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Building to a Crescendo!
November 7, 2002

by Scotty Szanto-Nicodemus
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


This week’s recap is going to be a little short on detail, and for that I apologize in advance.  I coach a flag-football team, and we had a game Wednesday night, so I didn’t get to see the show live, and I have to be in traffic court early Thursday afternoon, so I am going to have to literally squeeze this week’s show in between all this.

Since I was unable to watch the event live, I tuned-in during the day when I was setting everything to record, and they have produced a series of preview shows.

To wit:

Mike Tenay & Jeremy Borash tell us that NWA stands for National Wrasslin’ Alliance, the oldest governing wrasslin’ body at more than 50 years old (let’s all place bets on how long it takes them to contradict that in the broadcast).   Furthermore, they tell us that the NWA has listened to wrasslin’ fans, and fans have told them that they want an alternative.  They switch gears and talk about TNA’s open-door policy, allowing such superstars as Scott Hall, Jeff Jarrett, Buff Bagwell, BG James to get a shot at the World Heavyweight Title.  Incidentally, when talking about the World Title, they mention that Ken Shamrock won it on June 19th, but no mention is made of Ron “Tha Truth” Killings…you know, the CURRENT champ.  It’s not like he just won the belt last week or something, in fact according to nwawrestling.com he won the belt on August 7th.  I think that the new owners of the company might want to encourage TNA to update their preview show.  A few examples of this would be not only the fact that Shamrock’s title win is shown but Killings’ is not, but the preview shows extensive footage of midgets, Toby Keith, Jimmy Yang, Apolo, Psicosis, Malice, Ed Ferrara, Francine, Marcus Alexander “Buff (The Stuff)” Bagwell, The Dupps, as well as someone that I actually am hoping to see again soon on my television, Low Ki.  There’s even a brief shot of CM Punk, but it only lasts a second or two, so only a mark like me would recognize him!!

I Get Letters™: The National Wrestling Alliance and its title *were* formed in 1948.  World Championship Wrestling created its own title in 1991. An earlier NWA, known as the National Wrestling Association, was formed in 1929, and its title was unified with the National Wrestling Alliance’s title in 1948. I suppose this is where the commentators got the whole “80 years of history” thing, but, in reality, even that’s a bit of a stretch. That’s wrestling though. What can you do?

--Brandon Root

OK.  Even back when WCW claimed this lineage as their own, I knew that there was a tenuous thread of truth to it.  When I brought it up last week, I wasn’t meaning to argue the lineage (but thanks for providing it none the less!), I was upset because NWA: TNA had spent the better part of four months talking about the 50+ year legacy, and they also helped to hype the 54th Anniversary show that had taken place less than a week prior.  Then, poof! the title is over 80 years old with no explanation.  As for asking what I can do, well I can bitch and complain about it!  That’s what I can do!!  Thanks for the feedback, Brandon Root.

NWA: TNA XIX (Nov. 6, 02)

The show opens with highlights of the 54th Anniversary Show from Corpus Christi.  There’s footage from the meet-n-greet, and they talk about the matches involving each of the TNA participants.  If you haven’t read my recap, it is available right here.  The most interesting aspect of these replays is that they show (and the announcers discuss) Jorge Estrada’s winning the North American Heavyweight Title.  I figured that they would just ignore that if he isn’t going to bring the belt with him on the air for TNA broadcasts…then again, maybe they are going to use that belt as a secondary Heavyweight title.  Personally, I think they don’t need any more singles titles.

The program itself begins with a quick scan of the crowd, and then Mike Tenay & Don West preview the matches for tonight.

We open with replays of the feud over the Miss TNA title…check the archives.

Bruce and the returning Lenny are interviewed by Goldy backstage.  The gist of what they have to say is that they had a lover’s spat, but now they have made-up and so Lenny is back.  Also, Bruce has named Lenny runner-up to the Miss TNA crown, so if Bruce cannot “fulfill his duties”, Lenny will become Miss TNA.  Oh, and Lenny sucks on a lolly.

