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Rodney Mack Returns, Gets Beat Up 
by A Girl... Kind of
August 9, 2004

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG LV CC entertainment open fireworks

the Hurricane (215 pounds) vs Chuck Palumbo (Providence, RI, 270 pounds) - your announcers are Al and Coach. They're hyped about SummerSlam. Handshake? Hurricane tries to reassure it with a thumbs up. Chuck reaches his hand out, and Hurricane pulls his away, oh. Sorta conduct that'll get noses broken, oops spoiler. Lockup, shoved down. Chuck tells Hurricane he's not the lady to mess with it. Let's clap. Lockup, no Hurricane slips under, into a headlock, cranking it on. Coach "...ala a Wrestlemania, ala a Royal Rumble, ala a SummerSlam-" Al: "Allah!" Hurricane shot off, back with a shoulderblock, but Chuck isn't going down. For Hurricane, anyway. Chuck taunts. Hurricane poses, thump to the eye. Right, right, whip, reversed, big boot but Hurricane's held onto the ropes and now he's mock clapping for Chuck. What's with him today? He's quite the Hurrijerk. 

Chuck charges, Hurricane moves and Chuck goes out. Hurricane offers to part the ropes for Chuck, which Chuck doesn't appreciate it. Hurricane gets into an argument with Jack Doan over this, and Chuck pulls him out of the ring. Scoop, run and tossing Hurricane on top of the barricade! That's nice. Hurricane grabs his ribs and heads inside. Chuck following in after.

Al: "Hurricane's always wanted to fly, and Chuck just provided some wings." Chuck tosses Hurricane towards a corner buckle, Hurricane goes in high and face first - quite literally on the latter part - and there's might've been your broken nose. You can tell because a) Hurricane reaches for his face and b) post production Coach immediately picks up on it. 

Hurricane pulls himself up, Chuck picks him up some more and rams him back first into the corner. Chuck stomps Hurricane down in the corner, and here's the other place it could've happened or been aggravated - one of Chuck's stomps comes close to Hurricane's face (Jack Doan and camera work inadvertently shield us from seeing where/if contact was made), and Hurricane stops selling the kicks at that point, preferring to cover up his face. Doan and Palumbo go through the normal routine with a stomping in the corner, Chuck being warned away but managing to slip back in for more stomps, and when Hurricane isn't selling any of those either, Palumbo is warned away again and backs off enough to give Doan sometime to talk to Hurricane and find out what's up. Hurricane slowly gets up, and Palumbo knees him back down. Snap mare, kick to the back. Chinlock, facing away from the hard camera. You know, this is the problem with the Finley fake injury spot; when WWE people actually get injured, even if it was something so mind-bendingly huge they probably should stop wrestling, they have a tendency to finish the match anyway. Hurricane battling back up with right hands. Kick is caught, and Chuck kills him with a clothesline. One two no. Back to a neck vice, Hurricane pretty much putting himself into the hold. Hurricane elbows up, but is stopped with a forearm. Chuck off the ropes, right, right, whip, reversed, Chucks' head down too soon and Hurricane kicks it. Hurricane fivearm, fivearm one two no. Corner whip, reversed, Hurricane kips up, loose headscissors takes Chuck out. Wow, I can't believe - he actually did drop Chuck with pescado despite a broken nose. Jacknife cover one two no. Let's avoid the shots of Hurricane's face. Eye of the Hurricane - no, reversed to an inside cradle, Chuck's got the ropes, one two NO. Chuck with a knee to Hurricane's head, nice. Hurricane doing a nice impression of staggered, or close enough to it that the impression part is unnecessary. Corner whip, Chuck charges in to double boots. Hurricane going up top. Cross body connects one two NO. "SHINING WIZARD!" Hurricane charges into a kick to the gut, ow. Slam, Hurricane slips behind, off the ropes, caught by Chuck in spinebuster position. Chuck holds on, turns away from the referee - Fuerza Guerrera low blow kneelift! Now he's really dead. Scoop into a fall away slam one two three. (6:02) Hey, we've got a finisher. Credit to Hurricane for finishing that - see ya in a month.

