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NWA-TNA 18: Back in the Saddle
October 24, 2002

by Scotty Szanto-Nicodemus
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Well I was looking at www.nwatna.com earlier today, so let’s see if TNA can turn my attitude around this week, or if it will be another episode of WWE-Lite.  I don’t have much to say at the opening here…most of my energy is geared towards writing a preview for the NWA 54th Anniversary show this weekend, which should be ready for Rick by Friday morning. 

I Get Letters™:  I hate to ruin the image for you, but the door that X-Pac and April snuck out of was the ticket-booth, which is where they film most of the vignettes.  That
Asylum is a tiny-tiny building.


Ha Ha!  That strikes me as quite funny for some reason.  Maybe the Asylum doesn’t have any locker rooms.  I have an image in my head of the guys changing clothes in their cars in the parking lot!  It would be funny to walk past Ron Harris trying to put his singlet on in the front seat of a Ford Taurus!!

Now let’s get it on!


We start the show with a preview of the evening, and with the benefit of being able to scroll down, you don’t need to sit through the preview the way I did!  I will tell you that those of you that didn’t tune-in missed the debut of some brand new graphics!  Scott Hall hasn’t been around for a few weeks, and so he doesn’t get the new fancy look!

The Amazing Red v. Kid Kash v. The S.A.T. v. Elix Skipper:  This match is a 5-Way Elimination Match for the #1 Contender’s spot in the X-Division, with the winner getting a title shot next week against the winner of the Syxx Pac v. AJ Styles match later tonight.  I have a feeling that the action is going to be hard to follow.  There is no feeling-out process, as the action begins before the bell even rings!  Skipper sets one of the Maximos up on the top rope (not the turnbuckle), and then dropkicks him off and over to the floor.  We have Jose, Kash and Skipper on the floor as Joel Maximo hits a suicide dive through the top two ropes.  That is followed-up by Red hitting a plancha over the top rope.  Not to be outdone, Kash gets up and hits a springboard plancha from the top rope.  Everyone begins to make their way back into the ring at this point, and Joel lifts Kash up into the Gory Guerrero Special (which Tenay refers to as The Rack, which is both funny and disheartening at the same time).  Next, Jose lifts Red up, positioning his legs in Kash’s arms, then his body through Joel’s legs, so that Red is in a modified Boston Crab, and then Jose goes around and pulls up on Red’s arms.  That’s only four men however, and Skipper comes in, getting behind Jose and pulling up on his chin in a Camel Clutch-like maneuver.  Quite a sight to see.  Skipper breaks the move first and springboards from the top rope into a Dropkick to Joel’s head and the whole pile falls.  Kash hits a cool spot when he whips one of the S.A.T.’s into the turnbuckle, but Maximo stops himself and turns around, only to be met by a Dropkick from Kash.  Maximo goes out to the floor, and Kash springboards into a Huricanrana in front of the announce table, hitting his head hard on the floor in the process.  I will point out that Mike Tenay said that this match is being contested under modified Lucha Libre rules, meaning that there will be no tags when one man goes out to the floor.  In reality, it’s just all five guys at the same time, as nobody has been standing on the apron waiting to come in.  Maximo attempts to whip Kash into the announce table, but Kash leaps up onto the table, and hits a Tornado DDT on the floor!  Back in the ring we have the other Maximo and Elix Skipper.  As Maximo is climbing to the top rope (again, not the turnbuckles), Skipper nails him with a Roundhouse Kick.  Don West asks Tenay to please explain the Lucha Libre rules again, and he does, but I’m not going to.  Ha!  West also says that Elix Skipper had one of the greatest matches we’ve ever seen in TNA against AJ Styles, and leaves me stumped to remember the match.  Besides, the Triple Ladder Match from a few weeks ago is still too fresh in my mind for me to consider any other match to be the greatest I’ve seen in TNA!  