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Meet the New Champ, 
Same as the Old Champ
October 23, 2003

by Damian Gonzalez


Last week, I continually made the error of calling NWA:TNA’s PPV to be aired on November 30th “Glory by Honor” instead of “Bound For Glory”, thinking about the Ring of Honor event. Well, it doesn’t even matter now because “Bound For Glory” has been canceled!

That’s right. TNA’s first 3 Hour PPV to be aired on 11/30 has been canceled because Hulk Hogan has to undergo surgery on his knee due to his match with Chono in Japan. This is a MAJOR blow to TNA, who just began the Hogan/Jarrett angle last week leading to the big PPV event. Bryan Staebell has the pro’s and con’s of the PPV being canceled in his “From the Outside” report on TSM. Personally, this is the first time that I’ve ever wanted Hogan healthy and ready to perform since Starrcade ’97, since it would have really helped TNA out, but sadly, it wasn’t meant to be. At least not yet.

What this means in the short terms is that TNA is most likely scrambling to rewrite tonight’s NWA Title match between AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett, which probably was going to have Jeff Jarrett go over. Vince Russo was DECIMATED last week to get him off of TV for the Hogan angle and now it turns out that was a waste due to Hogan’s injury. So, with TNA just beginning to feel the repercussions of this massive blow, tonight’s show should be very, very interesting.

Before we go right into the recap, WWE also had a PPV this weekend, No Mercy 2003 which I reviewed exclusively for TSM. After I berated the Vince McMahon/Stephanie McMahon match, I got an e-mail from a reader who said this:

“Vince McMahon vs. Stephanie McMahon - Well, as soon as I heard Stephanie's theme, I personally got up and left. I didn't return to my seat until Steph had the lead pipe and was beating the hell out of Vince, so needless to say, I missed a good portion of the match....lucky me. Believe it or not, several people around me said that they came JUST to see this match! To top THAT off, some guy from Long Island, New York traveled the SEVEN hours JUST TO SEE THIS MATCH. There were, literally, 7 people who were up and getting food / taking a piss during this match, and I was one of 'em. So, believe it or not, most fans actually do dig this kind of stupid shit....”

Thanks Brad. It’s reasons like this that give the word “mark” its negative stigma on the net.

Well, enough about that, let’s hit tonight’s TNA PPV.


The show begins with stills in memoriam to both Stu Hart and Road Warrior Hawk, who both passed away earlier this week. Surprisingly enough, there was no ten count performed for the recently deceased, despite Road Warrior Hawk appearing on a TNA telecast.

We now go to the obligatory opening video package recapping last week’s events, including the footage from Hogan/Jarrett in Japan and ending with hype for the Jarrett/Styles main event.

We go to the ring for our first event.

Sonny Siaki, Ekmo & Legend (w/Trinity) vs. 3 Live Kru

Match Background: I’m not exactly sure why this match is taking place as these two teams don’t exactly have issues with each other. How’s that in depth analysis for you?

The Match: As the heels come to the ring, led by Trinity, Sonny Siaki shoves her away as he steps onto the stage. The two continue arguing as the intro’s continue, leading to the announcers wondering if Russo’s absence due to last week’s beatdown has splintered his group.

3LK come to the ring with their old music, which is eons better than their “single”, and Konnan takes the mic and does his usual spiel to a surprisingly big pop.

Siaki and Truth start the match off against each other with, starting off with some chain wrestling that ends in a criss cross and a flying forearm by the former NWA Champion. Legend comes in as Konnan does and both men consistently counter each other until Konnan hits a Phantom Kick to Legend’s midsection and an X-Factor. Truth hits the legdrop version of the Dudley’s “Wassup” and ends up facing Ekmo. Truth hits his split and goes for his leg lariat, but it’s caught by the big man. Truth manages to get a head scissors takedown out of it in an impressive spot. Not to be outdone by a long shot, Ekmo KIPS UP PERFECTLY and hits a running clothesline on him! I didn’t know that man could move that way! I hope Ekmo turns out to be one of those guys who had their moveset drastically reduced when he went to the WWE, so we can see if he’s worthy of an type of push or not.

