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The Tag Champs Get a Tryout Match
Before The REAL Show!
June 28, 2005

by The Cubs Fan


the giant TV box is late, but it's TV 14 DLV CC entertainment open
we (by which I mean: the show) are live in Las Vegas, Nevada, where many many people are waiting in line. Outside and very hot, but not in the good way, are Ivory and Todd. Ivory promises the world will be talking about this show for years to come, while Todd promises four championship matches.

Vengeance: Triple H vs Batista in Hell in the Cell match for the World Championship
Vengeance: Chris Jericho vs John Cena vs Christian in a triple threat match for the WWE Championship

Segueing, Todd discloses that Coach entered a World Series of Poker event this past week - and lasted 18 minutes. Awesome! Coach and his broken microphone disputes that claim - it was 22.5 minutes! His mic is still not working, and we're getting a lot of background noise from the Ivory and Todd's site, but Coach is going like normal
Vengeance: Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle
Vengeance: Kane vs Edge
how we got there (4:21)
They got Coach a working mic! Good for them.

Tonight: the Hurricane and Rosey vs the Heart Throbs for the World Tag Team Championship

WWE Slam of the Week, presented by the Devil's Rejects: Carlito wins the IC title after Shelton nearly makes good on "suicide dive".

Ivory and Todd debate what "exact scale" means.
Vengeance: Carlito vs Shelton Benjamin for the Intercontinental Championship
Earlier today, Coach talked to Carlito. "Concerns, Coach? Concerns? I won the US title my very first night on SmackDown! Then I do again, by winning the Intercontinental championship my first night on RAW. That makes Carlito a winner. Shelton Benjamin? Shelton Benjamin is a loser. You know, you've seen him, you've been here a while. Shelton Benjamin's a loser! [turns to camera] Just like all of you. Now, I know there's one two people out there, probably just one, that thinks that [scoffs] that Shelton Benjamin can beat Carlito tonight. Let me give you some advice. [to Coach] Where are we? Vegas? Vegas. You people like to bet, right? Well, why don't you do this: before you go broke, get all your money, gather it all up, put it on the table, and let it all ride on Carlito. Because in Vegas, Carlito's the only sure thing. Tonight, I defend my title, and tonight, I walk out still the Intercontinental Champion. And that, that's cool." He walks off.

Moving on, we haven't talked about HitC yet this segment, so here's the video package (1:11)

RAW Live
Tonight: Las Vegas, NV [Vengeance - isn't it a little late to advertise?]
Monday: Anaheim, CA [RAW...and SD!]
Thursday: Seoul, South Korea [RAW/SD! Supershow]
Friday: Tokyo, Japan [RAW/SD! Supershow]
Saturday: Tokyo, Japan [RAW/SD! Supershow]

Diva Search highlights. (2:31)
Monday: The 8 Finalists Debut

Vengeance Press Conference. This is the HITC mention for this segment. (1:30)

WWE Rewind, presented by Skittles Bubble Gum: light happy music behind Victoria killing Christy. Black and White for the blood!

Todd and Ivory do horrible parade banter. Todd says Christy has a slight concussion and stitches, but she'll be here tonight.
Vengeance: Christy vs Victoria
Vengeance: Chris Jericho vs John Cena vs Christian in a triple threat match for the WWE Championship
and video package. It's a great build to Cena vs Christian, and then Jericho butts in. Stupid Jericho. Still not getting his one on one match. Nice to pull out the WM20 footage. (2:46)

Tonight: the Hurricane and Rosey vs the Heart Throbs for the World Tag Team Championship

Moments ago: Batista arrived - and signed autographs for children. How sweet. He's way too happy.
Vengeance: Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle, part II
a look back at part I (1:30)
Earlier Today, Todd interrupts Kurt's prep to asks him about his thoughts about his match: "You wanna know what I'm thinking, Todd? In 1996, when I won the Olympic gold medal, people KNEW I earned that victory. They never questioned if it was a fluke, or a luck. They knew I won, and they congratulated me for it. Now when it comes to Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania, people are asking me, asking each other: is it a fluke that Kurt Angle beat Shawn Michaels? Was it luck? Well let me tell you something about myself - when I go in the ring, and when I put that anklelock on someone, I don't care who it is, I give that man a choice. He can either tap out, or I break his ankle in two! See, I don't rely on luck. I'm not like any of these losers who come to Vegas, and gamble all their money away for no reason. I do not rely on luck! And after tonight, my hall of fame plaque will read, among other things, 'Kurt Angle, Olympic Gold Medal, Multiple Time WWE Champion, and the only man to make Shawn Michaels tap TWICE."

