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Operation Next Level
November 14, 2003

by Damian Gonzalez


That’s right, I’m back this week with a TNA Diatribe. Last week, circumstances didn’t allow me to do a review, although I was able to watch it. Instead of leaving everyone empty handed, I included my brief thoughts on last weeks show on my first ever Raw Diatribe, which you can find here. Please let me know if I should continue doing them...

For the record, reviewing Raw was (at least so far) a one-time deal as I’m still looking for a TSM Raw Recapper, but depending on how I feel this Monday, I may or may not do it again.

As for reviews, make sure to check back at TheSmartMarks.com next Sunday night for my WWE Survivor Series Diatribe, exclusive to TSM.

Anyway…let’s get to this week’s TNA before I change my damn mind!


TNA does what WWE did NOT do this week and immediately put up a graphic to mention the passing of Michael Lockwood, known in TNA as Mad Mikey, but made a name for himself a few years ago in the WWE as Crash Holly. Hopefully, WWE will eventually do some sort of a video tribute to him, but I’m still shocked to see that they didn’t even have a still picture of the man on Raw.

We head into our usual intro video package which focuses on last week’s AJ Styles/Jeff Jarrett/Sting/Raven skirmish. As Raven’s involvement on last week’s show is shown, they show a small clip of Father James Mitchell after their match last week claiming that their feud will never be over, although he’ll be gone for a while to nurse his wounds.

Damn, I didn’t realize just how ballistic Tenay and West got last week when Jarrett mentioned that Luger was going to be on the show.

We head over to Scott Hudson, who is with Jimmy Hart in the parking lot. Hart is wearing a T-Shirt with “Why” on it, obviously directed towards Jeff Jarrett since he won’t answer any questions about Bash at the Beach 2000. Hart lets Jarrett know that despite Luger coming to TNA tonight, he’s going to do all he can to make sure the NWA Title goes back to where it belongs…and he lets AJ Styles out of a limousine.

Styles gets on the mic and says that last week, one of Jarrett’s comments really bothered him. It was the one about him not being able to “compete at the next (main event) level”. Tonight, he’s going to show Jarrett and Luger that they can’t compete on HIS level. Styles walks away from the limo as Sting comes out of it as well, promising to bring the pain tonight!

We go into the Asylum where the cameras focus in on a Michael Lockwood sign making it WWE – 0, TNA – 2. No, another sign in the crowd makes that three.

We head towards the ring for the first match up.

America’s Most Wanted vs. 3 Live Kru vs. Sonny Siaki & Ekmo vs. David Young & Glenn Gilberti vs. CM Punk & Julio Dinero in a Gauntlet Match for the #1 Contendership to the TNA Tag Team Titles

Match Background: Two weeks ago, Glenn Gilberti, the manager of the tag team champions Johnny Swinger and Simon Diamond, made a deal with Sonny Siaki and Ekmo. The deal was that they were to go on and face America’s Most Wanted and keep them away from a tag title opportunity as long as possible. Siaki and Ekmo went on to face AMW last week and with the help of David Young, they were able to secure a victory over the former NWA tag champs.

Later on in the night, 3 Live Kru took on Gilberti and Young and were able to defeat them. Simon and Swinger came down to help Gilberti and Young administer a beating, but AMW came down for the save. AMW then got on the mic and asked for a title shot…which 3LK took issue with. Both teams felt they were truly worthy of a shot at the tag team champions and before Gilberti was able to give them an answer, Sonny Siaki and Ekmo appeared behind them at the top of the ramp.

Siaki & Ekmo are also looking for a tag shot, since they pinned AMW and effectively took care of the problem for Gilberti. Gilberti didn’t know what to do and walked out on all three teams, but this week, the number one contenders for the tag straps shall be decided in a Gauntlet match.

For some reason, CM Punk and Julio Dinero were also included in this Gauntlet match, despite not being involved in the tag title scene.

The Match: B.G. James comes out to the ring first, along with Chris Harris of America’s Most Wanted. Every 60 seconds, another competitor comes in and this is Gauntlet For the Gold style so participants are eliminated by bring thrown over the top rope. When it’s down to the last two men in the match, the match is then decided by pinfall or submission.

