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Best of AJ Styles, Volume 2
January 24, 2003

by Scotty Szanto-Nicodemus
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Well, I took a bit of a hiatus from watching wrasslin’ over the past few weeks.  In fact, I haven’t seen anything new in over a month, since NWA: TNA’s final broadcast last year (12/18/02).  I am still trying to track down and convince some Indy feds to enter into a deal with me as far as tapes go, but until I can get something, I’ve got plenty of stuff in my tape collection already that I can present to ya’ll.  I need to rant at the beginning here about a friend I work with that was slagging on me because I watch wrasslin’.  He didn’t understand the difference when I said that I don’t watch WWF(E) shows (when speaking, I usually still use the “F”).  I tried to explain the athleticism that can be seen on the Indy circuit, but he just kept using the word “fake”.  I don’t know if he would even drop his attitude long enough to watch a wrasslin’ match with me, but I want to show him something that displays the art and athleticism involved…the first match that comes to mind is from ECW on TNN, a Mexican Death Match between Tajiri and Super Crazy.  Not only is that match incredibly brutal and hard fought, but the commentary gels just the way that I would want it to if I was to show it to this friend…ie: at one point Joel Gertner asks us to ponder just what it means for Super Crazy to climb to the top of the bleachers with blood running into his eyes and leap blindly over the concrete floor and connect with a Moonsault fifteen minutes into a Mexican Death Match.  When I stop and think about that right now, it reminds me all over again that these guys (and dolls) are putting their health and their livelihood on the line when they do things like that in order to entertain us, and on the Indy level, they are doing it without the benefit of a large guaranteed paycheck.

That being said, I am offering the Best of AJ Styles Vol. 2 – Rise of the Phenomenon from NWA Wildside.  We bought this tape while at the NWA 54th Anniversary show in Corpus Christi in October (here are the preview and recap if you haven’t read them), and I figured since Styles dominated my end o’ the year rankings (available here), what better way to start off the new year than by reviewing the best of last year’s break-out star.  Without further ado…

AJ Styles v. Air Paris 12/23/00 (Christmas Chaos 2000)

Styles is accompanied to the ring by “Mr. Wildside” Steve Martin.  The story setting this match up is, Styles is the heel, and he caused Air Paris to lose against NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sabu, of course Paris would later cause Styles to lose in his bid to defeat Sabu as well, and that is how this match came about.  Styles is all over Paris in the opening moments of the match, working over the neck.  The action goes in and out of the ring, and on the floor Styles goes for a Suplex onto a table, but Paris reverses it into a Suplex onto the wood floor.  They go back into the ring, and Styles takes control with an old-school heel favorite of mine, the Thumb to the Eye!  Paris is able to prevent Styles from executing a move from the top turnbuckle, then when Paris also climbs to the top they jockey for position, and…they both fall backwards over the ringpost and through the table set up on the floor!  Styles makes it back into the ring first, and Paris slides under the ropes as the ref’s count makes it to 8.  They grapple for position, until Paris hits a Spicoli Driver!  I love that move!!  A Superkick by Paris gets two, and Styles rolls out of the ring and brings a chair with him when he comes back in.  This tactic backfires, however, as Styles eats the chair after a modified Van Damminator from Paris.  An amusing side-note to this match, Steve Martin has been sitting-in on color commentary for the match, and each time that Styles scores a near fall, Martin remarks, “That was a 3-count if I’ve ever seen one,” and threatens to fire the ref.  That’s funny.  The finish sees Styles connect with a Superplex, but both men are too spent, and both are lying on their backs next to each other in the middle of the ring.  As the ref begins the 10-count, Paris rolls over slightly, draping an arm across Styles’ chest, and scores the pinfall.  I’m a big fan of that ending, by the way.  After the match, Jeff Bailey (who had also accompanied Styles to the ring) tosses the ref out and starts the beatdown on Air Paris.  The locker room slowly empties until a HUGE guy they refer to as The Beast comes in for the save and chases everyone away.  The announcer (who’s name I never did get) thanks us for watching X-Mas Chaos (Styles v. Paris was the main event), and invites us to come back for X-Mas Chaos 2001.  You won’t have to wait a full year, though…at least not for the main event, because it too is one of the featured matches on this tape, so if you just can’t wait, all you have to do is scroll down!

