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Full Impact Pro: Party Like It's 1999   
September 3, 2003

by Hugh Zeitlin   
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Full Impact Pro, the newest independent promotion in the Tampa/St. Pete, Florida area, put on their 2nd show this past Saturday night, in front of a lively crowd, of well over 200 people.  The group's new home still featured the video screen with graphics, a 20' WWE size ring, and had an overall "bigger" feel than a normal indy show.  Once again the group worked in the local guys and the name guys, and had a good mix in their 8 match night.

1)  Jaison Moore vs. Aaron Epic.  Moore is the "high-flyer" who lost a quick match last time around, and Epic fell to the much more seasoned Hector Guerrero.  Both guys were looking for their first F.I.P. victory.  It was a solid match, as both guys worked well together.  Epic picked up some quick heat on the crowd, leaving Moore the fan favorite.  Around the 10 minute mark, Moore was sitting on the top turnbuckle, and reversed Epic's offense into a top rope slam.  He then hit a Swanton, a la Jeff Hardy, and picked up the victory.

2)  Kid Lethal vs. Brian Gamble.  This was the F.I.P. debut for both men.  Lethal resembles a cross between Nunzio and Hurricane (albeit a small Hurricane), while Gamble acts/looks like Steve Blackman, with glow sticks.  Once again, good action from the guys, but not as fast-paced as the first match.  Gamble would hit the "Blackman facekick" to pick up the victory.

3)  Joshua Masters (w/ Fetish, a female "dom" valet) vs. Ralph Mosca.  This was also the F.I.P. debut for both wrestlers.  Masters looks like a cross between Brian Pillman and Mark Jindrak (only smaller), and Mosca has a Bubba Ray Dudley/David Young kind of look.  These two guys were bigger than the wrestlers in the previous two matches, and the crowd really got into it as the match went on.  Masters used Fetish as a distraction on a couple of occasions, but it didn't matter in the end.  Mosca was able to deliver a finishing move that resembled a reverse brainbuster/F-5, to earn the win.  Following the match, Mosca pile drove Fetish, who sold the neck injury, and had to be carried/stretchered out.

4)  Phi Delta Slam vs. Those Dangerous Davis Boys.  This was a fun match.  Phi Delta Slam are a couple of bigger guys dressed up like fraternity brothers, with greek letters and all.  The Davis Boys are "pretty boys", wearing pink tights, and claim to hail from every woman's dreams.  The 4 guys really had the crowd going, and P.D.S. was way over as the crowd favorite.  The Davis Boys played the "clowns" throughout the match, accidentally clotheslining each other, falling face first into one another's crotch, etc.  Finish saw the ref get distracted, allowing the heavy-set, bleached blonde Davis boy to use P.D.S.'s paddle to knock out the opposition, and pick up the 1-2-3.  Following the match, a 3rd Davis boy, who had been around ringside, got in and continued a 3 on 2 beat down, until a local by the name of Ron Wild ran in to make the save...setting up future confrontations I'm sure.

5)  Shan Hill vs. Big Wood.  Once again, this was a "prettiest wrestler in Tampa" match, with the joke being Big Wood is pushing 350 pounds, while Hill looks similar to Kid Romeo...only slightly bigger.  Despite the size difference, both guys worked well together, as Wood took bumps, rolled out of the ring to be consoled a few "dancers" that escorted him to ringside, and went back in for more punishment.  It all ended when Wood went for a powerbomb of sorts, but Hill was able to reverse it and got the pinfall.

6)  Kahagus (w/ Mark Gold) vs. Dagon Briggs (w/ Se7en).  Both of these guys took part in a triple threat match at the first show, with Kahagus (a Japanese wrestler) picking up the victory.  To refresh memories, Se7en is the woman formerly known as Fluff Dupp in NWA: TNA.  Both Kahagus and Briggs are more along the "cruiserweight" line of wrestling, and the fast paced action went in and out of the ring.  The crowd really got behind the Briggs and the match went on, and really ripped into Kahagus' manager Mark Gold, but to their dismay, it was Kahagus hitting a reverse suplex into a diamond cutter for the victory.

7)  Gangrel (with Luna) vs. David Young.  This was a rematch from the F.I.P. inaugural show, only this time it was being contested as a St. Pete Street Fight, meaning no DQ's and falls count anywhere.  It didn't take long for the 2 guys to move the action to the outside.  Real funny spot:  Young picks up a cookie sheet from a fan at ringside, and proceeds to pound Gangrel with it...after 2 shots, Young drops the sheet, Gangrel gets the upper-hand, Luna tries to toss the sheet to Gangrel, but it accidentally hits him while he's not looking...Gangrel stalks after Luna, looking at her as if to say, "what the f*ck"?...Luna apologizes, Gangrel turns back around, and she proceeds to mimic him briefly...good stuff.  The brawl then went into the stands, as they fought all around the back part of the arena.  They took turns slamming each other into the wall, the barricades, and the boxing ring that was set up in the corner.  Both guys eventually made their way back to the ring.  Young hit a HUGE spinebuster, and appeared to have the victory at hand.  But for the 2nd straight show, Gangrel needed some extra help, as a worker by the name of the Dark Knight made his way out from the back, ran in, and beat down David Young.  That was all Gangrel would need, as he picked up the 1-2-3.  As the "bad guys" celebrated, and Young collected himself, some familiar music hit..."Enter Sandman"......

Sandman enters the arena, proceeds to walk around doing his routine, popping the beers, pouring the beers, and smashing the cans onto his head...he was bleeding within 30 seconds.  5 minutes later, it's time for our main event...

8)  Sandman vs. New Jack, Hardocre Rules match.  New Jack comes out with his cart of "goodies", throwing all sorts of stuff into the ring.  Before the contest starts, New Jack gets on the mic, and tells Sandman that there's nothing personal about this fight, it's just business...and they're going to do it ECW style...which puts the crowd in a frenzy.  Before they can start, Sandman's music starts up again...both wrestlers look puzzled, as Missy Hyatt makes her way to the ring, carrying a kendo stick, and dressed in low-cut leather.  She offers Sandman a beer and a cigarette, so it appears she's teaming with him.  While he helps her out of the ring, New Jack attacks from behind, pulls out a fork, and away we go.  The first part of the match is all New Jack, as he used a fork and a pizza cutter to open up Sandman...the tide turned when Sandman used a beer can to cut open New Jack...both guys were bleeding profusely.  They then took it to the outside...where all the chairs became landing pads...they brawled all over, with a huge crowd of people surrounding them.  Once they made their way back to the ring, Sandman reached down to Missy for the kendo stick, but she refused to give it to him...he turns back around and New Jack wails on him with a cash register...yes a cash register!  Pardon the pun, but that was "money", as New Jack made the cover, and picked up the pinfall.  Following the match, New Jack and Missy each got on the mic saying Fully Impact Pro is a company that's going to make it, as well as proclaiming their lust for each other.  That ended the evening...

Overall, this was a very nice step up from the first show.  The crowd was way more into it.  There was very little "sluggishness" in the matches, as the show's pace was very good.  It was obvious that if the workers played to the crowd even a little bit, they would get a response...cheering or booing...which in the wrestling business is always good.  Definitely a fun show.

A final FYI  -- The next FIP show will be at their arena in St. Pete, on Saturday, September 13th.

That'll do it...take it easy everybody...


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