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Last Chance to See...
November 4, 2004

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG LV entertainment open
Rodney Mack (Lafayette, LO, 280 pounds, w/Jazz) vs Rhyno (Detroit, MI, 275 pounds, w/Tajiri) - Coach has no idea what he's going to be for Halloween, which is great since there are all of six hours left. Your announcers are beboping Coach and suited Todd. As a Halloween Treat, Chris Benoit is wrestling. As a

Halloween Trick, we pretend Chuck Palumbo is an obstacle to Chris Benoit. Coach hopes Rhyno trips running to the ring one of these times. Your ref is Chris Kay. Faceoff. Crowd getting far more stoked for this fight than you'd believe. Mack with a slap to Rhyno's face. Rhyno takes it in, then fights back, right, right, right, corner whip, rebound hiptoss. Rhyno setting up for the Gore? Charge, Mack drops down and out of the way, and Rhyno rushes himself right out of the ring! Jazz stomps him! Tajiri scares her off. Mack out to stomp Rhyno and run him into the barricade. Rhyno brought back in. Covered, one two NO. Axhandle, fist drop, knee drop, elbow drop, elbow drop, one two no. Turnbuckle smash. Single arm DDT! One two no. Mack goes to work on the left arm with a Fujiwara armbar. Rhyno rallying up, but gets stopped halfway when the crowd losses him. Step over armbar. Elbow to the head. Todd: "I started my career in Ottumwa, Iowa-" Coach: "Hey Grish, no one cares." Rhyno rallying back and drawing the crowd into it, right, right, Mack stops him with a shot to the left arm and a punch. Whip, Rhyno back with a jumping clothesline and both are down. Coach is still bitter about the Gore and Mack is taking a little extra on his behalf. Mack off the ropes, into a chop. Chop. Chop. Turnbuckle smash. Right. Right. Right. Right. Mack charges out of the corner with a clothesline. Coach talks again about being from the streets like Jazz and Rodney. Todd: "You come from the 'streets' of Wichita, Kansas! Are the streets there even paved?" Mack going up. Rhyno punches him before he even makes it up, and even Coach thinks that's a dumb move. Rhyno trying for a superplex - and it works! Rhyno rolls on top, one two no. Rhyno with a right, Rodney with a right. Corner whip by Rhyno, reversed, and Rhyno goes down, clutching his left shoulder. Rodney with a stomp, then picks up Rhyno. Jab, jab, juke move, jab. Rhyno fighting back and stopped with a knee. Whip, reversed into a side belly to belly suplex. Rhyno gathering himself and thinking about the Gore. Jazz thinking about it too, and so she goes in the ring to attack Rhyno from behind. Rhyno spots here, and Tajiri sneaks in behind her - Jazz turns around to run away from Rhyno and walks into the Tarantula. Rodney gets up and turns around - GORE. One two three. (5:34) Todd did a weak Heyman impersonation. Todd mocks Coach and Rodney's revenge plan. For whatever reason, we only see Jazz being put in the Tarantula from far away and when Tajiri is obscuring her; must not have been TV PG in that outfit.

Tonight: Chuck Palumbo vs World Tag Team Champions Chris Benoit
Next: Jericho vs Shelton for the IC Title

Day of Reckoning presents Shelton Benjamin winning the IC Title at Taboo Tuesday "two weeks ago"
And onto the rematch on Monday. That counter has been done plenty of times before but at least they're trying to tell a story. I can only hope the Christian Coalition will give me voting advice on Monday. Hahaha Red is beating up Blue in swing state Iowa. I need this election to be over so I can stop finding things like that funny (3:48)

Tonight: Chuck Palumbo vs World Tag Team Champions Chris Benoit
Next: La Resistance

SmackDown the Vote - or, how late exactly can you register to vote in Wisconsin? See, Mark Henry, Chris Nowinski. Your voices haven't been heard because you weren't eligible to vote, duh. There's Lance Cade. There's Nowinksi again. There's Henry again. I must've been imaging the other one being there. (1:08)

