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Stalling for Hogan
December 1, 2003

by Damian Gonzalez


For those of you who didn’t read my Raw Diatribe this past week, I was having some cable problems last week, so I was unable to order the November 19th TNA show, hence, no Diatribe for that one. As for why this is being posted on a Sunday, well…Thanksgiving was just a few days ago, so combine that with some well timed laziness and here you go.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, mine was pretty unmemorable, which is just another way of saying that it was incredibly boring. So can you guys do ME a favor? Send in your most humorous Thanksgiving experiences to either [email protected] or [email protected] and cheer me up. I’ll even put them in next week’s Diatribe’s if they’re good for a laugh.

Anyway, I’m behind a week since I missed last week’s show, so bear with me.

Let’s hit the recap!

No FBI warning intro this week as my tape started recording a minute late. The Gods are against me.

We start with the usual video recap of last week’s show, which helps me immensely. AJ Styles defeated Abyss with a roll up, but was attacked by Jeff Jarrett at the top of the ramp, leading to a big beatdown. Dusty Rhodes came down for the save with a leather strap in his hand and challenged Jarrett to a lumberjack strap match for tonight.

After the video recap, Scott Hudson is outside with Jimmy Hart, who’s got some leather straps in his hands. For tonight’s main event, dubbed a “Fan’s Revenge Strap Match”, 9 lucky fans (probably plants) will be chosen to be at ringside with the leather straps along with Jimmy Hart to put some rawhide onto Jarrett.

Jimmy introduces Dusty Rhodes, who pumps the crowd up a bit more before we hit the intro.

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits and the NWA World Champion comes down to the ring with Don Callis and Red Shirt Security members Kevin Northcutt and Legend (who was made a Red Shirt last week, apparently). Jarrett gets on the microphone, punks out the announcers and gets into the ring to cut a promo.

He talks the usual trash about Hogan, recapping their feud before claiming that he’s given up on facing the Hulkster, since he’s never showed up in TNA to get his revenge. He asks the crowd to stand up for a moment of silence and asks for a 10 bell salute. A graphic is shown on the screen reading “Hulk Hogan – Career 1978-2003” with a picture of Hogan from Japan.

The 10 bell salute begins (very faintly, btw) but Jarrett cuts it off and says that Hogan doesn’t deserve it. He switches his attention to tonight and Dusty Rhodes and promises to beat him tonight. He then addresses the entire TNA locker room and says that they have a decision to make, whether to be with Jarrett or against him.

Erik Watts’ music hits and the Director of Authority steps out of the back with THE STICK~! Jarrett cuts off Watts before he’s even able to speak and demands that Watts leave now, since Callis truly runs TNA. Watts then retorts by stating that it was his decisions and deals that brought Jimmy Hart, Rick Steiner and Sting to TNA. Watts then reminds Jarrett that it was his match making that made next week’s title rematch between AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett possible.

Jarrett tells Watts that he’s not smart enough to make decisions like that on his own, so he wants to know who he’s been talking to. Watts responds by bringing up Bash at the Beach 2000 again and he’s attacked from behind by Abyss. Abyss sends him into the ring where he’s beat down by Jarrett and the Red Shirt Security. AJ Styles, Raven and America’s Most Wanted come running down to make the save and the heels go running off scurrying. Goldylocks jumps into the ring to check on Erik Watts as this segment comes to a close.

My Two Cents: This ran way too long as almost nothing was accomplished. The faux 10 bell salute to Hogan was a decent way of trying to get heat on Jarrett while reminding the fans that he is indeed still technically feuding with Hogan, but in my opinion, it cheapens what a 10 bell salute means. With all of the deaths that have taken place in wrestling this year, most recently Crash Holly and Moondog Spot, I found it to be rather disrespectful.

Also, what was the point of Erik Watts coming down to begin with? He said nothing new, traded some poor insults with Jarrett and ultimately got beat down. The only thing that intrigues me at all is the possibility of Watts’ listening to someone else to make his decisions…although I have a feeling if this angle ever comes to fruition, it’ll end up being Vince Russo as the mystery authority figure.

Scott Hudson is in the back with Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger, Glenn Gilberti and David Young. Tonight, they’re going to be facing 3 Live Kru in a six man tag with the tag titles on the line. Last week, the titles were held up (AGAIN) after a double pin occurred during the match between the two teams.

