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Styles vs. Jarrett, Take 2
December 5, 2003

by Daryl Brewer
OnlineOnslaught.com Guest Recapper


Hey, I'm back! Again! Ages and ages ago, I always said that I'd jump back into recapping if I could ever find a way to do it without staying up until 2 in the morning. Well, after buying a satellite PVR only to have the installer tell me that my condo balcony is pointing the wrong damn way (TRASH), Rogers comes out with it's OWN PVR, which I jumped on like a fat kid on a Smartie. SO, since I'm just dying to try this sucker out, YOU get an NWA:TNA recap! It'll be interesting to see how soon after the actual event is over that I'm able to get this out, since I'm recapping as it starts. Pausing live TV rules, rewinding live TV rules, PVR's rule, and my much-long-awaited return to recapping (by pieman) also RULES!

TONIGHT! Kid Kash vs. Low Ki. vs. Chris Daniels!

TONIGHT! Raven & The Gathering vs. The Redshirts and Abyss!

TONIGHT! Jeff Jarrett vs. Joey Styles for the NWA Championship!


TONIGHT!, there better be a MUCH better main event then LAST WEEK!

The FBI (not the group led by Nunzio, either) says don't copy this or DEATH AWAITS!

Here's a recap of last week's highlights - Jarrett declaring Hogan's career over, Hart giving straps to "fans", Jarrett saying everybody's with him or against him (what ELSE would they be?), there's Abyss and The Redshirts beating up Watts, here's America's Most Wanted, Styles, and somebody else making the save, here's the "fans" who surround the ring for the Fans Revenge match, here's the horrible ending to that match, here's ME saying get to THIS week already! Here's Hart saying Styles has a heart, here's Dusty Rhodes looking old and spewing sage wisdom Styles' way.

Jarrett's on the phone (to CRZ) and he finds out that Hart, Hogan, and Rhodes are nowhere to be found tonight. It's a HUGE NIGHT, he says, HUGE NIGHT, HUGE NIGHT! Abyss is there, ready to take out Raven, and it's a HUGE NIGHT!

There's the HOT TNA LOLLYPOP SUCKIN' DANCER and she's...dancing!! There's her breasts! Let's start wrestilng!

KID KASH (Johnson City, TN - 210 lbs) vs. 
LOW KI (Brooklyn, NY - no weight given) vs. 

The winner of this match gets an X Division Title shot and here we go!

