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The Dudleys Lay an Egg?
February 9, 2004

by The Cubs Fan


tv pg dv cc entertainment open fireworks

Rob Van Dam (Battle Creek, MI, 230 pounds) vs John Heidenreich (New Orleans, LO, 275 pounds) - Rob approves of Fink's announcing. Your hosts are Al and Coach. "Another star studded night on Heat". Al gives all credit to StevieCorp. Ah, someone decided to see just how flexible RVD can be. "[John] is a brutal, and I mean brutal, competitor." Lockup, RVD pushed down, but he rolls through it. Points To Self. John, apparently having turned heel since the last time we saw him, misses a clothesline, RVD with punches that leave much to be desired, John ends that with a knee. Whip, head down too soon, RVD rolls over him, wheel dropkick connects. Rights, kicks in the corner. Shoulder, shoulder, superfluously flip, John makes him pay with a clothesline. Stomp. Side backbreaker. One two no. Forearm to the back. So they're not letting him work the head. Corner whip, RVD grabs his back. Repeat. Elevated bearhug. RVD fighting out with forearms, but John runs him back first in the corner. Charge, but RVD gets his boot up. Up to the second rope, somersault senton bodyblock (we'll say), but John is up first and clotheslining RVD back down. Al debates that it should be called a 'hilo'. Back to the bearhug. RVD elbows out. Forearm. John tries to stop this with a kick, but it's caught and John tastes the step over heel kick. John up again, but charging right into a drop toe hold into the middle buckle. RVD off the ropes, wheel kick. Up top, top rope kick to the chest. Sliding dropkick to push John into position, Rolling Thunder, one two no. RVD with a kick off the ropes, and right into the side slam. That was his move back when he had a move, and John yells before covering. one two NO. Forearm to the back. Forearm to the back. Corner whip, no back to the same corner, right hand. Suplex, no, RVD lands behind, loses his balance, back up, ducks a back elbow, springboard kick to the head. That's it. Up to the top. Five Star Frog Splash. Crawling back over one two three. (5:02) Replay of splash. And another. But what of Little Johnny?

Tonight: the Dudley Boyz vs Cade and Jindrak
Tonight: Test and Molly Holly vs Heat Board of Directors 

MX Freebie Ticket Unleashed of Last Monday

the Hurricane & Rosey (565 pounds) vs Bobby Rude & Pat Cusick (448 pounds, already in the ring) - We get these guys every 8 weeks, weird. Not Rosey and Hurricane - we get them every week. Pat and Rosey lockup to start, Rosey forcing Pat into the corner. Break? Pat gets in a kick, right, forearm, whip, no I don't think so. Rosey with a whip, shoulderblock. Rosey is apparently being more aggressive of late. Off the ropes, over, I guess that was a shoulderblock but they didn't want us to see it. Rosey follows with a clothesline to clear it up. Pat manages to crawl over an hug Bobby's midsection for comfort. Rude tries to figure out when he got teamed with Rico. Rude tagged in. "I want him! I want him! I want Hurricane!" Rude's no dummy. Rosey is. Tag to Hurricane. Lockup, Rude misses, Hurricane drops down and battles to a cradle one two no. Hurricane with a side headlock, Rude trying to fight out, Hurricane shot off - no, he hangs on, whip, shoulderblock. Al and Coach drop the bomb: they've got next week off. Rude off the ropes, over, under, pose scares Rude down. Rude recover to charge into a hiptoss and armdrag. Armbar. Rude battling to his feet, forcing Hurricane into Cusick's corner, but Hurricane gets out without anything evil happening to him. Lockup, Rude with a waistlock and forces Hurricane aback over Pat, Pat grabs Hurricane as Rude punches Hurricane in the back, Rude is yelled away, Hurricane decks Pat (I guess), Hurricane turns around and Rude runs him into the corner. Shoulders to the midsection, pulled out for a back suplex. Tag to Pat. Side slam. One two no. Hurricane using the rope to pull himself up, but takes a turnbuckle smash anyway. Tag to Rude, suplex one two no. Knee to the back. Forearm. Kick to the back. Kneeling surfboard. Hurricane getting up and turning it, rights, Rude with a knee to the midsection to stop it. Back suplex, Hurricane lands on his feet - well, one foot, one knee, so Rude has a moment to kick him. Corner whip, Rude charges in, Hurricane meets him with "a bollo forearm!" Tag to Rosey. Boot for Rude, clothesline for Pat, back elbow for Rude, side slam for Pat, scoop slam for Bobby. Spinning legdrop one two Pat breaks it up. Headbutt for Pat causes Pat to throw himself over the top rope. Rosey's distracted by that lack of logic, so Rude charges, and gets dropped with a spinebuster. Tag to Hurricane as Rosey sits on the top rope, Hurricane climbs him, super top rope splash, Rosey drops on Rude to cover one two three. (5:06)

Tonight: Test and Molly Holly vs Steven Richards and Victoria 
Next: Lighting

YJ Stinger WM Bart Gunn gets knocked out in 1999. 