Diamond and Swinger actually do all the talking during this interview, with Diamond addressing the fact that they have to wrestle for the belts they never really lost. Swinger addresses America’s Most Wanted (completely looking past 3LK) and reminding them that at one point, they were begging Simon & Swinger to stop whipping them. Nice bit of continuity by Swinger there. I’m starting to get the feeling that TNA is building towards a Diamond & Swinger vs. AMW Steel Cage match for the tag straps at their big Sunday PPV, which has been rescheduled for sometime in early 2004.

We head to the ring for our first match…

Kid Kash vs. Low-Ki

Match Background: I’ll be honest, I have no idea why these two are battling. As far as I knew, Low-Ki was only supposed to be in TNA for a few weeks before heading back to Japan again. These two don’t have any history in TNA.

The Match: Kash comes down to the ring with a sign that reads “I Fear No Man, Especially Don Harris”. So I guess they’re feuding now. Damn…I hate missing a week, I feel so lost. According to Tenay and West, Don Harris confronted Kid Kash last week, but didn’t give a reason why.

Christopher Daniels is at the announce booth doing commentary for this match.

The match starts out with ‘Ki & Kash locking up, trading armbars as Daniels states on commentary that he’s looking for the X Title. ‘Ki kicks out of a wrist lock and Kash backs off. Both men work the mat against each other, with Low-Ki gaining the advantage with a hard kick. Kash knocks ‘Ki down, but he kips up and lands a kick to the midsection, causing Kash to bail out of the ring. Meanwhile, Daniels complains about the lack of buzz surrounding him, even though he pinned Low-Ki two weeks ago.

Kash gets on the apron and tries to sunset flip Low-Ki to get back into the ring, but ‘Ki blocks it and nails him with a kick to the chest for a two count. Low-Ki hits the MUTA ELBOW~! for a two count before connecting with a STIFF kick for a second pinfall attempt. ‘Ki gets a double underhook bridging suplex on Kash for another nearfall, but Kash responds with a unique neckbreaker of sorts for a nearfall of his own. Kash hooks on a full nelson, targeting the back and neck of Low-Ki before following that up with an airplane spin drop.

They begin trading chops in the middle of the ring, but ‘Ki gets the clear advantage with some rapid fire chops and hooks on a submission hold. ‘Ki springs off the ropes with a kick for another pinfall attempt, getting only two. Kash counters Low-Ki’s cartwheel kick in the corner and immediately follows it up with a top rope moonsault for a nearfall. Low-Ki rolls up Kid Kash for a two count, but Kash kicks out, and leaps off of the top rope onto his opponent, hitting a rana for another near fall. Kash looks to set up the Money Maker, but Low-Ki has it scouted. He hits the cartwheel kick in the corner and perches Kash on the top rope. ‘Ki heads to the top with him, but Kash blocks it and goes for a top rope powerbomb! Low-Ki takes a page out of Kid Kash’s book and counters it in mid air with a hurancanrana and both men are down! Kash rolls to the outside and ‘Ki follows him out, but gets distracted when he looks at his former Triple X tag partner at the announce table. Kash shoves Low-Ki into Chris Daniels as they mouthed off at each other, causing some tension. ‘Ki sends Kash back into the ring and Daniels does the same to Low-Ki. ‘Ki turns around to look at Daniels and gets rolled up by Kash who holds onto the tights for the pinfall.

Winner: Kid Kash

After the match, Daniels and Low-Ki get into a shoving match at ringside as Kash walks up with the ramp with his anti-Don Harris sign. As he mugs for the camera, Don Harris appears from behind Kash. Kash turns around and Harris rips his sign apart…so Kash slaps him in the face. Kash runs away and Harris gives chase all over the arena until both men are out of view.

My Opinion: This was slightly disappointing, considering who was in the ring. While the spots might have been impressive, there was a hell of a lot of stalling by Kash and there seemed to be an unusual lack of intensity by ‘Ki. Of course, the finish was also cheap, so that also distracts from the match, but I’m sure that the eventual rematch between Chris Daniels and Low-Ki will be stellar. As for the Kash/Harris program, I have virtually no interest. **

Scott Hudson is in the back with Don Callis, Abyss & The Red Shirts. Don Callis promises that Shark Boy will be hurt tonight as he’ll be facing Abyss…and he’s convinced Abyss that Shark Boy is AJ Styles. Callis and Abyss walk away, leaving Northcutt to cut the most generic promo ever on Raven. The guy fit about 5 clichés into a 30 second promo! Legend doesn’t do much better…

Abyss (w/Don Callis) vs. Shark Boy

Match Background: Poor little Shark Boy is being used as cannon fodder for Abyss. Why? Who knows…he’s small and popular.

