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Late First Quarter Heat!
February 2, 2004

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG DV CC entertainment open fireworks signs

Christian (Toronto, Ontario, 224 pounds) vs Lance Storm (Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 230 pounds) - I am SHOCKED that Coach is physically capable of doing his job this week. He is holding his ribs as we see the desk (your announcers are Al and Coach) and doesn't feel like he can make it sixty minutes, but Al is pumped for the show. Coach: "Well, you're going to have to carry me tonight." hahahahahaha Al: "What do you mean, just tonight?" Announcer bemoan the lack of ladies, but figure no ladies is better than the ones they've been getting lately. Christian blows a kiss to his Peeps. Circle. Lockup, Lance with an armbar, wristlock, Christian reverses to one of his own, Lance with a forward handstand into a hammerlock, reversed into a Christian headlock, shot off, back with a shoulderblock. Off the ropes, over, under, hiptoss by Lance one two no. Christian stops this with a knee, right, kick, right, taunt for the crowd, whip, head down too son, Lance grabs him, half hour suplex with time to wave to the crowd before dropping him one two NO. Armbar. Al thinks no women with Lance means more cheering for Lance, because the fans will actually watch the match. Christian backs Storm into the corner, break, Christian's right hand is blocked, Lance with a knee, up to the middle buckle, and Lance pushes him all the way to the floor. Coach, perhaps projecting, figures on much rib pain for Lance there. Christian brings Lance in, stomp, stomp, gutbuster suplex onto the top rope one two NO. Christian punching the ribs now. "CHRISTIAN SUCKS" Gutbuster over the knee one two NO. I need an abdominal stretch. Al needs to make his Mike Coyote joke. Lance fighting back with a back elbow, and chops. Christian with a knee to stop him, then a bear hug. I guess that'll work too. Lance sells it like awful stabbing death. Actually, more like burning alive death. Lance fights fire with headbutts, but gets a little woozy himself. Lance with a right hand, Christian with a knee of his own. Christian off the ropes, and right into a Lance dropkick. Both men are down, Lance's ribs are hurting. One two three Lance is up, but clutching his midsection. Whip, reversed, back elbow by Christian, clothesline by Lance, whip, backdrop. Lance is fighting with his left arm holding his ribs. Chops, corner whip, and right into the Christian back elbow. Al remembers that Christian and Lance have had past storylines, but does not say UnAmericans. Christian charges out, but right into a Lance leg lariat, one two no. Slam, no, Christian slips behind, reverse DDT, no blocked and Lance rotates around, Northern Lights Suplex one two NO. Amazing he was able to hold the bridge, given his ribs. Christian quickly gets in his reverse DDT one two no. Whip, reversed into a short knee, Lance tries to lift Christian up for the forward roll slam, but his ribs hurts too much, Christian grabs Lance by the arms, turning him for the Unprettier but Lance pushes Christian of into the ropes, Lance with the single leg takedown into the single leg Crab! Can he do it? Christian crawling, crawling, but he's got a ways to go - and Storm pulls him into the middle of the ring! Will he? Christian is hurting but he's trying for the ropes one more time. Crawling - and he gets the bottom ropes. Lance doesn't let go of the leg even as Christian stands up, Choida tries to push Storm off and misses Christian using a thumb to the eye. There's the Unprettier one two three. (6:12) How did the injured ribs play into the finish there? Replays of the finish.

Tonight: Matt Hardy vs Booker T
Next: Eric has a great match for Coach

JVC Brock eliminates Goldberg.

And then Goldberg on RAW vs Coach (2:26)

Subway WM Recall "How about getting your foot off my shoulder"

GONG. GONG. (:14)

GONG. GONG. video. (:54)

the Hurricane & Rosey (565 pounds) vs Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak (532 pounds) - Coach: "Al, this may be a dumb question [pause so Al and the home viewer can giggle] but does this have anything to do with the Undertaker?" How long does Superhero training last? Oh not this match again. Cade and the to start. Lockup, no, Hurricane ducks under to put on a waistlock, Cade can't find a way out so he backs Hurricane in the corner. Break? Cade's in no hurry, then swings a back elbow. Hurricane ducks, out of the corner and grabbing Cade into an armdrag. Holding on for an armbar. Cade getting to his feet with the hold still on him. Hurricane is backed into the ropes, Rosey makes a blind tag so Cade whips Hurricane, Cade puts his head down too soon, Hurricane hops over, Cade turns around and takes a double hiptoss from Rosey and Hurricane. Double pose. Pose off the ropes, headbutt drop. Armbar, shoulder to the shoulder, twist, wristlock, Cade with a knee to the midsection, reversed the armbar, tag to Jindrak. Jindrak kicks the arm. Forearm to the arm, dropkick to the arm. Whip - no, Rosey's not going anywhere. Reversed into a back elbow, elbow drop one two no. Rosey with an armbar, tag to Hurricane, double leg takedown, Hurricane adds the second rope legdrop one two no. Jindrak with a knee to get control. Forearm to the back, corner whip towards Cade, Hurricane fights ou of of the corner with a back elbow, and then rights for Jindrak. Al and Coach are salivating over the thought of Brock/Goldberg. Cade trips Hurricane up from the floor as Jack Doan keeps Rosey out, and smashes Hurricane's left knee into the post while Jindrak keeps the attention away. Jindrak back on Hurricane with kicks to the left knee. Tag to Jindrak so he can play kick the knee some. Tag to Jindrak, so Cade can hold the leg and Jindrak can kick it. Toe hold. Hurricane tries punching out of it, but a kick works better. Jindrak holds him in place and tags Cade back in for kicks. Elbow to the knee, pulling the leg. Right. Toe hold, but Hurricane manages a drop toe hold of his own to escape. Still not close to his corner, but trying to punch Cade away. Weird back elbow looking uppercut does the trick. Tag to ROsey. Shoulderblock for Cade, shoulderblock for Jindrak on the apron. Clothesline for Cade, whip, backdrop. Rosey is pumped. Slammed. Calling for it, 747 Splash one two NO Jindrak breaks it up, so Hurricane uses ROsey as a springboard for a big punch on Jindrak. Looks like he hurt his knee more in the process. Rosey loads up Cade for his unnamed finisher, but Jindrak slips in and clips out Rosey's leg as Doan is escorting Hurricane out. Jindrak keeps Rosey's feet from getting on the ropes as Cade stays on top to cover one two three. (5:01) Hey, what do you know, the knee did matter. Not in the way I would've figured.

