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Stevie's Real Bad Week
August 4, 2003

by The Cubs Fan


tv pg dv cc entertainment open fireworks

Rodney Mack (Lafayette, LO, 290 pounds, w/...no one?) vs - Coach and Al are happy to be back on this show. Mack grabs the mic? He talks but the music is over him - maybe he asked it to stop. "Theodore Long is not by my side tonight. And the reason for that is that Whitey got a hold of him, and now he has to receive medical attention. But I made a promise to Theodore Long, and the promise is that each and every time I get my hands on a white boy, I'm gonna beat him down, I'm gonna punish him and I'm gonna embarrass him. And the same goes for any one of you white boys, who think you can come out here and get you some. [Al: "Some what?"] So with that said, send the next the white boy down that aisle - it's thuggin' and buggin' time!"

Rodney Mack vs Tommy Dreamer (Yonkers, NY, 252 pounds) - Coach thinks Rodney may be getting in over his head - with Tommy Dreamer? Now there's an evaporating push. In a matching item, Dreamweaver evaporated after I typed this, but I'm so not watching it again. Mack got the Black Out (still not called - although Al broke out the Japanese name for it that Stevie Ray liked to use - Shinni No Maki (yea, we could all use a little less Maki)) but Dreamer broke out using the corner. Dreamer hit the DDT, but Mack put his foot on the ropes and escaped. Mack got the Black Out again (after Dreamer tried a second rope Singapore Cane shot), Dreamer got a foot on the ropes, but Mack leg hooked it off the ropes before ref Jack Doan notices. This is supposed to make Mack more of a heel, but to me, he's just smarter. Dreamer taps in (3:37)

Your announcers are Al and Coach. "I can't believe it - for the third week in a row, RAW left everyone speechless!"

Tonight: Steven Richards vs Goldust
Tonight: Vince and Kane

Lugz Steven on RAW of Monday (and also Goldberg killing him)

Post Raw Exclusive - Steven ices his stomach in the locker room, while congratulating a staff member on doing a good job picking up shredded paper. Victoria appears with a microphone, and it looks like the staff member has become an unwilling interviewer. "You want a Stevie Night Heat exclusive interview, come here, [it's at this point Victoria notices the pile of shredded paper on the floor, picks some up, throws it in the air, figures it looks like snow and tells Steven how she's cold. And then she plays with it some more.] I'll give you one. I know you're wondering what the ice pack is for. Tonight, I lost to Goldberg on RAW, but I'm telling you right now, if it was on Stevie Night Heat, you know-" "He'd still kick your ass." "Insubordinate! You know what happens to insubordinates on my show? YOU'RE FIRED! Take the mic away!" "Give me this - give me this! Go away! Snow - look, snow!" "Yea, snow, great - hey, Al! Al Snow! Give him the mic" "What? I was about to-" "I'm glad you asked, I'm glad you asked - yes, I lost to Bill Goldberg tonight on RAW, and yes, I would've kicked his ass on Stevie Night Heat, but I have better, bigger, better fish to fry [it's snowing on Steven and Al], my most insubordinate can't be here - [reaches down tot eh floor for a Goldust mask] oh god, my stomach - since Goldust can't be here, I'm going to play the part of Goldust. You're scared me aren't you Goldust? 'You're right, Stevie' Yes, you're scared of me! 'Yes, I am [breath]' You can't get away from me, Goldust! You can't fight me and the little Stevies 'That's right, Stevie, please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me!' NO, I have to, for my little Stevies [Steven pounds the mask into the floor, going to the floor to choke it. Victoria does not let this bug her, as she decides to lay in the "snow" - "Come on Stevie, Angel Snow! Angel Snow!"]

Maven (Charlottesville, VA, 235 pounds) vs Aaron Stevens (Columbia, MA, 248 pounds, already in the ring) - Coach refuses to hang out with Al off air. Circle. Aaron with a waistlock and a shove. Lockup, Maven waistlock, leg trip for Aaron. Aaron charges into a drop toe hold. Front facelock by Maven. Both up the feet, Aaron works to a hammerlock, reversed, into a headlock, Aaron with rights and forces Maven into the corner. Aaron breaks, but gives a back elbow. Corner whip, reversed, Aaron kips up and out, Maven runs in the corner, then is pulled back down for a weird move that results with Aaron using his feet as a backbreaker. Coach digs seeing Victoria rolling around in shredded paper. Forearms to the back. Corner whip, Maven goes down. Maven tries to punch up, Aaron charges into a back elbow. Whip, Aaron grabs the ropes and Maven hits a dropkick to no one, landing on his back. Elbow drop to the back. Suplex, float over one two no. WMXX. Abdominal stretch. Maven able to hiptoss out after 15 seconds, but he's still down. Jawbreaker to take Aaron down again. Maven with a right, right, right, whip, reversed, Maven back with the Five Arm one two NO. Maven going out, and up, but a bit slow. Top rope - but Aaron crotches him. Aaron to the second rope - superplex? Not where Maven's legs are - Maven pushes him off. Maven to the second rope- second rope DDT this week. One two three (3:52) Does he have a new finisher? Hmm.

