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Another Cameo by the Hacksaw
May 29, 2006

by The Cubs Fan


Rob Conway (Atlantic City, NJ, 230 pounds) vs 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan (Glens Falls, New York, 265 Pounds, w/2x4) - Todd is STILL alone. Budget cuts are killer. You think they'll bother redoing Conway's video with the new hair color? Nah. Rob's starting to look unconcerned about the Wellness Program again. And now for the 

completely pointless. Hey, remember when Conway vs Legends was an angle? Hey, remember when Goldberg ended Duggan's career? Me neither. Todd says Rob demanded this match - he wants to prove he's a main eventer, and he figured beating Duggan would be an easy way to get there. If he says so. Your ref is Mike. USA USA and so on. HOOO and such. Lockup. Headlock Conway shot off, Conway tries a shoulderblock, but Duggan just gives him the thumbs up. Conway off the ropes, hiptoss, clothesline, hooooooo. Conway out, then angrily wants in, then doesn't want in. Start the chant again. Duggan pulls Conway up by his hair, and gets his throat snapped over the top rope. Right hands, choke on the mat. Turnbuckle smash is effective? Huh. Crowd trying to rally Duggan with a USA chant, but Conway punches him down. One two no. Whip, back elbow, elbow drop, elbow drop, pose, elbow drop. One two no. One two no. Chinlock. USA chant again, and Duggan's drawing from the crowd this time. Duggan up to his feet, elbowing up, and Conway pulls him down by the hair. Conway punching Duggan and Duggan stumbling, then falling. Conway on top with punches. Yelling at the fans to shut up. Chinlock. All the way down to the mat, and the crowd is quiet. Crowd livens up as Mike checks the arm - one down, two down, three thumbs up! Duggan rallying back up  to the USA chant, elbowing free, Conway stops him again with a forearm to the back. Turnbuckle smash - but no, Dugan blocks it, elbows Conway, and Conway eats the turnbuckle. Right, left, right, left, and more in the corner. One two three four five six seven eight nine ten. Duggan backs up, wiping his hands. Thumbs up - and Conway explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Mocking the thumbs up! What's Conway doing? Middle rope elbow drop, but Duggan easily moves out of the way. Three point stance clothesline, Conway spins out one two three. (4:47) Nice to know you, Conway. Todd "Yes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan still has got it!"

Wreckless Intent

Carlito (Caribbean, 220 pounds) vs Russell Simpson (Stillwater, OK, 220 pounds, already in the ring) - Imagine this; Carlito is in a very talkative mood on the way to the ring. Your ref is Chad. Todd talks about Kane on SD!. Lockup, Carlito gets behind Russell and shoves him. Russell charges into a hiptoss. Carlito gives him back elbow, and brings him in the corner. Hard chop. Carlito walks him around into another corner for a punch. Corner whip, reversed, Carlito kips up and out, Russell goes into the corner hard, and then turns into a dropkick. Carlito backs up, looking at the crowd, and charges in - Russell bails, and Carlito spears the post. Carlito out of the ring and hurting. Russell wants him to come in, but Carlito taking his time. Now Carlito to the apron - and Russell knocks him off. Carlito isn't moving his left arm as Todd recalls Carlito's history of shoulder issues. Carlito rolled and is stomped. Russell stretches the arm around the ropes. Variety of work by Russell on the left arm. Carlito gets in a couple strikes, but Russell is dominate. Todd says this is Russell's first appearance on Heat - Russell's been on B-shows roughly a billion times. With a lot of different hometowns, apparently. Russell eventually puts on a horrifying neck pinch as a wear down hold, and I cry. Carlito rallies up with one arm - elbows and punches. Whip, clothesline misses, Carlito lands a springboard back elbow. Whip, kick to the midsection, running knee lift, Russell stays up to get leveled by a clothesline. Carlito gives the crowd a look as he shakes the life back into his left arm. Corner whip, reversed, Carlito back flip escapes from the corner, and gets the back cracker. One two three. (3:42)

Judgment Day

RAW: wacky handicap match, HBK vs Kenny (2:34)

RAW Magazine: Shelton Benjamin

Charlie Haas (Dallas, TX, 249 pounds) and Viscera (Harlem, NY, 487 pounds) vs Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (532 pounds) - Well, that's an odd tag team. This other one, not so much. Reunited and it feels so good. I guess Trevor gave up on his IC dreams for the moment. I guess Lance Cade gave up - being a total dork, I guess. Cade seems disappointed that the role of Lillian Garcia is being played by Justin Roberts tonight. Cade and Haas to start - and Trevor jumps in, forearming him from behind. Murdock backs out, and Cade pulls Charlie into a headlock. Your ref is Jack. Shot off, back with a shoulderblock. Slam, off the ropes, elbow drop, but Haas moves out of the way just in time. Haas with an armdrag, armbar, pulling shoulder into shoulder, running Cade shoulder first into a the corner, and another armdrags for good measure. Tightening up on the arm with an armbar and knee to the joint. Cade manages to get free with knees to the midsection, and back to his corner so Murdoch can tag himself in. Haas is forced to let go of the illegal man, and the ex champs use their numbers for a second. Trevor stomps, and tags Cade back in. Corner whip, double clothesline misses, Haas double clotheslines them both. Haas doesn't go to tag, instead kicking Trevor in the back (Trevor rolls out), and going after Cade. Armbar, elbow to the head, do the fans want Vis? They're getting him. Tag. Whip, Has with a drop toe hold, Vis adds a legdrop, one two Trevor breaks it up, sorta. Haas back in and punching Murdoch. Head into the buckle. Vis and Haas run Trevor and Cade into each other and then out of the ring. This is probably commercial break time in other lands, so we get an alternate audio track for WWE.com plugs. Trevor back in and demanding Haas come in - bad move, he gets an atomic drop. Shoulder to the midsection. Cade comes in and he gets punched. Stomps for Cade to send him out, but Trevor surprises Haas with a blockbuster. Tag to Cade, who adds a jumping legdrop one two no. Nerve pinch and a neck crank, huh. Cade brings Haas into his corner for stomps, and then distracts Jack so Trevor can choke from the outside. Stomps, and tag to Trevor.  Shot to Haas' midsection. Knee drop to the head. Whip, back elbow. CHARLIE chant? That's what happens hewn you're announced as a local. Todd has no idea how to fill an hour of himself - he's actually recapping the show! Back elbows, whip, Haas tries a sunset flip, Trevor blocks it, walks to his corner, tags Cade, and then gets pulled over. Jack doesn't count the pin because Trevor's not legal anymore, and then Cade crushes Haas with a diving forearm to the back of his neck. Cade talking trash. Cade with a front facelock, but Haas suplexes out. Can he make the tag? He's not going the right way yet.  Getting up to his feet. Tag to Murdoch, who grabs Haas by his feet. Haas is just short of making the tag, and Trevor starts yelling for to Cade for help, but Cade's still recovering. Haas breaks free and dives, to make the tag to Vis. Clothesline for Trevor, forearm for Lance, clothesline for Trevor, forearm for Lance, slam for Trevor, slam for Lance, sidewalk slam for Trevor. Cade's whipped into the corner, Trevor's whipped into them - Haas is in the area too since it IS his corner. Vis revving up, corner charge - C&M bail out of the way, and Haas gets decked on the apron. Sweet And Sour! One two three. (6:20) That's the clothesline/chop block combo, and probably not called that any more; Lance is notably less sweet. Todd, who's been reminding us of Trevor giving Viscera a chair shot a few weeks ago all match, calls the former tag team champions beating a make shift team "an upset".

That's it.



The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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