James and Harris slug it out at the start of the match with James tossing Harris over the top, but Harris hangs on. He heads to the top and dives at James with a cross body block and goes for a short arm clothesline. James ducks it and hits some of his patented punches, but the third one misses and Harris spears James. Time is up and Trinity leads Sonny Siaki to the ring.

Siaki goes after both of the babyfaces with right hands, but is immediately eliminated in seconds as James and Harris work together for a quick moment. Harris and James continue to battle each other as the time winds down again and Glenn Gilberti is the next man in.

Instead of getting into the ring, he stays out of the match and demands that James and Harris battle each other. They go outside of the ring and chase him in until Gilberti runs into the ring, only to get speared by Harris. Time runs down again and Gilberti’s partner, David Young, comes into the match. He cleans house on the babyfaces for a few seconds until Harris nails an atomic drop, but Young recovers and hits his SNAP SPINEBUSTER~! on him and a powerslam on James. Time winds down once again and the next man in is CM Punk.

He springboards into the ring, hitting a rana on Young, but gets nailed by Gilberti. Punk reverses an irish whip and connects with a cross body and a dropkick on Gilberti before hitting a calf kick on James. Punk and Harris then go at it with Harris hitting a Thesz Press as time winds down again and James Storm comes into the match.

He runs into the ring and goes after everyone in the match but Harris. They combine for a Hart Attack on David Young and then AMW toss out Glenn Gilberti. Time winds down again and the next man is Ekmo, wearing a shirt that reads “In Memory of Michael Lockwood”.

He comes into the ring and AMW attack immediately, but get double clotheslined. He slams the hell out of CM Punk and does his butt charge into the corner onto B.G. James. He press slams CM Punk and tosses him over the top before also eliminating David Young from the match. Julio Dinero comes into the match and goes after Ekmo as Chris Harris and B.G. James fall over the top simultaneously and eliminate each other. Ekmo, Julio and James Storm are the only three men left in the match.

Storm goes after Ekmo to no avail, so Dinero comes firing out of the corner with a great spinning kick to the face that takes the big man down. The Truth is the last man in the match and runs down to brawl with Dinero. Truth whips him towards Ekmo, who tosses him over top, leaving only Ekmo, James Storm and The Truth. Ekmo avalanches Truth in the corner and then plants Storm on the mat next to him. He sits down on both men and goes for the move again, but Truth and Storm use their leg strength to shove Ekmo up and over the top rope, leaving both men as the last two competitors in the match.

They shake hands and being brawling briefly with Truth getting the advantage with a running powerslam for a two count. Truth and Storm dance around each other for a bit until Storm lands a superkick for a two count. Storm goes for the Swinging Noose, but Truth counters it and hip tosses Storm down. He goes for his spinning axe kick and connects for a two count! Storm gets up and both men charge at each other off the ropes, colliding with cross body blocks and both men are down!

They get up and Storm hits the Eight Second Ride! The ref is about to make the cover, but David Young comes down to the ring with Gilberti’s tennis racket. As the ref deals with Young, Gilberti comes into the ring and nails Storm in the head with a steel chair and slithers out! Truth gets up, presumably not knowing what happened and hits the True Conviction for the pinfall and the victory.

Winners: 3 Live Kru

My Opinion: This was a decent opener as I’m a sucker for these Gauntlet matches. The rapid fire entrances and eliminations made for a nice paced match up and Harris and Truth had a small, yet effective time alone in the ring as the last two men. Ekmo was booked as a total monster, although Siaki was booked as a jobber for some odd reason. 3 Live Kru winning the Gauntlet gives them the shot at Simon and Swinger, which I don’t mind at all seeing as how the buildup is leading to an AMW Tag Title win once they earn their title shot. The longer that can be prolonged, the happier I’ll be. Don’t get me wrong, I do think AMW is TNA’s best team and is better than most teams out there right now, but I’m enjoying the current tag title picture. Every time AMW win the tag straps, it’s almost as if the proverbial reset button is hit on the division. **1/2.

We go to the back where Scott Hudson is with Don Callis and Red Shirt Security. Callis lends his support to Jarrett and Luger for tonight’s main event, taking a shot at AJ Styles before the conversation turns to who Raven’s mystery tag partner will be tonight against Northcutt & Wilson. Hudson then asks him how he’s been able to control Abyss. Abyss appears and Callis talks him into a frenzy before shooing Hudson away.