Kash charges Ki but he ducks and nails Daniels, chop for Kash, chop for Daniels, another for Kash, thumb to the eye by Daniels. Double whip, double clotheline misses, Ki's double clotheline does not! There's a KICK to Daniel's chest, and another - Kash thend drop Ki with a right. Kash throws Ki to the outside, then follows him out. There's a HUGE right, chop by Ki, Kash, Ki, and there's Daniels with a springboard moonsault off the middle of the top rope which almost gets turned into a DDT by Daniels! Very nice move. Here's a replay of that. Meanwhile, Ki recovers and throws daniels in, and there's a springboard moonsault off the top by Kash! Kash whips Daniels but eats a kick on the rebound, then Kash gets one from Ki. Mongolian chop by Ki on Daniels, chop to Dnaiels, one for Kash, shot to Daniels drops him, spring off the second rope but Kash catches him - inverted atomic drop! Chop by Kash, motions to Daniels, holds him, Daniels charges but Ki kicks him on the way in, there's a twisting enziguir for Kash! Chop to Daniels, whip reversed right into a Downward Spiral - cover, 1, 2, no! Slam by Daniels, to the apron, over-the-top leg drop! Cover, 1, 2, no. Daniels runs Ki into the corner then perches him on top - Kash is limping over and he pulls Daniels off - now Daniels pulls Kash off and THEY shove until Kash catches him with the olde thumb to the eye - Daniels is whipped to teh corner, he tires to jump over Kash but is caught - Daniels trying for the Roll Of The Dice/Test Drive ("Last Rites) but Kash reverses - there's a Saving Grace into a shoulderbreaker! Nice! Armbar by Kash but Ki off the top rope DOUBLE STOMPS RIGHT ON TOP OF KASH! Everybody's down - here's a replay of the stomp. Ki with chops on Daniels, whip is reversed, flying forearm! Kash's clothesline misses - rolling axe kick!! Springboard enziguri on Daniels! Man, Ki's kicks are pretty nasty. Ki puts Daniels backwards on the top rope but Daniels fires off elbows, knocking him off - Kash runs to the corner, springs to teh top - flying head scissors which is almost botched but Ki managed to hang onto the end of it. A few fans think they f'd up - the replay makes it look like they might have,but just a tad. There's a second rope to top rope moonsault (excuse me, "the BME - Best Moonsault Ever") by Daniels onto Kash! Cover, 1, 2, NO! Ki grabs Daniels but is run into the corner - now he's on top, big chop by Daniels, trying for a crucifix powerbomb it looked like but Kash chucks him aside - now Kash going for a superplex but Ki fights off - exchange of chops which Kash loses, now Daniels chops them both - DOUBLE FALL FROM GRACE! Cover, on Kash, 1, 2, no! Cover on Ki, 1, 2, no! Suplex NO Ki with knees to the head in mid-suplex(!!) and he drops to the apron and puts on a Dragon Sleeper over the top rope - Daniels breaks that, kash whips in Daniels, but Daniels backdrops him, Kash lands on the apron - Kash AND Ki are on opposite sides - both spring board, but Daniels rolls out of the way and they clothesline each other in mid-air!! Daniels tries a Lionsault, and misses! Everybody's down! Kash is up at 7, still limping - shot to Ki, chop to Daniels, whip is reversed, clotheline misses - springboard is caught into a bearhug, no he's holding Kash like Jim Neidhart holds somebody for the Hart Attack - Low Ki springs off the second rope, NASTY kick to the head!! Daniels catapults Kash to the outside! Daniels rolls up Ki 1 2 NO! Kick tothe leg by Ki! Daniels ducks a second kick but gets nailed with a third on the way back! Springboard Senton (Tidal Crusher) is ducked, quick takedown Daniels pins FEET ON THE ROPES 1 2 NO! Daniels wanted 3 there, rollup by Ki 1 2 NO! Daniels whips Ki but it's reversed - IRON OCTOPUS! Then he slips down, going for a Tiger Suplex but Danels reverses, STO! Cover, 1, 2, NO! Double underhook, going for the Angel's Wings, he's charged into the corner but doesn't let go! takes him up but Ki goes over the top, KI KRUSHER '99! Cover, 1, 2, 3! (10:34) Ki gets the X Division title shot! But wait, Kash is in the ring with a chair, and he THROWS the chair RIGHT IN THE FACE of Ki! He then holds up a sign saying "I FEAR NO MAN" and "VOTE FOR ME FOR MR. TNA". He limps off, sign in tow. But wait, here's Heavy D Don Harris from the Blackshirts - Kash backs into him - D fakes a slap and Ki ducks and runs off - but D grabs the hair and lays in some rights. He throws him into the ring but kash rolls out at top speed - Kash limp/runs out, Heavy D right behind him! Let's go to Scott Hudson with AJ Styles!

Hudson says Styles has a shot to shut up the critics. Styles says he beat Abyss, and he beat Luger, so Jeff knows he's worthy to compete. Tonight, that heavyweight title will come back to the House Of Styles, back to the Phenominal One, etc.