The Match: Callis leads Abyss to the ring with a picture of AJ Styles to further motivate him as he gets ready to face SB.

Abyss gets all riled up and charges at Shark Boy, but the small cruiserweight moves out of the way and gets a few right hands in. Shark Boy goes for a cross body off the ropes…but literally bounces off of Abyss in a pretty funny moment. Abyss hooks his hands around Shark Boy’s neck and lifts him up off the ground, but Shark Boy counters with a dropkick and hits a second. He bounces off the ropes, but Abyss catches him and press slams him down. Abyss chops Shark Boy in the corner and works him over with an avalanche on the other side. Abyss hits a side slam and goes for a 2nd rope legdrop, but misses as Shark Boy moves out of the way. Shark Boy gets a clothesline, but Abyss shakes it off and goes for a chokeslam. Shark Boy counters that into a bulldog and follows it up with his face buster. Shark Boy gets some mounted punches in the corner, but Abyss tosses him off. Shark Boy tries a roll up on Abyss…but the big man won’t move, so he bites him on the ass, literally. He rolls up Abyss for 2 and goes for the Dead Sea Drop, but Abyss blocks it and goes for his sit out backbreaker. Shark Boy wriggles free only to get hit with the Black Hole Slam for the win.

Winner: Abyss

After the match, Don Callis gets in Shark Boy’s face as he lies on the mat, only for Shark Boy to get up and grab Callis by the neck. Abyss comes to the rescue and hits his sit out backbreaker on Shark Boy and that comeback is OVER. Callis hands Abyss a table and he sets it up in the ring. Abyss then powerbombs Shark Boy through it as Callis shows him Styles’ picture again.

My Opinion: This was basically a squash, although I was surprised that Shark Boy got as much offense as he did. I heard good things about the Abyss/Styles match from last week, so their rematch should be good. The fact that Abyss is aiming for Styles doesn’t bode well for AJ’s chances of becoming World Champ again next week. 1/2*

In the back, Scott Hudson is with Raven and he asks Raven if he’s concerned about facing the Red Shirts in a handicap match tonight. Raven reminds Scott Hudson that not only did he request the handicap match, but he broke Ryan Wilson’s arm last week. See what happens when you miss a show? Dammit.

Raven then reminds everyone that he took out Jim Mitchell, Vampiro, Slash & Sinn…so the Red Shirts need to be concerned, not him. He says that he’s rather have them both at the same time because that way, he doesn’t have to worry about interference or spend an extra week battling them both. It all comes back to Jeff Jarrett trying to hold down Raven, of course. Raven promises to be the World Champ soon…

CM Punk and Julio approach Raven to talk, but Raven just walks away. Hudson asks them what they’re status is and Julio says that Raven will know exactly how they fell by the end of the night.

X vs. Chris Sabin

Match Background: Three weeks ago, X and Chris Sabin were the last two men in an X Division Battle Royal. X hit Chris Sabin with his finisher, the Package Piledriver, on a steel chair and was able to eliminate him easily. He injured Sabin with the move, forcing Sabin to forfeit his shot at the Triple Chance Tournament to face Michael Shane.

The Match: Chris Sabin comes out to a new Tron video and a remix of his music with “Hail Sabin” added in a few times…effectively ruining his theme for me. I adored his old theme….

A “Hail Sabin” chant starts up as he locks up with X, but gets completely over powered and tosses over the top rope. Sabin quickly comes back in and hits X with two shoulder blocks, but X practically no sells them. X knocks Sabin down and goes for a suplex, but Sabin is able to float over and knock the big man down with a dropkick. Sabin charges, but gets tossed over the top onto the apron where he’s able to slingshot himself back in with a flying head scissors. Sabin tries a monkey flip on X, but he actually cartwheels out of it and hits a Miracle Ecstasy Bomb. Sabin gets up just to get clotheslined and X suplexes him onto the top rope. X comes off the top rope with a legdrop on the prone Sabin…but grazes his head barely.