Next: the Hurricane and Rosey vs the Heart Throbs for the World Tag Team Championship

Vengeance: "Happy" by Mudvayne

the Heat Throbs (Panama City, FL, 445 pounds) vs the Hurricane and Rosey (590 pounds, w/anonymous associate) for the World Tag Team Champions - Jason Roberts sure is bigger. Your announcers are the King, Coach and JR. Sounds like Coach is sticking with them for the whole show, huh. Let's look at the cage and talk about it for quite a bit to make up for the segment where we didn't. JR calls the masked person "Stacy" for some strange reason. King yells at him for breaking his secret identity. JR: "Chad Patten - if that is HIS real name" and everyone laughs about it. A winner is Antonio, so he'll start with Rosey. Wait, Rosey's starting? Wait, they left a lot of time for this? Well, we still got a HiTC video package. Rosey forces Antonio in the corner. Clean break, and Antonio is immediately hitting a knee. Rights. Headlock, shot off, shoulderblock doesn't work well for Antonio, doesn't work well for Romeo either. King thought he saw Antonio star in Zumanity this week. Slam. Rosey going up, Romeo tries to stop him and gets elbowed away, but does distract him for a Antonio clip. Antonio distracts Hurricane and Chad in turn, allowing Romeo to crank Rosey's left leg around the bottom of the rope. Antonio holds Rosey and makes the tag. Make a wish! Romeo covers for one. Big half crab. Rosey trying to get to the ropes -and he's got them. Romeo taking his time letting o. Cheap shot for Hurricane gets him i and Chad stopping him, allowing for a double knee smash into the mat. One two no. Tag to Antonio. Stomp to the knee. Look at the cage. Sit down on the knee. Tag to Romeo. Working over the knee. Romeo one two no. Tag to Antonio. Second rope "axhandle" meets boot. Rosey punches Romeo away and tries to crawl - ah, roll, and there's the tag. Clothesline for Romeo, side kick for Romeo. Backdrop for Antonio, and he's clothesline out, which is bad since he's legal but I guess Hurricane isn't thinking. Romeo tires to surprise him with a punch, and gets the double underhook behind the back  neckbreaker one two no - wait, he's not the legal man! Boo. Hurricane goes up, Romeo stops him with punches. Romeo climbing up. Superplex - blocked by Hurricane, and Romeo is shoved off. Hurricane all the way up now - top rope cross body, one two Antonio breaks it up. Hurricane almost over shot him. Now everyone's in the ring. Rosey whips Antonio, Antonio grabs the ropes, Rosey charges him and ends up going over the top - but gets his hand caught in the ropes. Not a good sign. Hurricane works over Antonio, whip as Chad tries to (and does) free Rosey, reversed, Romeo misses the clothesline on the first pass, but they connect on a double kick on the net. Double STO (JR: "Double Russian Legsweep") and Romeo covers one two thre-NO! Wasn't expecting that one, and neither were the challengers. Romeo calls Antonio back in the ring, what are they doing here. Ha, they're going for a(n actual!) Hart Attack, but Stacy trips up Antonio. Hurricane gets free, tries a sunset flip, can't get Romeo over - but Rosey can with a big clothesline. Hurricane covering one two three! (5:07) Still not the legal man but what can you do. That was fun. Let's hope the rest of the show is too.

Batista vs HHH (3:52) and the show ends at the top of the hour, that's some good timing.

That's it.



The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
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RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
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RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
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PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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