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Rob Conway: Babyface?
August 28, 2006

by The Cubs Fan


corp open. show open.
Shelton Benjamin (Orangeburg, NC, 248 pounds) vs Rob Conway (Atlantis City, NJ, 230 pounds) - Coach: "Much like Heat, when it feels like things change, they just stay the same." Actually, it never feels like things change, but I feel the say the same part. Speaking of, Conway's back to getting his music, but no sunglasses. Oh, 

wait, maybe not, Shelton's asking the music to be stopped. "Stop! Now when I agreed to come out here, I agreed to have viable competition. Conway, you just don't measure up buddy. See, to me, you're no different than the idiots on the other side of this rail. You came out here, because you want to close to greatness. Just like everyone else here. So, It'll tell you what. You got an option. You can march your little [bleep? bleep!?! there's no bleeps on the internet!] right back up there, behind that curtain, and live to fight another day or you can take on an insurance program - as[bleep]whooping insurance! And you're about to pay a deductible." Conway's wandered down to the ring during this speech, and ends it by yanking Shelton out of the ring by his legs. Conway punches him around ringside, and Shelton takes a header into the barricade. Shelton thrown back in, and there's the bell. Oh, your announcers are forever Coach and Todd, for this 427th episode of Heat. Conway blocks Shelton's punches and gets his own. Whip, hiptoss, nice dropkick, charging clothesline sends Shelton out. Conway is all pumped up, telling Shelton that he ought to go to the back. Shelton responds by pulling Conway out, but Conway gets the best of his with punches gain. Shelton thrown back in, Shelton uses Jack Doan as a distraction as Conway gets up on the apron, and then big boots Conway off the apron all the way to the ramp. Coach is saying "this was an eventful week" many times, but it's all SummerSlam talk. Shelton out, ramming Conway into the ring, and bringing him in to work on the lower back some more. Stomp to the back, back suplex. Chant so weak I can't make it out. Mounted punches probably don't hurt Conway's back. Corner whip, Conway goes down, Conway pins, one two no. Choke on the ropes by Shelton. Shelton leaves him hanging and adds a running knee. Choke. Conway tries battling up with punches, but Shelton puts that to a stop with a Samoan drop. One two no. Chinlock. Conway drawing from the crowd, and the crowd is going with him. Conway with right hands, and Shelton stops that with a knee. Corner whip, Conway comes back out of the corner with a clothesline, and both men are down. Shelton up first, but Conway rails back with more right hands. Running punches now. Whip, jumping back elbow. Conway fired up. Crowd not exactly with him here. Running swinging neckbreaker one two no. Shelton sneaks in an eye poke. Whip, quick reverse into a Conway powerslam one two NO. Conway's frustrated. Corner whip, Shelton kips up and out, double leg takedown on Conway, and holding on for a Boston crab! Will Conway give? He's not giving up, he's reaching, he's crawling - he's got the bottom ropes. Shelton taking his time letting go. Stomp to the back, stomp to the stomach. Corner whip, Conway's crazy leg lariat is a crazy out of control springboard leg lariat this week, and he might have turned his left knee on the landing one two NO. Conway unsteady to his feet, but still trying. Ego Trip, but Shelton grabs the ropes to block. Shelton goes down, covers while in the ropes and then grabs the ropes to be sure he's illegal, one two three. (6:31) Both men are exhausted. Coach calls it a dominating victory. Replay of the big boot to Conway's face. 


Gene Snitsky (Nesquehoning, PA, 300 pounds) vs Phil Friedman (New York City, 275 pounds, already in the ring) - your ref is Mike Choida. About the same sized guys. Snitsky with a kick, right, corner clothesline. Corner whip, corner clothesline. Friedman's still standing, so Snitsky throws him down. Elbow drop. Ugly clothesline by Snitsky. Snitsky setting up for the big boot, running, and what a horrible attempt at a boot that was. Friedman didn't turn as fast as Snitsky was expecting, so Snitsky did it was quarter-effort, and you don't want Snitsky at 25%. I thought I heard they were going to cut this spot out? Because they really should've. Snitsky slams Friedman and tells him they're going to repeat the spot - and so they do, with the boot looking much better but the sequence looking horrible. END IT. One two three. (1:11) Thanks! Let's make it about 1:10 shorter next time.


Cena and Edge on RAW, very much clipped down (1:00)

SummerSlam replay ad (RAW matches only)

Val Venis (Las Vegas, NV, 244 pounds) vs Viscera (Harlem, NY, 487 pounds, w/Charlie Haas) - who gave Cade & Murdoch the week off? Coach is back to calling himself the Coach. Todd says Val says he's got no problems with his ex-tag team partner. Probably should've asked Vis the same question. Coach: "Hey, if we're going to see a good wrestling match, call me when it's over." Wrestling, who wants to say that. I don't Coach should worry about it here, anyway. Your ref is the new one who's name I should know by now but I don't really. Val and Viscera are friendly. Shake! Hard slap by Viscera was not so friendly. Apparently it's on. Apparently Coach DID talk to Viscera and Viscera promised angry violence. Val ducks Viscera's clothesline, but his punches have no effect. Vis' head jerks back, but he doesn't budge much. Val has no other ideas, apparently. Oh, he's going to try a running clothesline, but that doesn't work either. Again. Vis is roaring - so Val pokes him in the eyes. Right, no more, Viscera shove him down. Val able to back up Vis into the corner with punches while ducking Vis' own punches. Val with corner punches - one two three four five six seven eight nine ten. Val walks around celebrating, and gets a double chop to the throat. Big legdrop. Coach says Vis is up to 491. Vis talking trash awhile scooping Val up and slamming him down. Walking over Val's back. Vis throws Val out, and distracts the referee, so Charlie can actually do something here. Right hand, sternum first into the apron, and Val thrown back in. Choke on the ropes. Coach goes on an anti-women rant, blaming Lillian for all of this, and wanders into quoting the Rock. Viscera with a choke. Chest slap. Val fighting back again, off the ropes, ducking a clothesline, but into a Samoan drop. It's all the rage. Hey, you want to try a pin. Viscera off the ropes, elbow drop to the back. Todd: "Viscera delivering a Five Star match versus John Cena...". I guess that would be on the popular eighty star scale. Viscera with a whip, backdrop. Viscera complains about the level of competition. Charlie helpfully suggests "break his stinkin' back!" I guess he's been watching his Barry Darsow tapes. Val fights up with punches again. Off the ropes, into a Viscera side slam. Val's rolled over onto his stomach. Charlie's laughing even before Vis does it, but is Vis actually going to do it? He's strutting around. There's the hip swivel - there's Val crabbing on this Viscera's leg. Vis pulls him up and slaps him down. Slam, no, Val slips behind, more punches and chops. Corner whip, no, Vis grabs the ropes, and clotheslines him down. I think we need the finish already. Val can't do anything here. Vis revving up for the big corner splash, but Val moves, inside cradle one two NO. Val heading quick to the middle rope, clothesline knocks Viscera down. Val calling for the Money Shot, but he probably shouldn't go do it so near Charlie. Charlie distracts him, teases grabbing him, and buys plenty of time for Viscera to get up. There's a particularly bad Viscera wheel kick. VD splash to make it look good. One two three. (6:49

That's it.



The Cubs Fan watches way too much watching television - you can read more
of his overly detailed rambling reports at www.thecubsfan.com 

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RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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