Sabin fights out of a surfboard stretch, only to get beatdown again. X charges at Sabin, who ducks and X gets stuck on the ropes. Sabin hits a Yakuza kick, sending X to the outside and follows it up with a somersault tope to the outside. Sabin sends X back in and hits a springboard spinning wheel kick for a two count. X gets up and goes for his Package Piledriver, but Sabin is able to block it and rolls through for a two count. X tries to bridge up…but completely blows the spot, so he just straight up powerbombs Sabin instead.

X climbs to the top rope and hits a cannonball off the top, but doesn’t go for the cover. X tosses Sabin to the outside, onto the ramp and hits a backbreaker. X gets back in the ring and gets on the top rope…looking to fly to the outside. He goes for his cannonball, but Sabin misses and X GOES SPLAT ON THE RAMP! OUCH!

That cringe worthy spot gets a MUCH deserved replay as Sabin sends X back into the ring and hits the Cradle Shock for the win!

Winner: Chris Sabin

My Opinion: This was a decent match, although X’s weaknesses were exposed in his first one on one match. His desire to inflict more pain onto Sabin instead of going for the pin cost him and Sabin capitalized for the win. X blew a spot or two during the match, but that bump on the outside was just NUTS so I can forgive the guy for not being able to bridge once. Still, he doesn’t belong in the X Division. *3/4

Scott Hudson is in the crowd…along with Jimmy Hart. Jimmy riles up the crowd and picks a few fans to be Lumberjacks for tonight.

We go now to a video package focusing on Raven and The Gathering, CM Punk and Julio. First, he let them go and turned his back on them, then…he chose Sandman as a partner one week and Erik Watts the next, upsetting Punk and Julio. Backstage, they confront him on his choices and Raven tells him that it was a decision he made to get the job done. For all of you ROH fans, Punk specifically asked “why did you choose that drunk” when he mentioned Sandman.

The package then shows footage of last week’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun match as CM Punk & Julio watched from the monitors while Raven & Sandman broke Ryan Wilson’s arm.

Raven vs. Kevin Northcutt & Legend

Match Background: Ever since Raven made his intentions known to Jeff Jarrett, (fulfilling his “destiny” by winning the NWA World Title) The Red Shirt Security have been in Raven’s path. Raven and Sandman took them on two weeks ago, but interference from Legend brought out Erik Watts. Last week, Raven, Sandman and Erik Watts teamed up to face Northcutt, Wilson and Legend, who was made a Red Shirt member, in a Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match. During the match, Raven and Sandman broke Ryan Wilson’s arm, the worst worker of the three Red Shirts. Afterwards, Raven issued a challenge to Northcutt & Legend for tonight in a Handicap match.

The Match: Raven starts the match out against Legend, who drives him into a corner and puts the boots to him. Legend connects with some right hands, but Raven is able to counter and goes for the Raven Effect immediately. Legend bails to the outside quickly, so Raven hits a pescado to the outside onto both he and Northcutt. Northcutt distracts Raven as Legend is thrown back into the ring, allowing Legend to get up and hit Raven with a big boot for two. Legend connects with a few fist drops and works Raven over in the corner once again. Legend connects with some palm strikes as CM Punk and Julio sit down and watch the match from the top of the ramp.

Northcutt gets a cheap shot in as Legend distracts the ref, allowing Legend to get a two count. Raven fights out of a neck vice, only to get superkicked by Legend for a nearfall. Legend heads to the top, but gets caught ala Flair and press slammed down. Raven gets up and hits a flurry of clotheslines to pop the crowd. Raven goes for a bulldog out of the corner, but Legend shoves him off into a turnbuckle and hits a reverse DDT for two. Legend sets Raven on his knees for a running big boot, but Raven gets up and catches the leg, turning Legend around and hitting the Raven Effect for the win. Actually…it’s an elimination match now, apparently.

Northcutt comes in and hits a big boot on Raven. He clotheslines him repeatedly in the corner, only getting a two count out f it. Northcutt hits a kick to Raven’s face for a two count and connects with some big right hands before Raven is able to connect with a superkick. Raven hurt his leg on the move, but goes for the Raven Effect anyway. Legend comes in to stop it and they doubleteam Raven temporarily.

Legend gets a chair from the outside as Northcutt sets Raven up, but Raven is able to kick the chair back into Legend’s face and low blows Northcutt. Raven grabs the chair and nails both men with it…but turns around into the Black Hole Slam by Abyss! Ring Announcer Jeremy Borash declares the match a No Decision for some stupid reason.

