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One... Two... NO!
November 3, 2003

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG DV entertainment CC open fireworking - Coach is happy to be back on Sunday

Heat GM Steven Richards (Philadelphia PA, 230 pounds, w/Victoria) vs Maven (Charlottesville, VA, 232 pounds) - Your announcers are Al and Coach and they're on the opposite side of the ramp this week. Maven goes for his usual prematch posing, and Steven punks him out from behind. Right hands, whip, clothesline misses, Maven's doesn't. Whip, back elbow. Whip, reversed, Victoria with the trip from outside. Steven with a right hand, corner whip, reverse, Steven rebounds out into a big backdrop. Maven off the ropes, five arm, reverse neckbreaker. Maven's pumped, and he's going up. Missile Dropkick connects and even Coach seems to remember this used to be his finisher as Maven covers. Problem is, so does Victoria, so she's distracting Chad Patten. Maven lets go of his cover to make a move towards Victoria, then catch Steven with a back elbow on his charge. Back to Victoria, pulled in between the ropes - but she low blows Maven. Coach: "You always worry that a women may do that to you, you just don't know when." Al: "Oh, they always do it to you." Patten turns back to see Maven down, Victoria on the apron, and puts two and two together - Victoria's thrown out of the ring. That drives her a little bit nuts as she leaves, yelling at the fans to shut up. Steven is finally back up, and kicks Maven as he pulls himself up on the middle rope. Running sit on hanging Maven. And again. And a third time, staying there to force in the choke. Cover, one two no. Al and Coach argue whether Steven realizes that Victoria is gone. Steven with the self chest slaps? Ah, it's time for Iron Sheik's Camel Clutch. He hasn't done this for a while. Maven's trying to draw from the crowd, but it's taken him a while to get out.  It IS the Camel Clutch, after all. Standing up from it, elbow, elbow, elbow, Steven stops that with forearms to the back. AHHHH suplex is blocked, reversed to a small package one two NO. Steven up first and kicking. Whip, Maven puts his head down too soon and gets it kicked. Steven off the ropes, right into a wheel kick. Maven with a right, right, off the ropes, jumping back elbow, dropkick, one two NO. Coach talks about Maven being faster after dropping ten to fifteen pounds, which is odd because I could swear his weight never changed. Whip, slam, no, Steven lands behind, STEEVEETEE! One two NO!! THAT'S HIS MOVE! Maven surely is beyond the realm of mortal men to escape that. What's he going do now? Well, he's going to ask Victoria "What do I do Flower?", and then realize Victoria isn't standing there to respond. Steven does the Steven thing and heads out of the ring to go find her. "Where is she? Where is she?" Not under the ring. "FLOWER! Flower! WHERE ARE YOU?" Chad finally gets the message through to Steven, via talking and gesturing, and Steven isn't thrilled with that insubordination. Steven comes through the ropes to give Chad a piece of his mind - and Maven flattens him with a second rope "reverse bulldog" one two three. (4:36) Al is happy that Maven win, which is surely going to get him a fine. Maven points at the troops at ringside - wow, they got the same seats as Monday! Mutual clapping society.

Later: WWE Women's Champion Molly Holly vs Ivory
Next: Al: "My Favorite Movie Star, Val Venis!" Somewhere, Rock shedding a tear.

Dude, your show is over. Stop giving me ads for the Joe Schmo show. Let it go.

Last Monday, Coach's Book Reviewing Gig headed to it's natural progression (Coach getting punched in the face.) Those darn critics with their unfair reviews. (1:10)