Last Week, there was a 6-man for the tag team championship(??) which was won by 3 Live Kru (Konnan, Ron Killings, and the BG James, the former Road Dogg). So all three of them are the champs? Here's America's Most Wanted giving them the belts in a sign of respect - don't ask me why. Here's the dancers back, and here comes the Kru. Konnan wants to know where he doggs are at, and odale and stuff, then wants to hear the funk old skool and hands the mic to The Dogg "Alright let's see if y'all remember this one - llllllllllLadies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children Of All Ages, the National Wrestling Alliance proudly brings to you, its new, NWA:TNA TAAAAG TEAM CHAAAMPIONS OF THE WOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLD, THE THREE - LIVE - KRU!" That's my $10 right there. "It's good to remenisce, but let's talk about the present. Hain' these belts means we are in the crosshairs of every tag team back there. Havin' these belts also translates into us havin' more money, and us havin' more money at this time fo the year means our children are gonna have a very merry Christmas! Now then, any of you bitches in the back that think you're man enough to take toys out from under OUR tree, NWA, I see you set 'em up, 3 Live Kru will knock 'em down!" As if on cue, here comes America's Most Wanted - The Wildcat Chris Harris, and The Tennessee Cowboy James Storm. James: "Y'know, I'm gettin' sick of you guys comin' out here every time we come out here with 'your belts'!" AMW want kudos for helping them win the match last week, and they want to know when their title shot is. But now, here comes Jeff Jarrett (??) "You guys are out here are arguing about a tag team title shot when all 5 of ya have a much much MUCh bigger decision to make tonight! And before I give each of you an opporunity to say what's in your head, I just wanna give you a forewarnin' - the magnitude of this decision is immense, because I've got some news - news that's gonna shock the wrestling world - not just the NWA, not just TNA, but shock the entire wrestling world! So guys you got a decision to make - you're either with me, or against me, the choice is yours!" Jarrett steals "jabroni" from The Rock and says it's a yes or no answer as The Wildcat starts to mouth off. They say they used to look up to him and the way he stood up for tradition, but it's sad because in the past few weeks, he's been nothing but a disgrace. "I ain't givin' you a no, I'm givin' you a HELL NO" "I expected that out of a bunch of mid-card tag team wrestlers like you guys." Oh, THAT'S nice. Jarrett appeals to the 3 Live Kru - Jarrett appeals "remember Double J and the Road Dogg? You remember 'With My Baby Tonight? Brian, I want all three of you to make a decision" - but here's Glenn Gilberty and his boys - they say they deserve to be #1 contenders. and Glenn Gilbery and David Young are behind you 110% as are Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger. Diamond doesn't like that - "dont' talk for us! We tried it, and it killed us! You know what, if you don't get with the program, you're going to find out why Simon has a problem!" Man, this is a LOT of talking. Jarrett reminds everybody he's runnin' the show and that Diamond and Swinger makes a decision. OH BUT WE'RE NOT DONE TALKING YET - Here's NWA Director Of Authority Eric Watts - he's in the crowd with Goldilocks in the crowd! "Cut the music! "I came out here to make two decisions - 1, you AMW, you Diamond/Swinger, and you Gilberty/Young, will fight to see who gets a tag team shot next week!" Decision 2 is for Jarrett - and after calling him Jeff "The Jackass" Jarrett. The decision is that Watts will be in Style's corner to be the equalizer to Don Callis. But here's A.J. Styles and he attacks Jarrett! They're seperated by everybody who's out there, but they break through and fight again! Styles is my favorite NWA guy for ENDING THE GAGGLE OF BABBLING - that went FOREVER.

Here's a replay of last week's X-Division Title - Sonjay Dutt is screwed by The Franchise Shane Douglas, and here's the birth of The New Franchise - Douglas, Michael Shane, and Tracy, and nothing is safe, etc. etc.

"Earlier Today" (OH MY GOD SOMEBODY PLEASE WRESTLE, I AM PAYING FOR THIS!), Goldilocks and Traci With An I fight about whose dressing room it is. Tracy says she heard that Eric Watts was let go - Goldy says that's impossible since he runs the company. They continue to argue and I continue to pull out my hair, but Goldy might want to talk to Watts about it. Goldy doesn't believe it.

OH MY GOD ANOTHER INTERVIEW! Sonjay Dutt and Chris Sabin will take on Shane Douglas and Michael Shane TONIGHT - oh REALLY? TONIGHT? WHEN?! MAYBE SOMTIME AFTER THIS ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTERVIEWS! Sonjay wants revenge, blah blah blah! Chris Sabin is now refocused, blah blah blah! Last week was just the beginning, BLAH BLAH BLAH ALRIGHT LET'S GO ALREADY! Sabin wants "Ultimate X 2", which gets Scott's attention.