Match time: 14:43, Total Segment: 18:50.

AJ Styles v. Adam Jacobs 5/22/01 (Conyers, GA House Show)

There is no commentary for this match because it is a house show, and the footage begins with five seconds or so of the ring announcer standing motionless in the ring, waiting for his cue.  He introduces Senior Official Andrew Thomas to a chorus of boos, so that tells us right off the bat that we are dealing with a heel ref.  Jacobs is announced as part of the NWA Elite (the faction that Styles was a part of during the previous match), and Jacobs is accompanied to the ring by the Manager and Lawyer for the NWA Elite, Jeff Bailey.  Before I get started, Jacobs is wearing a shirt that reads “Your Mom’s Hot!”  That is the kind of cheap heel heat that I like to see!!  The match begins with a lot of back-n-forth action, until Styles misses a Baseball Slide to the outside, and Jacobs is able to connect with a Superkick.  They go in and out of the ring a few times, with neither man able to gain control of the match until the ref argues with Styles, claiming that Styles threw Jacobs over the top rope.  This distraction is enough for Jacobs to regain control and hit a Lionsault-like move from the middle rope.  Moments later, Styles is able to crotch Jacobs on the top turnbuckle, and Styles is able to bring him out and connect with the Styles Clash, but the ref is occupied trying to get Bailey down from the ring apron.  Jacobs is able to hit a ‘rana after the distraction, but Styles rolls out of the way of the Big Legdrop from the top.  Into the other corner, and Jacobs is able to hit a Tornado DDT, but only gets two.  Into another corner, and when Styles has him in position for the Styles Clash from the turnbuckle, Bailey interferes, allowing Jacobs to connect with the Big Legdrop and score the pinfall after a fast 3-count.  “All That” Adam Jacobs is your winner, and the ref slides out of the ring to pose for a picture while raising Jacobs’ hand, and then Jacobs, Bailey and Thomas leave the ring area together.

Match time: 11:18, Total Segment: 16:10.

AJ Styles v. Jason Cross 8/15/01 (Out For Blood Live in Athens)

Cross is dressed like Styles was dressed in the first match, as this is from the time period in which Cross was playing his character as a fake-AJ Styles.  Andrew Thomas is the ref once again, and he applauds Cross during the introductions.  Jeff Bailey has come to the ring with Cross, as well.  You are up to speed, and there’s the bell!  Each man goes for the Styles Clash in the opening moments of the match, but neither can connect.  We get an extended fast-n-furious segment to begin the match.  Styles is able to score the first nearfall after catapulting Cross over his head, and Cross hit the movie screen that is hanging 10-12 feet above the ring!  Thomas’ 2-count was verrry slow!  Styles concentrates on the neck after the mis-hap, connecting with a Neckbreaker, which he holds onto and rolls-through for a Brainbuster!  Wow!  Another very slow count by Andrew Thomas elicits a “That Was Three!” chant from the crowd.  Cross comes back and is able to connect with a Split-Legged Moonsault, and when Styles goes for a Superkick, Cross catches the leg and hits a sweet Dragon-Screw Legwhip.  Styles is down, but he is able to connect with his patented Kip-Up into a Leg Scissors DDT.  These days that move usually rolls-through for a huricanrana, but in this instance Cross falls forward onto his head DDT fashion.  They leave the ring at this point; in fact they make their way down from the stage and into the crowd.  They brawl through the crowd, and when Cross attempts an Irish Whip into the wall, Styles leaps up and hits a Moonsault off the wall!  As they make their way back towards the ring, Jeff Bailey is able to land a Superkick on Styles, which enables Cross to take control.  Back in the ring, and Cross hits a BIG Frogsplash, but gets only two despite the super-fast count by Thomas.  Styles climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Cross crotches him there and is able to hit a Super ‘Rana from the top.  Again he only gets two, and again Styles climbs to the top only to be crotched there by Cross, whom again climbs up to attempt a Huricanrana.  This time Styles reverses it into a Styles Clash from the second rope, but the ref is distracted when Jeff Bailey enters the ring.  Styles chases Bailey outside and around the ring, then back in and Cross is able to hit his own version of the Styles Clash, which I believe the announcers called the “Cross Clash”, and Andrew Thomas follows-up with the obligatory fast 3-count.

