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Kick-ass Show... No Thanks
to the "Big Names"
October 3, 2002

by Scotty Nicodemus
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Well, I was all set to rip into a full-fledged rant regarding the surprising lack of email that I got after my first recap…not one, you bastards!!  What changed my mind is a small bit of news that Rick covered the other day, and I want to express my opinion.  The announcement that WWE is considering reviving the ECW name and running it as a late-night show should get me excited, and now I’ll explain why it doesn’t.

You see, I am a long time anti-WWF(E) wrasslin’ fan.  Dating back to the days when (the real) Hulkamania was runnin’ wild, I was trying to convince my high school friends that Ric Flair was the real World’s Champion.  When WWF cartoons gave-way to WWF Attitude, I first stuck with WCW until it became so bad as to be unwatchable, and then some friends took me to my first ECW show (Heatwave ’98).

I was hooked on ECW after just that first show, and haven’t watched WCW or WWF regularly since.  When TNN screwed ECW over in favor of the higher ratings that come with the WWF, I at first called for a boycott of all TNN programming (despite not officially boycotting the network these days, I still don’t watch it because it really sucks!)

What had me acting so fanatical about ECW wasn’t the in-ring style, or the extreme bumps (aspects which WCW and WWF quickly adapted for their own shows), it was the feeling that I was in on something real from a grassroots level.  When The Rick took me to the Heatwave show back in ’98, it was the first time that I had been to a wrasslin’ show in which the performers came-out after the cameras were off and thanked us for coming and supporting the promotion.  There were no faces or heels any more, just a bunch of the hardest working guys in pro wrestling expressing their genuine thanks for the fans that supported them.  When I lived in Wisconsin during “the TNN era”, I met a group of the wrestlers while driving home from a house show in Green Bay at a gas station and they seemed genuinely interested in what parts of the show I liked best…they even asked about what videotapes I had bought, and encouraged me to buy their tapes next time!  When we saw ECW many times at The Rave in Milwaukee, the boys would come out from behind the curtain and talk casually with fans and sign autographs while they watched the show from a fan’s perspective.  In fact, the only times that I can remember that I didn’t see them do this was during ppv’s.  My point is that I felt a sense of belonging, or at least a sense of sincere gratitude from the people that I was supporting with my hard earned money.

How does the WWF(E)…or WCW for that matter…compare?  Well, if you want the chance to meet the performers you have to pay for an extra ticket just for the chance to stand in line so that you can pay another twenty bucks for an autographed 8X10 glossy.  Trust me, I’ve been there.  When Amey and I met Buff Bagwell and Kevin Nash, that’s exactly the scenario, and when we finally got to the front of the line they were discussing discrepancies in their paychecks, and I literally had to interrupt them just to get a “Hi, how ya doin’?”  I was furious!  When we met Ric Flair a few years ago and paid $10 for a Polaroid picture with him, we were told that either Amey or I could be in the picture, but not both.  If we both wanted to be in the picture we would have to pay another $10…and then go back to the end of the line.

I can hear you asking, “So what’s your point?”  My point is that if Vince McMahon revives the ECW name, it will still be a WWE show, just with different booking and a different name.  The magic will not be there.  The intangible feeling that made people freaks for the promotion the first time can’t be reproduced no matter how much money Vinnie Mac throws at it.  Back in the day when there was real rivalry in the wrestling industry, when there was a “Big Two” and people began talking about a “Big Three” when ECW was at its peak, people spoke about the inherent problems that would arise if the landscape were reduced to just one nationwide promotion.  Now that it has happened, we can see that those fears were justified…the WWE is pretending that there is rivalry, and meanwhile interest in pro wrasslin’ in general is plummeting.

A large number of ECW freaks just like myself have been alienated from the sport that we love, waiting for the next big thing to present itself.  That is why I am so firmly behind NWA: TNA, and that is why I even was willing to buy the WWA shows when it was around (and that is why I am so interested in checking-out Ring Of Honor tapes).  People like me are looking for an alternative, and we are not going to settle for a fabricated alternative, which is what an ECW show produced by the WWE would be.  Besides, if the ratings aren’t high enough, who’s to say that Vince won’t simply kill-off the ECW name just the same way that the inVasion was killed-off?

OK, I think that my point has been made, so it is time to get on with the recap…and as promised, this week I will be presenting colored text that each week will correspond to the color of Don West’s shirt!