Val Venis (Las Vegas, NV, 245 pounds) vs Sean Evans (250? pounds, already in the ring) - Al and Coach both decide that Coach could take Austin, but won't have to because Austin's team will lose. Coach is too busy putting over his own 'I'm doing movies with Val!' angle to let Fink announce the guy's weight and name. Title TBA. BottomLine hyping, Marc Lloyd bashing. Lockup, Val with an armbars, Sean reverses to a wristlock, twist, Val taken down, Val kips up and reverses. Crank. Crank. Al says he too has a big time role in one of Val's movies, and he even has a title for his, though it's not "Get Me My Coffee" as Coach suggests. It's "Apolo 13 1/2." Al: "A space movie! Where no man has gone before!" Val with a headlock, shot off and back with a shoulderblock. Val off the ropes, over, hiptoss blocked and Val hits his own hiptoss. Slam, going for the reverse (or is it inverted) figure four but Sean fears the lucha and gets to the ropes. Lockup, no, Val with a hard kick to the hamstring. And Another. And tripping him down with a kick. Val goes for a knee breaker, but Sean gets out with an eye rake. Right. Right. Both Coach and Al think Austin hurt Goldberg by making him defend his title at Survivor Series. Corner whip, no back into the same cover, inverted atomic drop on the rebound. Side back breaker one two no. Right. Whip, reverse, clothesline by Val. Clothesline by Val. (This was a comeback from nowhere.) Slam. Right. Kick, going for the reverse figure four? No, just a knee smash into the mat for now. There's the falling backwards knee snap move. Calling for it - we're saying reverse figure four and Evans is saying enough (4:42) They can think of a billion porn puns and yet we still have no name for that move? Must make time for him to give the towel out. Ah, it's to a women with the soldiers.

Later: WWE Woman's Champion Molly Holly vs Ivory
Next: Kane? Not really.

Did Test really have to wrestle one-legged here? Because we set up Shane's next program here, if you weren't sick of him. (4:08)

Next: the Dudley Boyz

JVC Match for Monday

WWE Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz (New York City, 532 pounds) vs Pat Cusick and Murry Hopper (439 pounds, already outside the ring) in a non-title match - Bubba lets the fans touch his belt, then tries to throw it over the top rope as he dives it, but the toss is too low and it rebound off the top rope and back to the floor. Bubba ignores it and lets the ref retrieve it. Bubba has to high five everyone in camouflage before the match. Coach: "When ever I see the Dudleyz come out, I seem to think 'What do the Dudleyz take that everyone else doesn't take? As far as an energy level is concerned." Al: "I always wonder what kind of clothing budget they have. It doesn't seem like a lot." Circle. Lockup, D-Von with a waistlock, switch, switch, D-Von with a headlock, Murry out into a hammerlock, headlock. Crowd paying no mind to all this and cheering for the soldiers and chanting USA. D-Von pushes Murry off, Murry with a shoulderblock. Al digresses for a good minute here. Murry off the ropes, over, under, into a hiptoss. Dropkick, armdrag. Corner whip, Bubba with a chop and a whip into D-Von's powerslam one two no. Bubba: "STAY ON THAT PIECE OF CRAP" Crowd chanting for LOD? Okay. D-Von with an armbar, shoving, Dudleyz in the corner. Tag to Pat, who punches. Whip, back elbow misses, D-Von back with a leaping clothesline. Tag to the Dudleyz, hold for a shot for Pat. Al's point, when he finally gets to it, is that if everyone loves Austin so much, why does he only have two people on his team? Coach takes ten seconds to guess that maybe these two guys might be on it too. Bubba with an armbar, forearming the shoulder hard. Punches to the back, reverse neckbreaker one two no. Pulling Pat in the corner by the hair, tag to D-Von. Double whip, double back elbow. Murry in, double backdrop for him. D-Von with a right, whip, head down too soon and it gets kicked. D-von charges, Pat ducks down and Murry pulls down the top rope. Out goes D-Von, and Pat and Murry get to stomping while Mike Choida keeps Bubba from getting involved. D-Von thrown back in for Pat to work over with forearms to the upperback. Corner whip, rebound clothesline to the back. Murry with forearms to the back while Murry distracts the ref. Tag to Hopper as D-Von fights out of the corner, but gets stopped by a Pat punch. Double suplex. Hopper with a chinlock. Coach promises REVENGE on Lita. I guess he has a better shot there than Austin. D-Von battling up, right, right, off the ropes and right into the knee. Stomp. Forearm to the back. Al's really entertained by the double helixes on Murry's tights. D-Von battling to his feet with right hands, off the ropes, right into a sleeper. D-Von fading fading back suplexing. Can D-Von make the tag? Probably. Tag to Pat, tag to Bubba. Pat run over, right for Murry, clothesline for Pat. Whip, hiptoss for Pat. Backdrop for Hopper. Pat is whipped into Hopper in the corner, and Bubba shouts "USA" to the solders before sandwiching the locals. Sidewalk slam for Pat, one two Murry breaks it up, D-Von breaks him up with a leaping clothesline. Murry and D-Von outside, whip for Pat, reversed, Bubba ducks the clothesline jab jab jab flip flop fly elbow. Murry in and Murry clotheslines. Al's doing his Dusty Rhodes. Setting up for it - 3D on Pat. One two three. (5:55) Al roots for the win and Coach chides him for rooting for the possible opposition.