Back to the action, and Skipper goes to the top turnbuckle, then walks the tightrope to Maximo’s position midway between the turnbuckles, and hits a Huricanrana to bring Maximo back into the ring.  For anyone that thinks it is impressive when the Undertaker walks the ropes, be advised that Skipper did it without holding on to anything for balance.  You go, Elix Skipper!  Kash comes back into the ring, hitting Skipper with a leaping Clothesline from the top turnbuckle.  Red back in, and a Spinning Kick sends Skipper out to the floor.  Red goes to the top turnbuckle, and Kash meets him there, hitting an impressive Overhead Slam from the top turnbuckle…and Kash nearly was able to remain standing on the turnbuckle afterward, which made the move all the more impressive!  Kash goes for the same thing in the opposite corner against one of the Maximos as Tenay begs the guys in the truck for a replay.  Tenay gets his wish, and we don’t miss the highspot as they debut a split-screen replay.  Kash missed the move, however, as Maximo Clotheslines Kash off the turnbuckle.  It was Joel Maximo, and when he goes for the pin, Jose comes in to break-up the count, and we finally get Brother v. Brother!  Joel whips Jose into the corner, but Jose is able to leap from the turnbuckle and hit a Tornado DDT on his brother.  Skipper breaks-up the three count and attacks Jose, hitting his finisher The Play o’ The Day, and Jose is the first to be eliminated.  Joel leans through the ropes to check on his brother, and Kash kicks him out and to the floor.  After seeing replays of Skipper’s finisher and the pin on Jose, we see Skipper hit a Spinning Crossbody Block onto Joel and Kash on the floor.  Joel is thrown back into the ring and Skipper comes back in, with a Leg Scissors Take-Over on Joel.  West says that he doesn’t know who would be a favorite to win at this point, but he would almost have to put his money on Elix Skipper.  No sooner do the words come out of West’s mouth, and Joel hits his finisher The Maximo Explosion on him, and Skipper is eliminated.  After hitting a Huricanrana on Joel, Kash is able to set him up for The Money Maker (a Double-Underhook Piledriver) for the pin, and we are down to two.  Kash offers Red the Indy Handshake of Respect, and when Red accepts, Kash kicks him in the gut.  That’s an example of Kash’s 13 years of experience versus Red’s 4…which Tenay is all too happy to point-out.  After a Huricanrana and Spin Kick, Red comes out of the corner with a modified Tornado DDT.  He goes for the pinfall, but Kash’s foot is on the rope.  Don West takes this opportunity to telegraph the finish by saying, “Wouldn’t that have been unbelievable, if Amazing Red had somehow been able to get the victory over Kid Kash?”  Kash gains a little bit of momentum with a Double-Springboard Leaping Senton out of the corner, and we go next to the rapid-reversal sequence.  Kash picks Red up in what first appears to be a Fisherman’s Suplex, but then he drops Red down onto his knee in a Shoulderbreaker-like move.  Kash fails to properly grapevine the leg however, and Red kicks out.  Kash contests the count from the referee, and then hits a Double-Springboard Frogsplash out of the corner onto Red, but again only gets two.  Into the opposite corner, and as they jockey for position on the turnbuckle, Red knocks Kash off and is able to land the Infra-Red (Corkscrew Moonsault) for the 3-count.  It was a Spot-Fest, to be sure, but they had a lot to get into the match in order to get four guys eliminated in 15 minutes…and I never said that a spot-fest couldn’t be exciting.  Now YOUR #1 Contender for the X-Division Title is The Amazing Red!

TNA Grrrls:  NWA UK – Thursday, Oct. 24 – Angel Centre – Tonbridge, Kent – 8pm…NWA ECCW – Thursday, Oct. 24 – Royal Canadian Legion – Port Coquitlam, BC – 8pm… www.nwawrestling.com

Also, it bears mentioning that when the dates scroll by, they also list the different things that are being offered in a silent auction on the TNA website, but I will hold-off until the end to explain what that’s all about…or you can go to www.nwatna.com and find out for yourself, I suppose!