And just after I typed that out, Ekmo performs an impressive sit down full nelson slam! Legend comes in next to work on the Truth, connecting with boots in the corner but charging to eat one of his own. He knocks Killings down in the corner and comes flying with a hard ass running kick to the CHEEK for a broken up two count. Ekmo comes back in and goes for a running shoulder block in the corner, but ends up ramming into the steel post shoulder first! Truth makes the hot tag to B.G. James and he comes in like a HOUSE…EN…FUEGO~!

He hits the Shake, Rattle and Roll punches on both Siaki and Legend, but falls victim to Ekmo. All 6 men end up in the ring with Truth using James as a springboard to jump onto Ekmo’s shoulders and head scissor him to the floor! This leaves Siaki and James in the ring and Siaki hits a Northern Lights Suplex. He asks Trinity to come in and run interference, but B.G. James moves out of the way of a missile dropkick and Siaki gets it instead! James hits the Pumphandle Slam and gets the win!

Winners: 3 Live Kru

After the win, 3 Live Kru’s new theme music plays. Just stick to one, please!

My Opinion: 3 Live Kru are the perfect opening act. They’re over enough to pop the crowd and set the tone with catchphrases and signature moves and the work is decent as long as Truth kept into the ring. This loss continues to splinter Siaki’s group, so that advances their storyline and of course, a clean finish also goes a long way. Amazingly enough, I found Ekmo impressive for the first time. Hopefully, he’ll continue to do so. **1/4.

We go to the announcers who promise that they’ll answer all of the questions regarding the rumors about Hulk Hogan and the 3 Hour PPV later on tonight…

Scott Hudson is in the back, trying to have a word with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett tells him that he’s taken out Russo and is going after his title tonight when Dusty Rhodes decides to interrupt the interview. Despite Jarrett’s comments about Rhodes in the past couple of weeks, Rhodes still declares that he has his back tonight. Before Jarrett walks away, Rhodes lets him know it takes a “self serving son a bitch”, like Jarrett called him, to know one.

We go to a video package of last week’s events between Kid Kash and Abyss…despite none of this meaning anything to tonight’s match between Kid Kash and Sonjay Dutt.

Sonjay Dutt vs. Kid Kash

Match Background: Last week, Sonjay Dutt made his debut in a tag team match with three other newcomers to TNA’s X Division, impressing many. Kid Kash, a former X Division Champion, lost a match to his former lackey and partner Abyss and is trying to recover from the loss. They’ve never faced each other to my knowledge and this should be a decent high flying encounter.

The Match: Kash gets in Dutt’s face at the start of the match up and end up hitting a mini Indy Applause Sequence without the silly posing at the end. The crowd gets behind Dutt after this and he looks to shake Kash’s hand. Kash slaps him across the face and Dutt plays up to the crowd before responding with some right hands. Kash tries to arm drag him, but Dutt lands on his feet and hits an arm drag of his own. Dutt reverses some more maneuvers and Kash goes to the outside, but Dutt instead goes flying off the top rope with a springboard twisting cross body on the ramp to him.

An odd spot takes place as Dutt heads back into the ring with Kash springboarding at him with a clothesline…but the clothesline misses and Kash lands on Dutt in a cross body position for two. Kash then hooks up a Mexican surfboard, but he can’t hold it, so he slams Dutt down out of it instead. He plants Dutt and heads to the top rope, but ends up missing a frog splash(!) after Dutt moves out of the way. Dutt hits a springboard back elbow and a Tornado DDT variant that looked mighty impressive for two. Dutt and Kash look like they blow some elaborate roll up sequence and move on with Kash headed to the top again. Dutt crotches the former X Champ and heads to the top to superplex him. Kash low blows him and hits a MICHINOKU DRIVER~! off the 2nd rope! ONE…TWO…THREE!

Winner: Kid Kash

After the match, Kash puts the boots to Dutt some more, but Abyss comes in to make the save! Kash escapes before Abyss is able to nail the Black Hole Slam and walks up the ramp. Sonjay Dutt uses Abyss’ body to help himself up and then thanks Abyss before shaking his hand and playing up to the crowd. Abyss seems a bit confused and surprises Dutt with the Black Hole Slam as Kash watches on from the top of the ramp, bewildered!