MICHAEL SHANE and "The Franchise" SHANE DOUGLAS (w/ Traci With An I) vs. SONJAY DUTT and CHRIS SABIN

OMG WRESTLING! Some woman in the stands talks some pretty good smack to Douglas. Dutt and Shane start. Shane with a kick, right, right, chop, right, chokehold on the top rope. Whip, head down, Sonjay kicks it, Snojay runs to the top and almost slips off, standing moonsault barely gets done, cover, 1, no. Armdrag by Dutt. armbarbut Shane punches out and tags Douglas. Armdrag by Dutt, armbar on Douglas, tag to Sabin. he plays to the crowd a bit, lockup, side headlock by Douglas, Sabin whips him off, there's a shoulder block, and another, and another - Shane poses and gets pulled down by Sabin's legs - shoulder block by Sabin! Flying forearm! but Sabin's foot is caught by Tracy - Sabin tries to stomp on her and misses - Shane goes for a cheap shot and misses - Sabin clotheslines him, but then Douglas nails Sabin. There's a cheap shot to Dutt. There's two quick snap suplex, and a stalling suplex by Douglas. there's a rolling neck wrench, and a tag to Shane. Right by Shane, into the corner, whip in, backbreaker and Shane holds him there. Cover, 1, 2, no. Elbow by Shane, right, right, kick by Shane, more rights, they exchange punches and kicks, whip reverses, overhead release suplex by Shane! Cover, 1, 2, no. Douglas puts both his boots up and Shane rams Sabin into them. tag to douglas, quick shot, quick tag back to Shane. Shane takes Sabin into the corner, whip in, charges and catches the boot, throws it down, clothesline misses, enzigui (albeit to his back) by Sabin! Sabin trying to get to the corner is stopped by Shane - back suplex NO he flips over - release German by Sabin!! tag to Douglas he cuts off Sabin but a reverse mule kick gets him free adn ge tags Dutt! Dutt with a high cross body! Quick whip, elbow by Dutt! Dropkick! Elbow to Shane! one to Douglas! To Shane! To Douglas! but Shane thunmbs him in the eye and slows him down! Double whip, double clotheline no, but Sabin double drop kicks both men! Dutt snapmares Douglas, nails Shane to keep him outside, off the ropes, Douglas gorilla presses Dutt and places him on the top corner. Quick right, hooked for the suplex but Dutt fights out - jumping flying elbow!! Cover, 1, 2, Tracy puts Douglas' foot on the rope! Another cover, 1, 2, no! Shane charges from behind but Dutt ducks and nails Douglas to the outside - rollup 1 2 NO! Sabin jumps tothe top but drops down again - the springs over with a twisting cross body attack of some sort! Dutt working on Shane but he gets shoved off - superkick misses, but Traci is on the other top rope, and it's Pie In The Sky By Traci With An I! Tuning up the band - SUPERKICK by Shane! Cover, 1, 2, 3! (8:03) Shane/Douglas win! Double-team on Sabin doesn't work and its' a double DDT by Sabin! he's got them lying beside each other - Dutt springs up onto Sabin's shoudlers and moonsaults off them onto Shane and Douglas! Announcers don't think this is over, and they wonder about Ultimate X 2!

David Young, Glen Gilberti, Siamon Diamond, and Johnny Swinger are backstage. They argue about the exact same things they've ALREADY argued about, thus wasting more of my $10. Diamond and Swinger blame Young for their problems. Gilberti says that if they win tonight, they win, but if Gilberty and Young win, they'll give them their shot! Right Young? "No Glen, that'd be stupid!" Gilberti wants team unity and sorta gets it, but there's dissention in the ranks, kids.

Here's a recap of X's INSANE missed cannonball to the outside from last week. Tenay points out the spot where X landed, then puts the cameraman on the top rope to show what X saw before he jumped, which is a REALLY, REALLY cool idea. Here's the crazy bump at several different speeds. Scott D'Amore, TNA Agent, says he has no regard for his own safety, but if he had connected, he might have killed Chris Sabin. Here's Watts, and tonight, X has Heavy D.