Next: tensions between Evolution and Goldberg

SummerSlam Press Conference (1:21)

And, from RAW (3:22)

RAW: Goldberg vs Ric Flair (w/Evolution)
Tonight: Steven Richards vs Goldust
Next: Lance Storm

SWAT Women's Title Change of Monday

Lance Storm (Calgary, AB, Canada, 230 pounds, w/notecard) vs Al says they're chanting for Storm's girlfriend "Doreen." And that Lance should get married, because he's obviously stuck with her for the rest of his life. I believe he has something to say: "It is clear to me now, that you World Wrestling Entertainment fans have damaged my credibility as an athlete and an entertainer with these boring chants. It has been nearly two weeks since I've sent an open invitation to Hollywood, and that invitation has gone unanswered. I've prepared a statement-"

Lance Storm vs Spike Dudley (150 pounds) - Spike makes yawning motions because he's bored with this gimmick too. Lockup, Storm with a waistlock to hit forearms. Crowd chants USA as Spike rallies back with forearms. Storm with a forearm to the back, and a back breaker. Who's boring now? Kicks to the back. There's the boring chant, though Coach says that Lance is really entertaining in the ring. Hanging suplex. Wow, this is a looooooong one - eighteen seconds! Spike pulled in the middle and cover one two no. Chinlock. Back to the chant. Spike battling up, elbow, elbow, Lance with a forearm to stop that. Corner whip, Lance charges into a boot, Spike to the second rope and there's the Lita spinning 'rana. Spike with foreams, off the rope and there's the fivearm. Inverted atomic drop, dropkick, running on his chest in the corner. Al explains that you call it a "fivearm" because it's stronger than a "four"arm. Spike with a whip, reversed, Spike tries the headscissors and gets dropped on his face. One two no. Lance picks him up, Spike with an elbow, armbar, forward legsweep cradle one two THREE? (2:36) Lance can't believe it! Neither can I!

Next: Would Austin accept the GM terms?

Two Weeks Ago: Austin GM/Kane situation recap. They found a better angle to shoot the Tombstone this time. (2:04)

RAW clips (3:25) Kane and Shane and probably Vince on RAW

Next: Steven Richards vs Goldust

"St. Anger" by Metallica is the official theme song of SummerSlam
SummerSlam: Triple H vs Goldberg for the World Heavyweight Championship

Heat GM Steven Richards (Philadelphia, PA, 230 pounds, w/Victoria) vs Goldust (Hollywood, CA, 260 pounds) - Coach is worried about being used to saying "Stevie Night Heat". Al repeats the "YOU'RE FIRED" line for fun, which reminds me to point out that this is coming off like a slight parody of Vince, at least this week. They go chest to chest, with Steven explain that it's his show and he won't put up with Goldust on it. Punches are thrown, and Steven goes to the eye poke. Kick to the stomach, kick to the head. His show. Stomp. Steven talks and gets punched in the mouth. Right. Whip, butt bump. Whip, reversed, Goldust with a bulldog. Clothesline out for Steven. Goldust adjusts his zipper as Victoria yells for her man. Goldust out, and Steven runs him back first into apron. Twice. Back in. Stomp. Steven throws Goldust into the corner, Goldust flipping and going in back first. Steven does the Goldust feel up. Snap mare - no, he'll go for a chinlock. Coach alleges that Al actually likes Steven, and that's why he's always interviewing him. Al: "I just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, it seems like." Coach: "That's been the nature of your career." "True, look at me now." Goldust elbowing out, but Steven stops that with a reverse neckbreaker one two no. Victoria can't believe that. Chinlock. Al figures suspension without pay for Goldust at this point. Goldust rallied up with punches,whip, reversed, clothesline misses and it's Goldust who gets the neckbreaker this time. Both men down, one two three four five both up, Goldust in the corner and Steven after him. Puches start Goldust's freak out - a strange version of the Hulk Up, but definitely that. Steven punches him one too many times, and Goldust starts punching back. Goldust with a kick, slide down thrust uppercut. Inverted atomic drop. Corner whip, charge in and into a back elbow. Steven charges out into a sidewalk slam one two no. Steven escapes into the corner, and Goldust hits the corner punches - one two three four five six seven eight nine freak out, Steven escapes, Goldust with the second rope jumping punch (kinda). Goldust sets up Steven for the Shattered Dreams, much to Nick Patrick's protests. Victoria doesn't like that idea either, and Goldust gives her a drop toe hold into Steven's crotch. Coach quotes Steve Berthiaume, Goldust hits the Curtain Call one two three (4:47) Al figures Goldust is as good as fired.


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
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PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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