Brian Lawler interview with Goldylocks:  Lawler is busy looking out the door to see if April has made it to the arena yet, and Goldy wonders if he shouldn’t be more concerned with his opponent tonight, BG James.  “What do you want, Goldy?  Yes I’m wrestling tonight.  What do you think I’m doing here?”  He apologizes (sort of) for snapping at her, and says that he’s got a lot on his mind, so can they please do the interview later…I know I’ll be on the edge of my seat waiting for that interview to come later!

Mike Tenay and DW set-up replays the Tag Title situation.  I’ll save you the trouble of checking the archives by telling you that the Hot Shots attacked Harris & Storm last week after the champs successfully defended their belts.

Hot Shots v. “The Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm and “Wildcat” Chris Harris:  The champs rush the ring, and Jeremy Borash is only able to get “Current Reigning and Defending…” before he bails.  Ring the bell and we are underway!  Storm Clotheslines Stevens over the top rope before he even takes the title belt off.  Stevens goes for a ‘rana off the safety rail, but Storm catches him and turns it into a Sit-Out Powerbomb onto the floor!  He follows that up with a Suplex onto the floor.  Harris and O’Reilly are brawling around the announce table, even going into the crowd briefly.  We finally make it into the ring, and the champs are able to double-team against O’Reilly, whipping him into the corner, and Storm follows him in with a Standing Splash.  Storm whips O’Reilly into the opposite corner, and Harris comes off the rope with a bulldog as O’Reilly stumbles out of the corner…a move made famous by Sting, one of my all-time favorite wrestlers.  Stevens gets knocked off the apron when he attempts to interfere, but while standing on the floor, he is able to trip Harris when he is whipped into the ropes.  The Hot Shots double-team on Harris, hitting the Rolling Powerbomb that was made famous by Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri, one of my all-time favorite tag teams.  Hey, I’m liking this match!!  Hot tag is made to James Storm, a fact accentuated by Tenay, who says that Storm is “on fire”.  Stevens is down in the corner (in position for the Broncobuster), and when O’Reilly rushes in, Storm is able to trip him up with a Drop Toe Hold, causing O’Reilly to head-butt Stevens in the groin.  Storm is sent out to the floor, but Harris is able to take over quickly.  Harris has O’Reilly set-up for the Catatonic, but when he spins Stevens is able to land a Super Kick, and Harris falls backwards, landing with O’Reilly on top of him.  Harris kicks-out after a 2-count.  When Steven climbs the turnbuckles, he is knocked down to the floor, and Storm comes back into the ring and lands his finisher, The 8-Second Ride on O’Reilly for the pin.  I am going to assume that name is a reference to rodeo, since Storm is a cowboy and all.  The move comes out of a Fireman’s Carry position, and is a Spinning Face-Plant of some sort.  After the match, Tenay tells us that fans have dubbed Harris & Storm America’s Most Wanted, but I don’t know anything about all that.  Very good match, by the way.

Next we get replays of the Jerry Lynn v. Sonny Siaki feud.  I wonder if the fact that TNA has a bunch of new editing/graphics people has anything to do with the fact that these replays are shown in reverse chronological order?!  The point behind all these replays is that Siaki has injured Lynn’s knee, and also he respects no one.

Jerry Lynn interview with Goldylocks:  Goldy suggests that Lynn puts his match against Siaki off until next week since his knee is not 100%.  Jerry emphasizes that pro wrasslers don’t get an off-season.  Brian Lawler enters at the end of the promo and asks us if we’ve seen April.