My Opinion: Considering how hard Kid Kash was pushed as the X Division Champion, this was the right finish as Dutt didn’t need to go over someone so established right away. The clean finish is a demonstration of Kash’s experience, while also getting a new move in his repertoire over. I didn’t think this was the right match up for Dutt in his second week. Dutt’s was very impressive as everything he did was crisp and he charismatically played a 100% old school smiling babyface in this match. TNA would be wise to continue booking him. He’s going to be big in the X Division.

Abyss’ character is also more interesting, playing up the “shades of grey” aspect of it. I’m not exactly sure where this is leading though. The match itself was nothing more than a decent high flying match up… **

In the back stage area, Scott Hudson is trying to talk to Sonny Siaki, who is with Trinity, Ekmo and Legend, attempting to talk to AJ Styles. Siaki tells Hudson that Styles won’t let him into the locker room for some reason, but it is still in their best interest that Styles remain champion.

Danny Doring & Roadkill vs. Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger (w/Glenn Gilberti & Roadkill) for the NWA Tag Team Titles

Match Background: Last week, I got a few e-mails correcting me as I stated that this was Danny Doring’s debut in TNA, when it was not. He was in an elimination match about 2 months ago, but when I made that statement, I completely forgot about that. I was thinking that this was Doring & Roadkill’s debut as a team, which was correct. Oh well.

Last week, Doring & Roadkill faced Diamond and Swinger in a non-title match after making a surprise debut. They won that match, so they’re being awarded a tag title match tonight.

The Match: Glenn Gilberti comes to the ring with a tennis racket as a shot at Jim Cornette, although I have no clue what the beef there is about. If you know, please hit me up at [email protected]  or [email protected]

The match starts out with Roadkill and Swinger hooking it up in the ring and the big man gets the advantage with a front slam and an elbow drop out of the corner. Simon comes in only to get powerslammed before Doring hits a guillotine legdrop for two. AMW are looking on in the back, was we’re shown on the side of the screen and the action spills to the outside. Swinger swings Doring into the steel steps and the heels take over, as the Danaconda is the face-in-peril. They hit various double teams on him for a few minutes until Doring makes a charging Swinger EAT BOOT and he’s able to make the hot tag to Roadkill. He comes in and clotheslines both men several times and goes for an avalanche, but the tag champions move out of the way. A distraction by Doring allows Road Kill to come off the top ropes with a double clothesline on both men, but it only gets a very close nearfall.

Doring and Swinger spill to the outside and Gilberti throws a tag strap in the ring for Swinger. He grabs it and smacks Roadkill in the face for the ONE…TWO…NO! Roadkill gets up and connects with the Dirt Road Slam and Doring comes flying over the top with a pescado onto Gilberti and David Young! Roadkill hits the Dirt Road Slam on Simon Diamond and goes for a top rope splash! Diamond moves out of the way and he collaborates with his partner with a sloppy version of the Problem Solver for the finish.

Winners: Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger

My Opinion: This was your basic tag match which went a little too short. There was nothing special at all about it and while I appreciate clean finishes, I wouldn’t have minded seeing this feud continue for a few weeks. The sloppy finish distracts a bit from the match as well. *1/2

We go to another pre-taped vignette with the Franchise. He’s with two large chested women again this week and lets us know that next week, the New Franchise will be debuting on TNA. He then talks to someone off camera and lets him know that if he wins the X Division Title match, things will be looking up for his as the New Franchise. Douglas’ shakes hands with the mystery X Division wrestler as the vignette comes to a close. It’ll either be Shane (which would be ironic considering Douglas’ hatred of Shane’s famous uncle) or Sabin, who hasn’t exactly turned full blown babyface YET.

Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin for the NWA:TNA X Division Title

Match Background: This match derives from the events that took place last week where Shane faced Daniels for the X Title. After Shane pinned Daniels following some botched interference by Daniels followers, Chris Sabin came in to get himself a piece of the champion. Daniels took exception to this and got into a shoving match with Sabin afterwards.

The Match: In what could have been a production error or a hint of things to come, Shane Douglas’s music and Tron video plays and mixes subtly into Michael Shane’s theme during the champs entrance.