We go into the ring where Mike Tenay is to conduct an interview with NWA Champion, Jeff Jarrett. God, I really hate Jeff Jarrett’s ring attire. He looks like a cheap toy.

Jarrett gets into the ring and demands that Tenay get out of the ring. He doesn’t want him doing the interview because he’s sick of his attitude and demands that Don West come in instead. Tenay hesitantly returns to the broadcast position as Jarrett tells West to “do something useful for once in your career”. Ouch, baby. Ouch.

West takes the mic and Jarrett tells him not to ask any questions. The crowd begins to chant “Why”, but Jarrett wants to know when…when Hogan will come to TNA. He recaps the beef with Hogan, who claims that he wants revenge, but Jarrett only sees Jimmy Hart running around. Jarrett will NOT be ignored, he says. Jarrett says that either Hogan comes to TNA or he’ll continue to bring TNA to Hogan.

He then switches the conversation to tonight’s main event. He begins talking about Luger and Styles when he’s interrupted by Raven, who’s at the top of the ramp with “Crash” painted on his chest.

A “Raven” chant begins as he gets on THE STICK~! and let’s Jarrett know that he’s also got to deal with him. Last week, he made an announcement to fulfill his destiny and he’s coming after Jarrett now. Jarrett tells him that he can’t compete on his level, just like AJ Styles. Jarrett goads Raven into walking down the ramp, only for him to be attacked by the Red Shirts. Northcutt beats on Raven’s head with THE STICK~! before rolling him into the ring where Jarrett goes to work on him as well. Raven’s busted open and Jarrett hits The Stroke onto an opened chair and all three heels walk out.

We recap the X Division Triple Chance Tourney so far, with “X” winning last week’s battle royal. They also focus on Daniels and Low-Ki’s new found rivalry and the Package Piledriver “X” gave to Chris Sabin prior to his victory.

Christopher Daniels vs. Low-Ki – Winner advances in the Triple Chance Tourney

Match Background: Last week, during the X Division Battle Royal, Low-Ki made his 392nd return to TNA after a long stretch and worked with his usual Triple X tag team partner, Christopher Daniels during the match. Eventually, Daniels and ‘Ki ended up turning on each other, since battle royals are “every man for themselves”. They were eliminated at the same time by Chris Sabin and continued to brawl on the outside.

Due to the stipulations of the Battle Royal, Low-Ki must face Chris Daniels and the winner will be included in a triple threat match next week to determine who will face X Champion Michael Shane.

Last week, as Don West and Mike Tenay were pimping this week’s upcoming card, Low-Ki grabbed the STICK~! and said “Triple X is no more. Partners we once were, enemies we have become!” That’s right folks, after one week…THEY HATE EACH OTHER~! It’s actually about time that these two have come to blows as they had a high profile rivalry in the Ring of Honor promotion. This should be the match of the night.

The Match: Low-Ki comes to the ring wearing shorts and shin guards for the first time in TNA.

Daniels puts up the Triple X sign as Don West notes that he’s wearing his Triple X shorts. Low-Ki doesn’t care and shoots off a kick to Daniels’ thigh, which makes him back off. They exchange headlocks and armbars, but Low-Ki kicks out of it. They begin brawling with each other with Low-Ki getting the advantage and then hitting the MUTA ELBOW~! A STIFF kick by Low-Ki sends shivers down my spine and he goes for his cartwheel kick into the corner. Daniels moves out of the way and hits a springboard dropkick to the back of the head, sending Low-Ki out of the ring to the floor.

Daniels hits an Arabian Press onto ‘Ki on the outside (which deservedly gets a replay) before Daniels sends his former partner back into the ring. Daniels turns a vertical suplex into a gutbuster for a two count and then hits a slam into a bow and arrow-esque submission.

The lovely TRACY~! is at the top of the balcony with a clipboard, talking to someone on the phone (presumably to her stablemate and leader Shane Douglas) as she watches the match.