Goldberg vs Kane. Didn't they use the lighting trick last time Kane killed Undertaker and Undertaker was coming back to life? To set someone on fire or something. I don't know that I really need to remember. (2:39)

RAW Live
Monday - Portland, OR
Next Monday - Bakersfield, CA
Next Friday - Evansville, IN
Next Saturday - Springfield, IL
Next Next Monday - Valparaiso, IN [RAW]

Women's Champion Molly Holly (Forest Grove, MN) and Test vs - two weeks ago on Heat, Victoria beat Molly. two weeks ago on RAW, Victoria beat Molly. We barely get through "this is a test" before Heat GM Steven Richards and Victoria are attacking him on the stage! Well, Victoria more yelling form a safe distance. Test and Steven brawl down the ramp while Victoria rushes the ring. Molly rushes out, Victoria after her, so Molly decides she'll find an exit in the crowd. Molly and Victoria yell from a distance while Test gets a momentarily advantage on Steven Richards and heads in the ring. Victoria notices this and charges the ring, jumping on Test's back. Test fights to get her off, and Steven comes in to help the two on one. Test gets beat down down by Steven and Victoria while AL wonders about missing medication at the hospital this week. Earl Hebner is having no luck with this, so Chioda and Patten are out there to help pull Steven and Victoria off. Test manages to get free and decides to go back up the ramp where it's safe - he's got no idea what he's involved in. No match? BOOOO.

Tonight: Dudley Boyz vs Cade and Jindrak
Next: Orton vs HBK

YJ Stinger Foley gets dropped on Monday. I would've bet a large sum of money that was pre-taped and was going to explain why the fans wouldn't see Foley live on RAW, but...  

Orton/HBK (6:12)

RAW: Wrestlemania Contract Signing
RAW: Chris Benoit vs Ric Flair

Next: Dudley Boyz vs Cade & Jindrak

WMXX in 35 days

the Dudley Boyz (New York City, 545 pounds) vs Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade (532 pounds) - Dudleyz are bandaged up, most recently from Kane as we get clips to demonstrate. Bubba still has the bandage mostly over his eye. Al says this is worse than any abuse the DUdleyz ever took in ECW. "Do you believe the Undertaker could still be alive?" "Who else could it be?" Cade and Bubba to start, Cade with a waistlock, Bubba having to fight to get out, but gets a headlock takedown one two no. Al wonders if all the damage the Dudleyz have taken over the year might now start to take an effect. Snap mare - kinda - and a neck vice. Tag to D-Von. Front facelock. Forearm to the back. Cade manages to get a kick in and a tag. Jindrak and D-Von circle. Lockup, Jindrak with a kick, right, kick, forearm. D-Von battling back with punches, but Jindrak stops that with a knee to D-Von's bruised ribs. Whip, clothesline misses, D-Von hits a jumping clothesline. Slam, One two no. Tag to Bubba, elbow by Bubba. Reverse neckbreaker. One two no. Bubba picks up Jindrak, Jindrak with a shot to the ribs , shot to the head. Holding Bubba in place, tag to Cade, Cade with a kick. Cade's punch blocked, Bubba's not. Jab jab jab jab, whip, head down too soon, and Cade knees him. Apparently right in the buried eye, from the way Bubba's reacting. Cade pushes Bubba in the corner, gets shoved away but comes back with a knee. Forearms to the eye socket. Cade distracts as Jindrak takes off the eye patch and socks Bubba in the bad eye. Bubba collapses. Bubba's swinging blindly, and Cade boots him in the head. Elbow to the head. Bubba yells for D-Von. Forearm. Choke on the middle rope. Cade distracts while Jindrak chokes Bubba on the second rope, then rakes his eye on the bottom rope. Cade back with an elbow to the head. Tag to Jindrak, Cade holds while Jindrak kicks. Jindrak works the eye socket, and he's in a lot of pain. Bubba get sin a shot, but collapses back to the mat. Jindrak with a kick, right, corner whip, and Bubba goes down. Tag to Cade. Right to the head. Bubba with a right to knock down Cade, but he doesn't know which way to go. Eye rake by Cade. Choke on the top rope. Another distraction so Jindrak can claw at the eye - D-Von extends it by arguing with Chioda. Cade with a snap mare, and a kneeling surfboard. Is Bubba's nose bleeding? Bubba battling to his feet, right, right right, headlock, shot off, no Bubba's got the ropes and he's kicking Cade. Clothesline for Jindrak on the apron, but Bubba collapses. Does he even know which way is which? He's crawling towards D-Von, crawling, falling, tag to D-von. Right for Cade, right for Jindrak, right for Cade, right for Jindrak, clothesline by Cade misses, reverse neckbreaker for Cade, clothesline for Cade. Cade runs right into a powerslam, but D-Von hurt himself on it and doesn't cover. Jindrak over but D-Von punching him to put a stop to it. Jindrak stops him with a knee, but Cade accidentally clotheslines Jindrak for no clear reason (D-Von didn't have to duck, because he was already ducking - that Cade meant to hit D-Von was the idea, I'm sure.) Inside cradle on Cade one two NO. D-Von is hurting but hitting a corner clothesline. D-Von is staggered, but manages to put Cade on the top rope. Meanwhile, Jindrak trips Bubba on the apron, and Bubba's head hits the apron. He's probably done. Jindrak in but Chioda is trying to block him from getting to D-Von. Jindrak eludes Chioda and punch D-Von in the ribs, knocking him to the mat. Cade standing up - top rope elbow to the ribs one two three! (7:42) Big win, but then, they would've been suckers if they couldn't have won. I wanted to like because how often do you work over an eye, but they were still a bit off.

RAW: Wrestlemania Contract Signing
RAW: Chris Benoit vs Ric Flair

That's it.


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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