Jorge Estrada w/Priscilla v. Bruce w/Lenny:  If Jorge defeats Bruce, Priscilla will become Miss TNA.  Lenny and Bruce come to the ring arm in arm, and Lenny is eating a banana, which Tenay calls “subtle”.  The coolest spot of the match has Estrada standing on the apron, and Bruce jumps from inside, over the rope into a Sunset Flip outside, which ends with Bruce Powerbombing Estrada on the floor from the apron.  The finish comes when Priscilla goes into the ring and kisses Bruce to break-up a pin attempt (something that Bruce is revolted by), and Bruce chases her around the ring.  As they turn a corner of the ring, Bruce goes down seemingly out of nowhere and is unconscious.  I say “seemingly” nowhere because the camera eventually picks an angle so that we can see Lenny’s discarded banana peel laying on the ground next to Bruce, who is counted out of the match.  That’s right folks; he slipped on the banana peel!  Priscilla puts on the Miss TNA tiara and sash, but Lenny comes into the ring and takes them from her because of course the Miss TNA title is not an officially sanctioned NWA title (something that Mike Tenay practically drills into our heads).  If this was an officially sanctioned title, then it would change-hands via DQ or count-out, of course.

TNA Grrrls:  NWA Wildside – Friday, Nov. 8 – NWA Arena – Cornelia, GA – 8pm…NWA Main Event – Saturday, Nov. 9 – Morton’s Sportatorium – Columbia, TN – 8pm… www.nwawrestling.com

Sonny Siaki is interviewed backstage by Goldy.  Siaki knows that Goldy wants to sex him up, and he has discovered that Goldy bid in the silent auction to become Siaki’s personal valet, but management disallowed her bid.  That’s some funny stuff, and a nice way to work in the auction.  He also discussed wrasslin’, but it wasn’t nearly as entertaining as his back-and-forth with Goldy.

They show the brackets for the World Heavyweight Title Tournament next, Siaki will take on BG James in the semi-final match tonight, and in an opening round match Syxx Pac will take on Brian Lawler tonight and next week the winner will take on Jeff Jarrett.  Last week Jarrett defeated Curt Hennig of course, and tonight the two of them will meet again in a Return Grudge Match.  The winner of the tournament will get a match against Tha Truth in two weeks.

Sonny Siaki v. BG James:  This is the first semi-final match in the tournament to qualify for the World Heavyweight Title Match.  Tenay and West play-up the style differences, describing James as more of a brawler, while Siaki employs more of an X-Division style.  Siaki dominates most of the match by working over James’ knee until Jerry Lynn comes to ringside.  Lynn doesn’t interfere, but his presence is enough to distract Siaki, and after a Pump Handle Slam, BG James gets the win.

TNA Grrrls: NWA Alabama/APW – Saturday, Nov. 9 – Childersburg Rec Center – Childersburg, AL – 8pm…NWA East – Saturday, Nov. 9 – NWA Sportatorium – McKeesport, PA – 8pm… www.nwawrestling.com

Replays of the NEW New Disciples of the New Church (not Malice & Slash, and not Kobain & Slash, but Brian Lee & Slash) are next, and the thing that you need to remember from all this is: Evil will never rest.

Harris & Storm are interviewed backstage by Goldy, and boy are they upset about being attacked by the dominions of the New Church.  Harris asks a legitimate question, “What is the New Church, anyway?”  Storm gets a turn on the stick, but it doesn’t make as much sense as Harris’ rant, which prompts my wife to comment, “He may not make sense, but he sure is passionate!”