Daniels hits a second variation of the gutbuster for a second two count, goes for a third, but it’s reversed by Low-Ki. He springs off the ropes and connects with a kick to Daniels and both men are down! Low-Ki gets up and connects with chops and a flying forearm. 3 KICK COMBO~! hits and ‘Ki gets a two count of it. Daniels gets up and drives Low-Ki into the corner, palm thrusting him to set up the next move. Low-Ki blocks the Fall From Grace, so Daniels goes for the palm strike again, only for ‘Ki to catch it and put on an arm submission. Daniels escapes and ‘Ki jumps off the top, only to get caught and planted by an STO for two!

Daniels goes for the Double Jump Moonsault, but ‘Ki moves out of the way and kicks Daniels in the head. He gets up and goes for the Shining Wizard, but Daniels ducks…only for ‘Ki to wrap his legs around his head and apply a cross arm breaker. Low-Ki then hooks on the Dragon Clutch, but Daniels fights him off and hits the Fall From Grace from the ropes! Daniels hits the Angel’s Wings and gets a ONE…TWO…NO!

Daniels hooks Low-Ki for the Last Rites, but ‘Ki counters it. ‘Ki NAILS Daniels with an enziguiri and follows it up with the Tidal Crush! Low-Ki signals for the ‘Ki Krusher, but Daniels blocks it! Low-Ki puts on the Dragon Clutch again, but Daniels is able to maneuver him to the middle of the ring and transition it into the Last Rites! Before he can successfully hit the move, ‘Ki BLASTS Daniels in the head with a soccer kick and ‘Ki attempts the ‘Ki Krusher again. Daniels blocks it, cradles the leg and gets the clean pinfall on Low-Ki!

Winner: Christopher Daniels

My Opinion: Now this was a good match, as was expected by these two. I’m sure if this were a more high profile match or if they were given more time, it would have been even better, but I’m not complaining. These two men know each other and it shows in the various counters and the fact that the finish was a surprise cradle and 100% clean. Considering Daniels is a heel, this is a great win for his as it really does establish him and proves that he belongs in the X Division title scene although in my opinion, he can go much higher than that. Low-Ki doesn’t need to be protected much in TNA since he’s only around for a few weeks, so I’m satisfied with this match. ***1/4

After the match, they eye each other and Low-Ki extends the hand. They shake on it and their HATE~! seems to be gone for now. “X” comes walking down the ramp as Low-Ki makes his way back up, looking to go after Daniels. “X” hits the Package Piledriver on Daniels as Low-Ki just looks on from the ramp….VERY interesting. Maybe the HATE~! isn’t gone after all…

We now go to a video package recapping last week’s Sandman/Shane Douglas match where the lovely TRACY~! returned to TNA as part of Douglas’ group.

Scott Hudson is in the back, where Raven is bleeding and being attended to by medical personnel. Hudson wants to know if he’ll still be able to go. CM Punk tells Hudson that he’s in no condition to “talk to the likes of you” and then goes on to state that Raven will indeed pick a partner and if it’s Julio, no hard feelings. If it is he, however, he will get the job done because “his blood is my blood and he will make the right decision”. Oohhh…I’m FEELING this angle.

Sonjay Dutt vs. Chad Collyer – Winner Advances in the Triple Chance Tourney

Match Background: Once again, this match derives from the X Division Battle Royal from last week. The battle royal was Chad Collyer’s debut, and this week is his first one on one match on a TNA PPV. The winner will go on to next week’s Triple Threat match.

This was originally scheduled to be Chris Sabin vs. Chad Collyer, but apparently, “X”’s Package Piledriver has put Sabin on the shelf and Sonjay Dutt has taken his spot since he was the runner up for the 5th spot in the Battle Royal.

The Match: Dutt flips into the ring and ducks a clothesline, hitting a drop toe hold immediately on the man that was trained by Dean Malenko. Collyer gets up and connects with some chops before Dutt hits a few armdrags as West lets the crowd know that Collyer lost to Chris Sabin on Xplosion once, so Sabin’s substitution may work out in his favor. Dutt hits a dropkick, sending Collyer out of the ring and connects with a plancha.

Dutt rolls him back and hits a springboard elbow as TRACY~! is still on the phone on the balcony. Collyer takes Dutt to the outside and rams into the guard rail and the steel steps before tossing him back into the ring. Collyer hits some European uppercuts and a vertical suplex for two as he works his Malenko-esque style.

