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Degeneration S-E-X
December 12, 2002

by Scotty Szanto-Nicodemus
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


I have a couple of administrative issues to get out of the way before getting started this week.  First, next week will be my final TNA recap, so if you are interested in covering the TNA shows for Rick after the new year, email him.  Next week will not be my final TNA-centric column, however because I will be posting a TNA-only Best Of column at some point between the 18th and the end of the year.  I’ve got all the shows (except for the third show, which featured the tag team tournament) on tape, and so I will be reviewing the footage over the next few weeks to see if anything can convince me not to vote Low Ki into every Best Of category, and also if anything can unseat The Dupps from all of the Worst Of categories!!

Let’s get started, because this week I have a very special email to share; I Get Letters™: 

You really deserved better recapping material from TNA...

Hey, but honestly, doesn't it feel like a huge weight is lifted from your shoulders once you actually decide to give it up?  ;-)

Just in case you REALLY weren't getting enough mail,


No matter how many emails that I get, there’s always room in my inbox for a few words from a legendary smark such as CRZ.  Besides, I’m not really going anywhere.  Rick has given me the OK to go ahead with my plans to cover independent federations after the new year, and I am in the process of researching and contacting various indy feds to get my hands on some tapes…so once again, if you have suggestions for any indy feds that you would like to see covered here, email me and let me know.

Let’s go to the ring replays!

Jason Cross v. Tony Mamaluke:  Tenay and West put over Cross’ finishing move, a Shooting Star Legdrop, which he calls the Crossfire.  They tell us that Cross was featured in a match on the TNA syndicated show, which they call TNA Explosion.  Cross and Mamaluke skip the feeling-out process and go right to the high impact stuff.  When Mamaluke is thrown outside the ring, Cross hits an impressive Twisting Suicide Dive, but Mamaluke is able to take control before they head back into the ring.  Reversal, reversal, reversal, and Cross hits a standing Suplex…Tenay calls it a Brainbuster, but I don’t feel like rewinding to find out which is which.  Mamaluke begins to channel Bret Hart, working on the leg…he even remembers to pay attention to detail when he grabs the wrong leg, he switches to grab the right (as in correct) leg.  Cross takes over eventually and climbs to the top for the Crossfire, but he is favoring the leg, and after hitting the move he is not able to make the cover.  Mamaluke is able to regain his wits and hits a Shinbuster, followed by a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip before synching in a Half-Crab variation that he calls The Sicilian Crab for the submission victory.  BG James and the Harris Brothers come to ringside after the match, and James delivers a silver guitar to the announce table, stating that Jarrett is going to need the guitar in order to retain the World Title tonight.  James tells us that Vince Russo can’t be there tonight (in wrasslin’-speak that probably means that he is there and will be coming out to interfere in the main event…but I’m getting ahead of myself).  We are told that Russo is out recruiting new talent for S.E.X., which is the 21st century version of the nWo.  I don’t think I mentioned it last week, but Vinnie Ru stated during his promo that last week was the beginning of Sports Entertainment X-treme…get it?  S.E.X.  Whatever.  James demonstrates how far out of touch he is when he says that it was Vinnie Ru’s pen and his (James’) talent is that took Degeneration-X to the top.  “Bullet” Bob Armstrong comes out to the stage eventually, and brings Ron “Tha Truth” Killings out.  Tha Truth has a 12-foot chain and a steel chair with him, and Armstrong announces that James will face Tha Truth in a Chain Match, and the chair will be attached to the chain…and the Harris Boyz will face the new tag champs, the Disciples of the New Church.  James attacks Tha Truth, and the New Church comes out to attack the Harris Brothers, and the locker room empties of all the scrubs that we have not seen on television to break-up the brawl.

Tenay and West preview the event for tonight.  Of note, when discussing Jarrett’s recent tour of Europe, they drop Sting’s name (as well as (shudder) Lex Luger’s) into the discussion.

Goldy is backstage to interview Jorge Estrada.  Oh no!!  Jorge has cut his hair, thus ending the era of the afro-wearing Elvis.  They throw a bone to HBK fans when Goldy says that Jorge seems to have lost his smile.  He tells her that after Siaki left the Flying Elvis’s and Jimmy Yang won’t return his phone calls, and then Priscilla left with Brian Lawler, he (Estrada) is re-evaluating his career.  When Goldy asks if the Flying Elvis gimmick is finished, Estrada makes no comment and leaves the interview area.