Sonny Siaki v. Jerry Lynn:  This match is announced as a Grudge Match.  All right!!  Lynn limps to the ring, and pulls Siaki out onto the floor to start the match.  He sends Siaki over the safety rail, and then leaps-over himself, landing a Crossbody Block over the rail onto Siaki in the second row.  We hear the referee telling them to get it back in the ring, and they do, and the bell rings, and we are underway!  Lynn goes for a Bodyslam, but his knee gave out, and Siaki begins to work over the knee.  Tenay tells us that the injury to Lynn’s knee dates back over a year when he was working for the WWF, an injury that required full-blown knee surgery on the patella tendon.  With Siaki on the apron and Lynn in the ring, Lynn is able to jump up for his patented leg drop when Siaki goes for the gut through the ropes…Lynn used his bad knee, of course, and winds-up on the worse end of things.  Siaki takes advantage, repeatedly slamming Lynn’s injured leg into the ringpost.  Back in the ring, and Lynn mounts a brief offensive, until Siaki clips the knee, and goes for a version of the Figure Four.  The crowd is chanting “Jerry! Jerry!” about ¾ as loud as they chanted “Red! Red!” during the opening match.  Siaki continues to methodically work on Lynn’s knee, and the crowd continues to chant Jerry’s name.  The finish comes out of nowhere, as first Lynn uses his good leg to shove Siaki off into the turnbuckles, and then rolls him up (with a bridge) for the 3-count.  Siaki continues to work on the knee after the bell rings, pulling Lynn back in a Single-Leg Boston Crab.  Several referees come to the ring to break it up, and Siaki leaves (without requiring Don Harris to come out this week, and the referees help Lynn to the back.

TNA Grrrls:  NWA Wildside – Friday, Oct. 25 – NWA Arena – Cornelia, GA – 8pm…NWA ECCW – Friday, Oct. 25 – Bridgeview Hall – Surrey, BC – 8pm…NWA Main Event – Saturday, Oct. 26 – Morton’s Sportatorium – Columbia, TN – 8pm… www.nwawrestling.com

It’s replay time again, as we get the Curt Hennig v. Tha Truth feud.  This time, I am just going to direct you to check the archives to see what happened in their match last week.

Curt Hennig and BG James make their way to the ring, and despite the face pop that they are receiving, the camera zooms-in on a group of guys in the crowd that are giving the “thumbs down” sign.  Nice touch.  Hennig cuts a promo on Jeff Jarrett, telling Jarrett that he is a “Curt Hennig wannabe since day one”, despite the obvious fact that Jarrett is a Ric Flair wannabe.  Hennig gives us smarks a bone by saying that he is “the guy who took down Brock Lesnar at 35,000 feet.”  Hennig challenges Jarrett to a match next week…and if Hennig wins the belt this week, then the match next week will be a World Title Match!  Jarrett is backstage, and Goldy is able to weasel her way in with a microphone so that we can hear him trying to convince Brian Lawler to come to the ring with him.  Lawler says that he can’t because he is waiting for April, so Jarrett walks out alone.  James takes this opportunity to cut a promo on Lawler.

TNA Grrrls:  No dates scroll by at this time.

Scott Hall takes his turn at cutting a promo in the ring.  While he is on his way to the ring, Tenay tells us that he has had a three-week absence in order to “take care of some family business”.  Hall tells us that he isn’t supposed to be out until later, but he never has been one to follow the rules.  He calls-out Jarrett, who comes out, and we are going to have the match right now!