Match time: 12:44, Total Segment: 15:04.

AJ Styles v. Mike Sullivan 10/12/01 (St. Petersburg, FL – Fan Cam)

I guess this is from a house show too, and there is no commentary.  Since it is in Florida, I guess we are in Sullivan’s IPW territory…although Andrew Thomas is the referee, so I can’t be sure.  The match starts slooowly, with lots of Headlocks, Arm Bars and Waistlocks.  Styles finally takes control after hitting a slam and connecting with a Running Senton.  The crowd is totally DEAD, and that is really dragging down the match itself…or at least it is dragging down my enjoyment of what is a pretty good match.  Sullivan’s valet is at ringside, and I can hear everything she hollers above the non-sound of the crowd.  I have to say that I would’ve looked for another match to include on this tape based on the tepid crowd reactions.  Back to the action, and Styles hits a Monkey Flip Powerbomb out of the corner, followed up by a Corkscrew Senton, but can only get a 2-count.  Sullivan begins to take control, but when he comes off the top with a Frog Splash, Styles is able to get the knees up.  Sullivan brings back memories of Tully Blanchard when he connects with a Springboard Gourdbuster…Blanchard of course used to use the standard Springboard Suplex.  The finish to the match seems to come out of nowhere, as Styles goes for a Lionsault-like move, and Sullivan Spears him as he is attempting the Moonsault.  Sullivan scores a (fair) 3-count, and Styles is 0-4 on his own Best-Of tape!  Styles leaves the ring with help from Andrew Thomas and gets a much deserved standing ovation from the fans.

Match time: 9:20, Total Segment: 10:53.

AJ Styles v. Christopher Daniels 10/13/01 (NWA 53rd Anniversary)

Right off the bat I want to say how much I love the “Fallen Angel” gimmick from Christopher Daniels.  It’s not the sort of gimmick that’d work in the “big leagues”, but for an Indy show there’s nothing better than someone dressed as a priest and referred to as the Fallen Angel from Sin City.  Good stuff.  Bailey accompanies Styles to the ring and badmouths Daniels before the match begins, so I guess Styles is the heel by default in this match.  Things start right off at 100 mph, with a lot of Irish Whips and Arm Drags.  Daniels takes control with a move that I can’t remember the name of (and there’s no commentators to help me out), but it basically amounts to Jeff Jarrett’s move “The Stroke”, only Daniels falls backwards and Styles is face-planted in that way.  Styles is able to gain control with a series of stiff kicks, and when Daniels goes outside, Styles connects with a top rope Shooting Star Press onto Daniels on the floor!  This elicits the first “Holy Shit!” chant of the match.  Daniels makes it back into the ring as the ref’s 10-count reaches nine.  Double Clothesline and both men are down!  There is a good storyline going on this tape, as Styles attempts a maneuver that was successful in the previous match against Sullivan, but in this case Daniels is able to roll-through for the reversal.  Styles begins to take control, holding Daniels up in position for a Vertical Suplex, but drops him Brainbuster style!  Styles attempts a splash from the top rope, but Daniels is ready, and reverses it into a Sit-Out Powerbomb!!  Daniels is too exhausted to make the cover, though.  Both men up, and after Daniels hits a pair of Clotheslines, he is fired up!  Irish Whip, and Daniels lifts Styles up for a Gorilla Press Slam, but this only gets a 2-count.  After a brief mat-wrasslin’ rapid-reversal segment, Daniels connects with his finisher, Angel’s Wings (to a huge pop from the live crowd), but the ref is distracted by Jeff Bailey on the apron!  Bailey’s distraction is enough for Styles to get his wits about him, and when he whips Daniels into the ropes, Bailey trips him up, and Daniels stumbles into the Styles Clash, and AJ Styles is your winner!