NWA: Total Nonstop Action XIV, Live! From the TNA Asylum!

We pan across the crowd as Mike Tenay hypes the night’s event, but he is interrupted by BG James and Syxx Pac coming to the ring.  James cuts a semi-interesting promo on Jeff Jarrett and Brian Lawler, as well as “Ronnie” Killings.  Syxx Pac chimes in, telling Lo Ki that he should not be getting the title shot tonight, but rather one of them should have the opportunity against Killings.  I was 1-for-1 last week in predicting matches for this week, so I will put my credibility on the line and predict that next week Lo Ki will be taking-on Syxx Pac.  Tha Truth enters eventually, and just before he rushes the ring, Jarrett enters and asks the big question, “Where’s Scott Hall?”  Apparently there was a 6-man tag match booked, Hall, Syxx Pac and James v. Jarrett, Lawler and Elix Skipper.  Jarrett says that instead, it will be a 3-on-2 handicap match, and just then Lawler and Skipper attack, but are quickly thrown out of the ring, and mercifully, the segment comes to a close.

NWA Wildside – Friday, Oct. 4 – NWA Arena – Cornelia, GA – 8pm…NWA Tri-State – Friday, Oct. 4 – City Park Pavilion – Parkersburg, WV – 7pm…www.nwawrestling.com

While the above dates scroll by (and the TNA Grrrls dance), Mike Tenay tells us that the following ppv distributors have signed-on to bring NWA: TNA to you…Mediacom and Cable Vision.

Mike Tenay and Don West preview the night’s events, including telling us that they are going to attempt to get Scott Hall on the phone to find out why he isn’t here (they never say anything else about it again, so don’t bother scrolling-down to see what Hall has to say).  Tenay says, “let’s not waste any more time and go to the ring.”

Our first match is:

The Amazing Red v. Shark Boy:  Tenay tells us that Shark Boy has a cult following, and to emphasize that, they show a fan in the audience wearing not only a Shark Boy mask, but shirt as well.  “Prime Time” Elix Skipper is at the announce table to contest the fact that he has been removed from the main event, and Tenay says that he has just received word from the back that the main event will not be a handicap match, but rather a 2-on-2 tag match, and Skipper is the odd man out.  To the action in the ring, and Shark Boy presses Red over his head, and throws him over the top rope, onto the floor beneath the announce table!  Skipper says, “that was a great move, but it should have been “Prime Time” throwing him out of the ring!”  Red turns the momentum when Shark Boy jumps from the apron, and Red steps-aside, slamming Shark Boy’s head into the announce table.  Back in, and Shark Boy turns a top rope Superplex into a Super-Powerslam…nice spot.  Shark Boy also hits him with the DSD (Dead Sea Drop), which is what Masato Tanaka calls Diamond Dust.  Shark Boy makes the mistake of going for DSD a second time, and Red is able to reverse it into an Inverted DDT, then hits the Infra-Red from the top, and follows up with the Red Star Press for the pin.  Skipper, who had predicted that somebody would pay, hits the ring and takes-out Red.  Prime Time also takes out each of the security guards that come to the ring until “Heavy D” Don Harris hits the ring.  What I don’t understand is, since Heavy D is the only effective security guard, why not get rid of the rest of them, then maybe the company could afford to pay Scott Hall!!

NWA Main Event – Saturday, Oct. 5 – Morton’s Sportatorium – Columbia, TN – 8pm…NWA Wildside – Saturday, Oct. 5 – TV Taping – NWA Arena – Cornelia, GA – 8pm…www.nwawrestling.com

Next we get replays from last week’s match between Tha Truth and Jerry Lynn, in which Lo Ki interfered, causing Tha Truth to lose…if you need more info than that, then check the archives!

Goldylocks gets a few words from Lo Ki, who first addresses Syxx Pac’s comments (see!?!  It’s foreshadowing!), before addressing Tha Truth.

Our next match is a qualifying tag team match, but when the S.A.T.’s music plays, out comes Tha Truth to cut a promo on Lo Ki, asking him “what the hell you smokin’, boy?!”  Killings calls him out, and we are going to have our title match now!  (For the record, the Chiron is now spelling it “Low Ki”, which I will be using, since it is how he has spelled it all along.)