Kid Kash v. Jorge Estrada:  Estrada is still wearing the Flying Elvis jumpsuit, so that’s a good thing.  At least these guys decided to have a feeling-out phase in their match.  Estrada ends that when he sends Kash outside and then slingshots into a Twisting Senton Splash onto Kash on the floor…Estrada hit his head hard on the thin mat surrounding ringside, but he appears to be OK.  Kash hits the same move from the top turnbuckle once they are back in the ring, but he is only able to get a two-count.  Kash maintains control through most of the match, and picks up the win with a variation of the Brainbuster.

TNA Grrrls: nwatna.com silent auction – ends Sunday, December 15th at noon central … NWA Mississippi – Thursday, Dec. 12th – Hollywood Palace – Greenville, MS – 8pm … www.nwawrestling.com

Goldy is backstage trying to shove the microphone into a conversation between Bullet Bob and Scott Armstrong.  Bullet Bob is on the phone, and Scott repeatedly says “It’s Family Business”.  When Bullet Bob hangs up, Scott tells him that he (Scott) will try and talk some sense into BG.  When Scott leaves, Goldy tries to find out to whom Bullet Bob was speaking with on the phone, but Bullet has no comment.

America’s Most Wanted v. Divine Storm w/Trinity:  Divine Storm has won back-to-back matches, and a win against Harris & Storm would validate them in the tag title scene.  We begin with a brief feeling out process, which leads to a series of spots outside the ring, and once all four men are outside, Trinity hits a moonsault from the top turnbuckle to the floor.  Things settle into a groove back in the ring with Quiet Storm against Chris Harris, with Storm getting the better of the exchange.  When Storm tags Divine into the match, Harris is able to take over when Divine goes to the top turnbuckle and Harris shoves him down.  Divine falls over the ringpost all the way from the top turnbuckle to the floor!  Quiet Storm in quickly, lucha libre style, and James Storm tags into the match.  He gets a wicked Powerbomb on Quiet Storm, and when Divine climbs back up and tries for a sneak attack, Storm hits him with a Superkick that gets two.  Harris in (illegally), and they double-team against Divine, and Harris covers for two…but ref, he’s not the legal man!  Oh well, he’s going to allow it.  James Storm is setting Divine up for Harris to come off the top, but Quiet Storm distracts the ref as Trinity slips in for the low blow on Storm, and Divine is able to quickly cover and steal the win.  Tenay and West can’t believe it, and Tenay thinks that AMW have lost their focus when they lost the tag belts.

TNA Grrrls:  NWA: TNA’s last program of the year will be next Wednesday, December 18th.  NWA: TNA will not be broadcast December 25th or January 1st.  Don’t miss our first show of the New Year on January 8th.  Have a safe and happy holiday season!

In the parking lot, Goldy holds the microphone as Scott Armstrong interrupts his brother BG James, who is trying to enjoy a pre-match cigarette.  As everyone knows, a cigarette always tastes best right after a joint, and BG James seems to know what I’m talking about!  Scott tries to talk some sense into BG by talking about their childhood, when they would follow their father “up and down the road”.  James refers to the road that Bullet Bob was on as a dirt road, and BG had to pave his own roads.

Highlights set-up the X-Division Match between AJ Styles and Red.

