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Another Near-Death Experience
December 1, 2003

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG DV CC entertainment open

René Dupreé (no home town?, 265 pounds, w/Rob Conway) vs Tommy Dreamer (Queens, NY, 252 pounds) - Your announcers are Al and Coach - no neckbrace! They enjoyed RAW Roulette. "We actually had an exciting night in Salt Lake City, Utah!" Dreamer has his own jersey? I guess if you pimp ShopZone items enough, they help you out. Circle. Lockup, René with a headlock, into a hammerlock, shove. René celebrates wit a wacky dance, though Dreamer is too busy taking of his jersey to notice. Kick by René. Whip, René with a leapfrog, but Dreamer stops short, right hand. Drop toe hold. Armdrag into an armbar. Thanksgiving talk. Coach: "I failed to tell everyone Happy Thanksgiving, but...I really don't care about the people out there anyway." Slam for Dreamer. Off the ropes, elbow smash drop but no one's home. Dreamer backs up to the ropes and mocks the dancing, which annoys René into charging out of the ring (with a little help from Tommy.) Conway checks on his partner, and successfully distracts him into missing a baseball slide dropkick from Dreamer, with Conway getting dominoed down in the process. Al's favorite part of RAW was the Capture the Midget match, much to the non-shock everyone. Dreamer with a kick, whip, reversed, and as Conway pulls down the top rope, Dreamer goes out. Apron smash, thrown in. Whip, René misses a clothesline, head down too soon, Dreamer tries a sunset flip, René blocks, punch but Dreamer moves, Dreamer up and tries a clothesline, René ducks and hits the reverse neckbreaker. Conway is extra thrilled because that's his sometime finisher. One two NO. Conway can't believe it. René can. Full nelson by René. Dreamer rallying out, elbow, elbow, elbow, René forearms him down. Talk about Duprée's father. Whip, reversed into the TD Bomb. Both rest in opposite corners - René charges, Dreamer waves him by and René goes into the corner. Whip, backdrop. René misses a wild right hand, Tommy with a reverse neckbreaker one two no. Corner whip, Dreamer charges, René tries a boot, Dreamer catches and kicks - the inner thigh, sure. Waving René out, lifting him up for the DVD, but Conway's up on the apron. Dreamer drops René down, swings at Conway, Conway falls before Dreamer is even close (maybe he saw it coming?), René catches Dreamer with a kick, fisherman's suplex one two three. (3:26) Hey, we have a finisher! Conway in action later. In fact

Later: Rob Conway vs Maven

Next: Jon Heidenreich vs Steven Richards. They haven't bothered to get a video think for Jon yet, I guess, because we get freeze frames. Stevie's kinda doing the "Take A Look At The Bad Guy, mang" pose there.

Also: Goldberg! On some other show!

Lugz Women's Steel Cage match.

