two no. Coach was kinda offended by D'Lo and Teddy's co-opt of MLK Day, but doesn't say the word offended. Spike battling back with punches. Whip, reversed, Spike charges back with a headbutt to the midsection. Spike again with the rights, whip, reversed, and Spike back with a forearm to the head. Running bulldog. Kick, reverse neckbreaker. One two no. Christian sneaks in a knee - there's the Slop Drop one two no. SHUT UP COACH. Christian with a knee choke on the ropes. Christian and Earl having words. Christian goes for the Slop Drop again, but Spike uses knees to escape, off the ropes and Christian tosses him, but Spike lands on the apron, Christian not paying attention, then turns to crotch him. Superplex? Spike punches back - facebite and Christian's gonna get pushed to the mat. Off the top rope double stomp, one two NO. Spike does his Tarzan routine, corner punches one two three four five six he's warned out of the corner by Earl again (you can only do one corner ten spot per match!), Christian comes out of the corner with a clothesline, Spike ducks and brings down Earl's head with him so Christian misses both of them, Spike with a kick, Dudley - no, Spike's pushed off, and Christian sneaks in the eye poke. Double leg takedown both feet on the ropes one two three. (5:38) I guess Christian is better at that than Molly. Spike aruges but who cares. Christian takes down the straps to show off his muscles more.

Coming up, Triple H and Steiner.

Sean O'Haire on God. (:40) You know, they used to have a guy who did this bit better. But they fired him last week.

Triple H and Steiner and other people I'm not bored enough to feign interest in. (2:14)

NEXT - Chris No. vs Maven

RAW Live
Monday - Chicago, IL [RAW]
Friday - Minneapolis, MN
Saturday - New York City, NY
Next Sunday - Binghamton, NY
Next Monday - Washington, DC [RAW]
Next Friday - Houston, TX

JVC SCSA Invite for RAW Magazine of Monday

Hey, looks like it's already in there. Here's the quote they highlight: "I gave the company everything I got, and I got tuned out and shut down...I got so frustrated." Not on news stands yet, but will be on "soon."

Christopher Nowinski (257 pounds) vs Maven (Charlottesville, Virginia, 235 pounds) - Chris' hometown is buried in the audio mix for some reason. Chris has a banged up face, which Coach says is because of Edge. Coach says everyone would like to give Chris a face like that - "welcome to the WWE, pal." Coincidence? Lita's still trying figure out Coach, good luck. Lockup. Nowniski with a headlock, into a hammerlock and shove to Maven's back. Chris relaxes on the ropes while Maven is angry as the showmanship. Lockup, no Chris goes behind with a waistlock, Maven with a standing switch, Chris slips free and gives Maven a formal bow. Maven is not amused - and walks right into a kick. Chris mocks before following up, picking Maven up over his shoulder, Maven slips free and pushes Chris chest first into the ropes, inside cradle on the rebound one two no. Maven small package one two no. Maven with a headlock, Chris shoots him in to the ropes no Maven keeps the headlock on. Chris tries to break free, and eventually pushes Maven into the corner. Chris fakes a clean break before getting in a shot to the ribs. Whip, reversed, Maven goes for a right but Chris grabs the ropes and pulls himself to the apron. Maven catches up to him and grabs him by the hair, but Chris snaps Maven's arm over the ropes as he falls to the floor, I guess. Didn't look great. Chris back in - knee to the back, shoulder into the ring post. Armbar, twist to take Maven down, legdrop on the left shoulder. Banging the arm into the mat. Step over armbar on the left arm! I think I know what he's working on. Maven trying to get back on his feet. Forearm, forearm, Chris with a forearm back. Maven with a forearm, whip, reversed, Chris misses with a back elbow, Maven hits a cross body one two no. Lita brings up Maven's dropkick/celebration from the Rumble. Chris with a running sit on the shoulder. Stomp to the shoulder. Armbar into an armbar takedown one two no. He's a regular Nunzio. Back to the step over armbar. Maven trying to draw from the fans and get back up - and it's working. Maven goes to forearm Chris in the head to escape the hold, but Chris ducks the forearm! And it happens again! I can't tell if that's more funny or bizarre, but it's sure forcing Maven to find another way out. Jawbreaker will do it. Maven with a right, then ducks a clothesline and hits a forearm. Off the ropes, and another running forearm. Whip, Chris with a backdrop. Maven is pumped, but one armed. Chris with a kick but it's caught and Maven drops him with a back suplex, one two no. Chris with a corner whip, Maven leaps to the second rope, head fake and Chris falls for it, dropping down to the mat, Maven turns around while Chris gets back up - second rope missile dropkick one two three! (4:48) A second rope missile dropkick is a finisher? Well, it is a TE kid. Maven celebrates - I guess this might be the feud ending win.

Credits and we're out.


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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