Collyer hits a back suplex for a two count, following it up with a double underhook suplex for a second pinfall attempt. Collyer goes for the Texas Cloverleaf (!) but Dutt blocks it, so Collyer goes to work on him in the corner. Collyer has pretty much grounded Dutt and puts on the submission maneuver Evil Doink used to win matches with back in the early 90’s. I honestly forgot the name of that hold….someone e-mail me!

Collyer lets the hold go and Dutt goes for a dropkick as Collyer comes off the ropes, but he’s able to hold on. Collyer slaps on the Cloverleaf, but Dutt makes it to the ropes. Cutt gets up and hits the Double Shot (which Dutt calls the Calcutta Cutta) before countering a Collyer powerslam into a DDT! Cutt tries to sell the leg as he moonsaults onto Collyer, but the Malenko student gets his knees up. He scissor stomps Dutt’s knee and hooks on the Cloverleaf again. Dutt goes for a desperation roll up and gets the pinfall!

Winner: Sonjay Dutt

After the match, as Dutt limps up the ramp, he turns around and EATS a clothesline from “X” on the ramp! “X” then press slams Dutt on the ramp before security come on out to help him.

My Opinion: Man, are they putting over this “X” guy, or what? His finisher has already been put over and sold like DEATH and he’s seemingly taken out both guys in next week’s Triple Threat match.

As for the Collyer/Dutt match, Collyer seemed to be pretty dominant and got himself over in my eyes, at least with his style. Dutt won the match off of a desperation roll up, but hopefully, Collyer will remain in the X Division for a while. He was so Malenko-esque, I couldn’t help but mark out for the guy. Hopefully, he’s got more charisma than his trainer though. This match could have benefited from more time as well. **

We go to an “Interrogators” segment, which is something I thought TNA had done away with. This time, West and Tenay are with Erik Watts and Goldylocks. There isn’t too much of note here, although when Watts’ is asked about Goldylocks, he says that he’s happy she’s back because he needed the “oral…no, I’m sorry, the moral support”.

We go to the back where Scott Hudson is trying to get a word with Lex Luger, but Jeff Jarrett won’t let him.

Abyss (w/Don Callis) vs. Don Harris (w/Chris Vaughn)

Match Background: Last week, after the huge skirmish after Sting/Jarrett, Abyss apparently joined the Red Shirts & Don Callis as they seemingly have power over him. Throughout recent weeks, Don Harris of Black Shirt Security has been a thorn in Callis’ and the Red Shirts’ side, so they’re tossing their new asset at him. End of story.

The Match: Heavy D runs into the ring and immediately goes after Abyss. Abyss whips Harris into the corner and charges at him, but Harris moves out of the way and Abyss crotches himself. I HATE that spot.

Harris clotheslines Abyss over the top and follows him to the outside to toss him into the guard rail. He continues to take it to him at ringside until Abyss connects with a big boot. He tosses him into the ring and hits an avalanche in the corner as Chris Vaughn tries to get the crowd behind Don Harris. Abyss hits a second avalanche and follows it up with a hard chop to the chest. Abyss goes after Harris again, but Heavy D escapes only to get clotheslined. Abyss continues the beat down and this match is starting to suck the life out of my soul.

Harris tries to fight back, but Abyss just stops him right in his tracks with clubbing blows and I’m starting to fall asleep here. Abyss hits a side slam for a two count and then heads to the 2nd rope for a legdrop, but misses. Both men get up, slugging it out and Don Harris goes for a chokeslam. Abyss elbows out of it and goes for one of his own. Harris kicks Abyss low, comes off the ropes with a big boot and then stomps on Callis’ hand as Callis tries to cheer Abyss on. Harris goes for a chokeslam on Abyss again and hits it! ONE…TWO…NO! Harris goes after Callis and the distraction is enough to allow Abyss to get the Black Hole Slam for the pinfall and the victory.

Winner: Abyss

My Opinion: Damn, this was boring. This was probably the most boring match I’ve seen all week. Two huge guys punching each other repeatedly, throwing in a big boot and a chokeslam attempt here and there reminded me of Undertaker vs. Undertaker. That’s a memory I’ve been trying to suppress, you know. Well, either way, the Abyss push continues now that he’s going in a new direction so the outcome was pretty clear to me from the get go. DUD.