“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles w/Mortimer Plumtree v. “The Amazing” Red:  Red comes to the ring wearing a T-shirt featuring himself and the S.A.T. on the front, and the words “must be SEEN to be BELIEVED” on the back.  The shirt is available through the Ring Of Honor website, and the ROH logo is on the back, but small enough that it can’t be identified…which is the main reason he was allowed to wear it on camera, I’m sure!  Red attacks quickly, repeatedly beating on Styles and not leaving room for Styles to mount any kind of offense.  Styles is sent over the top rope to the floor, and when Red goes for a high-risk maneuver, Styles catches him into a Powerslam onto the knee!  Back in the ring and Red begins to mount an offense, but when he comes off the ropes Styles turns him inside out with a Clothesline.  When he goes for the Styles Clash, Red is able to reach out and grab the bottom rope in the corner, and Styles shoves him off into the turnbuckles.  Red leaps out of the corner going for a Tornado DDT, but Styles reverses it into a release Northern Lights Suplex…nice.  This only gets two because referee Rudy Charles is an idiot, according to Plumtree.  Speaking of Plumtree, he attempts to interfere in the match one too many times, and Red catches him with a Spinning Leg Scissors out on the floor.  Styles capitalizes on the opportunity, however, dropping Red first on the stand in the corner where the cameramen stand, and then on the steel steps.  Red is lifeless on the floor, and Styles goes back in to break the count.  Styles doesn’t want to win via count out, and he brings Red back into the ring, but gets only two.  Red switches the momentum with a huricanrana, but his offensive flurry is short-lived, as Styles catches him with an Inverted DDT.  Styles employs a series of STF variations, but is unable to get Red to submit.  He goes for a Powerbomb, but Red reverses with the Code Red…what a spectacular move!  He sends Styles into the corner and comes in after him, but catches a boot to the face.  Styles maintains control with a picture-perfect Sit-Out Powerbomb…he truly is phenomenal…but again gets only two.  He positions Red in the corner and climbs to the top, but Red crotches him there.  They jockey for position on the top turnbuckle, and Styles wins the battle and puts Red in position for the Styles Clash.  Red is able to wiggle free, however and connects with a wicked Enziguiri Kick that leaves Styles dazed sitting on the top turnbuckle.  Red climbs back up, and with both men standing on the top turnbuckle, Red leaps up and lands a Super Huricanrana!  Styles flipped over 450°, landing on the mat face first, and Red quickly covers for the 1,2,3!

TNA Grrrls:  The scrolling message reminds us again of the ending date for the online silent auction, but I’m not going to type it again, so you’re going to have to scroll up if you forgot! … NWA Wildside – Friday, Dec. 13th – NWA Arena – Cornelia, GA – 8pm … www.nwawrestling.com  (While the message stating that the auction ends at noon central on the 15th, Tenay tells us that it ends on that date at midnight…alright, controversy over a silent auction!  I think I’ll try and bid on Sunday at around 6pm!!)

The NEW New Disciples of the New Church (champs) w/Father James Mitchell and Belladonna v. Ron and Don Harris: World Tag Team Titles Match.  The match gets underway quickly, and Styles and Plumtree join Tenay and West at the broadcast position as the Harris Brothers come in through the crowd.  Styles is obviously winded, but when he asks what happened, Tenay replies that he was defeated by Red, and Styles shouts “he cheated!”  Plumtree is also dissatisfied with the outcome of the match, and declares that he will be filing a grievance and complaint against the “Junior Official” Rudy Charles.  That’s funny!  The match turns into a brawl through the audience, but the commentary from Styles and Plumtree is much more entertaining…Styles declares himself the winner, but Tenay isn’t buying it.  West wonders aloud whom he should root for in this match pitting heels against heels.  Styles and Plumtree leave the ringside area, and Tenay insists that we concentrate on the match.  They’re nearing the finish by now, so why not!!  The ref is distracted trying to get the two non-legal men out of the ring, and when his back is turned BG James slips in with a steel chair.  He delivers a chairshot that would have left Lance Storm snickering, the chairshot enables the Harris Boyz to score the cheap win and James slips out and under the ring.  Percy Pringel (formerly Paul Bearer) is out to inform the ref of the interference, but Andrew Thomas cannot be swayed because he didn’t see it.  James crawls out from under the ring right in front of his brother Senior Official Scott Armstrong, and Thomas reverses his decision.  The New Church retains after the Dusty finish, and Father James Mitchell tells the Harris Brothers to take their frustrations out on Pringel.  They advance on Pringel going up the ramp, but Harris and Storm attack and we are out.

TNA Grrrls:  NWA Main Event – Saturday, Dec. 14th – Morton’s Sportatorium – Columbia, TN – 8pm … NWA Virginia/XIW – Saturday, Dec. 14th – Fredericksburg Fairgrounds – Fredericksburg, VA – 8pm … www.nwawrestling.com

Highlights preview the X-Division feud between Sonny Siaki and Jerry Lynn.

Earlier today, Mike Tenay conducted a sit-down interview with Sonny Siaki.  The bottom line: Siaki has no respect for anyone else in pro wrasslin’ because the people paid their money to see Sonny Siaki with the X-Division Title around his waist.