Result: No Decision

After the match, Abyss and Northcutt continue to work over Raven as Don Callis and Legend set up a table at ringside. Punk and Julio come in to help Raven and clothesline Abyss over the top! Don Callis and the Red Shirts have to restrain Abyss as they walk to the back.

My Opinion: This match was a bit confusing as I could have sworn that it was over when Raven pinned Legend. I simply thought they were keeping Northcutt out of the ring for some reason as it was never announced to be any type of elimination match whatsoever. The story here wasn’t the match itself, but what Julio and Punk would do and they were still true to Raven. Don’t worry though, I feel the turn is coming. 3/4 *

We get a video recap of the Triple Chance Tourney to see who’d face Michael Shane for the X Division Title. X won a Battle Royal in order to earn his way into last week’s Triple Threat Match. Sonjay Dutt defeated Chad Collyer to make it into the match while Chris Daniels defeated Low-Ki to earn a spot in the match as well. Last week, Sonjay Dutt earned the shot against Michael Shane after pinning X.

Both Michael Shane and Sonjay Dutt cut pre-taped promos about the upcoming title match. Sonjay Dutt is actually pretty damn good at cutting a babyface promo.

Scott Hudson is with Jimmy Hart again, but this time he’s with some “fans” with straps, who claim to be ready for tonight’s main event. It’s actually pretty amusing as they’re all wearing black T-Shirts that read:

“I SMACKED it RAW…now I want more TNA”.

Michael Shane vs. Sonjay Dutt for the NWA:TNA X Division Title

Match Background: Sonjay Dutt won last week’s Triple Threat match to get a shot at Michael Shane and his X Division Title. This isn’t the first time that they’ve met each other as Dutt faced Michael Shane on October 29th with Michael Shane using the tights to pin the challenger.

The Match: Shane attacks Dutt at the opening bell as Shane Douglas and TRACY~! look on during the match. Shane charges at Dutt in the corner, but Dutt moves out of the way and hits a flying head scissors. Shane and Dutt exchange hiptoss attempts until Dutt hiptosses Shane over the top with the X Champion taking a HARD bump on the floor. Dutt looks for a suicide dive, but Shane stops that with a forearm to the face as Dutt heads towards the air. Shane tries to sunset flip his way back into the ring, but Dutt actually moves out of the way and slides onto the apron himself. Dutt springboards himself with a cross body onto Shane for a two count. Shane regains the advantage by pulling Dutt by his tights into the turnbuckle and putting the boots to him as TRACY~! and Shane Douglas appear at ringside. They’re openly cheering for Sonjay Dutt, practically giving away the fact that Michael Shane is the man they’re supporting.

Shane gets rolled up by Dutt as he’s “distracted” by the New Franchise stable, but he kicks out. Dutt connects with a tilt a whirl DDT on Shane and both men are down. Dutt get aggressive on offense and ends a flurry a Stunner. ONE…TWO…NO! Franchise and my future wife chant “Finish Him Off” at Dutt as he looks to end the match, but Shane is able to get a kick to the midsection and hits a Fisherman’s DDT. ONE…TWO…NO. Shane looks to set up for Sweet Shane Music but Dutt blocks it and hits a version of Sliced Bread #2 for a two count. Dutt heads to the top rope and hits the Hindu Press, but my beloved pulls Dutt off, of course.

TRACY~! gets on the apron and SHOVES the ref’s face into her chest as Michael Shane wraps a chain around his hand and smacks Dutt in the face with it. I don’t blame that ref AT ALL for not wanting to pay attention to the match. Either way, my baby shoves the ref off after the chain shot and Michael Shane covers Dutt for the pinfall.

Winner: Michael Shane

Shane Douglas gets on THE STICK~! and he introduces his new Franchise. “The most beautiful piece, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Traci…with an I”. You mean I’ve been spelling it wrong the whole time!? I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS!

Of course, Michael Shane is the newest member of the New Franchise. God DAMN Traci is mega hot.