At the bell, all three men size each other up with Daniels and Sabin going after Shane immediately. They take turns treating him like a pinball and double back body drop him before Daniels turns on Sabin. Sabin hits a nice rana on Daniels as Shane tries to bail…but Sabin catches him and drags him back in by his tights. Daniels charges into the corner, inadvertently clotheslining Shane and bumping off of a Sabin spinning wheel kick. Sabin once again brings Shane back into the ring and hits a nice bridging Northern Lights for a broken up two count. Daniels goes after Sabin now and connects with a nice T-Bone suplex for a two count of his own.

Shane Douglas is in the balcony, looking on as Daniels is elevated up and over the top rope to the floor by the champion. Shane and Sabin continue to battle in the ring as Daniels gets on the apron, causing a collision where Daniels falls down again. Shane takes control and keeps Daniels out of the ring as well as he puts a beat down on Sabin. Sabin fights back and hits a springboard dropkick, sending Shane to the floor! Sabin looks to fly to the outside, but Daniels rushes in and snatches Sabin as he’s running in a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count! Daniels gets a tilt a whirl backbreaker and follows it up with an STO prior to a series of two counts. He then targets the back with knee drops and hits a 2nd rope moonsault onto Sabin’s back as well before locking on a crossface-esque submission hold. Daniels breaks the hold as Shane tries to sneak into the ring, but is unsuccessful. Daniels goes for the Last Rites on Sabin as Shane charges and he hits the Last Rites and an STO at the same time on both men!

Daniels heads to the top after getting a pair of two counts, but gets crotched by Shane. Shane climbs up with him, but Daniels knocks him down…only for Sabin to attack Daniels. Sabin attempts a superplex, but it’s blocked and Daniels tries one of his own, which is also blocked. Shane comes from behind and climbs behind Sabin…hitting a 2nd rope back suplex on him as Daniels is superplexed by Sabin!

All three men are down, but get up at the same time with Sabin in complete control. He hits an enziguiri on Daniels and one for Shane, before hitting the Over Easy on the Fallen Angel for a broken two count. Daniels whips Shane into the corner, but EATS BOOT and ends up in a Tornado DDT attempt. He blocks the move, hits a Rock Bottom and goes for the Double Jump Moonsault, but Shane moves out of his way and Daniels lands on his feet. Shane bails to the outside, so Daniels goes flying to the outside with a somersault tope con hilo!

Daniels looks for the Angel Wings on the floor, but Sabin goes flying off of the top turnbuckle onto him with a cross body! Daniels tries to get up, but gets smacked in the face with a Shane superkick before Sabin tosses him in. Sabin hits his Cradle Shock and it’s ONE…TWO…NO! Shane pulled the referee out of the way!

Sabin looks to suplex Shane in, but its reversed and Shane goes for his superkick, which ends up being blocked. Shane rolls up the champion and then hits a CRAZY DDT for ONE…TWO…NO! Shane got his foot on the rope! Shane goes for Cradle Shock on the champion, but Shane slips out and shoves the ref into Sabin. Shane uses the distraction and hits Sabin in the head with Sweet Shane Music for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Michael Shane

My Opinion: This was a good match and all three men worked hard. Sabin and Daniels really showed why they’re better workers than Shane and the fact that most people know it must bug the shit out of them when he comes out of matches like this unscathed. TNA is determined to get Michael Shane over, dammit, even jobbing Sabin clean to him tonight. Hopefully, this continues and we’ll get a nice three way blowoff that doesn’t include wires in the ring. ***

Backstage, Scott Hudson interviews Jim Mitchell and Slash. Mitchell reminds Raven that he (Raven) apparently did something to him in the past which caused him pain, which is why this feud started.

We go to the ring where Mike Tenay introduces the “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart to talk about the Hogan rumors and clear up everything about the upcoming PPV. Hart comes to the ring to a loud pop with the cheap WCW Hogan theme “American Made”. I can only assume that Hogan has the rights to that theme or else it would be in WWE’s library right now.

Hart rambles on for a moment, like usual, until he states that Hogan has indeed signed with TNA to a loud pop. He’s going to be on a big PPV for TNA coming up…but not just yet. Hart claims that Jarrett also caused a knee injury to Hogan during his attack, which is leading to Hogan having to undergo knee surgery, causing the PPV to be rescheduled. I’m VERY surprised that they came relatively clean about it. The only thing they changed was the fact that he injured his knee against Chono, not Jarrett.