Sonny Siaki v. Jerry Lynn (champ):  X-Division Title Match.  We get the big-time introduction after both men are in the ring, and with all the emphasis on Siaki, I smell a title change brewing…let’s find out!  Lynn stays on top during the feeling-out process, but when they are in the corner and Lynn goes for a punch, referee Rudy Charles grabs his arm, telling him to open the fist…this provides an opening for Siaki to connect with a punch of his own, naturally…that’s just good wrasslin’!  They brawl outside the ringside area, and when Lynn is sent back in and Siaki is climbing back in Lynn trips him up and lands a Slingshot Legdrop, going inside-outside onto the apron.  We go back into the ring and Siaki is able to maintain control until Lynn scores a roll-up.  Lynn’s momentum is short lived, however, as Siaki pushes the ref out of the way and hits a low blow.  We go back outside and Siaki drops Lynn face first onto the title belt on the announce table.  Siaki continues to dominate, but when they go back in Lynn is able to reverse a move into an Inverted DDT.  They exchange punches in the middle of the ring, and Lynn gets the better of him, enabling Lynn to hit a Sit Out Powerbomb, followed up by a Tornado DDT, but still is only able to get two!  Siaki connects with a Diamond Cutter (which Tenay refers to as a Stunner…the differences are subtle but distinctive).  One ref bump later, and Lynn holds Siaki down long enough to score a pinfall, but the ref is still out of it, and the match continues.  Lynn hits a Cradle Piledriver, and the ref tries to get in position, but he is too dazed.  Siaki is positioned in the corner, and when Lynn climbs to the top turnbuckle A Woman crotches him on the top.  Siaki sees her and she winks at him as she makes her way up the ramp.  Percy Pringel comes out and has the decision reversed…oh wait, no he doesn’t.  The winner and YOUR new TNA X-Division champion is Sonny Siaki.

TNA Grrrls:  NWA ECCW – Saturday, Dec. 14th – House o’ Pain – Langley, BC – 8pm …NWA Virginia – Saturday, Dec. 14th – Omni Hotel – Newport News, VA – 8pm … www.nwawrestling.com  (I have to wonder what the difference is between NWA Virginia that is going to be in Newport News, and the NWA Virginia/XIW that is going to be in Fredericksburg!!)

Ron “Tha Truth” Killings v. BG James: This is the Chair-on-a-Chain Match.  James isn’t interested in attaching the chain to his wrist, and from the look of his eyes, I was on the money regarding James’ smoking earlier!  The chain runs through the legs of the chair, which enables the chair to move freely along the length of the chain.  The chair comes into play early, with Tha Truth coming off the middle turnbuckle connecting with his own version of the Van Daminator.  Into the other corner, and James is laid-out with the chair on top of him, but Tha Truth takes too long climbing to the top and James rolls out of the way of Truth’s Moonsault.  Truth is sent outside and uses the chain to pull James into the turnbuckles.  The chain comes off of James’ wrist, and Tha Truth discards his end of the chain as well.  Back in, and the chair is positioned in the middle of the ring, and Tha Truth lands a Sit-Out Gourdbuster onto the chair!  1,2,3!!  Truth isn’t finished, as he rolls James into the corner, places the chair on him and lays the chain on top of the chair.  Truth climbs to the top, but Bullet Bob Armstrong is out to protect his son and convinces Tha Truth not to come off the top turnbuckle.  As Armstrong Killings and the ref are discussing how to obtain CRZ’s cell phone number (I’m assuming), James comes in with the steel chair…whack!  Tha Truth ducks out of the way and James hits his dad in the head with the chair…I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt because it’s his dad and all, but James really throws a wimpy chair shot.  He takes-out Tha Truth as well, and makes facial expressions demonstrating that he feels remorse for hitting his father.  Scott Armstrong comes to the ring to check on his father as James leaves through the audience.

Tenay and DW preview next week’s show…Tenay will interview Percy Pringel (I think that probably means that the interview was conducted today, and that is going to be their way of not paying Pringel to appear next week, but keeping his face on television); a 3-Way Tag Team Grudge Match pitting the Harris Brothers v. America’s Most Wanted v. The New Church, and although it wasn’t mentioned that should be for the World Tag Team Titles; Sonny Siaki’s first X-Division defense will be against EZ Money; we are going to find out what’s up between BG James, Tha Truth and Bullet Bob; and the main reason to watch (for me, anyway) will be a special 10-Man X-Division Gauntlet Match for the #1 Contender’s Spot in the X-Division.

Highlights set-up the main event match.