Slash & Brian Lee w/Father James Mitchell v. Harris & Storm (champs):  World Tag Team Titles Match.  In typical fashion, the champs rush the ring and the match begins with a wild brawl all over the outside area of the ring.  I say typical because that seems to be how all of their matches have begun that I have seen since I started doing these recaps…of course Tenay chimes in by saying how unusual it is to see the champs start a match that way.  God bless you, Tenay!  Slash is bleeding within the first couple of minutes of the match, and his crimson mask is the stuff of legend very quickly.  By the end of the match, Slash will have a mask the likes of which I haven’t seen in recent memory…it’s no Terry Funk ala ECW’s Barely Legal, but that ppv isn’t from recent memory.  The Minister has a “spike”, and attacks Storm outside.  Much to my delight, the crowd chants “Evil! Evil!”  Now if they would just add “Butt-fucking Evil!” to the end of that chant, we’d be in business!!  Mitchell passes the spike to Lee, who attacks Harris with it in the ring, which causes the ref to call for the DQ.  The disciples continue to beat on the champs after the bell has rung, and then threaten the announcers before heading to the back.  DW’s commentary was quite hokey, what with calling the New Church “pure evil” and all, but if I was to re-watch the match with the volume turned down to a barely audible level, Slash’s crimson mask is enough to sell this match.

TNA Grrrls:  NWA Mississippi – Saturday, Nov. 9 – Battlezone Arena – Magee, MS – 8pm…NWA ECCW – Saturday, Nov. 9 – House of Pain – Langley, BC – 8pm…NWA Over The Top – Rocky’s – Burlington, NJ – 6:30pm… www.nwawrestling.com  (Those of you in the Burlington, NJ area please refrain from flaming me about the fact that there is no date to accompany the Over The Top event at Rocky’s…I just copied what scrolled across the screen.  Send your flame email to the NWA!)

Brian Lawler w/April v. Syxx Pac:  This is a first round match up in the World Title Tournament.  After escorting April to a seat ringside, Lawler sneaks through the crowd and attacks Syxx Pac on the ramp…nice touch.  This match gets completely out of control, with the storyline dominating the match.  For example, Lawler repeatedly tells April to slap Pac, but she won’t.  Let’s just jump straight to the finish, in which Lawler has Pac in the corner, but before Lawler can execute the 10-punch count along, Pac lands a low blow.  This enables Pac to land the X-Factor (a move which still doesn’t have a TNA-centric name apparently) for the three count.  The real “fun” begins after the match, as Pac leaves the ring with April, which causes Lawler to “cry” once again.  As April turns and looks back from the ramp, Lawler starts to stumble backwards holding his chest, and falls backwards…the crowd takes their cue and chants “Die! Die!”  This chant makes me wonder if they are chanting for Lawler’s death, or the death of the angle…I’m going to put my money on the latter.  April breaks free of Syxx Pac and runs back to the ring to be by Lawler’s side while he continues to make goofy faces before the segment comes mercifully to an end.

TNA Grrrls do their thang as the first set of dates scroll by.

48 hours ago, Mike Tenay was able to sit down with Tha Truth for an interview on the TNA stage.  Tha Truth is tired of playing games with Mr. Wrasslin’ III, and so he has drawn-up a contract, which he has already had sanctioned by the NWA committee.  It is an open contract for Mr. Wrasslin’ III to challenge Tha Truth in a World Title Match.  He tells us that Mike Tenay will be holding the contract, and so Mr. Wrasslin’ III has only to come forward to Tenay and sign the contract.

Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring for a promo.  He reminds us that it has been rumored for weeks that he is the one under the Mr. Wrasslin’ III mask, and so he asks Tenay to bring the contract to the ring.  Jarrett pretends to be perusing the contract and preparing to sign it in order to further convince us that he is the one under the hood, but then he rips the contract up and throws the confetti into the air.  He says that after waiting for XX weeks to get a title shot, nobody is going to walk in and get the shot that he has been battling for.  Furthermore, he tells us that he is going to win the tournament, and in two weeks he will face Tha Truth for the World Heavyweight Title.  Once Tenay makes it back to the announce table, he tells us that he has another copy of the contract if Mr. Wrasslin’ III comes forward, by the way.

TNA Grrrls once again grind to the music, as the second set of dates scroll by.

