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A Baffling Temporal Anomaly!
October 20, 2003

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG DV cc entertainment open fireworks 

Tonight: Dudley Boyz vs Rob Conway & René Duprée for the World Tag Team Titles

this is a test (w/Stacy Keibler, 282 pounds) vs Tommy Dreamer (Yonkers, NY, 252 pounds, w/cane) - they edited in "sad Stacy" into Test's video. Back to Last Monday, when the Dudley Boyz started a feud with Steiner and Test that may now be on hold. Coach thinks Stacy needs to get over Test beating her up and all. In a mild upset, the cane is slightly thinner than Stacy. Stacy cheering for Tommy indicates she doesn't know his history with opposing women valets, I guess. Circle. Lockup, Test shoves him down. STRUT. Kiss his bicep. Circle. Coach apologizes to Test for things he said about him a couple weeks ago, but he keeps cutting his off own explanation. Lockup, Test knee, slam, off the ropes, elbow drop but no one's home. Dreamer does the Test strut! Stacy laughs. Test charges into a drop toe hold, and clotheslined out. Dreamer with a sliding dropkick to knock Test into the barricade. Dreamer out, but Test uses Stacy as a shield, then pushes her into Tommy to distract him; Tommy puts her out of harms way and gets a forearm. Atomic drop on the barrier! Test breaks the count, then throws Dreamer in. Stomping. Corner whip, corner clothesline. "Who's the man, baby!" Jumping jacks. Snap mare. Chin lock. Coach is playing the heel here, and Al is playing the face. Stacy pounding the mat and the crowd rallying back, much to Test's displeasure. Tommy tries to elbow out but gets forearmed down. Slam. Al is opposed to ringside. Test yells something to the crowd that the announcers talk over. Coach talks about his book: "101 Ways To Score!" Must be a hockey fan. Test with the top rope flying nothing - jumping into Dreamer's upraised boot. Why would you be going for an axhandle when there's a guy on the mat? That's the dumbest spot in the world. Tommy and Test getting to their feet. Punch battle, Tommy wins and hits the neckbreaker. Tommy's pumped, waiting for Test to get up, runs into the full nelson, but Tommy gets free and hits the Russian legsweep for one two no. Test appeals for a time out, and not getting that, gets an eye poke. Pumphandle slam is slipped out of, kick wha-no, Test ectypes, release full nelson slam one two NO. "BOOT!" Probably shouldn't have said that and stood right in front of Stacy, because she  knows enough to grab Test to stop him from moving. Test grabs Stacy up to the apron by her hair - and Stacy snaps his neck on the top rope. Test turns and falls right into a TD Bomb one two NO. Stacy was sure that was a three. Stacy tells Tommy to go up top and do a flippy move - exactly who's side is she on here? Tommy, demonstrating he's a moron, actually goes along with this. Test sees this, and has enough time to kick Jack Doan into the ropes and crotch Tommy on the top rope. Tommy falls off, and Test repositions him for a cover with the feet on the top rope, one two Stacy knocks the feet off and Tommy kicks out. Test, annoyed that he couldn't cheat that way, goes for the cane so he can cheat another way. STRUT WITH CANE. He's gonna cane Tommy, but Stacy grabs the cane. Test thinks about canning her, but Tommy gets the cane. Tommy swings, Test ducks, Tommy stops just in time, BOOT. One two three (4:47) Stacy walks off by herself, missing Coach's "stay in the kitchen" lecture

Your announcers are Al and Coach, who talk about La Resistance invoking the rematch clause in their contract for tonight. Heat must be big in France.

Terri talks to Val Venis - the camera bit last week was because he's looking for a new star - an All American Super Stud - to join his production company (since he's gonna be too busy working behind the camera.) Another face tag team? A weird feud? Something that'll be forgotten in a week? You think he might want to cast a woman unless he's making different kind of films than we thought. Unless Val means North American, that'd mean that he was scouting Steven last week. Uh...

Shane and Kane and lots of money wasted. This gets black and white treatment for too much blood. His condition is "guarded" (5:08)

Val Venis (Las Vegas, NV, 242 pounds) vs Eric Young (already in the ring, 218 pounds) - EY got white all the sudden. Wait, different person. Someone told Coach to keep pushing the "I'm a Ladies Man" bit hard. That person is evil. Young looks like Scott Taylor II. Circle. Lockup, armbar, wristlock, reversed, dramatically reversed back. Val decides the hipswivel makes the wristlock hurt more. Right. Armbar. Shoulder to shoulder. Ditto. Trito. Wristlock. Reversed. Val is spun to the mat, but kips up, steps under and reverses to a hammerlock. Taking it down to the mat. Crowd a little on them for a minute of chain? Now, they're just waving to themselves. Hammering into the hammerlock into the knee. Knee. We still don't have a name for the leg crank hammerlock (with optional hipswivel.) Right. Headlock, shot off, back with a shoulder. Off the ropes, under, hiptoss is blocked, Val's clothesline misses, Young with a waistlock, Val reverses, shoves Eric into the ropes and follows with a knee. Running with him kneelift, Russian Legsweep, one two no. Right. Whip, head down too soon and gets it kicked. DDT. Stomps. Whip, backdrop, yell, stomp, cover one two no. Side back breaker one two no. Eric: "You're an idiot!" Well, yes. Right hands by Val, but Eric stops that with a knee, off the ropes, right into a big boot. Val off the ropes, into a right. Eric off the roes, into a clothesline. Clothesline, right, whip, backdrop. Val's pumped. Right. Right. Whip, reversed, Eric with a kick, "I'm the best!", off the ropes, right into a spinebuster. He says he's getting up. Top rope. Money Shot. One two three. (4:08) You missed about a billion adult film puns by the announce duo. Is he still giving out the towel? Oh no. Coach feels that Val has wanted to give him the towel in a "passing of the torch" thing. Eh. I think he could've done better.