In another segment taped earlier today, Mike Tenay sat down with Jeff Jarrett for an interview on the stage area.  Jarrett says that while he has worked XX-something weeks for his title shot, he actually worked his whole life to achieve his goal.  They totally bury Sean Waltman…the story is that Waltman won’t work for Russo, and Jarrett calls him a coward for it.  When asked to comment on Roddy Piper’s comments about Owen Hart last week, Jarrett says that because Owen was a close friend he is not going to discuss Owen’s death on television… “I will say this, however,” and he proceeds to tell us that Russo or nobody else is responsible for Owen’s accident.  He touches on the bad feelings between Piper and Vinnie Ru, stopping short of calling Piper totally nuts.  Tenay asks him straight up if he is with or against Russo, and Jarrett says that he will respond to that question to Russo’s face when the time is right.

Curt Hennig v. Jeff Jarrett (champ):  World Heavyweight Title Match.  Will the Russo factor come into play?  This match also is given the big-time match introduction, but I am not picking the challenger in this one.  Hennig is introduced as “The Self-Proclaimed Wrassler That Made Minnesota Famous”.  Don West tells us that the last time these two met in the ring it was a brawl all over the building, and I am expecting nothing less from this match.  I called it right, as they go outside before the feeling-out process is even complete!  After a couple of chair shots to the back, Jarrett reaches for the guitar on the announce table, but thinks better of it.  I think he should’ve used the guitar, because when they go back in Hennig is able to take control, attacking Jarrett’s left leg.  I believe the crowd is chanting “Show Your Tits”, which gives some indication of how excited they are by this match.  I find the match to be slightly more compelling than the live audience.  Jarrett takes control with a series of Atomic Drops, followed by an Enziguiri and a Catapult into the middle turnbuckle.  Jarrett removes the padding on the top turnbuckle and thrusts Hennig’s head into it.  When Hennig falls backwards he grazes referee Scott Armstrong, who goes down like he was hit with a chair to the face.  Noticing that the ref is down, Jarrett points to the guitar, then comes out and grabs it.  He notices that Hennig is back to his feet however, and so he puts the guitar back down and goes back into the ring to deliver The Stroke.  Hennig blocks it with a low blow, and when Hennig is trying to put Jarrett in position for the Fisherman’s Buster, Vinnie Ru enters with the guitar and hits Hennig in the back with the guitar…twice, actually because the guitar doesn’t break.  After the match Jarrett gets in Russo’s face and AJ Styles enters to attack Jarrett from behind and the cameras are off and we are out.

I hated this program a lot less than I have hated some of the more recent shows, but is that enough to give it a thumbs-up?  The debut of Jason Cross was handled much better than some of the recent debuts…at least they discussed his accomplishments instead of talking about the main event feud during his match!!  I’m not sure where they are headed with Jorge Estrada, but whatever they do as long as it means more on-screen time for him, then I’m in favor of it.  The tag division is stagnant, focusing solely on Slash and Lee, Harris and Storm, and the Harris Brothers.  As evidence of that, Divine Storm defeated the former champs Harris and Storm tonight but are left watching AMW get the title shot next week in the 3-Way Dance.  AJ Styles and Red put on a spectacular show, which is to be expected.  Really, isn’t it a shame that the best match of the night is only as good as expected?  Slash is the only compelling character involved in tonight’s Tag Title Match from my perspective, and the less said about Pringel’s involvement the better.  As for the X-Division Match, it never really seemed to get into high gear before it ended with cheap interference from someone that’s never been on screen for TNA before.  I’m not in favor of that finish, and the whole match suffered from the outcome.  Tha Truth was able to drag a compelling match out of BG James, and I really liked the Chair-on-a-Chain concept.  The main event was a better match than I felt it deserved to be, and ending the show with the surprise of AJ Styles joining Russo in the S.E.X. faction just screams “WCW”.

Lest I forget, tonight’s Sign o’ the Night references a Sign o’ the Night from a few weeks ago that read Heel Section…this week’s sign is in the same seating section, and reads La Seccion Ruda for all you Lucha Libre fans out there!!



In addition to enjoying pro wrasslin', Scotty is an avid photographer.  His family website contains over 700 pictures, and has a photo-album dedicated entirely to The Sport of Kings (including a picture from the night he & his wife met New Jack), and is available at: http://www.msnusers.com/TheSzantoNicodemusWedding.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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