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Bored on the Fourth of July
July 6, 2004

by The Cubs Fan


PROMAX awards rotate tv pg lv cc (:24) It seems hilarious that the WWE would win something for brand building

entertainment open fireworks 

Maven (Charlottesville, VA, 230 pounds) vs Garrison Cade (Austin, TX, 265 pounds) - hmm, Coach sounds whiter than usual. Your hosts are Al and Todd for this 310th Heat, and they're too busy hyping Vengeance to explain the missing guy. Maybe someone decided they couldn't have both Al and Coach here for the collision of the protégés, to avoid violence in the announce booth. Todd actually says Coach is doing Diva Search stuff, or pretending to. Circle. Lockup, Cade with a headlock, into a hammerlock. Maven reveres into a drop toe hold, into a front facelock, Cade rolls out of it. Maven with the leg trip for one two, inside cradle one two no. Cade picks this time to yell at Mike Choida for tights pulling and so forth. You'd think Maven would take advantage while Cade is looking the other way, but he just waits for Cade to turn around into a right hand. Cade goes outside to recover and pout, while Mike keeps Maven from getting involved. Cade back in, faking the lockup and kicking instead. Forearm instead. Whip, Maven grabs the ropes, Cade put his head down way too soon anyway, Maven kicks him in the head, then dropkicks him, then dropkicks him. One two NO. Cade goes for the corner, Maven goes for his tights, a tug of war ensues, and luckily we get out of it with a Cade back elbow and no mooning. Cade with a double leg takedown, and then steals from the A-Train playbook with a slingshot into the bottom rope. (A-Train does it better.) Cade goes out to smash Maven's head into the apron. Cade covers one two no. Choke over the top rope. Todd thinks Cade is working the throat (which would be different) but Al explains he's just trying to cut off Maven's air. Cade pulls Maven up, and drops him with a swinging neckbreaker one two no. One two no. Neck vice. Al: "Speaking of heads, how about Triple H giving Eugene some of it last week?" I must've heard that wrong. Maven drawing from the crowd, trying to punch out of it but a knee lift stops him. Corner whip, Cade charges into a back elbow. That only stuns Cade, so Maven topples him with a kick. Maven walks out of the corner into a boot. Cade off the ropes, into a Maven wheel kick. Both down and slow up. Punch battle is won by Maven, improbably. Maven off the ropes, five arm, clothesline, whip, back elbow, one two no. Maven goes for the corner punches, one two three four - shoved off. Todd notes Maven punches a lot. Maven gets in a big right anyway. Maven starts to head out and up, but Cade grabs him and stops him with a forearm. Back suplex. Now it's Cade going out and up, with no problem. Top rope elbow hits. one two three (5:49) We are so lucky Coach is not here.

Still to come: Gail Kim vs Victoria

Diva Search stuff: New York City (1:27)

Val Venis (Las Vegas, 242 pounds) vs Murray Happer (250 pounds, already in the ring) - Check out the OMEGA tights. Circle. Lockup, Val armdrag, hipswivel. Todd is smartened up to Al's babaganootch games. Val with a headlock, shot off, back with shoulderblock. Off the ropes, over, Murray's hiptoss is blocked, Val's is not. Armdrag, armbar. Al has a comedy routine planned and he's not letting his match get in his way - Todd even calls him on it. Wristlock, and a knee driven into the elbow. Back up for a hammerlock. Murray backs him into the corner, and gets in a blatant back elbow. Right hands. Right. Right. Kick. Kick. Boot choke. Val pulls himself up in the corner as Murray argues the legality of the choke, and catches Murray with a boot as he comes back over. Val out with a clothesline. Back elbow. Forearm, whip, back drop. Chop. Whip, running kneelift (Todd: "a thigh to the stomach area"), running kneelift, Russian legsweep, mounted punches. Val eventually pulls Murray up, only to get a thumb to the eye. Whip, reversed, big spinebuster one two no. Val going up, Money Shot one two three. (3:23) We're back to the towel giving out. The girl seems, uh, not completely disgusted.

Next: Special Guess Referee Eugene

1-800-Call-ATT and tell 'em who Eugene's real friends are

Al: "Little does Eddie know that Triple H isn't being straight with him." Anyway, the match, where Eugene is the only one in the arena to remember the Power of the Punch. (3:12)
RAW: Eugene Interim General Manager

RAW Live
Monday - Winnipeg, MB [RAW]
Saturday - Worcester, MA [WWE RAW Live]
Sunday - Hartford, CT [Vengeance]
Next Monday - Manchester, NH [RAW]
Next Friday - Wilkes-Barre, PA [WWE RAW Live]