Scott Hall v. Jeff Jarrett:  As this match gets underway, my wife asks, “So they can afford him, again?”  HA!  West and Tenay point-out that this feud dates back to the very first TNA broadcast.  They brawl inside, then outside, with Hall getting the better part of things.  When they go back into the ring however, Jarrett is able to reverse the momentum.  He goes off the ropes, and Hall catches him for the Fallaway Slam, and Jarrett bails.  Hall goes after him and catches him on the ramp, and they brawl into the crowd.  They exchange chair shots in the crowd, and then it is back over the safety rail, and Hall slams Jarrett into the announce table.  Back in the ring, as Hall realizes that he has to have him in the ring to finish him off.  Hall is going for The Edge, but they are too close to the ropes, and Jarrett is able to Back Body Drop him over the rope and onto the floor.  Chair to the gut, and Jarrett rolls him back into the ring.  In the corner, Jarrett is going for the 10-Punch Count-Along, but when the crowd misses their opportunity to count, he goes after the ref.  Hall looks like he is going to reverse momentum when he whips Jarrett into the ropes, but Hall telegraphs a Back Body Drop, and Jarrett reverses it into a Swinging Neckbreaker.  Jarrett locks in the Sleeper, and the crowd chants “Go Scott Go!” until he goes to the mat, and the crowd is silent.  When the camera zooms in on Hall’s face, West says, “You can see Scott’s face turning white.”  Actually DW, his facial hair is what is turning his face white!  After the Sleeper-sequence, they trade punches, and when Jarrett ducks a Clothesline, Hall nearly takes-out the referee, but stops himself short.  When Hall turns around, he ducks a punch from Jarrett, and of course because Double-J is a heel, can’t stop himself from striking the ref.  Curt Hennig comes to the ring when the ref goes down, and takes-out Jarrett.  The lights go out, and we next see Tha Truth on the big screen, telling Hennig that he is going to be on Hennig’s ass “like a cold rectal thermometer”.  Eww!!  Brian Lawler comes to the ring and attacks Hennig, but BG James makes the save and chases Lawler to the back.  Jarrett goes for The Stroke on Hennig, but Hennig’s trick knee acts up, and after the low blow, Jarrett stumbles into position for The Edge from Hall.  Hennig revives the ref, and Scott Hall is YOUR winner.  As they are leaving the ring, Hall holds the ropes open for Hennig, who in turn holds the ropes for Hall…something that Amey though was “sweet”.

TNA Grrrls:  Again, no dates scroll by.

We get some brief replays to set-up the next match.

Brian Lawler v. BG James:  Lawler comes to the ring without April, so we’ll see where that goes.  James rushes the ring to start the match, and Lawler starts things off with a series of right.  James dumps him over the top rope, and then follows him out, and they brawl around the ringside area.  To further the alleged comedy, Lawler grabs the microphone and climbs onto the announce table asking, “Has anyone seen April?”  More brawling outside, and I am able to read the back of James’ shirt, which says, “Black Rebel Society”.  Back in the ring, and James hits the Big Boot, but Lawler gets free of the Pump Handle.  Lawler then lands a Big Boot of his own, and when he climbs to the top rope, he sees Syxx Pac and April on the stage, who are Deep-Kissing one another.  The distraction enables James to pull him from the turnbuckles and score the pinfall.  More comedy ensues as James prevents Lawler from rushing Pac on the ramp, and Lawler is seen “crying”.  DW wonders if Syxx Pac was kissing April, or if it was reciprocal.  Tenay points out that we sure didn’t see her trying to fight Pac off.

Next we get replays of the X-Division Title situation.