Hart then starts talking about Bash at the Beach 2000 and calls out Jeff Jarrett so he can give him a reason as to why he would just lay down for Hulk Hogan that night. This is probably going over most people’s heads…

Jarrett gets on the ramp and he’s got with him….THE STICK~! He tells Jimmy Hart that he doesn’t EVER want Bash at the Beach 2000 referenced again, just like he told Mike Tenay. Jimmy Hart continues to prod and push about it, leading the fans in a “Why” chant, so Jarrett comes to the ring and says that he’s only going to tell him one time only. His reason is….*punch*.

Hart goes down and Jarrett rips off his shirt before tying him to the ropes (poorly) with his wrist tape. Jarrett takes off Hart’s belt and begins to whip him repeatedly. In a nice spot, Jarrett tells Hart to tell the camera “who the man is”. Hart’s response is: “Hulk’s the man”, so he gets more of the belt. Security takes FOREVER to get there and by the time they do, Hart has a TON of welts on his back! Jarrett takes out Security, but AJ Styles of all people comes running down for the save to a babyface pop!

My Two Cents: With the injury of Hulk Hogan, I wonder how much of this was written at the last second. Jimmy Hart is a trooper for allowing himself to be whipped in his first appearance on TNA. This definitely puts more heat on the Hogan/Jarrett rivalry that’s brewing, but the real mystery here is exactly how they’re going to play up the Jarrett/Hogan incident from BATB 2000. In reality, it was more of an issue between Russo and Hogan, so I’m very curious as to how they’re going to rewrite history. AJ Styles coming to save Hart might be a sign of a possible double turn that could take place as early as tonight.

Scott Hudson interviews the tag champs and Glenn Gilberti in the back, who’re bragging about their victory tonight. Gilberti dismisses them and reveals that the team he’s chosen to take on AMW is The Naturals. He riles them up by slapping one of them in the face and sends them to the ring for the match. Hudson says the tag title match is next…but Slash’s music hits instead!

Raven vs. Slash in a Dogcollar Match

Match Background: Once again, this is another step in Raven’s quest to take out Father Mitchell’s roadblocks in order to finally get to him once and for all. This match was originally scheduled to take place last week, but Slash and Vampiro attacked Raven at the top of the broadcast and put him through a table.

The Match: Raven comes to the ring with the dogcollar around his neck and this chain is LONG. It’s the size of the ring diagonally!

Both men are connected to the dogcollar and the match begins with both men looking to win a tug of war with it. Raven immediately grabs Slash and attempts the Raven Effect, so Slash bails out of the ring. Raven bails on the other side and uses the chain to pull Slash into the ring post a couple of times. Raven pulls him back into the ring and goes to work on him in the corner, busting him open. Raven goes to the outside to get his hands on Mitchell, but the chain won’t give him any slack and Mitchell kicks him low so Slash can take over.

Slash whips Raven into the safety rail and the steel steps before trying to use the chain as a whip. Raven moves out of the way and gets back into the ring, but Slash wraps it around his neck and hits the Eye of the Hurricane for a two count. Raven tries to bail again, but Slash follows and uses the chain to hang him! Raven comes back into the ring and reverses the pulling system Slash was using in order to drive him into the turnbuckles face first a few times. Raven then uses the chain to clothesline Slash with and once again goes for the Raven Effect. Slash blocks it and hits a Death Valley Driver for a two count! Slash goes for the whirly bird, but Raven slips out of it, only to get nailed with a hangmans neckbreaker.

Slash goes after Raven in the corner, but Raven moves out of the way. He wraps the chain around Slash and then pulls it, causing him to spin towards Raven and he hits the Raven Effect for the win!

Winner: Raven

After the match, Raven tries to finish the job by hanging Slash, but Mitchell comes into the ring to get Raven off of him. Raven puts on the Cobra Clutch on him as Vampiro comes into the ring and shoots off a pair of kicks to his back in order to get Raven to release the hold. Raven does and he squares off with Vampiro in the ring, only for Vampiro to spit green mist into his eyes. Vampiro looks to follow it up with some more offense, but Raven superkicks Vampiro…and Mitchell tries to choke out Raven with his cane. Vampiro gets up and puts the boots to Raven until CM Punk and Julio make the save…but Raven doesn’t seem pleased with their interference.