Tonight: Molly Holly vs Ivory
Next: Steel Cage For No Reason

RAW Live
Monday - Cleveland, OH [RAW]
Friday- Toronto, ON
Saturday - Springfield, MA
Next Sunday - Burlington, VT
Next Monday - Boston, MA [RAW]

Jericho's lengthy 6th IC Title Reign (6:28)
Next: Molly Holly vs Ivory

Snickers New #1 Contender

WWE Woman's Champion Molly Holly (Maple Grove, MN) vs Ivory (no home town) in a non-title match - I wouldn't think it'd be tactically wise to wrestle with something that has so many long and loose laces, but I guess Ivory's outfit has some other upsides. Back to talking about Lita, Coach is amazed and shocked to his very core to find out that Lita felt she couldn't get in a word edge wise when she was on this show. Lockup, shove. Lockup, shove. Lockup #3, Ivory powers Molly to the corner, break? Molly with a little shove there too. Back out, to the middle of the ring, sling leg by Molly, flipping Ivory on her back and laying on her with a chinlock. Floating around into a front facelock and standing back up. Out into an armbar. Crank, armdrag down to the mat and a cover for one two no. Up, and dragging Ivory back down again, dropkick to the shoulder! One two NO. Molly appears to have come with a plan. Top wristlock on the left shoulder. Back to their feet, and it's more of a bottom wristlock if that makes sense. Which it doesn't. Ivory tries to punch out of it, Molly cranks it some more, Ivory keeps punching and kicks here way out of it. Right, short clothesline. Cover one two no. Ivory is slowed by the shoulder, and Molly gets an armbar. Arm wrenched over Molly's knee. Ivory tires to escape out of the ring, but Molly catches up to her on the apron and runs her into the post. Molly out of the ring, opposite side of the corner of Ivory, and yanking Ivory's shoulder into the post again. Ivory thrown in, Molly crawls in, and covers so she can count at the same time one two reversed one two NO. Molly is ticked and right on Ivory with an elbow drop. Ivory fighting back with punches, all right hands. Whip, reversed, Molly holds on and smashes the left shoulder. Stomp the shoulder! Armbar, armdrag takeover. Cranking Ivory's neck back, and forearming her in the face! Molly going up - Molly Go Round! One two NO!!! That's her move! She's not Steven Richards! Al: "That's the first time anyone's ever kicked out of the Molly Go Round!" And Ivory did it! On Heat! Molly can't believe it. "No! What is wrong with you! NOOO!" Molly's channeling a little bit of Victoria here (minus the hair tussling), but is in need of a way to win. Molly picks Ivory up, but before I can try the "hey, maybe she's remembering when she had the Northern Lights Suplex", Ivory reverses to a small package one two NO. Ivory with a double leg, jacknife one two NO. Molly manages to stop Ivory with a knee, and a nice shoulderbreaker. Al still can't believe the Molly Go Round got kicked out of. Fujiwara armbar! Ivory can't reach the ropes - she's done. (5:57) Molly takes her time letting go, and gets her belt back. Ivory is still down grabbing her shoulder - preview of Survivor Series?

RAW: Shawn Michaels vs Mark Henry

That's it.


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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