The Phenomenal AJ Styles with Mortimer Plumtree v. Syxx Pac (champ):  This X-Division Title match is No-DQ, which opens up a world of possibilities…most of which involve Brian Lawler costing Syxx Pac to lose the belt.  You can tell that Pac is planning to get more X-treme tonight, because he is wearing a bandana with Japanese writing on it instead of the traditional black bandana that he usually wears.  Plumtree sits-in on commentary with Tenay and DW.  Feeling-out process to start.  Styles is thrown to the floor, and Pac lands a Somersault Plancha to the floor.  Back in the ring, and Pac connects with a Spinning-Heel Kick.  Plumtree maintains that Pac’s best years are behind him, as Pac pulls Styles back in a Surfboard.  Pac goes outside, and when Styles goes for a Baseball-Slide Kick, Pac catches him and drops him across the safety rail.  As they brawl outside, someone in the crowd is seen wearing a shirt that says This Is As Happy As I Get, and I have found my new favorite shirt!  Back in the ring, and Styles is able to connect with the Spiral Tap, landing hard on Pac’s chest.  Referee Scott Armstrong appears to stop the count just before Pac raises his shoulder, and Tenay tells it was two and nine-tenths!  Styles pulls back on the arms, and Pac is able to get to his feet and reverse the hold.  Plumtree declares that he will have overwhelming power over all of TNA once Styles wins the belt.  In the ring, Styles is able to connect with a move that I just love, springboarding backwards with a Moonsault, landing on his feet in position for an Inverted DDT!  I am left hoping that Ken Shamrock will be able to sell that move this Saturday at the reunion show in Corpus Christi!!  Pac is whipped into the ropes, and when Styles jumps up for the ‘rana, Pac catches him for a Sit-Out Powerbomb.  Pac is able to land the Broncobuster, and then the X-Factor (which Tenay has yet to re-name for us).  Mortimer Plumtree leaves the broadcast position and pulls the ref out before the 3-count, and while he argues with the ref Pac pulls him up onto the apron.  Styles prevents Pac from punching him, but when Styles rushes, Pac moves out of the way and Styles takes-out his own manager.  Oh, the humanity!  (I joke, but this is a really good match.)  Syxx Pac drives that point home for me by landing my favorite of all suplexes, a Northern Lights (with a bridge).  He gets two.  Plumtree is out of it outside, and Styles is able to land a German Suplex (also with a bridge).  Pac goes for a Powerbomb, but Styles reverses it and attempts to get Pac in position for the Styles Clash.  Pac rolls through the legs however, winding-up in a modified Boston Crab position, and is able to grab the ropes.  As predicted, Brian Lawler runs-out and waffles Syxx Pac by busting a beer can over Pac’s head, enabling Styles to land the Styles Clash for the victory.  After the match, Pac raises Styles’ hand, as Lawler sneaks back into the ring and hits Pac in the head with the title belt.  Styles climbs the turnbuckles, looks at the camera and says, “All by myself” because he is a heel.

TNA Grrrls:  NWA UK – Saturday, Oct. 26 – Leisure Centre – Andover, Hampshire – 8pm…NWA ECCW – Saturday, Oct. 26 – House of Pain – Langley, BC – 8pm… www.nwawrestling.com

Ace Steel v. Jorge Estrada with Priscilla:  Steel is without Mortimer Plumtree, and Mike Tenay tells us that Plumtree is busy celebrating with AJ Styles backstage…furthermore, Plumtree sends word that he hardly considers Estrada a challenge.  Feeling-out process to start, and when Steel gives us an incredibly sloppy Float-Over, I am left once again wishing that they had signed Steel’s tag team partner CM Punk instead…if you need that explained to you, please check last week’s recap.  As for action, Steel is going for a Head Scissors Takedown, but Estrada falls forward into a Slam.  Estrada goes for a Head Scissors of his own, and Steel fails to sell it properly, which only infuriates me further.  If he isn’t careful, Ace Steel is going to unseat Syxx Pac as my least favorite wrassler tonight!  They go outside, and Steel pushes Priscilla down, and Estrada takes over, whipping Steel into the ring apron.  They go for a spot in which Estrada jumps up, springs his legs off the ropes, and comes down with a DDT on the floor.  Unfortunately, Estrada doesn’t have enough momentum to spring off the ropes, and he is momentarily suspended upside-down on the apron, kicking at the ropes before he finally falls backwards and executes the move.  That was a team-effort, but I’m still going to blame Steel because I’m in a bit of a mood with him.  Back in the ring, and Estrada misses a Springboard Moonsault, enabling Steel to land a Splash from the apron.  Estrada is climbing the turnbuckles, but gets crotched, and Steel is able to hit a Superplex.  Estrada gets the momentum back with a Short-Arm Clothesline, followed by a regular Clothesline.  Steel kicks him in the gut and goes for his finisher, but Estrada wiggles free, and gets Steel up into a Fireman’s Carry position, but Steel is able to wiggle free.  Steel lands a Northern Lights Suplex, and when he doesn’t land the bridge he rolls-through, and maintains the hold for another Northern Lights (this time he bridges).  I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone roll-through for multiple Northern Lights Suplexes before!  That was pretty cool.  Steel gets whipped into the ropes, and Priscilla trips him up, and while he is distracted Estrada is able to roll him up in a Schoolboy.  Plumtree hits the ring after the match, and when Priscilla jumps on his back in a Sleeper Hold, he flips her over his back, slamming her to the mat.  DW wonders how low can Plumtree go, and Tenay replies, “You just saw it.”