Ron “Tha Truth” Killings (champ) v. Low Ki: This World Heavyweight Title Match starts quickly as they brawl outside, and Killings thrusts Ki repeatedly into the metal barricades.  In an ECW-like spot, Ki jumps onto the barricade, but Killings hits him with a Leg Lariat while he is balanced on the railing, sending Low Ki into the audience, landing three rows deep, knocking several fans over!  They brawl through the audience and back to the stage and ramp, where Tha Truth rolls an equipment case into Low Ki, damaging his ribs.  Tenay tells us that Ki is eager to wrestle for the NWA title because it is the same belt that was held by his idol, The Great Muta in ’93…Tenay also uses this opportunity to prove to us smarks how down he is by referring to Muta as Keiji Mutoh.  I might as well mention that Mortimer Plumtree is on the stage watching the match…if you haven’t figured-out his new gimmick, Plumtree comes out and takes notes during matches involving X-Division wrestlers.  Tha Truth maintains control of the match, dominating Low Ki by attacking the ribs until Killings goes for a 450 Splash from the top and Ki is able to move out of the way.  Low Ki springs from the second rope, hitting Tha Truth with a kick to the head.  They do a nice spot in which Low Ki springs off the ropes with a Flying Crossbody, but Killings catches him…Killings stumbles backwards into the opposite ropes while holding Low Ki, however, and Ki is able to lock-on the hanging Dragon Clutch over the ropes.  That was fantastic!  Ki goes for a suplex, but can’t get Killings up because of his ribs, and Tha Truth is able to hit with a wicked Neckbreaker.  Killings goes for his finisher, but Ki is able to push him off and lock-in the Dragon Clutch in the ring, but Killings is able to punch his way out.  When Tha Truth climbs the turnbuckles, Ki goes after him, but Killings wins the battle on the turnbuckles and is able to come off with The True Conviction (which Tenay tells us is a Split-Legged Sit-Out Gourdbuster from the top, or as I was going to call it, a Super X-Factor).  That was a very good match that I didn’t watch closely enough when it was on live, but sitting here the next morning and watching it again I am able to appreciate just how hard these guys worked.  Awesome.

A masked attacker enters the ring and attacks Killings after the match, and my wife predicts that it is Konnan.  The only prediction that I am willing to make is that whomever is eventually unmasked will be somebody that is not on the TNA roster during this show!

NWA Tri-State – Saturday, Oct. 5 – Gilmer Co. Fairgrounds – Parkersburg, WV – 7pm…NWA Mississippi – Saturday, Oct. 5 – Battlezone Arena – Magee, MS – 8pm…www.nwawrestling.com

Spanish Announce Team v. The Flying Elvis’:  Of course, whoever is working the Chiron continues to insult English teachers everywhere by using Elvis’ instead of Elvises.  This is a #1 Contender’s match, and the winners of the match will get a shot at the tag straps next week!  The Elvises take control early, as Tenay informs us that Jimmy Yang has just returned from a tour of Japan.  They also tell us that the average age of the four competitors in this match is 21…Estrada is the oldest at 25, Yang is 21, Joel Maximo is 22, and his brother Jose is just 18.  Mortimer Plumtree is shown on the ramp again, and eventually I’ll get around to calling some spots!  For instance, the S.A.T. are able to sandwich Yang with dropkicks, with Jose hitting him in the back from the top rope while Joel hits him in the chest from inside the ring.  After a couple more double-team moves, we see Sonny Siaki also standing on the entry ramp, and I notice that one of my cats, Harley is sitting in front of the tv, watching this match!  Hot tag to Estrada, and he lands a couple of moves before calling for the T.C.B., a springboard twisting senton, but Joel breaks-up the pin attempt.  Yang and Joel brawl outside, and as Estrada and Jose battle in the ring, Sonny Siaki gets onto the apron and calls for the tag from Estrada.  Jorge is dumb enough to believe that he can tag his ex-teammate, and Siaki jumps down from the apron, which leaves Estrada prone for a double team move from the S.A.T.  They hit him with Maximo Explosion, a move in which Estrada was sitting the shoulders of one of the Maximos, and the other came off the top for a twisting DDT.  Another very good match.

NWA/CWF – Saturday, Oct. 5 – Temucula High School – Temucula, CA – 1pm…www.nwawrestling.com

Goldylocks is standing-by in the back in order to get a few words with Sonny Siaki, but Jerry Lynn attacks.  AJ Styles intervenes, pretending to be trying to break it up by holding Lynn for Siaki, yelling, “Stop it, Jerry!”  Styles holds open one of the equipment trunks, and after Siaki dumps Lynn into it, Styles humors me further by telling Siaki, “You’re lucky Bullet Bob didn’t see that!”

