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When Heels Collide!
January 17, 2005

by The Cubs Fan


tv pg lv entertainment open
Robert Conway (Province of Quebec, 230 pounds, w/Sylvain Grenier) vs wait a second - This was a bad idea to start watching this ten minutes after Velocity. All sorta of deja vu. And no announcers? It's to build drama - will Ivory be back? Will I go insane? Hold on to your hats! YES - your announcers are Coach and Todd.

What a match the elimination match was. This is the part of the program where Sylvain Grenier has a song for all of us. A song that touches all of us in our very souls. A song called - oh, wait, there's Val's music.

Robert Conway (Province of Quebec, 230 pounds, w/Sylvain Grenier) vs Val Venis (Las Vegas, 247 pounds) - Val points in Coach's general direction. Coach: "It seems that every week, he's more preoccupied with the man that is the Coach." The man that is the Coach?!? Todd annoys Coach and Coach threatens violence. Coach and Todd talk about how seriously awesome Triple H was for winning the EC3 match. Circle. Lockup, around and around they go, USA USA, Conway get sin a kneelift just as we're switching to look at Grenier. Armbar. Twist. Val reverse into a wristlock. Twist. Conway kicks Val to get free. Right. Whip, reversed, running with him knee. Running with him knee - no, Conway is ready and punches him. Conway tries to follow up, but gets a a boot to the face. Val off the ropes, into a Conway forearm. Conway off the ropes, into a Val clothesline! Perhaps they really should stop that. Val does, and gets in a chop. whip, running with a knee, and he'll be darned if he can't get in the Russian legsweep. Stand over Conway hip swivel and mounted punches causes Grenier to get up on the apron, and Val to stop punching to chase him off.  Conway uses the stall to crawl to the apron and he sneak sin an elbow as Val tries to o pick him up. Val tries again, and gets pulled over the top rope and to the floor. Conway rushes Val into the apron back first. Todd: "Can you get over yourself for one second?" "Hey! Hey! Hey!" Conway throws Val back in to the ring. Grenier getting on the nerves of the front row. Stomp by Conway. Stomp. Coach: "La Resistance would like nothing better to regain those tag team titles" - so we're going with "Heat happened before the House Show". Conway with the Salute Reverse Neckbreaker. One two NO. Chinlock. Announcers discuss the dual knee injuries for NYR. Val trying to rally back. Val fights out with blows to both sides. Right. Kick. Val off the ropes, into a Conway snap mare. Val battles, and reverses it right into the back suplex powerbomb. Both slow up, Val winning the punch battle. Whip, head down too soon, and Conway kicks it. Conway charges, but right into the half nelson suplex one two NO. Val shoves Conway into the corner, yells, and hammers Conway with clothesline-type smashes. Corner whip, back the same way, but Val charges into a back elbow. Conway charge out into a spinebuster. Val yells, and I guess he's going to try to end it. He picks the corner near the La Resistance flag and Grenier, and even Coach points out how we've seen this go very bad many times before. Sure enough, Grenier crotches Val. Conway gives Val a right hand, and climbs up to join him. Superplex? No, blocked, blocked again. Both punch each other in the sides, but Val has the better of it. Conway shoved off, right in position. Val to the top rope, but Conway's grabbing his knee in pain. Wow, what a shocking coincidence and surely not fake at all. Conway rolls out of the path while Val doesn't jump after him. Val waits for Conway to get up, and Grenier uses the opening to grab Val by the leg. Val pulls Grenier to the apron and punches him off, but gets hammered with a forearm by Conway. Au Revoir. One two three. (5:50) No one's going to note Conway's knee is fine now? Not directly, no.

Tonight: Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly
Next: Edge needs a work with Shawn Michaels.

Chris "the Masterpeice" Masters vignette. Good to have another fitness related gimmick after the last one fared so well. (:55)

Edge gets in the rumble, and in HBK's area. (5:27)

Simon Dean/Kane/Snitsky recap. No blood in color. (3:56)
RAW: Kane vs Gene Snitsky
Tonight: Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Wow, this is quite the deadzone. 

SmackDown! vs RAW presents the WWE Rewind: Benoit and Jericho beat Christian and Tomko