My Opinion: Well, we basically wasted the last three weeks of X Division matches to try and put over Michael Shane some more. I swear, this kid has less heat than Randy Orton and almost as big of a push. The kid is so overrated and is seriously hindering the X Division with him on top of it. Not only was the Triple Chance Tourney just to put Shane over some more, but I still can’t believe that they didn’t think we couldn’t see through the Franchise’s plan. The hints were MORE than subtle that Shane was the third member of the new Franchise, yet they continued to drag it out when I could have told you who it was over a month ago. They should have chose Sabin…at least the colors match.

Dutt had a decent match with Shane but once again, it was too short and the interference and cheap finish muddled the ending. Then again, it’s a Michael Shane match, what do you expect? *1/2

We go to Scott Hudson in the back with Dusty Rhodes. Dusty states that he’s tried to support Jeff Jarrett for many months because he represented tradition. But to say that he doesn’t deserve to be in the ring with Jarrett when he was a 3 time NWA World Champion…just disappointed him. Dusty then puts over AJ Styles with some words before Styles himself stands besides Scott Hudson for some comments. He lets Jarrett know that next week, he’ll show him that Jarrett doesn’t deserve to be in the ring with AJ Styles, not the other way around.

A video package is shown concerning the tag title situation. Afterwards, footage from Xplosion is shown where Diamond & Swinger are upset with Gilberti for the tag titles being held up…as they only have one tag title for some reason. What’s the point of them having one belt if the tag strap(s) were held up? Anyway, David Young tries to make some suggestions, but gets bitched out. Young and Gilberti walk away as Swinger tells Diamond that they never should have trusted Gilberti…very, very interesting.

3 Live Kru vs. Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger & Glenn Gilberti for the World Tag Team Titles

Match Background: A few weeks ago, 3LK earned a shot at Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger for the tag straps. Last week, a double pin occurred with two referees getting different angles of the pinfall and each man declaring a different team the winner. Because of this, the titles were held up, so the vacant titles are on the line tonight.

The Match: Now, neither Swinger NOR Diamond have a tag belt with them and this is a SIX MAN tag for the tag straps. Damn, this is confusing.

During the ring introductions, America’s Most Wanted come out and head towards the announce booth to join Tenay and West.

The Truth starts off against Johnny Swinger, with Swinger using his power early, but succumbing to a NICE head scissors by Killings. Konnan comes in and along with B.G., sets up Swinger for a Truth legdrop off the top. Gilberti comes in to face Konnan, who hits his running clothesline on the former Disco Inferno immediately. Meanwhile, Raven and The Gathering are shown in a split screen arguing about answering a challenge laid down by the Red Shirts & Abyss. The Gathering are all for it…but Raven doesn’t want any part of it.

Konnan hits his shitty X-Factor for a broken up two and Swinger comes in and takes over on the 3LK member. The heels use quick tags to work over Konnan in the corner, but Konnan is able to hit a DDT and tag out to B.G. James. B.G hits his Shake Rattle & Roll punches on all three men as well as his Crazy Legs Knee drop fro a broken up two count. He sets Swinger up for the Pumphandle Slam, but gets superkicked by Simon Diamond. James falls to the outside where Gilberti follows to inflict more punishment. James is sent back into the ring with Simon Diamond, but gets a low blow on the former NWA Tag champ and he tags out to Swinger. Swinger cuts James off before he’s able to make a tag and he’s kept in the heels corner as Swinger and Gilberti argue with each other over HOW to double team him. James takes advantage with a double clothesline and Truth is tagged in. He flies across the ring with a flying forearm on Swinger and a dropkick to Diamond. A spinning wheel kick on Gilberti completes it as James comes in for a double team. Konnan comes in and hits the WORST STUNNER EVER on Glenn Gilberti, but gets tossed to the outside. Everyone leaves the ring but Truth and Swinger and Truth hits the axe kick on him! David Young comes running into the ring and nails The Truth with a tennis racket! Swinger covers…ONE…TWO…NO! James Storm pulls the ref out to tell him what happened as Chris Harris spears David Young on the floor! Glenn Gilberti grabs a chair, but gets superkicked by James Storm in the ring! The Truth hits the True Conviction on Swinger in the ring now and the ref goes for the cover…ONE…TWO…THREE!

Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions: 3 Live Kru

After the match, AMW hand 3LK the tag straps.

My Opinion: Why were the titles held up to begin with? Why go through the charade of vacating the tag titles and having a six man tag match for the tag straps (which doesn’t make sense) only for it to be the kind of finish they could have done last week?