After the match, Chris Vaughn comes into the ring to check on Heavy D, but Abyss makes him PAY with his sit out backbreaker. All of a sudden, the female shrieks of the crowd act as radar, letting me know that AJ Styles is on his way into the ring. He gets in and confronts Abyss (last week, Abyss gave Styles the Black Hole Slam) and begins raining on him with right hands! He goes for a bulldog, but Abyss tosses him over the top rope, onto the ramp. Styles lands on his feet, unhurt and comes flying onto Abyss with a springboard head scissors takedown for a pop! He clotheslines the big man out of the ring to a pop and Harris gets into the ring to back him up.

Even though the match blew, the post match angle was something I enjoyed as it puts over AJ Styles as being able to handle larger opponents. That’s something he’s going to need if he’s going to stay in the heavyweight division.

In the back, Scott Hudson is with 3 Live Kru. B.G. James goes on to talk about beating every team in TNA and next week, it’s their shot for the tag traps. AMW interrupt and tell them straight out that if they win, they want the first shot…but if they lose, stay out of their way.

Raven & Mystery Partner vs. Red Shirt Security

Match Background: Last week, following the Sting/Jeff Jarrett match, Raven made his presence known as he went after the NWA Champion, Jeff Jarrett. The Red Shirt Security guys, Kevin Northcutt and Ryan Wilson, came on down to take on Raven.

The Match: Raven comes to the ring, limping and bandaged because of the previous attack. He gets on THE STICK~! and says that he’d be foolish not to pick a partner at this time. Julio and CM Punk are standing behind Raven at the top of the ramp as Raven says that he’s going to choose the filthiest, most evil person that he’s ever fought. The only person who beat Raven half to death and lived to tell about it, he says. No, it’s not Tommy Dreamer (although I’d mark out for it), it’s The Sandman!

An “ECW” chant starts up as Raven nails the Red Shirts with a trash can and Sandman uses his cane. They get into the ring, where Raven connects with another trash can shot on Northcutt and tosses him out. Raven drinks a beer with The Sandman and then smashes it into his forehead, just like Sandman. Raven…your head is bandaged, doofus.

The match now gets into its traditional tag team setting and Sandman works over Northcutt and hits a bulldog. He comes into the ring with a slingshot legdrop and then legdrops Northcutt off the 2nd rope. He tags out to Raven, who works over Northcutt with some kicks and hits his clothesline/bulldog combo out of the corner. Wilson pulls over the top rope as Raven is whipped across the ring and falls to the outside. Wilson drives him into the ring, back first and he’s tosses back in for Northcutt to work over with a series of lariats in the corner.

A “Go Raven Go” chant starts as the Red Shirts begin doubleteaming Raven before Wilson comes in to face him. Northcutt comes back in and connects with a superkick on Raven for a two count. Raven’s bandage comes off of his head as the Red Shirts continue to double team. Wilson comes in and hits a big boot on Raven for a two count as the chant for Raven gets louder. Raven is bleeding again as Northcutt puts on a surfboard stretch….but Raven gets out of it with a low blow!

Northcutt charges at Raven in the corner, but he moves out of the way and Northcutt rams himself into the post, shoulder first. Raven makes the hot tag and Sandman is a DRUNK…EN…FUEGO~! He nails both men with the cane and hits the White Russian Leg Sweep for two. He hits a baseball slide on Wilson and hits the Heinekenrana on Northcutt!

As the ref is on the outside dealing with Raven and Wilson, Legend comes into the ring and nails Sandman in the face with some sort of object, leading to Northcutt getting the pinfall on The Sandman.

Winners: The Red Shirt Security

After the match, Legend and the Red Shirts work over Raven & The Sandman until Julio and CM Punk come down to help out. They toss Legend and the Red Shirts out of the ring and then go over to Raven in the corner. Instead of helping him up, Punk asks Raven “why didn’t you pick us? Do you see what happens?” At that moment, Legend and the Red Shirts come back in and work over Julio and Punk. Erik Watts comes down (with a chair in hand) and takes out Legend and Wilson with a double clothesline. He hits Northcutt with the weakest chair shot I’ve seen in a long time and heels retreat.

