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Full Impact Pro -- Debut Show!  

August 4, 2003

by Hugh Zeitlin  
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Mother Nature did her best to put a damper on Saturday night's debut of Full Impact Pro (severe thunderstorms pounded Tampa/St. Pete for much of the afternoon and evening), but that didn't stop more than 200 people from showing up to watch the inaugural show for the group.  "The Arena" in St. Pete was set up better than most indy shows...highlighted by a full-size 20' ring, as well as a 15' video screen by the entrance way...giving the event a slightly "bigger-time" feel.

The group waited an extra 20 minutes, to make up for the bad weather, before starting the show, but eventually things got underway just before 8pm...with the ring announcer bringing out the Commissioner of F.I.P., Bill Alfonso.  Fonzie hyped up the new promotion, thanked everyone for coming out, then introduced Tampa-resident Hector Guerrero.

For those who haven't seen Hector, just imagine Eddie...but 15 years older.  They look EXACTLY the same, except Hector has gray hair, and his body isn't as "tight" as his younger brother.  Guerrero also thanked the crowd, and then began to tell everyone about the new F.I.P. Wrestling School,  and that he will be the head instructor.  This eventually led to Hector saying that to start the new promotion, he would be honored to wrestle the first match against a new up and comer...

1)  Hector Guerrero vs. Epic.  Epic is a very young, thin guy...hailing from Queens, NY.  The match started off a bit slow/methodical, which led to a few boring chants from the crowd.  In a hilarious moment, Guerrero looked out to the crowd (while having Epic in a back-stretch), and said, "I'll show you boring," and proceeded to put the youngester into a chinlock on the mat.  The action did pick up, and Epic began bumping all over the place for Hector.  The finish saw Epic miss a frog-splash, Hector locked in a victory roll, and got the pinfall.

2)  The Heartbreak Express vs. The Hell Raisers.  Not much I can tell you on the Express...they're supposed to be pretty boys...one is heavy set with bleached blonde hair, and pink tights...the other had brown hair, and leopard-print tights.  The Hell Raisers are locals on the Tampa scene...both are bald and built...like smaller, in-shape versions of A-Train...minus the piercings.  This match was a definite pick-up from the first, as the crowd got more into it.  One blown spot from the "Express", but overall solid work.  The finish saw the Hell Raisers hit the Legion of Doom finisher...flying clothesline with the opponent on the partner's shoulders...for the win.

3)  Kahagus vs. Thunderbolt vs. Dagon Briggs w/Seven.  Kahagus = japanese-style wreslter w/ kendo stick.  Thunderbolt = smaller version of Sean O'Haire.  Briggs has been on TNA in the past, as has his valet, Seven...she was known as Fluff Dupp.  The 3-way match meant constant action, which once again was a lot of fun for the live crowd.  All 3 guys performed well, with Kahagus pinning Briggs to win the match.  Afterwards, Kahagus took the kendo stick to Thunderbolt...knocking him out after two shots...to the crowd's delight.

4)  Steve Madison w/ Steve Keirn vs. Jasion Moore.  Both Madison and Moore are Tampa locals, with good reps in the area...Madison has been trained by Keirn (yes...the man formerly known as Skinner in the WWF), and has toured Japan.  Madison cut a promo prior to the match, saying he's done being known as a cruiserweight, and will prove that tonight by beating the "high-flying" Moore.  Once the action started...it was fast-paced and exciting...then all of the sudden it ended, with Madison hitting a brain-buster for the win.  As Moore made his way to the back, Mike Graham (yes...the man who used to wrestle Nikita Koloff in Championship Wrestling of Florida, with Gordon Solie) made his way out to defend Moore...saying he doesn't think Madison is all that, and wants to challenge Keirn's protege....

5)  Steve Madison w/ Keirn vs. Mike Graham.  This match was easily 2 to 3 times longer than the previous match, but to be honest...I had a bit of trouble paying attention to it, as Steve Keirn was fricking hilarious on the outside, arguing with the guys in the front row.  It's easy to see how Keirn has been around the business for 3 decades, as he was shooting back insults with ease.  As far as the match went, the veteran Graham (who has aged very well) pulled off the upset...pinning Madison.  Should the card "hold" for the next F.I.P. show on August 30th, there will be a tag match, with Keirn and Madison vs. Graham and Moore.

6)  Big Wood vs. Kid Romeo.  This was billed as a Male Review match...which becomes funny when you have Romeo ("perfect body") against Wood...who is pushing 350 lbs., with a big ole gut.  The match was entertaining/horrific to start, as Wood and Romeo had a bit of a pose down...the ladies screaming in lust for Romeo...in disgust for Wood.  Once the match started, you knew it was going to be a bit tough for Romeo to carry it...since he's a cruiserweight, and Wood is anything but.  However, both guys seemed to work well with each other.  It got a little sloppy as the match neared it's end (Wood told me after the show that he was getting a little tired out there)....the finish saw outside intereference, from a young guy who looks like, but is a bit bigger, than Romeo, fail on behalf of Wood...Romeo was able to get a sunset flip to go on the 350 pounder, and earned the pinfall.

7)  David Young vs. Gangrel w/ Luna.  Young is from TNA, and after spending time with him after the show, I have to say he ranks right up there as one of the nicest pro wrestlers I've ever met.  As for Gangrel and Luna...they haven't changed a bit...looking and playing their part perfectly.  Nothing bad to say about this match at all.  Both guys worked well...Young only got to hit one spine-buster...I've been told that they are his "signature", so I wish I would have gotten to see some more...Luna did her intereference to everyone's delight...overall, solid match.  The finish was a schmozz, as David Young picked up the victory by DQ, as when he was about to beat Gangrel, Luna called to the back for help...out came the Hell Raisers, and they began to pound on Young.  The 3-on-1 beat down continued for a few moments, until all of the attackers stood in the ring, raising their hands...as if we've seen the formation of a group...we took to calling them the New Brood.

The Main Event was next, and it was originally scheduled to be Mike Awesome vs. Justin Credible...but before the duo could lock up, Commissioner Fonzie came out to tell us this was a hardcore match, and it would be a 3-way hardcore match....cue the music and out comes Nu Jack!

8)  Mike Awesome vs. Justin Credible vs. Nu Jack.  The crowd was standing on their feet for this one the whole time.  Like the 3-way match earlier in the night, there was no stopping the action in this one...however it was quite tame compared to other hardcore matches...especially ones in which Nu Jack is a part of.  The match was 10-15 minutes total, and the majority of the time had Justin and Nu Jack teaming up on Awesome.  After some chair shots were served up, the tide changed...Awesome brought in a table, and was able to powerbomb Credible through it for the victory.  After he left, Nu Jack and Credible were left alone in the ring, and began arguing with each other over why they lost.  The two then proceeded to tear the house down...wrestling into the crowd, launching each other into chairs, and fighting all the way into the back to end the show.  It was an excellent match to cap off a solid night of action.

Overall, for a start-up organization, you really couldn't have asked for a better show.  They mixed in the local guys with the better-known guys, and the group definitely kept the crowd's attention for the 2 and a half hours.  The only thing that may have helped out was some cooperation from Mother Nature...but that can't be controlled.  This show was a solid foundation to build on, and you can only think that the August 30th show will improve upon what's already taken place.

That'll do it for now....take it easy everybody....


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