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You Can Call Him MISTER Streak-Ender
October 11, 2004

by The Cubs Fan


tv pg lv cc entertainment open fireworks
Gail Kim (Seoul, South Korea!) vs Victoria (Los Angeles, CA) - Al: "Me and my mom gonna go out and go partying, man! I'm ready to go! Speaking of ready to go, look at Gail Kim! She's HOT." "She makes many men ready to go." That didn't come out right. HOLY COW GAIL'S FROM AN ACTUAL CITY IN AN ACTUAL COUNTRY! Thank you. "I ain't the lady to mess with!" Al: "And neither 

are you, Todd." Todd lays the adjectives on thick for Taboo Tuesday. Circle. Lockup, Gail with an armbar, crank, crank, Victoria reverses into her own armbar, Gail awkwardly rolls thru, Victoria drops a leg on the arm, holding the armbar while covering one no. Gail breaks free, but runs right into an armdrag into a armbar. Gail forearms out of it, corner whip, reversed, Victoria charges into a boot to the shoulder, armbar takedown by Gail. "Gave her the Divorce Court! Believe me, I can tell you, that's something you suffer thru for a long time." Gail works on the left shoulder with some kicks. Smashing the left arm into the mat. And again. Todd: "Christy seemed more than happy to kiss Eugene, which gives me hope of one day making out with a Diva." Hammerlock, Victoria's shoulder thrown (with the rest of her) into the corner. Pose. Mess with her hair. Turnbuckle smash. Hammerlock around the top rope. Stretching the arm around the e rope. Hammerlock rolling takedown. Your ref is Jack Doan. Al clarifies it's a "quarter reverse hammerlock". Victoria uses right hands to Gail's back in order to break free. Al: "Victoria not gonna give it up easily - or at least that's what I've heard." Gail smashes Victoria's arm into her knee, cranking it more. Hammerlock back suplex one two no. Hammerlock corner throw is reversed, and Gail is the one thrown into the corner. Gail wanders into a kick, right, right, Gail charges, clothesline misses, Victoria back elbow, and a shove on the next charge. Whip, backdrop, one two no. Gail's pushed into the ropes, and a huge Victoria chop. Whip, Victoria telegraphs a clothesline forever, Gail has no problem using it to try a crucifix and then a sunset flip. Victoria blocks with a sit, one two no. Victoria with a right, right, right (Todd: "More of a slapping motion" Al: "Well, she's a chick.") Whip, quick reverse a forearm to Victoria's bad shoulder. Gail stomping the shoulder. Al: "It looks like Gail is setting up Victoria for a La Majistral" - I was thinking the satellite armbar but that'd work sure. Gail tries another armbar but is shoved off into the ropes, and rebounds into a kick to the midsection. Victoria yells to signal the Widow's Peak (announcers don't realize it till late) and it hits! One two three (4:19) Gail had the game plan, but Victoria had the finishing move. Don't raise that arm, Doan!

Tonight: Rodney Mack vs Shelton Benjamin
Next: Rhyno & Tajiri

SAW presents Shawn Michaels giving Christian the top rope elbow and superkick while JR mentions the voting for Taboo Tuesday. HOW SUBTLE.

Rhyno and Tajiri (481 pounds) vs Arch Kincaid and Danny Doring (453 pounds, already in the ring) - Tajiri and Doring to start. ECW chant in the midst of a lot of news. Lockup, Doring with a waistlock, front facelock, takeover, cover for zero, yell for no reason. Todd asks "did HBK do enough" and Al has a one minute diatribe along the lines of "what a stupid thing to say!" Circle. Lockup, armbar, by Danny, Tajiri headstand forward, spine kick to the back, Tajiri mocks Danny and asks him to kiss him in an intimate place. Lockup, Danny headlock, shot off, Danny back with a shoulderblock. Danny off the ropes, into a wheel kick. Doring tags to Arch. Wait, Todd just said: "Tajiri and Rhyno teaming up to face Arch Kincaid and Dan Morrison" - that's before Al renames them, of course. I guess the big ol' "DORING" on Danny's tights is just a vicious lie. Anyway, Tajiri tags in Rhyno. Circle. Arch wants a handshake. Lots of thinking. More than typical for Rhyno. Ah, there's Rhyno's kick. Right hands. Corner whip, charge in shoulder. Arch stumbles into a right hand. Snap mare, cover one two no. Al explains that Arch's usual stupid haircut was a result of a dare - not exactly shocking. Arch with a right hand. Axhandle to the back. Tag to Doring, who gets in right hands as Todd and Al both try to get other names in; Al: "Dan Loyd, brother of Marc Loyd, fellow WWE announcer." Whip, over, Danny's hiptoss is blocked, Rhyno's clothesline misses, Danny with a kick, right, right, Rhyno fighting out of corner with punches for both sides, Arch slows him with a hairpull and Danny gets in a dropkick. Stomps. Boot choke. Tag to Arch. Chinlock. Bill DeMott reference. Rhyno thrown down by the head. One two no. Front facelock, tag to Danny. Forearm. Right. Right. Right. Yell. One two no. Forearm choke. Right. Al wants to see HBK in the Taboo Tuesday match. Forearm. Whip, quick reverse into a side belly to belly. Tajiri wants the tag, Rhyno crawling, tag to Arch, tag to Tajiri. Kick to Arch, kick, whip, reversed, handspring back elbow one two NO. Chop, chop, chop, whip, quick reverse, clothesline ducked, Tajiri with a bodyscissors bulldog. Tajiri covers, one two Danny breaks it up, and gets a kick to the back. Arch with a kick to the knee - he wanted dropkick but didn't actually get one foot off the mat. Corner whip, Arch charges into the Tarantula. GORE to Doring. Tajiri lets go, Arch crawls into position. Buzzsaw kick one two three (5:53) Al really wanted to do play by play here for whatever reason. Replay of the Gore. 