Watts gets on THE STICK~! and makes a six man tag match for next week. Himself, Raven & The Sandman against the Red Shirts & Legend in a Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match.

My Opinion: I wasn’t digging the match much at all, as the Red Shirts have shown in the past few weeks that they aren’t good workers at all and The Sandman has never been much outside of brawling. But the angle is what I’m absolutely loving right now. Not between the Red Shirts or Callis or the heels, but between Raven and The Gathering. The seeds have been planted for a CM Punk heel turn and Julio may or may not join him. Punk was so SURE that he would pick one of them and he was devastated that he wasn’t chosen. Not only wasn’t he chosen…but Raven chose a sworn enemy from his past instead. That was probably the biggest insult of them all, so far. I hear nothing but good things about the Punk/Raven feud so I’m looking forward to it in TNA. ½*

Tenay and West pimp next week’s card. So far, the card looks like this:

  • Raven, Sandman & Watts vs. The Red Shirts & Legend – Clockwork Orange House of Fun
  • An Update on Hogan’s condition
  • ‘X’ vs. Chris Daniels vs. Sonjay Dutt – Winner faces Michael Shane for the X Title.
  • 3 Live Kru vs. Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger

We go to pre-recorded comments by those involved in the main event. Jimmy Hart seems to be looking out for AJ Styles now and has vowed to help him not only get his shot at Jarrett, but to win the NWA Title off of him. Isn’t that a conflict of interest with the whole Hogan situation?

Sting & AJ Styles (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Don Callis) & Lex Luger

Match Background: AJ Styles also interfered at the end of last week’s Sting/Jarrett battle. After everything was done, Sting made a challenge to Jarrett to take him on in a tag team match, as long as AJ Styles would agree to be his partner. Styles accepted and Jarrett dropped a bomb by stating that his partner would be “The Total Package” Lex Luger.

This was a huge bombshell because of the fact that several months ago, Luger was arrested following a huge incident where drugs and various steroids were found at his home following the tragic death of his girlfriend, WWF’s Miss Elizabeth. This will be Luger’s first appearance on a TNA broadcast and I believe the first wrestling appearance by Luger since these incidents took place.

The Match: Luger comes out last, of course, with a video package. He comes to the ring and teases taking off his Flair-like robe, eventually doing so to show the crowd his chemically enhanced body. The guy has definitely put on some weight and looks like he’s aged.

Don Callis, who accompanied Jeff Jarrett to the ring, gets on THE STICK~! and tells AJ Styles that he has no business being in the ring with Jarrett or Luger. Luger then demands the microphone and butchers AJ’s name on purpose. He reiterates Callis’ point, claiming that AJ cannot compete on their level.

Sting gets on the mic as well and puts over Styles. Styles really does look TINY compared to everyone else in the ring.

The match starts out with Sting and Jarrett locking up and Sting gets the upper hand first with an atomic drop. Sting goes for the Stinger Splash, but Jarrett moves out of the way, only to get clotheslined twice anyway. Sting tags Styles in, who connects with a beautiful dropkick on the NWA Champion. He hits a knee drop for a two count and follows it up with a springboard legdrop. He looks to put on the Scorpion Deathlock onto Jarrett, so Sting comes in to cut off Luger. Sting and Styles both put on the Scorpion Deathlock on Luger and Jarrett, respectively, but both men escape immediately.

The crowd chants for AJ as the heels collaborate at ringside. Luger then tags in to go after Styles, but poses instead for intimidation. Styles kicks Luger’s thigh and bounces off the ropes with a shoulder block attempt, but instead bumps off of it to put over Luger’s mass. Luger press slams Styles down and smirks over at Jarrett, treating Styles like a complete joke. He hiptosses Styles across the ring, goes to the other side and does it again. Luger is moving so incredibly slow these days, the announcers are now claiming that he’s got a methodical style.

Styles ducks a clothesline and springs off the ropes towards Luger, but he’s caught and placed in a bear hug before getting thrown down. Jarrett comes in and Styles is in trouble. Jarrett spinebusters the former NWA Champ and tags Luger back in, who heads over towards Styles…SLOWLY.