Tonight: Victoria vs Jazz
Next: a battle with every ounce of vile and venom from at least one guy

Al and Coach let us know that the upcoming HHH/Regal video packages are gory and edited. Hopefully it's not the editing that's gory. They cut out a lot of the post announce table attack walking to the ring. Hey, you can show blood on Heat. But only a little. Ah, now we've gone to black and white and stills. It's that violent. You know it's every ounce of vile and venom because you can see it all on the mat! Coach says Regal suffered a broken orbital bone and a concussion. (3:45)
SummerSlam: Triple H vs Regal

Tonight: Victoria vs Jazz

Anaconda Steven wants to know why his phone calls aren't being returned of last week

Backstage, Victoria is walking with a purpose - over to a hallway where Heat GM Steven Richards is signing some surely vital contracts. 
Victoria: Stevie, I need to talk to you
Steven: [to backstage worker] Here you go. Thank you very much
Backstage Worker: Thanks boss. [walks off]
Steven: [to Victoria] Can I help you?
Victoria: Stevie, what the heck is your problem, you interrupt my match last week. Did you know you caused me to lose? And you want to talk at that point?
Steven: Yea, yea, yea, I guess it was inconvenient to want to talk to you right at that particular time-
YES! It was!
Steven:-but there's plenty of times, Victoria, where it was inconvient for me, and I still listened to you, I was still there for you! And now all of the sudden, some woman comes out and saves you three, four, five weeks in a row, and now you guys are best buddies.
Victoria: Whoa whoa whoa, I don't even know who she is, Stevie!
Steven: Hahaha, I guess she's some sort of mysterious woman than, Victoria, I guess. You know what [exhale, confused] the point is...I thought you were someone different. I thought you were more different than any other woman, any other woman! I've ever known in my life! But you're not different. You're all the same. You're just like every other girl that's ever broken my heart. You're just like every other woman that I've ever known in my life: self absorbed, selfish, UN-GRATE-FULL! Come on, Victoria, say it. [grabs hair to sniff]
Victoria: [swats Steven's hand away from hair] Stevie, you need some SERIOUS help. [walks off]
Steven: [sniffs hand]

Val Venis (Las Vegas, NV, 242 pounds) vs Biohazard (203 pounds, already in the ring) - They talk over the name, but Coach makes the effort of getting it in before Al gets into his shtick. Lockup, Val armbar, Bio reverses, Val flipped over into his back. Hey, Chris Kay. Val kips up, shoulders to shoulders. Armdrag. Hiptoss. Drop toe hold. Hip swivel. Hey, new tights. Al recycles jokes. Bio walks right into a Val shove. Right. Whip, back elbow. Scoop and a slam. Off the ropes, knee drop. Mounted punches - wait, no, Chris Kay has decided that this is the week he makes his stand against illegal closed fists, hooking Val's arm as he goes for a punch, and allowing Biohazard to sneak away and out of the ring. Bio gets back on the apron to work in a eye poke, and back in for a legsweep. Off the ropes, running knee to the chest. One two NO. Val pulling himself up in the corner, Bio charging into a boot. Val charges out and shoulderblocks Bio into the ropes. Coach: "Very unorthodox move." Whip, running with him knee. One more? Yes. Double underhook kneelifts and a butterfly suplex. Walking around randomly instead of covering. Ah, now he's waiting for Biohazard to get up. Kick to chest. Release half nelson slam. Al's got a wacky new technical name for it but we're going to skip it this week. Val going all the way up. Money shot? Yes. One two three (2:46) That was less of a battle than usual.