X (no town given, 262 lbs.) vs. HEAVY D (no town OR weight given - this announcer SUCKS! - w/ Chris Vaughn)

X charges right away with forearms and rights - announcers put over the bump from last week very nicely. Whip to the corner by X - charges, avalanche! Another whip, another charge but X eats elbow - clotheline misses, kick to the gut by X. More punches, choke on the rope, off the rope but D backdrops him over the top but X lands on his feet (!) and the fight continues - whip is double reversed and X goes THROUGH the barrier! and then he gets DESTROYED by a chairshot!! D with some weak looking punches and he rolls X in. After this match, ANOTHER INTERVIEW, OH BOY! Harris heads back in but X starts throwing more punches - here's a replay of the chairshot. Side slam by X(!). X heading to the top - top rope legdrop!! Cover, 1, 2, no! Quick kick, X heading up AGAIN, SENTON! Cover, 1, 2, no! Harris with punches but X with a chop to teh throat - kick, double underhook, going fo rthe package piledriver (the X-ecution) but Harris backdrops him. Both exchange lots of punches, Harris gets the upper hand, whip, baaaaaaaaack body drop! Clothesline in the corner! Another to the other corner! And again! A horrible looking boot and Harris is rolling! Goozle - wait, it's Kid Kash on the apron! His right is blocked, Harris nails him, but Kash threw a chain in and X hit him with it! Cover, 1, 2, 3! (4:15) X wins! Chris Vaughn complains. Kash nails him with the chain then chucks him outside, and starts nailing D with the chain - Vaughn is back in and he starts nailing Kash, but Kash catches him with a chairshot and he's down. But now, D is back up and goes to work on Kash - whip but Kash drops to the outside and runs like a scalded dog!

But wait, something's going on in the back! Chris Daniels is kicking the crap out of Low Ki - hes got his head in a chair, and there's a chairshot to that chair!! Daniels grabs a mic and says good luck next week, if you make it to next week, and everybody runs in to break it up!

GLENN GILBERTI and DAVID YOUNG (nothing given) vs. 
JOHNNY SWINGER and SIMON DIAMOND (nothing given) vs.
AMERICA'S MOST WANTED (nothing given - this announcer SUCKS!)

All three teams argue in the ring and AMW ad Diamond and Swinger mix it up - Gilberti and Young says fine, let THEM start. Big brawl on the outside, WIldcat choking diamond out with a cable while the Cowboy is whipped into the barrier. Gilberti and Young just watch the whole thing. Diamond whipped into the barrier and the outside brawl continues. Harris drops Diamond on the barrier. Gilberti and Young still stand there. Cowboy works on Swinger, Wildcat works on Diamond, still nothing from Gilberti and Young. Swinger and Diamond are beat off and Gilberty tries to calm them down, but Harris nails all four of them with a cross body!! There's 3 Live Kru, looking on! The dissension continues, and Gilberti gets into the ring and he'll lock up with The Cowboy. lockup into the corner, held by Diamond, Gilberty charges but Cowboy ducks and Gilberti hits Diamond! Storm whips Gilberti into the corner, there's a clothesline and a tag to Harris. Double beatdown broken up by Diamond and Swinger - then THEY start kicking Gilberty! Young breaks THAT up, adn the four meet on the outside again and try to get on the same page while AMW waits for them. Diamond goes head to ehad with Wildcat - kick by Diamond, off the ropes, clothesline by Harris. Tag to Storm, double whip, double dropkick. Cover, 1, 2, broken by Swinger. Swinger Cowboy drops Swinger, but Young comes in and drops Cowboy. Diamond tags Gilberti, double whip, double clothesline. Cover, 1, 2, no. Gilberti whips harris into the corner - tag to Swinger. Whip, drop toe hold by Swinger, and an elbow by Gilberty. Cover, 1, 2, no! Choke by Swinger. To the corner, tag to Young. Double whip, double flapjack! Cover by Young, 1, 2, no! Big right by Young, snapmare, dropkick to the back of the head. Cover, 1, no. Young tags Diamond. Diamond lays in the boots and tags Gilberti. Double whip, kick to Diamond, another whip by Gilberty, but he eats a flying forearm! Harris is crawling, but to the wrong corner - now he sees Storm and makes the tag! Storm is hitting everybody one at a time, throws Gilberti out, Diamond whip is reverses, Lou Thesz press and punches, Swinger breaks it up, whip, clothesline by Storm! Hart Attack on Swinger by AMW! Cover, 1,2, broken by Gilberti! Storm with lefts on Diamond - whip reversed, Young catches his leg - double downward spiral! Cover, 1, 2, NO! Diamond and Swinger are MAD! Storm fights off both men, whip to Diamond reversed, Young pushes Diamond out of the way and nails Storm with a spinebuster! Swinger doesn't like that and pushes Young, and THEY brawl to the outside! Diamond's clothesline misses Harris - SUPERKICK! Cover, 1, 2, 3!! (8:51) AMW get the title shots! But didn't the wrong guy make the pin? Oh well, they win anyway! 3 Live Kru look on! Let's go backstage with Raven and The Gathering!