Sonny Siaki v. David Young:  If you have been watching NWA: TNA since it’s inception, then you might remember Young from his one or two appearances during the first month.  He no longer has his valet, Bobcat, who was one of the many annoying aspects of those early programs.  Young takes control early, as Tenay tells us that Young considers himself to be a master of the Spinebuster.  Furthermore, Tenay informs us that Young just recently returned from a tour of the Orient, and is headed back to Japan in a few weeks…and judging from the build of David Young, I’d say that he is probably the one that was wearing the mask and attacked Killings, but of course, once the person is unmasked it will be someone else!  In lieu of calling the action, I’ll tell you that Tenay tells us that a newspaper in Siaki’s hometown of Winston-Salem, NC had an article about Siaki, describing his athletic accomplishments…his days in track-n-field as a discus thrower, he played football for the (Division One) East Carolina Pirates.  To show how egotistical Siaki is, Tenay goes on to tell us that he was showing everyone in the back the article.  By the time I get around to the action, Young lands my favorite of all suplexes, the Northern Lights.  Siaki is firmly in control of the match, however, and Young’s flurry is short lived.  After an overhead suplex, Young is able to land one of his patented Spinebusters, but delays before going for a Moonsault from the top turnbuckle, which gives Siaki enough time to move out of the way and then land the Moneyclip for the win.

The TNA grrrls bump and grind while the first set of dates scroll by…if you’ve forgotten, you have the advantage of geing able to scroll up, or check www.nwawrestling.com!!

We get replays of the tag title match from last week, so check the archives.

Goldylocks interviews Ron Harris with his new partner, and the camera zooms in-and-out, moving around ala ECW, and Harris tells the cameraman “You better keep that camera still!  I’m tired of that MTV shit!”  Testify!!

“Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm & “Wildcat” Chris Harris (champs) v. Ron Harris & Ashley “Ozzie” Hudson:  This is an NWA Tag-Team Titles match.  Don West assumes that someone watching cares why Brian Lee is no longer Ron Harris’ partner, and apparently Harris blamed Lee for their loss last week.  Hudson is doing the Australian gimmick, and was once a part of “The New Bushwackers”.  For clarity’s sake, I will refer to Storm & Harris as Cowboy & Wildcat, and I’ll refer to Harris & Hudson by name.  Cowboy plays Ricky Morton as the much larger team of Harris & Hudson take control.  Harris displays some good power moves by repeatedly whipping Cowboy into the corner and following him in with a lariat.  Harris & Hudson make frequent tags, until Hudson misses a dive from the top rope, enabling Cowboy to make the hot tag to Wildcat, who hits the Catatonic on Hudson.  Harris breaks-up the pin however, but then when Hudson holds Wildcat for Harris’ big boot, Wildcat dodges the move, pulling Hudson into the path, and Wildcat covers for the 3-count.  The champs retain, and after the match Ron Harris turns on his partner (since the loss must have been his fault, of course), and then decimates both opponents and his partner with a steel chair before security arrives on the scene.  Naturally, Harris tosses each security member aside until Don Harris hits the ring and begins to slug it out with his brother, who quickly bails.  By the way, I want to quickly mention something about Ron Harris…his tattoos on his left arm are much darker than on his right, which at first made me think that the darker ones might be fake, but as a collector of body-art myself, I can say that the darker ones are probably just newer.  The tattoos that I have that are more than 5-6 years old have faded to the point that the more recent tats are significantly darker.

Goldylocks is backstage trying to get an update on Jerry Lynn’s condition, but she gets no response.  Lynn is standing with Estrada and Yang, by the way, and Tenay reminds us that they have a common enemy in Sonny Siaki.  It should be noted that Lynn was holding his neck…surely Styles will target his offense on the neck.