Diva Search. Here's the Heat Exclusive interview that I passed by last week. I think I made a better call that week (1:57)

Next: Six Man Tag

Wrangler Battle Royale of Two Weeks Ago 

Al: "All six men in the tag match have huge HUGE matches at SummerSlam." Flair vs Senility! Why did that guy with the purple and yellow WCW shirt had to be on camera all night? It was hypnotic. (3:33)
SummerSlam: Chris Benoit (c) vs Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship
SummerSlam: Triple H vs Eugene
SummerSlam: Edge (c) vs Batista vs Chris Jericho for the InterContential Championship
SummerSlam: Kane vs Matt Hardy in a Till Death Due Us Part match (Coach is not sure if the winner of the match truly wins)
SummerSlam: John Cena vs Booker T (c) in the 1st match of the Best of 5 for the Undisputed US Championship
SummerSlam: Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, Paul London vs Bubba Ray, D-Von and Spike Dudley
SummerSlam: Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle
SummerSlam: JBL (c) vs Undertaker for the WWE Championship
SummerSlam: Summertime Blues by Rush

Next: Victoria vs Jazz

RAW Live
Monday - Cleveland, OH [RAW]
Next Sunday - Toronto, ON [SummerSlam]
Next Monday - London, ON [RAW]
Next Friday - Bismarck, ND
Next Saturday - Fargo, ND

Jazz (New Orleans, LO) vs Victoria (Los Angeles, CA) in a Divas Contest - Wow, how do you even put that on. That would seem to be a pain. Circle. Lockup. Headlock by Victoria. Shot off, back with a shoulderblock one two no. Victoria taunts that she was just at that close. Jazz rightly shoves the hand, and shoves the Victoria. Trash talk. Victoria up to shove back. Jazz with a kick, headlock. Victoria shoots Jazz back, but Jazz knocks her down with a clothesline. Jazz points out that she was this close. Jazz with a kick. Armbar. Corner whip, Victoria kips up and over, rush to the other corner, Victoria hits the WOW cross body one two no. Judicious camerawork there. Armdrag. Slam. Pose, shake, standing moonsault one two NO. Jazz needs a break, and takes it. Victoria needs to do a sliding dropkick, and does. Victoria out on the floor and punching. Turnbuckle smash. Jazz thrown back in, Victoria covering one two no. What a random time for a break. (2:20

Back, Victoria whipping Jazz towards to ramp side ropes. Victoria scoops her back up on the rebound, Spider Web! One two NO. Victoria punches Jazz. Whip, clothesline, one two no. Jazz using the ropes to pull herself up. Victoria charge, and takes a backdrop to the apron, almost to the floor when Victoria couldn't stick the landing. Jazz with a shot to the midsection, and runs Victoria into the ring post. Jazz poses, and then she's out of the ring. Slingshot into the barricade! We're supposed to noticing Victoria grabbing her left shoulder. Jazz back in the ring to talk trash. Jazz decide she'll not take the really easy countout win at this point, and brings Victoria back in. Jazz back in after her. Victoria trying to craw out, but Jazz catches her with a modified camel clutch around the bottom rope. Jazz lays in the crossface forearms. Out to the floor to add a elbow the neck. Add another on. Big boot! Jazz back in, one two Victoria grabs the ropes. Top wristlock by Jazz. Victoria drawing form the crowd and coming back, but Jazz stops her with shoulders to the shoulders. Scoop, slam. Jazz off the ropes, elbow drop. One two NO. Butterfly suplex! Jazz with a step over sit down on the bad arm. Another butterfly suplex. Cover with a forearm to the face, one two no. Whip, head down too soon and so it's kicked. Victoria right, right, right, right, whip, clothesline, clothesline. Victoria picks up Jazz, corner whip, charge in to a Jazz back elbow. Jazz pulls up Victoria by her head. Fisherman's Buster! One two NO. Jazz can't believe that's not her finisher. Jazz picks up Victoria, and set her up on the top rope - uh, maybe not. Maybe she meant to set up for the Tree of Woe, but it's what she got at any rate. Al says "Kevin Sullivan." Jazz rolls out? Oh, she wants a chair. While the referee tries to get Victoria down, Jazz comes in with the chair, but she's met by Mysterious Woman! Not-Steven throws the chair out of the ring, then throws Jazz down. Ref saw that, and that's the match. (DQ 5:06, 7:26 total) Victoria is confused and staying in the corner, while the Mystery Woman messes with her hair - clothesline for Rodney Mack! Welcome back to Heat, Rodney, but that didn't work. Woman doing the Victoria psychotic self face grab. Mysterious Woman spinning her hair around her head, which causes Coach to crack up.

RAW in Cleveland. That's it.



The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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