N-Gage Jericho and Edge win of last Monday

Tajiri (Japan, 206 pounds) vs Chuck Palumbo (Providence, RI, 270 pounds) - new music, new video for Chuck. This is Chuck's redebut on the RAW side. Circle, with Tajiri adding in a roll. Tajiri is evasive on the lockup, sneaking in a waistlock instead, forcing a single leg takedown and hooking on a knee bar. Tying the legs, but Chuck reverses to a headlock. Back up to their feet so Chuck can fiercely take Tajiri down. Chuck stands back up, Tajiri shots him off, Chuck runs him over with a shoulderblock. Chuck picks Tajiri up and hooks him in an abdominal stretch. Chris Kay check son Tajiri, who isn't giving up. Elbows to escape, inside cradle one two no. Devastating right hand isn't quite as devastating on RAW, because Tajiri doesn't go down. Corner whip, Chuck charges in to a boot. Tajiri with a high kick to the shoulder, Chuck with a big right, Tajiri with a high kick, Chuck's punch is ducked this time, kick catch enziguri might've knocked both of them out. Both slow up. Tajiri with a whip, reversed, handspring elbow connects but doesn't take Chuck down. Chuck misses the big boot (though it was awful low), Tajiri does not miss the reverse thrust kick. Chuck doesn't fall fast enough for Tajiri, so he pushes him down before covering, one two no. Tajiri tries picking up Chuck, but Chuck gets in a knee. Slam, no, Tajiri slips behind, kick to the back of the knee, off the ropes, dropkick to the back of the head. One two NO. Tajiri with a kick, corner whip, reversed, Tajiri kips up and caught, Chuck runs and drops him for Snake Eyes, then immediately off the ropes for a very big boot. One two NO. Chuck with a kick, and a right, as the announcers notice he's bleeding from the nose. Corner whip, Chuck charges in, Tajiri moves, and Chuck goes into the post. Tajiri waits for Chuck to turn around, kick to the leg, Buzzsaw Kick, one two three (4:12) That was fun. 

Tonight: Gail Kim vs Victoria
Next: Weepy Lita

RAW: main event finish (4:59)

Vengeance: Chris Benoit (c) vs Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship
Vengeance: Chris Jericho vs Batista
Vengeance: Randy Orton (c) vs Edge for the Intercontinental Championship
I guess the undercard tomorrow?

Next: Gail Kim vs Victoria

Gail Kim (Seoul, South Korea) vs Victoria (Los Angeles, CA) in a Diva's Contest - YES! She's from an actual existing location! I give this match twenty stars! "Al, I don't know what's the worst decision, letting Eugene be General Manager or letting me do play by play? ... Al, I'm just a small town white boy trying to make ends meet." Victoria busts a move, but not multiple ones. She's back to wearing pink, hmmm. The Heat preview said this would be a #1 contenders match, but they haven't mentioned that aspect all night. Lockup, no budge, break. Lockup, Victoria with a headlock, and a hard takedown. Todd remembers that Gail's beat Victoria a few times lately. Gail with a headscissors reversal, locking it on tight even as Victoria tries to sit up from it. Victoria kips up up to escape, and takes back control with an armdrag into an armbar. Twist. Gail tries to forearm out, but just gets another twist. Whip, backdrop. 100% Completely Pointless Flip with an attached sliding dropkick. One two no. Gail with a nice legsweep. Gail goes for what looks like a monkey flip (with very obvious Victoria assistance), but ends up being a jawbreaker over Gail's knees. Gail kicks Victoria out of the ring, though I don't think we're getting a dive. Victoria is clutching her left knee, as Todd breaks the rules and notes the obvious knee braces (to sell the pain.) Victoria crawls in, right in position for Gail legdrop one two no. Gail tries for a step over something on the left leg, but gets cracked upside the head by Victoria's right boot. Somehow, she doesn't collapse, instead turning Victoria and applying a combination step over toe hold/half crab submission hold. Victoria reaching for the ropes, crawling, crawling, got the ropes. Gail's annoyed, but pulls Victoria back in the middle of the ring to kick the leg. Legdrop on the leg! Toe hold, getting a momentary count when Victoria's shoulders are down. Gail lets go to reapply, but Victoria grabs her in small package one two no. Gail clips Victoria's leg out from under her. Kick to the back of the knee. Gail pulling Victoria around by the leg leg, and getting the enziguri. Victoria inside cradle one two no. Victoria with a clothesline, a punch that staggers Gail, punch, punch, Victoria stops her with a knee lift. Gail off the ropes, into a powerslam one two no. Victoria's really feeling her knee. Victoria with a right hands, whip, Gail headscissors into the Satellite Armbar. Will Victoria lose to it again? Victoria manages to walk and stumble into the corner, knocking Gail loose and down to the mat hard. Victoria going up? It's slow going because of the knee - and slower even because Molly Holly has arrived to shove Victoria down. Chad Patten is checking on Gail and misses the interference, but notices Molly's presence after the fact and questions why she's out here. Molly can't continue the conversation for long, because he's pushed down by The Mysterious Woman Who Surely Is Not Steven Richards. Back in the match, Victoria ducks a clothesline and connects with a superkick, one two three. (4:49) We only get shots from the back or where the hair is covering up the face off the mysterious woman. Victoria seems confused.

RAW: Eugene's in charge.


The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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