Match time: 11:40, Total Segment: 15:14.

AJ Styles v. Rick Michaels 12/22/01 (Christmas Chaos 2001)

Styles is introduced as “The Most Phenomenal Athlete in Professional Wrasslin’”, and Michaels is the reigning 2-time Wildside Champion…the Original Chosen One.  Before I get into the match, I want to give props to the commentators for this match especially, but the whole tape in general.  This is my first exposure to NWA: Wildside, and any time that one buys a tape from an Indy fed, it is important that the announcers help to set-up the storylines in case the customer is unfamiliar with the feud.  In this case, they let us know right off the bat that Rick Michaels is one of the most gifted athletes EVER in Wildside, but lately his attitude needs adjustment, so we know who the heel is!  Also, they put the Wildside Title over as AJ Styles’ destiny, stating that even when Styles was working for WCW, he dreamed of coming back and competing for the title in the fed where he trained and got his start in the business.  Now that we’ve got the back-story down, let’s go to the ring!  The match starts with lots of Indy-respect spots, and they don’t seem to be in a particular hurry to get to the high spots…unlike the previous match, which almost seemed to start in the middle!  Styles seems to be gaining control after a kick to the knee, followed by repeated STIFF kicks to the head.  Michaels has enough presence of mind to toss Styles over the top rope, then comes through the ropes and hits a Running Clothesline from the apron to the floor.  The match spills into the audience, and Styles is able to hit a Triple-Jump Splash, jumping first onto the refreshment counter, then onto a speaker cabinet, then onto Michaels on the floor!  As they go back to the ring, Michaels tosses a pair of chairs into the ring.  Once back in, Michaels entwines one of Styles’ legs in one of the chairs, then hits it with the other chair.  “He’s trying to break his leg!”  Michaels is all over Styles at this point, but cannot score more than a two-count.  As they brawl into the crowd again, Michaels is able to Back-Bodydrop Styles onto the merchandise table, but it doesn’t break.  The announcers introduce the back story at this point, telling us that Michaels’ tag-team partner and best friend David Young is mysteriously not present at ringside…furthermore, Young and Michaels have not been seeing eye-to-eye lately.  As they make their way back to the ringside area, Young comes from the back, seemingly to check on Michaels.  Styles leaps from the top turnbuckle to the floor with a Shooting Star Press onto Young…the announcers say that Michaels pushed him, but I couldn’t see it from the camera angle that we had, so we’ll take their word for it!  At this point, Michaels drags Styles out of the arena towards the locker room.  After 10-15 seconds they come back through the curtain, straight into the ring and Michaels scores the 3-count.  The announcers are freaking out, yelling that they’ve seen this before…that’s Jason Cross dressed as Styles, and he leaves the ring holding his face in his hands.  Bill Behrens (NWA Vice President) meets him on the ramp and divulges that he is onto Michaels’ ploy, and when Styles re-emerges from the back Behrens demands that the match be restarted.  Styles delivers a Styles Clash to Cross on the ramp, and there’s the bell!  The ref is bumped almost immediately, and with Styles sitting on the top turnbuckle attempting to get Michaels in position for the Styles Clash from the second rope, David Young enters the ring, grabs Michaels and assists Styles in putting him in position for the Styles Clash from the TOP rope.  Young revives the ref before leaving the ring…1, 2, 3!!  The winner and NEW Wildside Champion is AJ Styles!  Young celebrates in the ring with Styles, and when Michaels comes to and extends his hand to his former friend, Young takes it and pulls Michaels in for a wicked Spinebuster!  The transformation is complete, and the announcers tell us that David Young has “seen the light”.