Heat GM Steven Richards (Philadelphia, PA, 230 pounds) vs Tajiri (Japan, 206 pounds) - YES. YES. ECW ECW ECW. Circle. Lockup, Tajiri hamerlock, Steven reverse to one of his own, Tajiri escapes with a jumping snap mare. Both men quickly up to their feet, but Steven shoves Tajiri down with a shoulderblock. Tajiri off the ropes, over with a cartwheel, and pulling Steven into a monkey flip. Tajiri with a kick, snap mare, headlock on the mat. Steven's got his shoulders down, one up. Steven reverses with a headscissors, and holds in hard. Tajiri headstands out, and kills Steven with a dropkick to the head, one, no I guess he's not dead. Tajiri working over Steven with kicks to the back of the leg, and puts on a Stretch Muffler. Steven's far too close to the ropes to make this work, and after the hold is broken, Steven uses the opening to toss Tajiri out of the ring buy his tights. Steven out after him, Raven Russian legsweep into the barricade. Tajiri thrown back in, and Steven Drops The Hammer. Kneedrop, kneedrop, kneedrop, all to the head. Tajiri pulled up and forearmed down. Choke on the middle rope. Steven off the ropes, jumping hip check to the back, off the ropes, jumping hip check to the back, off the ropes, jumping hip check to the back (3!), off the ropes, running dropkick to Tajiri's back! One two NO. Steven with a rope assisted standing boot choke. Tajiri brought up, chopped down. Mocking bow. Crane pose! Coach: "I didn't have to do this when I DEFEATED TAJIRI LAST YEAR, but anyway, I digress." Steven slaps around Tajiri, and Tajiri fights back with shots to the midsection. Tajiri stopped by a knee to the head. KATHASTEVIE! Is this it? (Certainly not!) Tajiri battles to his feet and elbows out, Steven tries to sneak in a suplex and gets pulled into a small package one two NO.  Steven with a chop. Tajiri chest slap. Steven chop! Tajiri chest! Tajiri, Steven, Tajiri, Tajiri, Tajiri, Steven eye rake to put an end to that nonsense. Whip, head down too soon, and Tajiri tries to kick it off, plus a wheel kick to knock him down. Both men trying to get back up. Coach does NOT want to be in the Royal Rumble - let's see if that sticks. Tajiri up and spinning. Steven tries to punch him, and gets kicked hard in the side. Another kick to the left side, and another. Whip, reversed, Tajiri back with the handspring elbow. Tajiri's pumped up as Coach wonders why no one sees that coming - whoa, German Suplex by Tajiri! One two NO. No one saw THAT coming. Tajiri wants a faster count. Steven pushed into the corner for chops. Corner whip, reversed, Steven charges in, but Tajiri's ready for him- Tarantula. One two three four. Tajiri fixes his pants and sets up - Buzzsaw Kick is ducked!, S-R Bomb! One two foot on the rope! Steven hooks the leg off the rope and tries again - one two NO. Steven pulls Tajiri away from the ropes, one two NO. Front slam, one two NO. One two NO. TANTRUM! It's been a while. Knee pads are going DOWN. Steven pounds the mat, while Tajiri gets up behind him - oooooh, assassination kick to the back of the head. One two three (6:05) Yep, dead. Tajiri is out of it, but he's out of it victoriously Add THAT to the list too. 

WWE in Japan (:46)

Next: a #1 contenders match.
WWE Recall: TLC sings, LT and Bam Bam fight, 1995.

RAW Live
Monday - Toronto, ON [RAW]
Friday - Abilene, TX
Saturday - Tyler, TX
Sunday - Tulsa, OK
Next Monday - Oklahoma City, OK

EC3 recap and #1 contenders match. (2:25)
Next: Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Subway present the WWE Rewind: the Woman's Division shrinks by 25%. I think we all wanted the Kane/Lita stuff be over, but what a horrible way to end it.

WWE Woman's Champion Trish Stratus (Toronto, Canada) vs Molly Holly (Forest Lake, MN) in a non-title match - the crowd is especially and loudly anti-Trish. Why is Lillian Garcia doing the announcing? Coach remembers back to the day where Lita was Coach's Heat Pal, and threatens Todd about it happening again. Coach goes onto threaten it taking only one phone call from him to end Todd's stay on Heat. Todd: "How about when you're throwing back rum, after rum, after rum, drinking, you're like [drunk voice] 'Todd, we're best buddies, we're going to be a great team!'" Coach says Coach does not drink, party, or go out at all. Circle. Lockup, nothing, break. Circle. Lockup - no, Trish gets in a kick. Armbar, twist. Molly yanks Trish by the hair to escape. Standing wristlock as Trish is on the mat. Trish tries to find a way out, and a nice kip up sure works. Right hand nocks down Molly. Armbar, twist. Molly tying to get to the ropes and not getting there. Handstand reversal into a fireman's carry takeover. Trash talking between the two - being the last three survivors means they don't get along any more, I guess. Fans have no idea who to root for here, or just didn't care. Trish charges at Molly, and Molly trips her up with a drop toe hold. Armdrag, armdrag, axhandle to the face! That was fun. Trish tries to get up and gets stomped down. Corner whip, Trish with the corner kip up and headscissors. Trish clotheslines Molly down just as she gets up, and covers for one tow NO. Hammerlock, with the ropes just outside of Molly's reach - and Trish pulls the reaching arm into an armbar, smart. Trish puts her knee on the hammerlock to keep in place (or let's it go entirely - can't tell, being generous), and hooks one of Molly's leg for a modified half crab as well. It's all quite strechy. Trish lets go to cover, one twp no. Turnbuckle smash. Molly stomps her down. Choke. Word for the ref. Trish to the middle rope for a choke that pulls Molly off the mat. Trish lets go at four, but pauses to bow for the crowd. Great. Back to the choke. Trish lets go at four, waits till Molly turns around, and takes her out with a diving clothesline, one two no. Trish is very angry with that count, and lets the referee know - Molly inside cradle one two NO. Molly's clothesline is Matrixed - so Molly just axhandles Trish's midsection instead! That looked painful. One two NO. Chinlock/face yank. Letting go at four, starting for another four. Knee choke on the middle rope. Corner whip, reversed, Molly quickly leaps to the middle rope, jumps out over Trish and pulls Trish into a handstand headscissors. That entire sequence looked great. One two NO. Crowd not really into this match. Trish battling back with right hands and forearm. Whip, reversed, Trish back with a clothesline. One two NO. Molly needs a time out, Trish isn't giving one, and Molly lures her into a trip onto the bottom rope. Trish hit the bottom rope with her throat and bounced back. Coach is relating his Trish Stratus related fantasies for those who really want to know. Turnbuckle smash. Molly kicks Trish down. Snap mare, running neck snap, nicely done. Molly yells at the crowd. Corner whip, Molly Pop reversed into a headscissors cradle, one two three. (4:49) Trish sneaks out with a win, and gets her belt back.

RAW: Kane vs Snitsky
RAW: Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho

That's it.



The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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