My Opinion: Normally, I don’t like dogcollar matches, but when done correctly, they can be entertaining. Oddly enough, the most entertaining dogcollar match I’ve ever seen also involved Raven (Raven & Stevie Richards vs. The Pitbulls, two out of three falls, 1995). Slash wasn’t treated like a total jobber and he shouldn’t have been, as he’s been the one guy that’s always been with the New Church besides Mitchell from the beginning. Post-match, Vampiro showed that he’s not exactly up to snuff with his in ring work. Everything he did looked terrible. I’m interested where Raven’s anger with Punk and Julio will lead… **1/4.

In the back, Scott Hudson is with Red Shirt Security and Don Callis, who is looking more and more like Jerry Seinfeld with each passing week. Hudson first asks where Callis was last week and cleverly, he responds by stating that he was in heavy negotiations with Hogan’s people last week and because of his business acumen, was able to get the PPV rescheduled.

Hudson then states that Erik Watts is inviting Roddy Piper back to TNA because Vince Russo is gone. Callis takes exception to this because Callis is the one who calls the shots. Hudson then blames Callis for the fact that Jerry Lynn and D’Lo Brown have left TNA (which is probably only temporary). Callis once again cleverly fits in a marketing ploy, telling everyone that even though D’Lo is gone, you can buy his bobblehead doll on nwatna.com. That’s just genius. Callis then asks Hudson if it was true that Goldilocks returned last week, which Hudson confirmed for him. Callis then gives him a smirk, leaving Hudson worrying about his job security.

PLEASE leave Scott Hudson as the backstage interviewer. He, unlike Goldilocks, doesn’t try to get himself over during the interviews, just the talent.

AMW vs. The Naturals (w/Glenn Gilberti & David Young)

Match Background: Last week, America’s Most Wanted stood at the top of the ramp and watched as Danny Doring & Roadkill defeated the tag team champions, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger. The champions’ manager, Glenn Gilberti, was furious over the loss and blamed AMW, stating that he would have a surprise tag team for them tonight, which turned out to be The Naturals.

As for as I understand it, The Naturals (composed of Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens, formerly of the Hot Shots) have competed on TNA Xplosion several times and have wrestled America’s Most Wanted all over the southern indy circuit. This will be their debut on TNA PPV as a tag team.

The Match: The teams begin brawling at the top of the ramp as AMW make their entrance and end up battling all over ringside with Storm attempting a vertical suplex on the exposed concrete he revealed by lifting up the safety mats. Stevens breaks up the suplex attempt and sends Storm into the ring for Douglas. Douglas works on him in the corner before tossing Storm outside to get hiptossed on the exposed concrete!

Back in the ring now, Douglas gets Harris to come into the ring illegally to double team Storm and Stevens comes in to capitalize. He hits a vertical suplex and a double axe handle off the top for a two count before Douglas comes in and attempts a double axe handle of his own. Storm punches Douglas in the midsection and goes to make the tag to Harris, but the referee didn’t see it, of course. Storm eats a Steven backbreaker, but moves out of the way of a moonsault attempt and hits an enziguiri before making the hot tag to Chris Harris!

Harris comes in and he’ll all fired up, nailing both men with right hands like the HOUSE…EN…FUEGO~! that he is. He gets a full nelson slam for a two count and Storm comes in to double team Stevens. They combine for the Hart Attack, but Stevens kicks out!

Harris and Stevens battle on the outside as Storm hits the EIGHT SECOND RIDE~! on Douglas in the ring! He goes for the cover, but the referee is distracted! Stevens comes into the ring and punches Storm in the head with a steel chain! Douglas covers…ONE…TWO…NO! Harris comes in and looks to suplex Stevens from the apron into the ring, but Gilberti holds onto Harris’ leg! Stevens comes down almost like a damned BRAINBUSTER, but he maneuvers himself on top of Harris for the pinfall!

All of a sudden, Erik Watts (w/Goldilocks) comes running down and demands that the match be restarted. It is restarted immediately with Harris spearing Douglas out of the ring! Gilberti tosses Stevens the tennis racket and he uses it on Harris’ back…but turns around into a Storm superkick for ONE…TWO…NO! Gilberti pulls out Storm and brawls with him outside (in FULL view of the ref), but as this is going on, Harris hits a MASSIVE cross body off of the top onto Stevens for the victory.

