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An All New Era...
April 8, 2004

by The Cubs Fan


so: I got less sick, but I got more tired. Eh.

TV PG DV CC entertainment open fireworks yelling

the Hurricane Rosey (350 pounds, w/o the Hurricane) vs Garrison Cade (San Antonio, TX, 267 pounds) - Rosey has no music of his own, I forgot. Your announcers are Al and Coach and Backlash is only two weeks away. Al wastes no time in making fun of Coach's green look. Coach is hating on Garrison (and La Resistance) for being involved in the whole misting bit. Lockup, Rosey forces Garrison into the corner, Garrison isn't happy about it. Break with shoves. Garrison yells while Rosey fits his mask. Al says Coach looks a little green around the gills. Al: "Are you eating bad fish again? I know how you love bad fish. You'd think the smell would drive you away, but you just can't stay away from bad fish." Lockup, Cade headlock, shot off, back with a shoulderblock but he's the one going down. Rosey poses. Garrison is offended. Ready to go again, lockup, no Cade with a kneelift, kneelift. Turnbuckle smash - no, you can't turnbuckle smash Rosey. Cade tries again to make sure. Yea, you can't. Headbutt to Cade. Kick, whip, slam. Fix my math, pose, off the ropes, headbutt drop. Adjust the mask. Forearm. Whip, reverse, and Rosey slides out to shake some hands. Awful nice of him. Double thumbs up. Cade is upset about this hokyness (of all the people!) and slides out to punch Rosey, but gets punched himself. Whip, reversed and Rosey goes hard into the post. Cade rolls into break the count, and back out. Cade manages to throw Rosey in, and cover, one two no. Mounted punches as Al explains the time honored tradition of ribs. Elbow drop by Cade. Kick to the head. Rosey with a right, left, uppercut. Cade is knocked backwards, but comes back with a big knee. Al: "It straightened Rosey's mask!" Coach: "It needed to be straightened. There's a lot about Rosey that needs to be straightened." Whoa. Knee choke on the second rope. Forearm to the back of the neck. As you might expect, Coach will not shut up about being misted. "We went out after the show, and I could not pick up ANY women. And that NEVER happens." Al barely keeps the laughs in. Cade covers, one two no. Half nelson. Rosey pulling from the crowd, Cade somehow stopping him with a forearm. Right. Whip, clothesline is rolled under, off falls the mask, and Rosey with a clothesline, clothesline, whip, backdrop. C'mon scoop slam. Pose. Off the ropes, splash. One two NO. Cade begs off in the corner, Rosey follows in and gets a punch. Kick. Whip, Rosey rebounds out with a clothesline. Rosy going up? Second rope pump splash meets knees. Cade with a DDT. Up? Top rope elbow drop. One two three. (5:29)

Tonight: Val Venis vs Steven Richards in a match where neither man is fired (yet)

Next: Superkick, new champions?

RAW: Break the Rules
DS9 on Spike TV
Walking Tall
Subway (Salads)
1-800-CALL-ATT (Idol)
Starburst (Fish)
Foot Locker (Barkley/Pierce)
Spike TV (model)

End of the tag team title match, where the heel ref isn't heel till after the first overturned finish. At being an incompetent referee, Johnny Nitro is really good. One. Two. was by far the best part. The best part for all the wrong reason was Nitro reaching to point at his patch and completely missing many times. (3:50)
Backlash: HBK vs Chris Benoit (c) vs Triple H for the WWE Championship
Backlash: Randy Orton (c) vs Mick Foley for the IC Championship in No Holds Barred Match with Evolution Banned From Ringside

Next: La Resistance

the Stone Cold Truth DVD
DS9 on Spike TV [2]
YJStinger 2 (John Cena)
the Punisher
Subway (Fiesta Taco Salad)
Money Management International
MXC: New Season 4/22

Drakengard Mist of the Week

La Resistance (Sylvan Grenier & Rob Conway, Quebec City, PQ, 505 pounds) vs Brent Albright and Mike Mando (432? pounds, already in the ring) - Al: "hahahaha" Coach: "There is absolutely nothing funny about that. Al: "Hahahahaha" 

Sylvain: "Tonight is your privilege to see the new version of La Resistance, Rob Conway and Sylvan Grenier. This is something you'll able to tell your grandchildren!" 
Rob: "Don't worry guys, don't worry, don't worry, you'll get our autographs, after you get this wrestling lesson from La Resistance" 
Sylvan: [french]

Coach wants the not-French dead.