Tonight: Rodney Mack vs Shelton Benjamin
Next: highlights from the debate - haha, commercials cut off Bradshaw's big point. I'm sure it's a coincidence they're showing Bradshaw's big point instead of one of each.

2 Weeks Ago, the WWE Great Debate. Hey, Stephanie. She almost looks like a normal person. Why are we just getting this on RAW, when only a an active SmackDown! wrestler? I guess Mick is implied to be on RAW with Flair talking about him every week. I really should protest getting this at all. Bradshaw point. Mick point. Miami Student point (R). Student point (D) - wow, the student republican is a white male and the democrat is not, shocking. Mick point. Bradshaw point - this is the one before the break and the line they wanted is "The American solider has never taken a step back in their life." Student point (D). Student point (R). Mick point. Bradshaw point. Bradshaw has more one-liners. Mick point, although he made this point before, thanks for showing it again, although he gets in a one-liner at the end. State Senator (R) point - oh so very prepared. Mick: "That was a dull answer, you're killing our ratings here." Mick and JBL banter. Nader discussion? State Senate (D) point, Bradshaw (R) counter point and French joke. Mick counter French joke. Mick point and Fox News half hearted endorsement. Bradshaw counter point. Stephanie big speech to end it. Plug for more on WWE.com (7:50)

Day of Reckoning presents Christy kissing Eugene

Maven (Charlottesville, 230 pounds) vs Heat GM Steven Richards (Philadelphia, PA, 230 pounds) - Steven yells at Todd (or more likely Coach, since we haven't seen the announcers all day.) Also, either Steven is stuffing or he needs to start checking body parts for cancerous growth. That's kinda disturbing to look at. Steven yells at Maven about whatever he was yelling at the announcers about. Steven needs to pose before we can get this started. So does Maven - oh, Steven suckered him in for a cheap shot. Cover one two no.  Steven runs away, both out, both in, Steven runs into a Maven dropkick. Steven gets off, Steven sucker kick is caught, Maven drops him and powerslams him one two no. Turnbuckle smash. Corner whip, quick reverse into an eye poke. Steven with a corner whip, Maven goes in chest first and rebounds out far. Steven takes advantage with a chest kick. Off the ropes, dropkick to the gut (weird aim) one two NO. You ref is Mike Choida. Chinlock with bodyscissors. IN for quite a while. Maven tries to draw the crowd into it, but they don't really. Up into a normal chinlock. Crowd doesn't get in it how hard Maven tries, elbow, elbow Steven stops it with a knee. Steven front slam. Al: "Fallaway Slam" Uh, not quite. Steven calling for a moonsault! Steven quite slow climbing, and Maven forearms him in the back. Maven lifts Steven on his shoulders and falls back for the electric chair suplex. both slow up, but Maven wins the punch battle. Maven very slow, giving Steven the opening for a kick. Whip, Maven back with a fivearm. Clothesline, clothesline. Maven's got his left arm tucked in towards his body, hurting probably. Whip, backdrop. Maven's pumped. Dropkick one two NO. Maven throwing us all off by only doing one dropkick at a time. Maven picks up Steven, but Steven stops him with a knee. Forearm to the back. Steeveetee blocked, and Maven with a double leg and jacknife one two three. (4:10) Maven makes sure Choida raises his right arm, more subtly than Victoria did in the opener. I hope he's not hurt again.

Kane, Lita, and Snitsky. You can go with this, or you can go with that. (:58)
Taboo Tuesday: Kane vs Gene Snitsky in a Weapon of Choice match 

Next: lumberjack IC match. I like how Regal and Shelton remembered they hate Eric while all the other babyfaces seemed to forget.