TNA Grrrls:  NWA Midwest – Championship Wrestling – Saturday, Oct. 26 – Greyslake, IL – 8pm…NWA SW – Saturday, Oct. 26 – NWA 54th Anniversary Show – Memorial Coliseum – Corpus Christi, TX – 7:30 pm… www.nwawrestling.com

Well, at least they finally mentioned the big anniversary show this weekend.  Unfortunately, Tenay and West fail to mention the show aloud all night…despite the fact that the X-Division Champ AJ Styles will be wrestling for the #1 Contender’s spot to the World Title.  More on that tomorrow when I post a preview.

Syxx Pac comes to the ring to cut a promo, the gist of which is throwing-out a challenge to Brian Lawler.  Lawler comes to the ramp, and begins to “cry” again, stating that he is not going to fight for April.  She comes out onto the ramp and says that Pac forced her to kiss him, and that she loves Lawler.  That’s all Lawler needed to hear, and he rushes the ring.  Referees come in to the to break things up, and I am left to wonder two things…first, is there no security in the building tonight; second, shouldn’t this have been saved until next week?  Whatever.

TNA Grrrls:  NWA Hawaii – Saturday, Oct. 26 – Nuuanu Hongwangi Gymnasium – 8pm…NWA East – Saturday, Oct. 26 – NWA Sportatorium – McKeesport, PA – 8pm… www.nwawrestling.com

DW previews next week.  We are going to have Jorge & Priscilla v. Mortimer & Ace Steel, Harris & Storm will defend the tag team titles, The Amazing Red will take-on AJ Styles in a match that West promises will be off the charts, and “Jeff Jarrett, Curt Hennig, Tha Truth, Scott Hall, one of those matches will be for the NWA Title,” whatever that means.

Tha Truth (champ) v. Curt Hennig:  World Heavyweight Title Match.  Once again, Tha Champion comes to the ring first, and he grabs the mic and he raps the following lines to the crowd:

“You know what, I’m gonna break it down for you lame-ass rednecks.  Nashville, y’all better give me respect.  I’m the one plow upside your mouth, I don’t like none o’ y’all, how ya like me now?  Good Lord!  Try your luck, you’re getting’ tossed, y’all rednecks don’t want me to set it off.  Bringin’ the drama, I wouldn’t brag, Nashville, Trashville can kiss my ass!”

The crowd responds by cheering as if he was the #1 babyface in the company…god bless Tennessee!  Hennig rushes the ring and takes control with a series of punches, Scott Armstrong calls for the bell, and we are under way.  We go outside the ring, and once again we get a battle on the announce table.  The camera quickly zooms in on the title belt, then back to the action.  Tha Truth grabs a camera cable and chokes Hennig out on the table, and the camera zooms in on the title belt, then back to the action.  Yes, they did it twice.  Back into the ring, and Tha Truth hits a Snapmare Take-Over, and then comes off the middle turnbuckle with a Legdrop.  Tha Truth is able to connect with an Axe Kick, and then drops off the middle turnbuckle with a fist between the eyes.  Hennig is in the corner, and when Tha Truth approaches Hennig’s trick knee acts up, but like a true fighting champion, Tha Truth catches his leg, then grabs the other leg and pulls Hennig out of the corner with a Pancake Slam.  When Tha Truth goes for the pin, Tenay tells us that Hennig “grabbed him by the dreads to pull him off”; despite the fact that Tha Truth’s hair is merely braided, not dreaded.  Hennig is able to get a few Knife-Edge Chops in, but Tha Truth reverses the momentum with a Flying Burrito.  Single Leg Takedown into an Ankle Lock by Hennig, but Tha Truth quickly makes it to the ropes.  Multiple kicks by Hennig, and a Back Body Drop, followed by the Gum Spit of Doom!  Mr. Wrestling III climbs into the ring, but Hennig quickly attacks him, sending him into the ropes, hits the Flying Knee-Lift, and Hennig tries to remove the mask.  This enables Tha Truth to pull a set of brass knuckles from his pockets and hit Hennig in the back of the head.  Your winner, and STILL World Heavyweight Champion is Ron “Tha Truth” Killings.