Steven Richards (Philadelphia, 230 pounds, w/Victoria) vs Jon Heidenreich (New Orleans, LA, 275 pounds) - Steven tights are still black and purple, but they have a different yet familiar design. He also climbs his way up and down into the ring, but the arena has just got the purple spotlight flashing around and not on him, so you'd easily miss it. Steve poses on the opposite turnbuckle, pointing at his tights with one hand. Al: "And he's wearing the tights with the official logo of StevieCorp." Coach: "When are we going to get our t-shirts?" Now I know why I'm confused - it says "John" on the entrance video, but "Jon" everywhere else. That's sloppy. Coach says Jon has a stiff challenge, and Al lets me down by not saying it's the other way. Al: "There goes Captain Happy Pants." Steven and Jon (we'll go with that one) have words before they get going. Lockup, no Steven ducks under and slaps Jon. Steven points to his tights AGAIN. They do say Stevie Corp on them, except the pink is too light against the white to show up well. But I could figure out they were supposed to look like Crash's even if he stopped trying to draw attention to them; I guess neither of us can be subtle about it. Headlock, shot off, shoulderblock by Jon knocks Steven down. Steven grabs his shoulder. They elect to argue more instead of wrestling, which may be for the better of all - along the lines that Steven is GM and he can't do that on his show, but Jon thinks he can. Another shoulderblock, and again Steven is the one down. Steven mélanges to duck a clothesline, but a third shoulderblock knocks him down. Steven goes out to take a break against this awesome onslaught of shoulderblocks. Oh, wait, he and Victoria are leaving. Oh no Jon's bringing him back. Jon picks him up and carries Steven all the way back to the ring, throwing him in. Victoria follows, and holds Jon up by grabbing a boot. Jon is stuck for a while, (gets tired of waiting for Steven to take advantage?) and gets loose to go after Victoria. Steven manages to kick him barely from inside the ring and Jon sells it like he's been shot. Steven out with Jon - thrown into the post shoulder first. Thrown in, each stomp on the shoulder could potentially sever the arm from the body. Jon punches Steven into the corner, but Steven kicks him away. Kick to the shoulder, armbar on that injured left shoulder, holding it in. HAND RAISE armbar takedown one two no. Step over armbar - no, cross arm breaker! Al mistakenly calls it "Steviewara Armbar!" when I think he wants "Steviegatame!" Or maybe not, it's Stevie's name for the move, he can call it whatever. Jon trying to get out of it, and trying not to get pinned. I typed "pined" there at first, but I don't think Jon is worried about turning into a tree. Jon manages to roll it over, so Stevie turns it into a step over armbar. A couple sits on the arm to work it over, but Jon is standing up from the hold, and lifting Steven on to his shoulders. Steven's scared! OH NO! Steven had good reason to be scared! Instead of a normal electric chair suplex (in which we all just fall backwards, making it just - but no more - dangerous as a superplex), Jon pushed Steven up and off as they fell back, apparently trying to flip Steven on to his face side before impact (or just plain not knowing what he was doing). Steven didn't react to that, and ended up landing on his upper back and neck! Even if he didn't have serious neck problems previously, this was horrible looking. And since he does, it was very worrisome. Announcers freak out a bit. Charles Robinson immediately stops to check on Steven, then tells Jon to pin - one two three. (3:18) The way the match was going, I don't think that was the intended finish (too sudden after the weardown hold) but I think we're just lucky that wasn't the finish of Steven. Jon checks on Steven for a moment before getting up to get his hand raised and look at Steven more. Victoria and Charles check on Steven as we go to

Goldberg on Maury Povich (about 2:00

Trish and Chris Jericho, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. And also HBK is dead. (4:36)

Armageddon: HBK vs Batista. They're busting out "The End is Near!" music again

Next: D-Von Dudley vs Mark Jindrak

FFX-2 Lance Cade wins! Good for him.

WWE Tag Team Champion D-Von Dudley (New York City, 249 pounds) vs Mark Jindrak (Atlanta, GA, 273 pounds) - Coach on Jindrak, while Al is doing the usual "athletes/vertical leap" hype: "I have been told that, without a doubt, he has the best butt maybe ever in this business." Who told him that? Val? Circle. Lockup, into the corner, clean break? Wow. Jindrak's left knee is taped. Fans cheer for Tables Dudley. Lockup, D-Von with a waistlock, switch, Jindrak with a leg trip, front facelock, D-Von with a hammerlock, Jindrak up and reversing, D-Von pushing him into the ropes, Jindrak shot off, and knocking D-Von down with a shoulderblock. Off the ropes, into a hiptoss one two NO. D-Von takes a leg trip, one no. Jindrak misses a clothesline, D-Von with a inside cradle one two no. Standoff. Show of respect. Lockup, D-Von with a armbar, wristlock, Jindrak with a forward roll to reverse. Whip, clothesline missed, D-Von with his spinning back elbow one two no. Coach and Al are going to Vegas. Al: "This is going to be so much better than when I went with Mick Foley." D-Von with a whip, reversed, Jindrak with his head down too soon, D-Von kicks it, off the ropes and Jindrak dropkicks him one two no. One two NO. Ah, they're going for the Video Game Awards - also going are Trish, Jericho and Victoria. Slam, off the ropes, elbow drop. Elbow drop, one two no. One two NO. Someday, that'll work for Mark. Chinlock. D-Von battling his way up, right, right, right, off the ropes, sunset flip works one two NO. Jindrak misses a clothesline again, D-Von with an inside cradle one two no, Jindrak levels him with a clothesline one two NO. Jindrak and D-Von are working quick between holds. Like this chinlock. Coach: "Folks, if you're tired of Al Snow talk so much in this much, you know what you can do. You can e-mail everyone in the WWE and say 'Let's hear Coach more', because everyone wants to." D-Von elbowing out, Jindrak stops that with a forearm. Corner whip, charge in with a cross body but D-Von ducks out of the way. Both are down now. One two three four Al notes they'd tag here if this was a tag match five six JINDRAK MISSES A CLOTHESLINE!!!! D-Von hits one of his own. And another. Whip, baaackdrop. Kick, off the ropes, swinging neckbreaker. One two NO. Whip, reversed, D-Von with a jumping clothesline. D-Von grabs him - Saving Grace (Coach: "What a move") hits! One two Jindrak hooks the bottom rope. Corner charge, D-von charges in and takes a back elbow. D-Von doesn't let that stop him and charges in again, to take a boot. Springboard clothesline one two thr-no? Yes? They're playing music so I guess so. (5:19) Sure looked like D-Von kicked out there, and the crowd thinks D-Von got screwed. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be Jindrak's finisher. What's Jindrak doing now? Going over to look at the tag team title belt. But not doing anything with it. 