RAW Live
Monday - Manchester, England [RAW, sold out]
Next Monday - Chicago, IL [RAW]
Next Tuesday - Milwaukee, WI [Taboo Tuesday]
Next Friday - Green Bay, WI
Next Saturday - Madison, WI 

See, this is my problem with WWE Live Show scheduling - it's not like Madison and Milwaukee (or Green Bay or Chicago) are all that far away from each other. WWE's draw is strong enough that people are going to be willing to drive a couple hours to see them, but they're ceding those extra seats if they're going to overload a region with shows in a short time. If I'm in Madison, why make the drive over for the PPV when I've got my own show later that week? Their own house shows are competing against each other and diving up the market - and that's even before you notice they always schedule the other brand houses within a two hour drive as well, so the Rockford, IL show is up against these four as well. (Minneapolis is a slight stretch but does make me wonder why they wouldn't swap it with RAW's Madison show just to give Wisconsin a second brand to look at.) At least, before the brand split when they were doing A and B shows, they'd attempt to have tours go in different regions. 

Flair vs Orton. Jericho vs the World. Jericho vs HHH is more about Rhyno vs Jericho, though we make sure to get in the HHH pin of Y2J. They b break up JR's awful oversell, which can only help (1:46)
Taboo Tuesday: Randy Orton vs Ric Flair in (A) a Falls Count Anywhere or (B) a Submission Match or (C) Steel Cage Match. Orton better hope no one votes for B - does he know a decent submission move? (Counterpoint: Can Flair actually win a big match with the figure four? A submission could never end!)
Taboo Tuesday: Triple H (c) vs (A) Chris Benoit, (B) Shawn Michaels, or (C) Edge for the World Heavyweight Title
Taboo Tuesday: Chris Jericho (c) vs RAW ITSELF! for the InterContinental Title - don't argue with me, that's what the graphic says. What, they could fit everyone's head into the space?

Next: Rodney Mack vs Shelton [commercial] - wow, Comcast is really jumpy this week.

Make A Wish ("they stop showing this bit on every show, since we already had it last week") (1:02)

Rodney Mack (Lafayette, Louisiana, 278 pounds, w/Jazz) vs Shelton Benjamin (Orangeburg, SC, 248 pounds) - what's with Jazz's glasses? Since it appears they won't be shown this week, your announcers are Al ("thuggin' and buggin' is something they do in the hood") and Todd ("I've seen it on TV! I know plenty about the hood.") Fink totally forget which town Shelton's from. You don't expect that sorta thing out of the Fink. WHEN OVW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS COLLIDE (again) (but not in OVW.) Al and Todd decide Shelton has no ghetto cred - actually, they say everything short of what Milton Bradley said. Your referee is the mysterious show jumping Chris Kay. Circle. Lockup, Shelton forces Mack back, they spin around a little bit and Shelton ends up backed into the ropes. Break is forced. Lockup, single leg, Shelton floats over into an armbar. Into a hammerlock. Mack reverses, into a headlock. Shelton trying to escape, fighting out, armdrag to an armbar. Mack whips out, hiptoss blocked, Shelton ducks the clothesline and gives Mack a waistlock takedown. Shelton with something like an Oklahoma Roll, one two no. Shelton with a big hiptoss, armdrag, armbar. Al: "In amateur ranks, they actually call that armdrag 'a Japanese wizard.' Mack breaks free with a knee, and elbow Shelton the back of the head. Mack dances. Shelton kips up, and knocks down Mack with a right hand. Mack retreats to the corner, and gets in an eye poke. Shelton recovers near the ropes, and gets punched by Jazz. Mack waits for Shelton to start to get up, and gives him a boot to the head. Stomps. Choke. Choke. Mack letting go at three. Stomp. Armbar, elbow to the shoulder. Al is rooting for Coach to be Jericho's challenger. Armbar, rolling Shelton over for a pin one two no. Step over armbar. Shelton fights out with right hands, Mack stops him with a knee, armbar takedown one two no. It's the night of left arm attacks. Mack shoving Shelton around. Waiting for Shelton to get up, right, right, big right is ducked, and Shelton drops them with a Russian legsweep. Both down and slow up. Mack with a right, no blocked, Shelton right, Shelton blocks and punches again, kick, chop, right, I have no idea and neither did he, right, big right. Clothesline, elbow pad thrown down. Whip, back elbow (with the covered elbow - oh well.) Shelton slow, but to the top, top rope clothesline one two NO. Jazz up on the apron, yelling to Rodney. Kay turns to yell at Jazz, Shelton eye pokes Mack (!) and whips Mack into Jazz. Jazz to the floor, Mack to the corner - Stinger Splash, T-Bone Suplex one two three (5:23) Ever notice how he and Haas are using the same move? No? Okay.

RAW in Manchester, UK. That's it.



The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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