Raven SPEAKS: "You would think that I would be frustrated. ou would think that I would be annoyed that Jeff Jarrett continues to put people in my path in order to stop my quest for the NWA World Heavyweight title. But see, I kind of enjoyed it. I enjoyed snapping Ryan Wilson's arm like a twig. I'm gonna enjoy hurting Abyss, Northcutt and Legend tonight. The Gathering - together again! One time only!" The other two say they've got his back. "Quote The Raven, Nevermore."

Here's Last Week's Recap as Raven battled Northcutt and LEgend and Abyss interfrered, so The Gathering backed Raven up. Here's Raven making the 6-man.

KEVIN NORTHCUTT, THE LEGEND, and ABYSS (nothing given) vs. RAVEN, and THE GATHERING (C.M. Punk and Julio Guerrero, nothing given - this announcer SUCKS!)

Northcutt and Julio start. Lockup, rights by Northcutt, clothesline misses, neckbreaker by Julio! Spinning kick! Another one! A spin kick for Legend! armbar, tag to Punk! kick, armbar, thub to the eye by Northcutt! Whip, side slam no flying head scissors! Hurricanrana! Side kick takes down Legend! Punk beating down Northcutt in the corner but Legend nails him from behind. Northcutt whips him into their corner and tags Abyss. Abyss beats down Punk in the corner and distracts the ref while Legend chokes out Punk. Head into the turnbucke, BIG chop. Choke, another chop. Tag to Legend. Shot to teh gut, Punk tries to tag but is blocked, throat thrust by Legend, a few boots, cover, 1, 2, no. Big rigth by Legend, shot to the gut by Punk, tries for the tag but Legend stops him again. Tag to Northcutt - Clothesline into a German suplex! Nice! Northcutt celebrates THEN covers, 1, 2, no! Arm wringer into a chokehold submission hold, Punk reaches for tag a he's too far, he gets to his feet but is thrown down by Northcutt. Arm bar, pumphandle back suplex! Cover, 1, 2, no!! Northcutt is pissed, grabs Punk's leg and eats an enziguri! Tries to tag again but Legend comes in and drops teh elbow. Northcutt nails Punk with clotheslines while holding his head. Charge but Punk moves and Northcutt's shoudler hits the pole! Will Punk make it - YES, TAG TO RAVEN! Rights to Northcutt, Legend, Northcutt, Legend, whip to the corner, clothesline, combination dropkick/bulldog on both men! Abyss is in, right, right, right, two 360 spinning clotheslines by Raven drop him!! Superkick by Raven on Abyss! Julio cross bodies both Redshirts, takens them out! KICK WHAM RAVEN EFFECT on Abyss!! Cover, but the ref is on the outside!! Callis is in with a chair but Raven catches him - he grabs the chair but Abyss spears Raven right through the chair!! Cover by Abyss, 1, 2, 3!! (6:45) Abyss pins Raven!! Everybody else is down on the outsdie - Abyss keeps beating down Raven but The Gathering get back in and double dropkick Abyss to the outside! The redshirts are in and THEY are dispersed by The Gathering but Abyss is back in - Double Goozle, double chokeslam!! Play his music! More beatings for Raven - and Callis produces handcuffs! Whip - Black Hole Slam!! Legend choking out Raven who is OUT! Gathering come back in with chairs and clear everybody out!

Last week, we heard from Piper. This week, we hear from Piper again, who is wearing the exact same outfit as he did LAST week, and he is STILL beating up that dummy. He really DOES have nothing else to do! He's bringing backup, and you'll be surprised at who it is. The power of living, the power of life, blah blah blah - he'll be back December 10th, next week!

Announcers hype Roddy's appearance next week, go to nwatna.com to vote for the year end awards! Also, buy their DVD! Also, they're on Video On Demand! They hype next week X Division championship and Kash/Harris, and the tag titles. It's time for the main event, but here's a video history of Jarrett and Styles. Jarrett cuts a good promo, as does Styles.