“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles v. Jerry Lynn (champ):  This is a Ladder Match for the X-Division Title.  Tenay and West point out that Styles is a former X-Division as well as Tag-Team champ, and he was never pinned for either belt…losing the X-Division belt in a 3-way match in which Low Ki pinned Jerry Lynn, and losing the Tag Belts when they were held-up by NWA Official Bullet Bob Armstrong.  To the action, and the ladder is brought into the ring early, and let’s see if I can do justice calling the first innovative move that they use with the ladder.  Styles has the ladder positioned laying on the mat against the ringpost, with half of the ladder in the ring and the other half hanging off the apron.  Styles is outside, and approaches the ladder carrying a chair.  At that point Lynn dropkicks the ladder from inside the ring, which seesaws the ladder against the ringpost and it is thrust into Styles (Van Daminator style).  That was a great move.  Lynn attempts to climb the ladder to go after the belt, but it is too early and Styles is able to enter and take control.  Styles attempts to whip Lynn into the ladder, but Lynn reverses it.  Styles ducks and runs under the ladder, but Lynn pushes it over, and the ladder lands on Styles as he comes off the opposite ropes…another nice move, which Tenay tells us that we can only see in the X-Division of NWA: TNA.  Styles attempts to climb the ladder, which is perched diagonally against the turnbuckles, but Lynn springboards for a Monkeyflip Powerbomb.  That looked awfully dangerous.  They move on to a devastating spot in which the ladder is positioned leaning against the top rope (in the middle, between the turnbuckles), and Styles scoops Lynn in a Fireman’s carry, then slams him onto the ladder.  Lynn is hung-up on the ladder, and Styles springboards from the middle rope at the turnbuckle, into a Lionsault onto Lynn on the ladder.  Oh…My…God!  Styles is going for the title, but Lynn pulls him down from the ladder.  Incidentally, both Mortimer Plumtree and Sonny Siaki are on the ramp.  Styles positions the ladder in the aisle, bridging from the apron to the metal barrier.  In true wrasslin’ fashion, the move is reversed as Lynn (standing on the apron) suplexes Styles from inside the ring onto the ladder on the outside.  When Lynn is attempting to climb the ladder, Styles tips the ladder over, and Lynn falls onto the referee…I was wondering why there was a ref in the ring!  A chair is brought into the ring, and Styles is busted open when he eats the steel.  When Styles attempts a Powerbomb on Lynn from the ladder, Lynn is able to reverse it into a huricanrana!  Wow.  They climb opposite sides of the ladder and exchange punches, and then they legitimately scare me when Lynn executes a suplex from halfway up the ladder.  Lynn uses ring psychology when he is climbing the ladder and sees Styles climbing the turnbuckle behind him…Lynn turns around on the ladder, and as Styles leaps from the turnbuckle, Lynn leaps from the ladder and catches him with a clothesline!  Tremendous!  Lynn pulls Styles towards the corner, and climbs the turnbuckles.  At this point Siaki enters and attempts to crotch Lynn on the turnbuckle.  Lynn is able to kick Siaki off, however, and leaps from the top turnbuckle to the floor, taking Siaki out with a Flying Crossbody.  Styles is up, and springboards from the top rope, landing on Jerry Lynn on the floor.  This enables Styles to be able to climb the rope and retrieve the belt.  Your winner, and NEW NWA: TNA X-Division Champion of the World…AJ Styles!

…Or is he?  Bullet Bob Armstrong hits the ring and tells Styles that he will not allow the title to change hands in that manner…after attacking the champ before the match, and then relying on interference from Siaki.  So Armstrong calls for a re-match next week, and reverses the decision, telling Styles that he will enter the re-match as the contender, not the champion.

The second set of dates scroll by as the TNA grrrls do their thang, and now it is time for Don West to do his thang…

Next week is going to be something.  AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn will go at it in another Ladder Match…Chris Rock (whom West tells us is one of the funniest comedians on earth) will be in the hiz-ouse, filming his next movie “Head of State” and anyone in attendance next week will be part of the audience for that filming!…also Low Ki, Tony Mamaluke, Kid Kash and Ace Steel in what I’m assuming is an Ironman Match (West called it an “Iron Match”)…the S.A.T. will take-on Harris & Storm for the tag belts…also Syxx Pac, Scott Hall, Jeff Jarrett and more…and www.nwatna.com has the greatest merchandise!