Anyway, Konnan was absolutely terrible tonight, but The Truth carried more than his own whenever he was in the ring. The finishing sequence was mighty convoluted, but at least now there’s hopefully some stability in the tag division again after it was JUST getting good a few weeks ago. **

We get a tape of Roddy Piper beating up a work out dummy as he cuts a strange promo about Johnny Cash and being buried in Nashville. He then states that he’s coming soon to TNA now that Vince Russo is gone.

We go to Don West & Mike Tenay for some pimpage.

West pimps the “Babes of TNA Calender”, which I might just pick up if my baby Traci is on there. He pimps the DVD’s and says something about TNA on Demand coming soon to cable systems.

They then run down a preview of next week’s card:

AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Title.

Before they announce any other matches, they send it to the back where Raven has made a decision about the challenge laid down by the Red Shirts & Abyss. He agrees to it…but says that the Gathering will be together again for one night only. He then challenges the winner of next week’s World Title match.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Dusty Rhodes in a “Fans Revenge” Lumberjack Strap Match

Match Background: For months, Dusty Rhodes has been behind Jeff Jarrett because Jarrett stood for tradition. They teamed several times and Dusty was always there for support, even after Jarrett won the World Title by nefarious means. But a few weeks ago, Dusty tried to talk to Jarrett, but Jarrett told him that he wasn’t even worthy to be in the ring with him, let alone challenge him for the World Title. This disrespect has put the two men at odds. Last week, Dusty saved AJ Styles from a beating he was taking at the hands of Jarrett with the help of a leather strap, so tonight’s match is a strap match…with lumberjacks at ringside which are supposedly fans from the Asylum.

The Match: Jimmy Hart is introduced before Dusty with the lumberjacks, who head towards ringside and surround the ring.

Jarrett gets on the microphone and mocks the lumberjacks on the ringside. They lock up with Dusty forcing Jarrett near the ropes, but he retreats because he’s too close to the strap holding lumberjacks. Dusty hits a Bionic Elbow and Jarrett goes to the outside…but rushes back in when he tastes the leather. Dusty whips Jarrett into the ropes and he bails again…only to get whipped again. Dusty tosses Jarrett outside again and now he’s upset as he’s being whipped repeatedly. Jarrett goes to the Dusty’s eyes and works him over in the corner, tossing him to the outside…but the lumberjacks refuse to hurt him.

Jarrett hits some right hands in the corner, but Dusty fights out of it and hits the Flip Flop & Fly, sending Jarrett outside to get whipped again. Dusty grabs a strap and uses it on Jarrett…but Jarrett low blows Dusty, sending him into the ref, knocking him down. Jarrett nails Dusty with a low blow and then steals the referee’s belt to whip Dusty with it. Jimmy Hart gets in the ring and goes after Jarrett, but Don Callis runs in…only to get strapped by Hart. Jarrett takes Jimmy Hart down and looks to go after him but Erik Watts runs in and chokeslams Jeff Jarrett! Watts goes after Callis, but the Red Shirts come in to take care of Watts. The bells rings repeatedly as the Red Shirts go after Dusty and the match is thrown out.

Result: No Contest

AJ Styles comes into the ring and takes care of business on the Red Shirts AND Jarrett as the show comes to a close.

My Opinion: While it might have been a bit amusing to the live crowd, I was pretty bored with this silly match as there was virtually no wrestling and the heat was on the “fans” whipping Jarrett and that’s it. Jarrett seemed to go to the outside often for someone who knew he’d get hit with straps, which didn’t make much sense. Not to mention, there was no winner. DUD

Overall: This was a pretty piss poor show as none of the matches truly stuck out. Jeff Jarrett is clearly stalling while Hogan recuperates from knee surgery and the main events are suffering because of it. The tag title picture is now controversy free for now, but for the titles to be vacated three times in two years does nothing but devalue it. The X Division isn’t faring any better with Michael Shane on top as he hasn’t put on any good matches and the division itself seems to be getting pretty thin. The New Franchise is a good idea, but the execution of Shane’s inclusion wasn’t done well, IMO. Right now, there aren’t ANY angles that I’m interested in except for the Raven/CM Punk angle which should be starting soon, but is being dragged out longer than Eddie and Chavo’s. Hopefully, things will get better soon, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up for the rest of 2003.

‘Til next time,


Damian Gonzalez has not yet filed one of these mini-bios.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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