Tale of the Tape shows Jarrett at 6'1" and 238 lbs, with 17 years as a pro. Styles is 5'11" and 215 lbs, with 4 years as a pro. Plus, for over a year, it's been Jarrett or Styles with the belt. It's a different and more dangerous Jarrett, and will Styles prove to Jarrett that he can compete at this level? Let's find out! More of these are needed all over wrestling TV.

AJ STYLES (Challenger, no town given, 215 lbs., w/Eric Watts) vs. JEFF JARRETT (Champion, Hendersonville, TN - 238 lbs., w/Don Callis and a guitar)

Announcements are made boxing style, even introducing the ref (Andrew Thomas), which is VERY cool but the announcer doesn't mention Styles' home town. WWE needs to have more title matches start this way, however. Refs shows everybody the belt, and there's the bell!

Styles charges, rolling axe kick misses and Jarrett goes outside. Jarrett takes some times, comes back in and is met by Styles adn some rights. Whip but Jarrett hangs on and slips to the outside while the announcers say that Hogan's knee has not responded to treatment and he cannot commit to any dates domestically or internationally. Why mention this during your main event? Jarrett talks to Callis for a bit, then slowly comes back in. Circle, Jarrett says Styles will never compete on his level. Hand lockup, go-behind by Jarrett, powered out by Styles into an armbar, go-behind for a hammerlock, Jarrett treis to get out but can't, then reverses and puts on an armbar. Styles somersaults and goes to nip up but Jarrett DROPS on him and puts on a headlock - that was GREAT. Styles puts a leglock on Jarrett's head but can't hold it and the headlock ensures. Now he gets it on , Jarrett kicks out of it, both men up, side headlock by Styles. Back suplex no Styles flips over and puts on the headlock again. Cinches it in, backdrop by Jarrett NO Styles rolls forward and STILL has the headlock on. Jarret with a right, pushes Styles off teh ropes, Styles slides under Jarrett's legs and puts on the headlock AGAIN! Styles really cinching it in, Jarrett slowly to his feet, elbow, another, whips Styles of, shoulderblock by Styles. Styles runs the ropes over Jarrett, Jarret stands up, says "I got 'im now!" and tries a hiptoss which is blocked, Jarrett puts his leg on Styles' head and backflips, off the ropes, BIG DDT by Styles! Cover, 1, 2, no! "A.J." chant starts up. Styles charges but is backdropped over the top - Styles lands on his feet - Jarrett goes to slingshot himself over but Styles jumps up and NAILS him with a forearm! Jarrett backs into the ropes, Styles leapfrogs, dropkick but Jarrett hangs on and does the JARRETT STRUT but Styles nips up and throws Jarrett over the top! Jarrett starts limping away but Styles comes out and throws some rights. Jarrett fires back with some rights at the top of the ramp. Suplex is blocked, and reversed!! Now they're on the left side of the stage, and Styles throws him over the rail from the stage!! Styles runs and charges for a double axe handle and FLIES RIGHT INTO A CHAIRSHOT!! Announcers say that the ref has to give them the leeway for this type of thing due to the magnatude of the match. Jarrett drops Styles facefirst on an open chair. there's a chairshot to the back! Jarrett mouths off to the ref who wants both guys back in the ring. There's a chairshot to the throat!! Fans chanting "Hogan". Styles is up, and Jarrett drives a chair into Styles' gut! Suplex no, second try no, Jarrett overpowers him and drops him neck-first on the railing! Now he throws Styles over the railing!! Fans are all over Jarrett, and Jarrett talks smack right back to 'em! Jarrett rams Styles into the railing then goes over to yell at Tenay! He brings styles over and rams him into the title belt on the table! Styles starting to fight back with rights and chops, he's going nuts, but Jarrett takes him down and slingshots him into the railing! Jarrett climbs back into the ring and tells the world that he's the man! Styles is still outside, Jarrett still talkin', Jarrett with a SLINGSHOT BODY PRESS OVER THE TOP! It's all Jarrett at this point, and there's MORE smack directed at Tenay! Jarrett rolls Styles back into the ring! Jarrett says that's it! Goin' for The Stroke - no, Styles with rights, whip off, back body drop NO