Kid Kash v. Jose Maximo v. Joel Maximo v. Tony Mamaluke v. Ace Steel w/Mortimer Plumtree:  This is a 5-Man 5-Way X-Division Tables Elimination Match, and the winner will become the #1 Contender for the belt, receiving a title shot next week.  Mamaluke jump starts the match before Ace Steel gets his introduction, which seems to throw the entire production crew off, which is borderline funny.  Kash goes inside/outside with a ‘rana on Joel, but Maximo turns it into a Powerbomb on the floor.  A table is set up in the corner across the top rope as a platform, and while Mamaluke and Steel jockey for position on it, they leap off, and Steel is able to turn it into a Super Sit-Out Powerbomb.  Quite the x-treme spot.  There is another table propped in the opposite corner, and Mamaluke holds Steel in a DDT position, and as Joel approaches Mamaluke uses Joel’s chest to climb, turning it into a Tornado DDT onto the table, and Ace Steel is the first to be eliminated.  That was sort of innovative, and I sure liked it.  Kash and Jose set two tables up outside the ring, and Mamaluke is laid on one of them, allowing Joel to execute a Moonsault from the top turnbuckle to the floor, sending Mamaluke through the table.  We are down to Kash and the “Brothers Maximo” (as Tenay is fond of calling the S.A.T.).  Kash brings the table that was across the top ropes and sets it up on the floor in front of the announce table.  Back in the ring, and a Double Cactus Clothesline by Kash takes all three competitors to the outside.  Joel is laid-out on the table that Kash set up, as Kash and Jose fight for position on the top turnbuckle.  Kash wins that battle, and is able to execute a huricanrana on Jose, who lands on Joel and both Maximo brothers go through the table.  This counts as a double-elimination, and Kid Kash is the winner and YOUR #1 Contender to the X-Division title.  Next week he will take on the winner of the Jerry Lynn v. AJ Styles match later tonight.

Replays help to set up the Jarrett v. Hennig feud.

Jeff Jarrett v. Curt Hennig: This is a Return Grudge Match.  Jarrett comes to the ring and cuts a promo, telling us that Hennig is not in the building, so the ref needs only to ring the bell and execute the 10-count and declare Jarrett the winner.  The bell rings, and as the ref begins to count, Hennig (wearing street clothes) comes through the crowd and attacks Jarrett.  Hennig takes out the ref, and he and Jarrett brawl throughout the audience.  As they begin to approach the ring area, Hennig gets a chair, and after two shots to Jarrett’s back, a second referee enters and stops the third chair shot.  Hennig retaliates by knocking the ref out with the chair!  Back in the ring and Hennig is able to execute a series of Hennig-plexes, but a third ref enters and disqualifies Hennig.

TNA Grrrls dance as once again the first set of dates scroll by.  This time, however, Tenay actually hypes the dates!

DW gives us the hard sell for next weeks show:  The other semi-final match in the tournament will feature Jeff Jarrett v. Syxx Pac.  The winner of tonight’s X-Division Title Match will take on Kid Kash.  Will Mr. Wrasslin’ III come forward and challenge Tha Truth?  Brian Lawler & April will take on Jorge Estrada & Priscilla, and there will be a 4-team Tag Title Match, along with The Amazing Red v. Jimmy Yang v. Tony Mamaluke.

A replay package highlighting the AJ Styles v. Jerry Lynn feud includes quotes from such connoisseurs as Dave Meltzer, who describes their feud as “feud of the year”.  I’m going to jump on the bandwagon here in hopes of seeing my own quotes on the air some day and say that after Low Ki was added to the Lynn v. Styles feud, it took what was already a feud of the year contender and kicked it up a notch, making it the first contender for feud of the decade.