Luger clotheslines Styles as he comes off of the ropes and tags Jarrett back in. The crowd chants for AJ as he gets on Jarrett’s shoulders for a rana, but it’s blocked. Luger comes in to distract the official as AJ makes the tag to Sting that naturally, the ref doesn’t see. Jarrett powerbombs Styles down and he’s doubleteamed in the heel corner until Luger comes into the match again. Luger connects with a back elbow and tags Jarrett back in, who tries to put the Figure Four on Styles. Styles blocks it and hits an enziguiri before going over to tag Sting, but once again, the referee didn’t see it. Styles kicks Jarrett away from him, but can’t escape Luger who tosses him over the top rope onto the ramp where Styles lands hard.

Sting comes in and goes after both Luger and Jarrett in the ring and hits Stinger Splashes on both of them. He hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Jarrett, but Luger makes the save. Technically, AJ is still the legal man, but I guess that doesn’t matter to the ref anymore.

Luger low blows Sting and signals for the Torture Rack. He goes to put it on, but Sting escapes and goes after Jarrett on the floor. Styles hops back in and comes off the top with a cross body on Luger for a two count. Luger hooks on the Torture Rack on Styles as Sting brawls with Jarrett by the announce table…but Sting gets his bat and heads into the ring. In FULL VIEW OF THE REF, Sting nails Luger in the midsection several times (which he practically no sells) and Styles rolls up Luger for the pinfall.

Winners: AJ Styles & Sting

After the pinfall occurs, Tenay states: “I guess he CAN compete at this level!” Luger can’t believe it and the heels go after Sting and Jarrett again. Sting nails Luger in the midsection with the bat…and Luger just nonchalantly leaves the ring. In the ring, Styles looks to have the Styles Clash on Jarrett, but Abyss gets into the ring and attacks Styles from behind. Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam on Styles and Jarrett gets on the mic. He calls out Hogan and says that everyone else is taken care of…

As soon as he says that, Raven comes into the ring and trips Jarrett up. The Red Shirts come from behind and Jarrett starts beating Raven down as Abyss beats Styles down…and the show is over.

My Opinion: I understood what they were trying to do…but they did it a couple of months too late. Trying to elevate AJ Styles to “that level” should have been done prior to his NWA Title victory, so it would mean a hell of a lot more. Tenay saying that he guesses Styles “CAN compete at this level” completely shitted on Styles’ previous reign. The way I see it, you can only win a World Title if you’re at that level, so why are people second guessing him now?

Anyway, Luger moves slower than molasses now and was brought in just for name value. I doubt he has much of it now anyway. Not only that, but Styles needed Luger to be hit in the midsection with Sting’s bat several times before he could land the pinfall. How exactly is that supposed to be giving Styles the rub? If that’s the case, Sting might as well have done all of the work, taken both Luger and Jarrett out and tagged Styles in to get the pin. It would have accomplished the same thing. It’s a shame that one of Sting’s appearances was wasted on this. *1/4.

Overall: I found the show to be relatively decent, with nothing completely outstanding. That has been the trend as of late, with more emphasis on angles than wrestling. I’m absolutely loving the CM Punk/Raven angle as it’s progressing currently and the tag title situation. The X Division needs work in a few areas. Hopefully, whoever makes it to Michael Shane wins the X Title…although having “X” win the X title would be counter productive. Dutt would be a good candidate for it and Sabin has a built in feud with X when he comes back. The Low-Ki/Chris Daniels match was good and the best match TNA has had in the past few weeks. It’s a shame that Low-Ki bounces around so much or else TNA would probably put him in some decent storylines which would pay off with good wrestling.

Operation Give AJ Styles The Rub hasn’t been working to perfection, but at least they’re trying. He needs clean victories over top guys in order to accomplish this correctly. Getting the pinfall off of foreign objects and interference isn’t going to cut it.

Next week should be interesting with the X Triple Threat and Styles now seemingly moving towards a program with Abyss. Styles needs a clean win over Abyss in order to truly establish himself, although I have the feeling that Abyss will be protected at all costs. Raven’s program will eventually lead into another Jarrett title shot, but I have a feeling he’ll be getting the short end of that stick again. Then again, who knows. TNA has surprised us before.

‘Til Next Week,


Damian Gonzalez has not yet filed one of these mini-bios.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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