La Resistance (Province of Quebec, 477 pounds) vs Ken Anderson and Lenny Lane (451 pounds, Des Moines, Iowa, already in the ring) - Coach won't tell Todd who he's voting for, but he is voting. Todd figures Coach is voting for Coach. They start to debate who La Resistance will be voting for, and thankfully get distracted before they embarrass themselves further. I guess Lenny was obscure enough they don't have to change his name? Ken's ditched the Jeff Jarrett look, thank goodness for that. They're wearing matching tights. I should remember to mention it's Justin Jason Roberts handling the ring announcing this week; is Fink okay? He's been not around a lot lately. Maybe it's just a midwest thing. Wait, no, Sylvan has things to say (to his friends) in French. Todd: "He sounds like you in karaoke, you know. 'It's Raining Men' ring any bells?" Conway: "First of all, I'd like to congratulates all you Americans on your corrupt voting systems. La Resistance lost the tag team titles at Taboo Tuesday to Chris Benoit! And each and everyone one of you who voted made it happen. You're all to blame. Your votes - your voices - let me tell you something - we've had it with audience participation! And we will regain our World Tag Team titles because we are the great La Resistance!" Coach is rebelling. He just doesn't know about what yet. Ken and Grenier to start, though it'd help if Mike Choida told someone to ring the bell. They do it anyway, right as he's remembering. Circle. Lockup, Grenier with a scoop and slam. Kick to the back. Turnbuckle smash. Grenier misses on a punch, Ken with an inside cradle one two no. Ken with an armbar, Lenny tags himself in, to the top , and an axhandle to the arm. Todd on Lenny Lane: "Here's Chris Jericho's older brother, it looks like." I guess Lenny's stuff is too obscure for him. Armbar, twist. Grenier with a punch to escape. Corner whip, Lenny kips up and out, Lenny with a waistlock roll up one two Robert break sit up and throws Lenny out. Grenier wants out after him, Choida stops that and stops Ken from getting involved, allowing Conway to get after Ken with stomps. Ken tries to go over and help after the fact, but is warned off - and Grenier gives him a running forearm from behind. Lenny thrown in, one two no. Mounted punches. Turnbuckle smash, tag to Conway, punches on his way out. Conway picks up punches. Talking trash, right hand. Tag to Greiner. Corner whip, no reversed into a Grenier back elbow, rebounded into a Conway clothesline. Jumping knee drop we'll pretend hits, one two no. Greiner with a walking side back suplex. Stomp. Scoop, waling, side breaker. Greiner rushes and knocks Ken far off the apron. Stomps. Ken flies a long way impressively, but they don't show it - too many empty seats? Ken wants back in, but is stopped, allowing a beatdown of Lenny. Conway stays in without a tag. Choke on the middle rope. Coach with the Choida sucking up. Greiner gets in a choke from the outside. Lenny fights back with right hands, but Conway trips him up with a drop toe hold. Conway pounds Lenny in the back and gets pumped up. Talking trash, but Lenny is alert enough to punch him. Conway stops that with a elbow drop. Kneeling surfboard. Crowd rallies for or against La Resistance, depending on if you believe Coach. Lenny elbows out, but is stopped with a knee. Corner whip, Conway rushes into a knee. Conway charges in again, Lenny rolls out of the way, dive tag to Ken. Ken with a right for Conway, right for Greiner, right for Conway (almost taking himself out), back elbow for Greiner. Whip for Conway, wheel kick one two no Grenier breaks it up. Lenny waits for Greiner to finally turn around, right, right, charge gets him backdropped to the floor. Ken with a kick, turn for a reverse neckbreaker, but Conway breaks it up. Au Revior. One two three. (4:54) Todd: "Ridiculous!" Coach: "I don't want to hear about your social life."

Tonight: Chuck Palumbo vs World Tag Team Champions Chris Benoit
Next: Will people dare to interfere in Flair's match? Yea, the guy he's talking to right there.

Mick Foley goes to Public School 1970 to read his book. (:51) Wait, was that a commercial?

Coach plugs his column in RAW Magazine. Moving on, the main event rematch
Who's in charge? (2:45)
2004 - Chris Benoit, never again allowed to receive a title shot, manages to win the Royal Rumble to do just that
2003 - Brock Lesnar, never again allowed to receive a title shot, manages to win the Royal Rumble to do just that
Those weren't the first two times, either. I hope Rick is wrong, but the usual laziness in booking means they've got to prove him wrong before any one who's paying attention should disagree.  

Next: Chuck Palumbo vs World Tag Team Champions Chris Benoit
RAW Live
Monday - Peoria, IL [RAW]
Friday - Laredo, TX
Saturday - Monterrey, MX
Sunday - Hidalgo, TX
Monday - Austin, TX.
I know they still only get RAW in Mexico, but you'd think they'd fix that by now. Bet Antifaz doesn't magically get on that Monterrey show.