Winners: America’s Most Wanted

My Opinion: Personally, I thought the match was fine with the original result, as it allows AMW to concentrate on this for a while as Doring & Roadkill got through their program with the tag champs. The restarting of this match shows just how biased babyface commissioners can be as they didn’t bother doing restarting the X Division match…probably because all three men are heels.

AMW were their usual strong selves in the ring and The Naturals are a hell of a lot better than the Hot Shots. I guess that means Cassidy O’Reilly really was the weak link of that team. Oh well. O’Reilly was only over with me because he looks like Shane Douglas, but I could care less now that the real Douglas is in TNA. **1/4

After the match, the heels jump the babyfaces so Erik Watts takes off his shirt for the first time in TNA and comes to AMW’s defense. Red Shirt Security come in to neutralize Watts and do a good job of doing so until Don Harris comes running down as Black Shirt Security to a pop.

We go to the announcers, who pimp the new DVD’s, only available on the site. All of a sudden, Raven takes his mic away and makes a challenge to Vampiro for next week. He’s going to take the dogcollar match to the next level. He’s come up with a new match…which is even harder to say that the Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match! It’s a Dream Blood Gallows of Retribution Match. I couldn’t even make up that shit if I tried, so don’t think this is B.S.

In each corner, there’s a dogcollar. The first one to collar his opponent and hang him until he’s unconscious will be declared the winner.

We go to the back where Scott Hudson is with AJ Styles, about to defend his title against Jeff Jarrett. Hudson states that AJ hasn’t visited Russo’s hospital bed once since last week. Styles tells him that he has no reason to. He warned Russo not to do anything stupid and it cost him.

He gets confronted by the rest of Team Styles and Sonny Siaki tells him that they’ve got his back. Styles tells them all to stay OUT of his way tonight.

AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Title

Match Background: This one goes back a long way. If I gave you all of the info, this Match Background would be about a page and a half. If you want the full background for this match, check out the Diatribe from June 11th and February 19th. For the record, if you’re signed up on the TSM Forums, you can reply to any of the archived articles and leave your feedback on the board.

This is the second one on one match between AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett. The first one took place on February 19th, with Jeff Jarrett successfully defending his World Title against Styles. On June 11th, AJ Styles defeated Jeff Jarrett in a three way dance, which included Raven, for the NWA Title. The finish of that match saw Vince Russo join AJ Styles and has been his manager since. Russo and Jarrett have been enemies since Russo came to TNA and Russo declared that Jeff Jarrett would NEVER get another title shot at AJ Styles.

Director of Authority, Erik Watts, finally granted Jeff Jarrett his World Title rematch a few weeks ago with the match to take place tonight. Since then, AJ and Russo have had issues with each other and last week, Styles was furious that Russo decided to try and take out Jarrett on his own…and ended up being wheeled out on a stretcher. This leaves the champion all by his lonesome tonight to face the man that he won the title from, Jeff Jarrett.

The Match: Jarrett grabs a chain from ringside before AJ’s introduction and threatens to use it before AJ even gets into the ring, prompting AJ to get a chair himself and screwing up the boxing style intros. Erik Watts comes out to calm down AJ Styles (giving him a handshake) as Don Callis comes down to calm down Jarrett…and that’s all you need to know that these guys are now playing for the other side of the fence.

They finally lock up with Styles taking Jarrett down with a shoulder block to start. The crowd doesn’t really know who to cheer for…so they just don’t. After an irish whip sequence, Styles moonsaults off the 2nd rope for a two count on the challenger, but Jarrett follows it up with a back elbow, taking the champ to the outside. Jarrett slides to the outside, but Styles moves out of the way and brawls with him until he’s able to clothesline him over the rail into the stands! Both men fall over from it, but Styles is up first and he drops Jarrett throat first across the guard rail.

Styles comes back into the ring and plays up to the crowd, but they don’t really respond. All of a sudden, Styles goes FLYING over the top rope with a somersault and onto Jarrett who’s STILL IN THE CROWD! Styles tosses Jarrett back into the ring and goes for a springboard…but Jarrett shoves the ropes as Styles jumps on them and the champion takes an impressive bump off of it! Jarrett takes over and Styles takes a BIG BUMP on a hard clothesline, flipping backwards and landing on his freakin’ HEAD.