After the match, we receive the same warning as last week:

Evil Knows No Bounds…Evil Never Will Rest…Evil Returns…10.30.02

All in all, this was a very good show, and a HUGE improvement over last week.  The Lawler/April storyline is lame, and Tenay was even heard to say, “Are we watching Days of Our Lives”?  That was kept as short as possible, however, so I’m not going to rant on it.  I am still not sold on Ace Steel, as blown spots just seem to follow him to the ring every match.  The show got me sufficiently pumped for the 54th Anniversary show this weekend, which leads me to…

I can’t believe that they didn’t say a single word about the big Anniversary show this weekend.  Tha Truth is defending the World Title, and AJ Styles is wrestling Ken Shamrock in a #1 Contender’s match.  Also Jorge Estrada is going for the North American Heavyweight Title.  All that without even mentioning that they should be putting-over the fact that the show is happening in the first place!  I will be VERY disappointed if Styles wins the #1 Contender’s match but doesn’t get a title shot next Wednesday!

OK, before I wrap things up, the auction that NWA: TNA is sponsoring the auction that it says is for the DC Sniper victims, The Faison School for Autism, and the Breast Cancer Awareness Fund.  That’s what it says on the front page of their website…but if you click the link and open the article, it says that the money is to be divided between the “Reward Fund set up to help capture the sick individual(s) behind these horrific acts of terror”, and the other two charities.  It goes on to state that if the individual(s) is/are caught before the auction is over, then the money will be divided evenly between the Faison School and the Breast Cancer Fund.  That’s a pretty major bit of miscommunication there.  Anyway, you can bid to do just about anything short of refereeing a match on a TNA broadcast.  When the dates scrolled-by, they mentioned that you can bid to Jet Ski with Jeff Jarrett at his house, join the Announce Team during a broadcast, win a date with Goldy, work as Vince Russo’s assistant, or be Tha Truth’s valet.  You can also win a date with Goldy, go deep-sea fishing with Harris & Storm, or be the valet for any one of a plethora of wrestlers.  I will leave the full details for you to explore on your own by going to www.nwatna.com.

Oh, I nearly forgot about the Sign o’ the Night:  Initially I was going to nominate I Need A Syxx Pac Just To Watch Him, and was going to tell you that even though I have not drank alcohol in over 6 years, sometimes I too feel like that!  But then I liked his match this week, so that sign is out.  So then I decided that Ace Steel Fears Decaf deserved the nod, but I figured that those of you that don’t watch the shows and only read my recaps might not get it…besides the (blank) Fears (blank) sign is so overdone.  Finally I settled-in on J.W. Wildfire Stole My EBT Card, based on my wife’s assumption that the person mis-spelled Debit, but I’ve already done the “People from Tennessee can’t spell” thing.  So, (drum roll), this week’s sign o’ the week is: Tha Truth Is Tracy Chapman.  Despite the fact that Tracy Chapman’s hair is dreaded and Tha Truth’s is braided…or possibly because of that fact!

Don’t miss my 54th Anniversary Show preview tomorrow, or my recap early next week!  It’s going to be a great weekend!!



In addition to enjoying pro wrasslin', Scotty is an avid photographer.  His family website contains over 700 pictures, and has a photo-album dedicated entirely to The Sport of Kings (including a picture from the night he & his wife met New Jack), and is available at: http://www.msnusers.com/TheSzantoNicodemusWedding.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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