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WrestleMania Implications!
March 8, 2004

by The Cubs Fan


tv pg dv cc entertainment open fireworks

René Dupreé (Paris, France, 255 pounds, w/Rob Conway) vs Spike Dudley (150 pounds) - hey, they edited Greiner totally out of La Resistance's video. René sure wrestles a lot of singles matches for a tag team guy. Your announcers are Al and Coach, and they're pumped for the Biggest Wrestlemania Of All Time. Oh not this match again. Let the hype for Dudleyz/Storm/Venis begin. Coach and Al think the Dudleyz are too hurt to win. Circle. USA USA USA USA. Spike always ducks the lockup, headlock, René tries to back suplex out, Spike hangs on for a headlock takedown. Back to their feet, René rolls backwards to get loose, which is different and not really successful, because Spike simply gets the headlock back on. Spike with his headlock takedown version of the Dudley Dog, which seems kinda repetitive. René manages to roll Spike on his back for a one count, but Spike rolls back in control. Coach: "If the Rock wanted to look like the Coach, why didn't he just give me a call, I could've helped him out a little bit." Back to their feet, Spike shot off, and runs back into a backdrop. one two no. Snap mare. Posing? No, it's dance time, into a fist drop one two no. Spike putting a bearhug on René's leg, which seems to be more annoying than effective. Punch ends that. Whip, back elbow misses, head down too soon gets a sunset flip, René's not going. René picks Spike up by his neck and traps him in a standard bearhug. Spike fading, crowd chanting for USA. And then not chanting. René really working in the bearhug. Ah, it says La Resistance on the tights in white. The white and the yellow blend together. Coach notes that René has a size advantage on Spike, and Al notes that referee Jack Doan has a size advantage on Spike. Spike trying to punch out of the hold - a Mongolian chop finally frees him, but Spike collapses. René back on him, whip, Spike gets the ropes, René charges, Spike backdrops him all the way to the floor. Right in front of Rob, who checks on his partner before arguing about those tactics with Jack. Spike going up - top rope plancha on both La Resistance members and now everyone's down. Spike is first up and bringing René back in. René retreats to the corner, and Spike's dropkick is so short the quick cut of the camera can't hide it. Running on his chest stomps. Conway on the apron, Conway knocked off the apron. René is still down and doesn't get to use it to his advantage - Spike inside cradle, one two NO. Kick, running for the Dudley Dog but René escapes, loads him up, Loire Valley Driver one two three. (4:07)

Tonight: Dudley Boyz vs Val Venis & Lance Storm, winner goes to WrestleMania. This was almost the Heat match from WMXIX, how odd.
Next: Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels agree to disagree. And punch each other.

If "your favorite WWE Superstars" get to vote for WrestleMania Greatest Matches, does that mean Test doesn't get a vote? I'm struggling to take this seriously when I see the Gimmick Battle Royale clip right there.

WMXX is in 7 Days. They'll mention it a couple more times tonight. 

WMXX: Triple H (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship in a Triple Threat Match. See, I told you.
>From RAW: HBK/Benoit vs Orton/Batista (2:44)

Tonight: Dudley Boyz vs Val Venis & Lance Storm, winner goes to WrestleMania.
Later: The Rock - don't leave home without it.

RAW Live
Monday: Bridgeport, CT [RAW]
Next Sunday: New York, NY [WMXX, SOLD OUT]
Next Monday: East Rutherford, NJ [RAW]
Next Next Sunday: Fort Wayne, IN
Next Next Monday: Detroit, MI [RAW]

Dawn of the Dead Limo Ride of Monday

Heat GM Steven Richards (Philadelphia, PA, 230 pounds) vs Kyle McNeeley (218 pounds, already in the ring) - No Flower. Steven is in a better mood that last week. You may know Kyle as Onyx (because, like the last time he was on these shows, it's on his tights) - the one in Atlanta, not the one in Quebec. The funny part is when he goes to pose to his name, they have no spotlight on him so it's just a shadow acting funny. Circle. Lockup, break, Steven hurt his arm on that? Kyle is proud of himself about it and really pumped up at any rate. Lockup, Kyle with a headlock. Cranking it in. Steven trying to elbow out, Kyle shot off and back with a shoulderblock. Kyle does a little pose, off the ropes, right into a hiptoss one two no. Steven pulls Kyle into a front facelock, but before he can even yell, Kyle runs him into the corner back first. Steven turned around to face the corner, so Kyle can kick and punch the back. Smart. Corner whip, Steven hurting his back some more. Kyle with a right hand. Corner whip (what a variety!) and Kyle rushes into a back elbow. Steven out of the corner, right into a powerslam. One two NO. Kyle doesn't believe it, and I don't believe that Victoria is prepping for her title match with Molly instead of being out here, but that's what Coach says. Kyle with a choke, holding on for a four count. And then back on one two three four. Kyle pretends he doesn't understand why he's getting counted. Kyle to the corner, seated swinging DDT? Steven pushes him off on the spin. Coach offers to buzz off Molly's hair just like he does his, and it only gets more disturbing from there. Steven with a right, right, big right, big right. Whip, back elbow. Steven calling Kyle up, kick, off the ropes, swinging neckbreaker one two NO. Steven picks up Kyle and gets an eye poke for the effort. Corner whip, reversed, Steven backs all the way up, "I'LL SHOW YOU!" running corner splash. Onyx is staggered, kick, SteeVeeTee! One two three a million (3:09) Don't mess with the boss. Coach just finally mentioned that Heat is an hour early next week. Steven finds a Stevie night Heat sign to hold up in the middle of the ring.