Tpnight: Matt Hardy vs Booker T
Next: Mick Foley has the microphone and he's talking.

RAW Live
Monday - State College, PA [RAW]
Thursday - Hiroshima, Japan [RTWMXXT]
Friday - Osaka, Japan [RTWMXXT]
Saturday - Saitama, Japan [RTWMXXT] [SOLD OUT] 
Next Monday - Portland, OR [RAW]

Announce shot as Coach sets up the Foley stuff. Al disappoints me by failing to hit Coach in the ribs, opting for the consoling pat on the shoulder instead. Hey, NOW Al knew all along that Mick wasn't a coward.

Foley and Orton (4:02) Al thinks we're seeing the darker side of Mick Foley

Next: Matt Hardy vs Booker T

MX Chris Benoit Title Shot Unleashed of Monday

Matt Hardy (Version One, Cameron, NC, 228 pounds) vs Booker T (Houston, TX, 256 pounds, WWE Originals) - 

Matt still has his appendix.
Matt is a fan of Miso Soup.

Coach: "Once again, that's something I didn't know." Coach says that Matt lasted 15 minutes, third longest on the RAW side. Booker T eliminated, Kane too - Coach says that there are some people more focused on getting particular guys than lasting. Coach talks about how great the Original DVD. Whoa, there's quite a bit of time here. At some point in the recent past this would have been a Dream Match for me; it's still pretty cool now. Matt looks perplexed by Booker's fascination with his own hand. Haha, Matt does the Glove Stare too. Lockup, Booker with an armbar, twist, pushing Matt down, Matt gets in the ropes and yells at the referee to force Booker T break right this very instant. Matt shakes some life back in to that arm, but I think he can go on. 

Al: "Mick Foley is a scary individual. And for a lot of different reasons - have you seen him when he wakes up in the morning?" Circle. Lockup, Booker eases hi way into a hammerlock, Matt has less problems reversing, Booker has even less with his own reversal, Matt looks to go low to grab a leg, no go, and Booker turns it into a headlock. Matt trying to get out, nope. Booker back to the hammerlock, and Matt again gets to the ropes. Instead of waiting this time, he forces a break with a back elbow. V1UHHHHH. Headlock. Booker trying to get out, nope. Cranking it. Shot off, back, and knocking Booker down with a shoulderblock. Off the ropes, over, under, into a clothesline. Matt needs to roll out to rethink this, which is okay since it's time for the last break. (1:50)

WMXX in 42 days.

Back live, where Matt is punching Booker in the corner. That hurt his first, so he'll work in a kick before another punch. Booker breaks free, chop, right, chop, right, yell to the crowd. Corner whip, reversed, Matt charges into a back elbow. Clothesline, one two no. Chop. Whip, reversed, Matt catches  Booker in a spinebuster, turns, and drops Booker on the top rope by the neck. Off the ropes, swinging neckbreaker. One two NO. Chinlock, driving it in. Again. Getting back to his feet, elbow, elbow, right, whip, standing spin kick but Matt grabbed the ropes. Booker jumps at him with a side kick, but Matt ducks out of the way and Booker crotches himself. Matt wastes no time in knocking Booker the rest of the way to the floor, then drops  and urges a quicker count out. Booker crawls back in, but immediately takes a boot choke. Elbow smash to the head. And another. Reverse neckbreaker one two no. Matt with a face front lock, but Booker drawing from the fans to get back to his feet and push Matt in the corner. Booker backs off, and walks into a boot. Downfall Raindrop! One two no. Coach says this match is "10 to 15" minutes long already - it's about nine if you include the break. Matt using a full nelson, with bodyscissors, to keep Booker down. Coach and Al explain how this is certainly not a rest hold. Booker getting back to his feet, and running Matt in the corner back first. Matt is feeling better, but can't follow up with getting punched. Punched back. Booker punch, and Matt is staggered. Booker right, right, Matt stops that with an eye poke. Whip, Booker back with a big fivearm. Clothesline, whip, standing spin kick one two NO. Standing side kick, one two NO. Right, chop in the corner. Corner whip, reversed, Booker kips up and out, Matt runs and charges, and Booker backdrops him. Jumping side kick to take Matt down, and Booker is feeling it. Spinaroonie. Kick, off the ropes, Matt moves out of the way of the Scissors Kick, SIDE EFFECT one two NO! Matt calls Booker up, because he wants to end this. Kick, ahhhhh, Twist of pushed off, and Booker spinebusters Matt on the rebound. Both men down now, and neither looking great. Booker up first as Matt crawls to the apron. Booker grabs Matt by the hair, and Matt gives him a jawbreaker over the top rope! Matt has to pull up to the apron, but now he's going all the way up! Top rope NOTHING into a jumping side kick, one two three? (7:37) I guess that was an axhandle but I still hate that spot. Replay of the finish shows Matt didn't even have his hands in axhandle position, so eh.

RAW is tomorrow. Nothing hyped.

And we're out.


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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