Monster.com presents Edge walking out on Chris Benoit at Taboo Tuesday, but Benoit still winning hte match 

Chuck Palumbo (San Diego, CA, 289 pounds) vs One Half Of The World Tag Team Champions Chris Benoit (residing in Atlanta, GA, 229 pounds) - Chuck moved! I wonder why. Spiffy red shirt, Jason. Holy crap, Chuck's got the mic! "For those who don't know who I am - I'm Custom Chucky P! Yea, that's right. I'm slick like a Chevelle Super Sport, but I run hard like a Pontiac Trans Am! Here I am, I'm the man with the badest chassis in the WWE, and you people don't vote me in for the InterContinental Title at Taboo Tuesday? What the hell were you thinking? And you know something - I'm not going to over heat. I'm going prove to you right here, RIGHT NOW, I SHOULD'VE BEEN IN THAT MATCH. Because, you know what, in the land of success, I'm the one man guaranteed to cross the finish line. [what?] 'cause I'm Custom Chucky P" Benoit's music mercifully brings this to an end.  I think he wanted 'race of success', but I don't know. I think Benoit doesn't agree with his introduction, but I guess this makes it clear it's not a title match. Wow, they've left a lot of time here. Coach talks about playing SmackDown! vs RAW on the X-Box, which I guess is possible in strange alternate universes. Todd: "Last I checked, you were still playing Tecmo Bowl on the old Nintendo." Coach will not stand for Tecmo Bowl bashing! "Barry Sanders is the bomb!" BENOIT BENOIT BENOIT BENOIT BENOIT and so on. Coach: "I think I distinctly heard them say CUSTOM CUSTOM CUSTOM" Lockup, Chuck backs Benoit up in the corner (!), break with a slap. Benoit checks his face, and starts chopping. Benoit gives Palumbo some room, and they circle. Lockup, Chuck with a headlock, Benoit shoots him off, Chuck back with a  shoulderblock, one two no. Chuck backs off, taunting. Circle. Lockup, Benoit with an armbar, Chuck reaching for the ropes, and eventually finds some to hook. Break at four. Circle. Lockup, Chuck with a hard headlock takedown. Benoit tries using knees to escape, but Chuck holds on. Benoit getting back up, Chuck shot off, over the top, into a back elbow. Chris Kay tries to stop him from following up, but Benoit ignores him, chop, chop, chop, turned around by Chuck, Chuck shoulder, shoulder, shoulder. Todd: "I soiled myself with terror!" Headlock takedown. Based on Maven's rollup win, Coach sees him on the same level as Randy Orton and Chris Jericho. Crowd quite as Chuck gets to a knee. Shot off - no, Chuck stops it, and forearms him. Whip, Benoit slides under, chop, chop, chop, Chuck shoves him down, charges at Benoit, Benoit ducks and Chuck's big boot takes him over the top rope and to the floor. BENOIT TOPE! Dude, it's Heat, don't be breaking your neck! Quick to the break. (3:21)  

We return with Chuck stomping Benoit near the ropes. During the break, Chuck "dominated" Benoit, which is unfortunate for him - you need to impress the crowd! Back suplex. Chinlock. Coach: "You're an idiot. For some reason, I like you. I don't know why, but I like you." Todd: "I like me too." Benoit battling up. Crowd clapping softly. Benoit elbowing out, right, Benoit with a kick, caught, and Palumbo clotheslines. One two no. DISCUS PUNCH! Benoit's dead! Stop the match, Kay! Palumbo takes his time covering, one two NO. Short clothesline - no, reversed into the Crossface! Palumbo trying to get to the ropes before it's locked in - and he does! Chuck up first, elbow drop to the back. Elbow drop to the back. Off the ropes, elbow drop to the back. Coach compares RAW to the NFL, parity wise. Bent over chinlock. Coach will go out with Chuck for Halloween if he wins this match! Crowd loud for Benoit now, and he starts up before Palumbo stops him with a forearm. Corner whip, Chuck charges into a boot. Benoit of the ropes, big knockdown and both guys are down. One two three four five six - Chuck up and dropping an axhandle on Benoit. Scoop, loaded up on his shoulder, but Benoit slips behind, forearming Chuck and knocking off his bandana. Benoit locks on the waistlock, Chuck fights him off with back elbows. Chuck kick is caught into a dragon screw leg whip - sharpshooter is kicked off! Chuck clothesline is ducked, German German German German German! Both guys are slow up again, but Benoit is up first. Looks at the crowd - thumb accords the throat. Going up, Swandive Headbutt MISSES, Chuck rolling away from it. Both guys slow up again. One two three four five six seven eight and Chuck up first, off the ropes, big boot to the head! One two th-NO! Chuck complains about his trademark move not working! Coach and Chuck argue the count, but Chris Kay isn't changing his mind. Scoop, oh almost forget about the Samoan Drop - but Benoit's prepared, reversing right into the Crossface! Chuck's dead center in the ring - and it's over quick. (5:46, 9:07 total) Chris Benoit is about as pumped as you could possibly be when you beat Chuck Palumbo on Heat. Celebration with both the belts.

RAW: Eric Bischoff is back in charge. That's it. Amazing that RAW Interactive starts Monday and they haven't bothered to mention it.



The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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