Jarrett goes after Styles again, who is still fighting back, but JJ is able to hit a spinning back suplex on the champ. Jarrett goes after Styles’ midsection with some boots as we see various wrestlers watching the match in the arena, such as Abyss, Raven and James Storm. Jarrett knees Styles in the midsection again and goes for what looks to be a powerbomb, but Styles rolls him up for two and transitions it into a Styles Clash attempt! Jarrett is able to block it and hits an atomic drop before working on the leg of the champ. Styles hits an enziguiri and both men are down, but come up swinging. Styles catches a Jarrett punch and manipulates it into a pumphandle powerbomb! Styles covers….ONE…TWO…NO!

Styles gets up and works on Jarrett some more in the corner before charging and trying to moonsault onto him, but it’s botched…and Styles improvises with a German Suplex with bridge for a close two count! Styles places Jarrett on the top rope and looks to rana him, but Jarrett fights back. He places Styles on his shoulders and comes off the 2nd rope with a sloppy looking TKO. Jarrett covers…ONE…TWO…NO!

Styles looks for a spinning wheel kick, but Jarrett blocks it and hooks on the Figure Four! Styles is almost pinned a few times and is in visible pain, so Sonny Siaki walks down the aisle. Erik Watts stops him from interfering and Dusty Rhodes comes from behind and smacks him in the head with a Bionic Elbow. They begin brawling at ringside as AJ reverses the Figure Four. Jarrett sneaks a chair into the ring and uses it on Styles as the ref is distracted by the Rhodes/Siaki business at ringside. He covers Styles…ONE…TWO…NO! Styles gets up and low blows Jarrett, gaining position of the chair and opening it up in the ring. He positions Jarrett’s head in the chair and goes up top for an attempted guillotine legdrop, but Jarrett moves out of the way! Styles goes for a spinning wheel kick, but Jarrett ducks and hits the Stroke onto the opened steel chair! He turns AJ over…ONE…TWO…NO!

Jarrett goes into the ring…and grabs the NWA Title belt. Erik Watts starts yelling at Jarrett and Styles rolls him up for a CLOSE two count. The ref ends up falling and missing Jeff Jarrett’s next move…which is the NWA Title to the FACE of AJ Styles. He makes the cover…ONE…TWO…THREE.

Winner and NEW NWA World Champion: Jeff Jarrett

My Opinion: The work in the match was good, but it had an anti-climatic finish. Most people expected Jarrett to win anyway, which the fans definitely didn’t want, so there wasn’t much heat for this match at all. I was almost sure that they were going to complete the double turn in this match, but I guess that Styles will turn face on us in the next coming weeks. ***

Don Callis comes into the ring and celebrates with Jeff Jarrett as Jarrett asks for Tenay to come into the ring. Jarrett tells Tenay that he KNEW he was going to get it done tonight, regardless of who came down the ramp, be it Hogan, Sting, Piper, Savage, etc.

All of a sudden, Jimmy Hart’s voice comes over the PA system and he’s seen on the Tron. He’s YELLING and his voice is cracking, as he shows us his back…and he vows that for every welt on his back, Jarrett will lose a pint of blood! He says that next week, he’s going to be bringing in someone that he used to manage to take him on…

Overall: I would have to say that this week was a thumbs up. Once again, the angles all made sense and were enjoyable. The most enjoyable things to me are all of the questions that are raised up for the future. What happens to Team Styles now that he’s not the champ anymore? What will happen with Abyss next week? Who will Jeff Jarrett face next week?

I like the way the Jarrett/Hogan feud is being built up so far and having Jimmy Hart come in and act as the foil for Jarrett is a good way to extend the Hogan feud while he’s not available. As for who he’s bringing in next week, I wouldn’t mind seeing the Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart again…and the match would be very interesting from a smarks point of view as HTM has never cared much for Jeff Jarrett.

Well, that’s all for this week.

‘Til next time,


Damian Gonzalez has not yet filed one of these mini-bios.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
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RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
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RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
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PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
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PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
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RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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