Luckily, Conway will start. So will Brent. Lockup, Rob with a headlock into a hammerlock into a headlock. Shot off, over, hiptoss. Dropkick by Brent, one no. Right for Grenier, no he drops to the floor, and Brent turns into a clothesline. Stomp. Tag to Sylvan. Corner whip - no back the same way into Sylvan's back elbow, and run over by Rob Conway. Sylvan gets to stomping. Slam. Elbow drop. Tag to Conway. Double whip, double boot, double thrown down back by the end of their hand. Kneeling chinlock. Al theorizes that La Resistance owned a mobile home and just moved from Paris to Quebec City. He does not appear to think about how such a trip would work. Coach says Canada is a lot like West Virginia. Coach also thinks Rob is still a French Sympathizer, which wouldn't seem to make sense. Brent battling up, elbow out, off the ropes, backdrop. Shot for Mike on the apron, who's gotten to do a whole lot of nothing. Rob with stomping - Sylvan comes in to add a couple. Kneeling chinlock. Al is upset that Coach didn't take him to Walking Tall. Or mention him in RAW Magazine. Brent battling up, elbows, but Rob stops him with a kick. Corner whip, and Rob charges into a back elbow. Brent charges out, and it's a double clothesline, both down. Al thinks it's Matthew and Joey against La Resistance. Tag to  Mike, shoulderblock, back elbow, duck Sylvan's clothesline and a dropkick for him. Whip, reversed, crossbody for Rob one two no. Sylvan forearms Mike down, but Brent's over to punch him. Whip, reversed, Brent grabs the ropes, Sylvan charges at him, Brent drops down grabbing the top rope with him and out goes Sylvan. Rob throws out Brent, but Mike is back on him with punches. Whip, short reverse into a kick, Sylvan lifts the lowerbody for a spiked spinning DDT. One two three (4:54) Conway gives us the salute.

Walking Tall premiere (1:10)

Tonight: Val Venis vs Steven Richards 
Next: Hey Hey Goodbye Triple H

Raw Live
Monday - Houston, TX [raw]
Next Saturday - Saginaw, MI [WMRevenge]
Next Sunday - Peoria, IL [WMRevenge]
Next Monday - Chicago, IL [raw]
Next Next Sunday - Edmonton, AB [backlash]

DS9 on Spike TV [3]
Gatorade X-Factor
Burger King (got the same one I did)
Nike (montage)
Tom Clancy: Rainbow Six 3
This Just In
Spike TV (laptop)

Triple H returns! (6:04)

Next: Val Venis vs Steven Richards

DS9 on Spike TV [4]
the Punisher [2]
Subway (Salads)
1-800-Call-ATT (Beach)
the Whole Ten Yards
Snickers (ballgame)
freevibe (Dear Richard)
MXC: New Season 4/22 [2]

YJ Stinger Edge Returns Again

Val Venis (Las Vegas, NV, 242 pounds) vs Heat GM Steven Richards (Philadelphia, PA, 230 pounds) - Steven stares at the announcers! They're in trouble! Looks like Steven is still a heel with deep breathing exercises. Coach says he can't be fired. Circle. Lockup, Val with a waistlock, reversed, into an armbar by Val. Talk about a new attitude, check. Talk about the not present Victoria, uh, we'll get back to you. Al: "When you're missing that thing, that something, that someBODY, you tend to get a little cranky." Well that's sorta noticing. Steven reverses to a hammerlock, Val reverses as they get up to their feet, Val with a headlock. Steven shoots him off, Val back with a shoulderblock, one two no. Val with a trip, covers one no. Steven misses a clothesline, Val with a double leg takedown, thinks, reverse figure four? Too soon and Steven can get to the ropes. Steven rolls out to get some life back into his legs. Steven back in to discuss. Shove to Val. Shove from Val. Steven slaps Val. Val checks himself, turns and takes down Steven. Punches on the mat. Corner whip, corner clothesline, and standing there for more forearms. Double underhook, knees, and a butterfly suplex one two no. Chop. Right. Whip, head down too soon, Steven kicks it. Steven charges again and gets thrown to the floor. Steven's clutching his knee, oh no. He's calling out the referee, which also would seem to block Val from doing a top rope dive at the moment. Mike Choida calls out the trainers, which means Fit is the agent for this match. Yep, Steven bum rushes Val into the corner. Might as well take a break. (3:29)   

DS9 on Spike TV [5]
Texas Chainsaw Massacre DVD
Monster.com (educator)
1-800-CALL-ATT (Idol) [2]
Drakengard [2]
Reebox (Undercover Fury)
drugfreeamerica.org (Henry Rollins)
Auto Truck Group
This Just In [2]
Spike TV (mirror pose)

Steven's in control in the ring and stomping Val. Forearm to the back. Leg choke on the middle rope. Yelling at Val. Telling him to get up. Val trying to use Steven to get up, and Steven pushing him away. Val punching his way up with right hands. Whip, reversed into a short clothesline. Steven's yelling at the crowd now. Forearms to the back. Full nelson to wear Val down. Telling Val to give up, but I don't think that's going to work. I guess it's more of a half nelson now. Val getting to his feet, trying to get out of the hold, back elbow, back elbow, back elbow, armdrag takeover but Steven back up and taking him down with a spinning neckbreaker one two no. Steven mocking Val - hip swivel! He's going up? This seems unwise. Val catches up to him with right hands. Chop. Right. Val going up to join Steven. Superplex? No, blocked. Val punches more. Superplex does work. Both men are down. One two three four five six both up. Steven with a right, Val ducks and tries for the half nelson, Steven escapes with elbows, off the ropes, into a back elbow. Val clothesline. kick, big right. Whip, short reverse into a drop toe hold one two Val grabs the ropes. Steven pulls him away, cover one two no. Steven argues the count. Long argument, Val charges and Steven nails him with a modified Steviekick. Steven slaps Val in the cover, talking trash - but Val reaches through his legs and goes for the inverted figure four. Steven blocks it. Is it a standing version this time? No, now he turns it over to the mat. Steven reaches for the ropes, he's an armslength away but he can't get there. Reaching, waving at the ropes (first row fans waving back at him) - tap! No! (8:49) Val taking his time letting go.

RAW in Houston, TX


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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