Jerry Lynn v. AJ Styles (champ) w/Mortimer Plumtree:  X-Division Title Match.  As the match gets underway, Tenay tells us that EZ Money will debut on TNA next week.  You might remember him (as Tenay does) from a brief stint with WCW just before the company went bankrupt…or you might remember him (as I do) from an extended stint with ECW just before that company went bankrupt.  I’m not trying to claim that EZ Money had a causal relationship to either bankruptcy, just that his timing when he was breaking into the business couldn’t have been worse!  As for the match, there is an extended feeling-out process, which Lynn ends with a HUGE running Lariat as Styles showboats for the crowd.  Outside, and Lynn is perched on the apron as Styles is in the first row and when he springboards from the crowd using the railing, Lynn jumps from the apron with a Dropkick.  I’m sure that my description didn’t do the spot justice, but let’s move on.  Styles lands a Slingshot Crossbody, going from inside to the floor on Lynn.  Back in the ring and Styles is going for the Styles Clash, but as Lynn crawls through the legs reaching for the ropes, Styles pulls him to the center of the ring and sits back in a modifies Boston Crab.  Lynn begins to make a comeback, landing a Sit-Out Powerbomb, but he is unable to make the cover.  After a couple of stiff Lariats, Styles is going for a Tornado DDT out of the corner, but Lynn reverses it into a Release Northern Lights Suplex, sending Styles crashing into the turnbuckles upside down.  Damn!  Siaki makes his way to ringside and pulls the ref out as Lynn is going for the cover.  While the ref is distracted with Siaki, Plumtree is able to wedge a chair in the corner between the 2nd and 3rd turnbuckles.  A Drop Toe-Hold by Styles later, and Lynn goes crashing head first into the chair.  Plumtree tosses the ref into the ring, but Styles only gets two.  AJ hits the Styles Clash, but Lynn kicks out at 2!!  That’s the first time that I can remember seeing anyone kick out after that move.  Styles climbs the turnbuckles, but gets crotched, and Lynn is able to land a Superplex from the top.  This also only gets a 2-count, however.  Lynn sets him up and hits a Cradle Tombstone Piledriver for the pin, and Jerry Lynn is the NEW X-Division Champion!  That was a great frickin’ match, and I can’t wait to watch it again a little more closely.  I’m sure that my brief description doesn’t do the match justice, but suffice to say that it was an incredibly exciting match, with hella crowd heat!

All in all, it was a show that built from passable to awesome.  Besides Brian Lawler, there was very little that was outright bad.  If they could just squash the entire storyline involving April and Lawler, they’d have a show without any discernable low points.  It’s kind of like when they used to have The Dupps on their shows…the show was great, but in the end I just want to bitch about how bad the one segment with Lawler was.  Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I can concentrate on the good.  Namely, the X-Division matches and the Tag Titles match.  Starting first with the Tag Titles, Harris & Storm have really grown on me since they have dropped most of the comedy and evolved as true bad asses.  As for Slash & Brian Lee, I’ve never been much of a fan of Lee’s, so I’m going to take a wait-and-see approach to see if he will work with this new gimmick.  Slash however has come into his own, and I think I could find myself liking him.

Now to the X-Division…the tables match was fantastic, with a cleverly booked ending that I enjoyed.  I’m sure that there will be some out there that will argue that only one of the Maximos should have been eliminated, and I can understand that argument (since Jose landed on Joel, and Joel actually went through the table), but I am a little more forgiving and willing to accept the exciting climax to an exciting match.

There aren’t enough superlatives for me to describe the X-Division main event.  Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles are two of the best all-around performers in TNA, and when they are in the ring together it is pure gold.  The recent TNA broadcasts have been lacking a bit in the “Oh My God” factor, something that Lynn v. Styles matches have in spades.  If you didn’t see this broadcast, I recommend purchasing it.  There is very little to disappoint, and a whole lot to be pleased with.

I gotta get outta here and get ready for court, but before I do, this week’s Sign o’ the Night is People With Signs Have No Self Esteem.  Oh yeah.



In addition to enjoying pro wrasslin', Scotty is an avid photographer.  His family website contains over 700 pictures, and has a photo-album dedicated entirely to The Sport of Kings (including a picture from the night he & his wife met New Jack), and is available at: http://www.msnusers.com/TheSzantoNicodemusWedding.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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