Rundown highlights.

Next: Mark Henry. Please don't turn away

RAW Live!
Monday - Pittsburgh, PA [RAW]
Friday - Manchester, NH
Saturday - Providence, RI
Next Sunday - Portland, MA
Next Monday - Wilkes-Barre, PA [RAW]

Wait, it's not the Chocolate Moose anymore? (3:47)
RAW: Ric Flair vs Maven
Next: Dudley Boyz vs Rob Conway and René Duprée for the World Tag Team Titles

the Dudley Boyz (New York City, 546 pounds, c) vs Rob Conway and René Duprée (w/Slyvan Grenier) for the World Tag Team Titles - They're only getting this title shot because of the rematch clause and the Dudleyz aren't happy about it. Are they going to explain why it's Conway and not Grenier? Duprée and D-Von waste no time in starting, René with an armbar, D-Von reverses, crank, shot to the arm, tag to Bubba. USA USA USA. Headlock, off the ropes, Bubba knocks him down with a shoulderblock. Off the ropes, Duprée leapfrogs, Bubba stops short and clotheslines him. One two no. WMXX. Armbar, tag to D-Von, D-Von kicks the arm. René breaks free and kicks D-Von, pushing him in the corner with right hands and kicks. Tag to Conway for a kick. Coach wonders if they'll be a different team strategy with Slyvan instead of Conway. Kick, kick, right, right, taunt. D-Von annoyed, battles back with punches but is stopped with a kick. Whip, reversed, D-Von with a spinning back elbow. Corner whip by D-Von, Bubba chops Conway from the outside, then whips him to the ropes, D-Von powerslamming him on the rebound. René in, René clotheslined - heels are whipped into each other into the corner, so Bubba can squash them both in the corner with a corner splash! René thrown out, Conway thrown it - one side completely out of the ring means time for a break? (1:32)

Back. Bubba with open hand slaps, forearm, armbar, but René breaks that with a kick. René was in control during the break according to Coach., and is now with a corner whip, but Bubba's battling out of the corner. Grenier and Conway do trip him up in the corner - crotched on the post while René distracts "new here" RAW referee Mike Choida. Stomping by René. Tag to Conway, double whip, double backdrop. Conway covers one two no. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Tag to René. Corner whip - towards D-Von? - wait, no back the same way into a back elbow. That was odd. René converse one two no. Neck vice. D-Von rallying up, but René elbows him back down. Tag to Conway, kick by René  on the way out. Conway and René have a strike battle, with Bubba doing an okay job seeing as he's coming from his knees. Conway stops that with an eye gouge. Whip, sleeper. Bubba fading - back suplex! Conway got folded up on that one. Bubba crawling for a tag - well, he made it, but René got in to distract Choida, so he never saw it. D-Von argues his case while Bubba gets stomped down. René and Rob making the non tag switch while D-Von is finally leaving the ring goes right over Choida (and Al's) head. René with a whip, quick reversed into a Bubba Bomb! Now can he make the tag? Slyvan's going crazy on the outside. D-Von begging for the tag. Praying for a tag!  Bubba up, diving, making the tag! Clothesline for René, Clothesline for René, hiptoss for Rob, whip backdrop for René, ducks the clothesline and neckbreaker for Conway, flapjack for René, Rob thrown out. Whip for René, reversed, fivearm from D-Von. Rob back in on D-Von, Bubba makes the blind tag, whip, reversed, crowd calling for the 3D but Conway slides under D-Von, Conway with a kick for D-Von, D-Von catches it, spins him around for Bubba's Dusty Moment. Conway tries a clothesline on the crotch grab, Bubba ducks and Conway walks into the back suplex/neckbreaker combo! Bubba cover one two René breaks it up. D-Von with a whip, reversed, René puts his head down too soon, D-Von kicks him, Bubba slams him. Going up - What Are You Doing? D-Von, get the tables. Slyvan, get the D-Von. A clothesline takes care of that, and Bubba goes after him on the apron. Sylvan gets the better of it and holds Bubba for Conway to hit - or to get hit, as the case may be. Sidewalk slam on Conway, one two René breaks it up. Double whip, double head down too soon, Bubba kicks Rob and throws René out. René right back on Bubba though - whip, reversed, D-Von back in - 3D on Conway. One two three. (6:43) I wonder if La Resistance will point out that a) this wasn't the former tag team combination and b) neither of them got pinned anyway. Nah.

Who will get the money? Not me, not tonight!


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
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RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
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RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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