Match time: 20:27, Total Segment: 24:55.

AJ Styles v. David Young 1/5/02 (Wildside TV Taping)

This match is Styles’ first title defense.  The match starts with lots of back-n-forth action, without anyone hitting any high-impact moves until Young leaps from the apron onto Styles on the floor.  As they make their way back into the ring, the announcers tell us that the NWA: Wildside fans voted Styles “Wrassler o’ the Year” for ’01…a year later he would earn that honor from me for his work with NWA: TNA.  Styles sets-up for the Styles Clash, but Young reverses it into an Ankle Lock (nice move).  Styles makes it to the ropes quickly as we go to a commercial break.  As the camera fades to black we can hear the ref counting, 1…2…INSERT COMMERCIAL HERE.  As we come back, Styles goes for a Huricanrana out of the corner, but Young turns it into a Running Sit-Out Powerbomb.  Irish Whip, and Young hits a smooth Float-Over DDT.  Both men are down, and Young is unable to make the cover.  At this point, Steve Martin (who is again on color commentary) remarks, “There’s no pyro, there’s no lasers, they’re not shooting fire out of their asses…this is a WRASSLIN’ match!”  Testify.  Styles is sent into the corner, and when Young follows him in looking for the Stinger Splash, Styles moves out of the way, and both men are down as the bell rings ending the match after the 15-minute time limit.  The crowd immediately starts to chant “Five More Minutes!”, and when Bill Behrens comes out, he asks each competitor if they want five more minutes.  The match is restarted, and they immediately start to brawl through the crowd.  Styles leaps onto the announce table (some eight feet above the floor), and hits a Running Senton onto Young on the floor!  Luckily the ref is out in the crowd with them, or  there would’ve been a double count-out long ago!!  Two minutes remain as they make their way back into the ringside area, and Young connects with a beautiful Asai Moonsault onto Styles on the floor.  They slowly make their way back into the ring, and Styles is able to hit the Styles Clash as we cross the one-minute remaining mark, but he is unable to make the cover and both men are down as we approach 30-seconds to go.  Styles makes it to his feet first, and starts to climb to the top turnbuckle.  Styles leaps from the top as the ring announcer starts to count down from 10.  Young catches him and turns it into a Spinebuster, however he too is too spent to make the cover…5 seconds…he starts to roll over, draping his arm across Styles at the 2-second mark.  The ref is in position, 1…2…the bell rings ending the match, and Styles retains his belt.  I’m a big fan of that ending, too!

Match time: 20:37, Total Segment: 21:40.

All in all, this is a very good tape, and with the exception of the match with the dead crowd, I will enjoy watching these matches again and again over the years…of course the dead crowd is not the fault of the workers, and even that match was decent (just not great).  If you have become a fan of AJ Styles’ through seeing his work in TNA and the WWA shows but have not seen him working elsewhere, then I think that this tape is for you!

I’m not sure what I’ll be recapping next…that depends on if I am able to convince some of these Indy feds to give me some tapes, I guess!  Anyway, if I don’t come up with anything in the near future, then the next time I will be presenting another tape that features a bunch of the performers that have now gone on to a degree of fame in NWA: TNA…a tape from RF Video titled the Best of the Independents 2001.



In addition to enjoying pro wrasslin', Scotty is an avid photographer.  His family website contains over 700 pictures, and has a photo-album dedicated entirely to The Sport of Kings (including a picture from the night he & his wife met New Jack), and is available at: http://www.msnusers.com/TheSzantoNicodemusWedding.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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