Next, another finish that was screwed up. If you count the one on Velocity (which might have been a finish "inspired" by the mess up on RAW"), that's three I've seen this week.

RAW Live
Monday - Sacramento, CA [RAW]
Friday - Billings, MT
Saturday - Loveland, CO
Sunday - Fresno, CA
Next Monday - Anaheim, CA [RAW]

Al and Coach talk about Triple H/Goldberg being even bigger than Raw Roulette

I have to watch this to see  if they edit out the ring bell, I guess. It's so weird to see Choida on RAW still. For me. I'm thinking the general populace doesn't care. Yea, there's the sound edit - but they don't edit Jim Ross and Lawler discussing it, which still makes it confusing. Is Triple H checking out Kane's butt as he walks away? I'm worried about asthma if he's still breathing like that. (6:00)

Goldberg (c) vs Triple H vs Kane for the World Heavyweight Championship

Next: Rob Conway vs Maven

Maven (Charlottesville, VA, 225 pounds) vs Rob Conway (no home town, 230 pounds, w/René Duprée) - A look back at the Dreamer match - Al calls the finish a Fisherman's Buster, which is close enough. Coach: "You know, I can appreciate being a bald, good looking black guy. I can." Let's start with punches. Conway's. Mocking pose, kick, right, right, biiiig left. Corner whip, reversed, charge, Conway gets up a boot but Maven catches it and pulls Conway out. He's spun, Maven ducks the clothesline and punches. Turnbuckle smash as Al regales us with stories about being a hand model. Elbow, elbow, corner whip, Conway kips up and out but Maven's stopped short - turnbuckle smash. Dropkick. Whip, reversed, Maven tries a cross body but Conway ducks down and Maven ends up flying out of the ring. Maven is slow up, and Conway waits for him to get to the apron - running knee takes Maven to the floor. René sets up for a cheap shot - but Choida turns around and catches the prep. René is yelled at to get out of the way, so Conway goes out to stomp and throw Maven in. Conway with a derisive "USA" for the crowd. Back in, Maven is trying to punch to his feet, but Conway stops him with a kick. Whip, knee lift. SALUTE. Off the ropes, froggy fisdrop? One two no. René thought that was it, one two no. Armbar with chinlock. Crowd loud for Maven, who's trying to draw from them, rallying up, right, right, right, Conway stops that with a kick. Whip, knee is reversed into an inside cradle one two no. Rob misses a clothesline, Maven inside cradle one two no. Conway misses a clothesline and Maven hits on his own. Maven with a shoulderblock, whip, head down too soon, and Conway kicks the left shoulder. Conway off the ropes and charging, but Maven nails him with a wheel kick one two NO. "USA USA USA USA" Maven goes up, René grabs a leg but gets kicked to the floor. That gives Conway enough time to recover and crotch Maven, though. Hangman corkscrew neckbreaker! One two three. (3:57) I was kinda expecting Dreamer to show up there. Maybe next week?

Raw in Sacramento! Las Vegas!


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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