It is now time for our main event of the evening:

Brian Lawler w/April & Jeff Jarrett v. BG James & Syxx Pac:  James tells the heels that since Scott Hall can’t be there tonight, he’s got two words for ya, “Hey yo”.  Syxx Pac tells Lawler that if he keeps treating April like that, then Pac’s going to keep banging her behind Lawler’s back.  Furthermore, Pac says that if Lawler and Jarrett win the match tonight, then Pac will let Lawler watch!!  Now that’s funny!  They immediately brawl into the audience, and eventually Jarrett and Syxx Pac make it into the ring as the crowd chants “Jerry’s Kid!”  Someone in the audience has a sign that says, “Lawler Hates Me”.  I’m assuming that the person holding the sign has slept with April, and the sign is not homage to the XFL player Rod “He Hate Me” Smart.  BG James tags in, and the heels quickly take over.  Lawler bites the nose, and then goes for a bulldog.  After a 3-punch count-along in the corner in which the crowd neglects to count along, Lawler goes for another Bulldog.  James is able to shove him off, and makes the hot tag to Syxx Pac.  All four men in the ring, a Broncobuster for Jarrett, then he and James brawl outside the ring as Pac goes for the X-Factor on Lawler.  The spot is blown, as Lawler falls down flat just as Syxx Pac jumps up.  Luckily, Elix Skipper is in the ring and hits Pac with his own version of the move, and Pac is able to sell it correctly.  The heels take-over in the ring as James pulls Skipper down from the ring apron.  Jarrett and Syxx Pac are your legal men, and when Jarrett applies a Sleeper, the crowd (that was very hot up to this point) is completely silent.  Hot tag to James…long story short…Pump-Handle Slam on Lawler and the faces win.  Skipper joins the heels in the ring for the beatdown until The Amazing Red hits the ring.  Red is no match for Skipper however, and Red’s teammates in the S.A.T. make the save, hitting the Spanish Fly on Elix Skipper in order to send the crowd home happy.  Jarrett begins taking-out the faces with a steel chair, Tha Truth is in the ring attacking the faces with the World Title belt, and finally Lawler is attacking with April’s purse…and we are out.

In Summary:  Let’s get the main event out of the way first, since it was the low-point of the show for me.  I said it last week, but I’ll say it again, just because these guys are the most “famous” doesn’t mean that they should be on last.  Furthermore, you know you are watching WCW when every show has to end in a big schmozz…by the time the show was about to go off the air with the heels continuing their beatdown, I started to (sarcastically) chant “We want Sting! We want Sting!”

The rest of the show was top notch.  Even the relative lowlights were good: I’m talking about the Red v. Shark Boy match (which had a couple of blown spots), and the Siaki v. David Young match (which should have been earlier in the card because it’s been so long since we’ve seen Young, and also they just didn’t seem to work together smoothly).  Neither of those matches was bad, they just left me feeling “eh” (I’d describe the main event that way, too).  The matches that I really enjoyed: the World Title Match was fantastic, and let’s hope that the bookers have big plans for Low Ki (and let’s also hope that we can settle on one way to spell his name!); the S.A.T. v. Elvises match was good, and the S.A.T. have really quickly become one of my favorite teams since I first saw them about 6-7 months ago on RF Video’s “Best of the Independents 2001”tape (a tape that comes with my highest recommendations).  The match that makes this ppv a must-see is the Ladder Match.  Between Lynn, Styles and Low Ki, I am blown-away week after week.  I would call the Ladder Match tonight one of the best matches that I’ve seen in recent memory, if it wasn’t for the fact that I said that about the Triple-Ladder Match between those three just a few weeks ago.  I would definitely say that tonight’s Ladder Match, along with the S.A.T. match and the World Title match make this show very much worth the $10 fee, and if you haven’t seen NWA: TNA at all, I definitely recommend buying the replay.

By the way, BG James refrained from using his annoying catchphrase even once this week, so I am left scrambling for a new gimmick…so I will be re-debuting the (slightly unoriginal) gimmick that I used to use when recapping Nitro for some piss-ant website: The Sign o’ the Night, and after my opening rant, one might assume that the sign that was seen at the end of the first match, “ECW Will Never Die!” would be this week’s choice, but one would be wrong.  My favorite sign from tonight is one that has simply the word “HEEL”, with an arrow pointing down at the person holding it…That’s MY kind of sign!!



In addition to enjoying pro wrasslin', Scotty is an avid photographer.  His family website contains over 700 pictures, and has a photo-album dedicated entirely to The Sport of Kings (including a picture from the night he & his wife met New Jack), and is available at: http://www.msnusers.com/TheSzantoNicodemusWedding.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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