SMALL PACKAGE 1 2 NO, and Jarrett nails Styles with a quick clothesline to re-establish control! Whip by Jarrett reversed - sleeper by Styles but Jarrett pushes him off into the ropes and now it's Jarrett with the sleeper! Dead centre of the ring! Styles fading, but battles back with lefts - Jarret grabs the left, hooks him - snap suplex! Another snap suplex! Another - no, biiiiiiiiiiig stalling suplex!! Jarrett flexes his pipes! He's going to the top! Styles to his feet - Jarrett comes off but Styles catches him with a dropkick to the stomach! Here's a replay of that! Both men down! Now they're up - Jarret's right BLOCKED, right by Styles, Jarrett's right BLOCKED again, right by Styles, clothesline misses, spin kick by Styles! Clothesline! Another! Styles is a HOUSE OF FAHR! Chop, whip is reversed, springboard moonsault off the second rope into an inverted DDT!! Cover, 1, 2, NO! Styles hooks Jarrett for the Styles Clash but Jarrett won't go up - shots to the back - POWERBOMB! Cover, 1, 2, Callis puts Jarrett's foot on the rope! Watts won't have that so he floors Callis! Styles whips Jarrett to the corner, charges but eats elbow, Callis gives Jarrett a guitar, but STYLES KICKS IT AS JARRETT SWINGS - Jarrett is backing off big time now! Styles with rights in the corner, picks up what's left of the guitar and smashes it to the ground - this distracts the ref, Eric Watts is in the ring - chokeslam on Jarrett!! Cover, 1, 2, NOOO!!!! Everybody in the building thought it was over! More rights by Styles, off the ropes, hurricanrana REVERSED INTO A POWERBOMB by Jarrett! Now the Redshirts are out to take out Eric Watts! the Gathering is down to beat THEM up! Callis goes to hit Watts but Watts catches him - they take off, as do the Redshirts and The Gathering - they're all alone but here's Abyss - but AMW comes down and take HIM out! Both men exchanging punches in the ring, Style's kick is caught enziguri - Jarrett ducks and it HITS THE REF! Jarrett going for a Figure 4 SMALL PACKAGE BY STYLES - no ref to count!!! Styles tries to suplex him but Jarrett floats over - he plants Styles on the top rope! Jarrett follows him up, they exchange punches, Jarrett gets pushed off! Styles trying to recover, ref is stirring, wait, Jimmy Hart is out and he rips off his shirt to reveal a ref shirt! Styles springs to the top rope but FALLS OFF but lands on his feet, and instead ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS JARRETT WITH A SUPERKICK! Ho-lee shit, That was INSANE. He positions Jarrett -back to the top - SPRINGBOARD SENTON! Cover, 1.............2.........KID KASH PULLS HIM OUT! Kash has a guitar - he goes to hit Styles but gets kicked in the gut by Styles! Going for the Styles Clash on the guitar, but Jarrett pulls it out! Styles Clash hits on Kash but Jarrett's got the guitar and he NAILS Styles with it! Styles falls like a tree just as the ref is waking up, and Jarrett makes the cover - 1...2...3! (19:27) The champion retains! Jarrett points to his head! Kash motions that Kash is with Jarrett! Jarrett hugs him and they celebrate, and Kash is STILL limping from before. They hug again and celebrate.

Lets go to the back - it's Raven, and he's PISSED. "I'M STILL BREATHING, ABYSS! They say nothing escapes from a Black Hole - I JUST DID! Next week, You and me Abyss! You've already felt it once and I PROMISE you you will feel it again! You will feel what has come to be known as The Raven Effects. I've got two words for ya - Internal Hemmoraging! I think you hear me knockin', I think I'm comin' in! Quoth The Raven, Nevermore!"

And now we're shown all the stations that you can see NWA Xplosion on - Canada isn't among them! TRASH! NWA:TNA logo and THAT'S IT!

Man, it's SO much easier writing a recap with a PVR! And it's only an hour after the show ends that I'm finished! TECHNOLOGY RULES! Not a bad show, either, but the MEGA OVERBOOKING of main event where the ENTIRE ROSTER did run ins to promote next weeks show was wayyyyyy too much. Also, I request that the talking segments and wrestling matches are more easily dispersed (and I request this, of course, because they're going to listen to ME.)


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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