WWE Live! (sorta)
Friday: NYSE - WWE Superstars ring the bell
Friday: Late Night with Conan O'Brien featuring the Big Show
Saturday: Mad TV featuring the Big Show, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho and Trish Stratus
TV Guide: Two covers. 
Saturday: WWEHOF Inductions (Sold Out) 
Sunday: WWE "Bacon, Bagels & Biceps" Brunch (Sold Out)

WWE HOF Induction Class (1:06)

WM Recall: McMahon wackiness from WMXVI, 2001.

Mick Foley at RAW. (5:33)
WMXX: Rock 'N Sock Connection vs Evolution in a Handicap Match
WMXX: Chris Jericho vs Christian
WMXX: Victoria (c) vs Molly Holly, title for hair
WMXX: Triple H (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit for the World Title
WMXX: Eddie Guerrero (c) vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Title
WMXX: Big Show (c) vs John Cena for the US Title
WMXX: 1st Ever WWE Cruiserweight Open (Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, Ultimo Dragon, Shannon Moore, Akio, Chavo Guerrero (c), Jamie Noble, Tajiri, Nunzio, Funaki)
WMXX: Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty (c) vs Basham Brothers vs World's Greatest Tag Team vs the APA for the WWE Tag Team Titles in a Fatal 4 Way
WMXX: Torrie Wilson & Sable vs Miss Jackie & Stacy in the 1st Ever Playboy Evening Gown Match
WMXX: Undertaker vs Kane
WMXX: Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg with Stone Cold Steve Austin as guest referee
WMXX: Booker T/RVD (c) vs Jindrak & Cade vs La Resistance vs ??? (winner of Storm/Venis vs the Dudleys) for the World Tag Team Titles in a Fatal 4 Way. 

NEXT: Dudley Boyz vs Val Venis & Lance Storm, winner goes to WrestleMania.

Burger King of Bling Bling returns of Monday

Val Venis & Lance Storm (472 pounds) vs the Dudley Boyz (New York City, 542 pounds), Winner Gets A WrestleMania World Tag Team Title Shot, Loser Gets A TV Guide - Well, I think that's why they put the ad right there anyway. Lots of time allotted for this one. D-Von and Lance to start. Lockup, Lance with an armbar, fans want table. Wristlock. D-Von trying to turn it around, and gets an armbar, flipping Lance to the mat. Going down to one knee and shortening it up, but getting back up to his feet as Lance tries to find a way out. Hammerlock by D-Von, Lance looking and finding a snap mare. Off the ropes (almost running over the ref), shoulderblock for D-Von. Off the ropes, over, into a D-Von hiptoss. Armbar, tag to Bubba. Armbar. Twisting. Short clothesline by Lance is ducked, Bubba gets on a full nelson, but Lance scissors his right leg to prevent a Bubba Bomb. Lance escapes to a waistlock, but Bubba immediately snap mares him. Top wristlock from a seated position, letting go to cover one two NO. Armbar, tag to D-Von. Double whip, double boot, double hanging suplex? That's new.  D-Von covers one two no. D-Von with a chinbreaker - I guess it's a chinbreaker if they're facing and a jawbreaker if they're not. Lance gets to the ropes and manages a knee to the midsection, which bugs D-Von's hurt ribs. Lance hipcheks him and tags in Val. Val has a new tights, purple with the image of someone (him) doing a splash. Armbar, shoulder to shoulder, twisting the armbar. D-Von fighting back with punches to get lose. Whip, reversed, Val with an armdrag into an armbar. Hammerlock and Val drops a knee on the arm to press it in. Indian hammerlock by Val, and now D-Von's arm is really hurt. Armbar, twist. Kick to the arm, punch to the arm. Whip, right misses, D-Von hits a jumping clothesline and now that arm is alright. Slam, one two no. Tag to Bubba, armbar by Bubba, into a headlock, headlock takedown. Rolling Val over to pin, one two no. Val getting a face full of armpit, which causes him to yell in agony a lot. Val rolls Bubba on to his back one two no. Bubba up to his feet, shot off, Val puts his head down too soon and Bubba kicks it. Val charges with a clothesline, Bubba ducks, waistlock, GERMAN SUPLEX! One two NO. That's different. Bubba sets Val up in a neutral corner, shoulder to the midsection, shoulder, back elbow to Lance as he tries to get involved, corner whip, reversed, Val charges into a back elbow. Bubba going to the second rope? Always not a good idea, but made worse by Lance making a move towards Bubba, D-Von seeing that and trying to get involved, and the ref only seeing D-Von move. Before Bubba can try the senton, Lance is using the top rope to hit a swinging kick to the back of Bubba's head, knocking him off the second rope and into the ring. Val and Bubba are both out of it, so time for a break. (4:38)

Back on, and the crowd is behind Bubba as he's rallying out of a Storm chinlock. Up to his feet, back elbow, back elbow, Lance stops him with a lame forearm. Whip, nice dropkick, one two D-Von breaks it up. Lance tags in Val, but Val doesn't come in. Storm grabs Bubba into a front facelock, drags him over to their corner, and tags Val again, this time in front of the ref. Storm gets in a punch, and Val takes over with kicks and punches in the corner. Bubba pulled out into a front facelock, and Val is working over his midsection with kneelifts. Forearm knocks Bubba down. Chinlock? Figure four sleeper, nice - except Val absentmindly grabs the bottom rope for balance as he's hooking it on, and the ref sees it and only warns himself instead of letting go. Bubba gets his legs around the bottom rope under five seconds later, so it doesn't matter. Lance tries to kick Bubba's legs off the ropes, but he's not letting go and Val lets go at the three count. Venis distracts the ref, so Lance can get in a choke over the middle rope! They've gone from subtly heel to doing whatever it takes to get to WrestleMania. Val with a whip, backdrop, Bubba goes over with a sunset flip, one two NO. Val first with a move, kick, reverse neckbreaker one two NO. Val stars with an armbar but settles with punches to a head while Bubba is on his knees. Slapping Bubba's head and talking trash can't be a good move, and Bubba fights back with a hard slap to the chest. Bubba crawling for a tag, but crawling the wrong way. Val grabs him from a front facelock to stop him from moving. Both up to their feet, Val with a headlock but Bubba's finally figured out which to go and is reach towards D-Von. About an arms length away. Val tries kicking D-Von's hand away, which only annoys D-Von and gives Bubba an opening for a back suplex. Both men down, and Bubba's gotta make that tag right now. Crowd clapping for the tag.  Bubba crawling, crawling - Lance jumps in the ring, distracting the referee from seeing D-Von get the tag. D-Von's forced back out as Val drags Bubba back into his corner. Val and Lance stomp a mudhole into Bubba as D-Von and ref Chad Patten argue. Lance gets out before Chad looks his way. Val waits, and makes a point of Chad watching him as he make a tag to Storm, holding Bubba for a kick. Storm with a snap mare, legdrop one two no. Chinlock. Bubba getting up, elbow, elbow, Lance with a better forearm this time. Lance with a whip, Bubba back with a spear, huh. Bubba's arm falls on top of Lance, one Lance rolls away. Both men down again and Bubba still needs that tag. Bubba can't find D-Von again. Wait, maybe he's got it. Bubba crawling slowly, Lance crawling after him, Bubba lunges and makes the tag to D-Von! D-Von ducks Lance's clothesline, forearm for Val on the apron, clothesline for Lance, forearm for Lance, forearm for Lance. Whip, spinning back elbow from  D-Von, Clothesline for Val as he comes in. Storm misses another clothesline and gets a reverse neckbreaker one two no. Whip, reversed, D-Von with a jumping forearm one two Val breaks it up. Bubba back up, Val with a kick, Bubba catches it, jab jab crotch grab Val misses a clothesline, Bubba with a slam. Bubba calling for it as D-Von goes up - wassup. Dudleyz look at the crowd, but Lance is back up behind them. Forearm for Bubba takes him down, D-Von forearms Lance in turn. Whip, reversed, Val with a forearm to the back of D-Von from the outside. Val on the apron, holding D-Von and yelling to Lance - Lance charges, running forearm is sidestepped by D-Von and Val takes it! D-von with an inside cradle one two NO! D-Von is running out of ideas - kick is caught, enziguri is ducked, Storm Half Crab! This is gonna be over if D-Von can't get the ropes, and Lance is moving to keep him from doing it. Bubba's back in his corner, looking for the tag, but D-Von's got a long way to go if he's going to get him or the ropes. D-Von is moving  it, towards the ropes and Bubba, and Val sense it - so hbe runs around the ring and pulls Bubba off the apron before he can make a tag. Bubba hits the apron with his chin, and Lance pulls D-Von all the way back. D-Von's been in this for half a minute now but he's not giving - and he's got the ropes. Storm, disgusted, tags in Val and yells for him to lift D-Von up. Val with a spinebuster lift, Lance off the ropes - but Bubba's pulled the top rope down and Lance goes over to the floor. Val takes a moment to realize, and lets go of D-Von to yell at Bubba. D-Von, hurt leg and all, still can manage a forearm. D-Von with a whip, crowd knows it, 3D one two three (11:45) The Dudley Boyz are going to WrestleMania, and Bubba couldn't be happier - he jumped two feet off the ground there! They're both in near tears in celebration and pain. Storm and Val are just in pain This was scary good, like probably easily than the Four Way it's building to will be. Weekend shows are awesome this week.

RAW: This Is Your Life, Mick Foley and Will Stone Cold Get His ATV Back?
Heat: Live in the streets of New York City, before WrestleMania, an hour early

That's it. I bet Lance and Val choose the RAW one.


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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