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TNA Monthly Check-Up, plus Detailed
Hard Justice PPV Preview
May 13, 2005

by Jason Longshore
OnlineOnslaught.com's TNA Pinch Hitter


Against all expectations, mine included, Lockdown was a hit for TNA. We learned that AJ Styles is the new #1 contender for the NWA World Title after defeating Abyss, Christopher Daniels is a master of picking apart an opponent as he retained his X Division Title over Elix Skipper, and AMW still hates Canadians as they retained their NWA World Tag Team

Titles. There were many other moments that TNA fans won’t soon forget; it was quite a fun night.

That fun soon came crashing down with the news of Chris Candido’s passing later that week. If you haven’t read Rick’s excellent piece concerning Chris, check it out here. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to watch the April 29th Impact because of Candido’s presence on the show. He helped “his boys” The Naturals regain the NWA World Tag Team Titles in a great match against AMW. Even though he couldn’t do much due to his ankle injury suffered at Lockdown, Candido was the star of the show. It really looked like he was having the time of his life out there. The shots of him after the match were something I won’t forget. Even though I’m sure it was quite the tough decision, TNA did the right thing by airing the show as it was taped. I didn’t know the guy, but judging from Chris’ dedication, I think it’s what he would’ve wanted. My condolences go out to his family, friends, and fans.

Here’s the Impact results since Lockdown…

April 29

Results: Shocker over Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt over Buck Quartermain, Outlaw over Mikey Batts, The Naturals over America’s Most Wanted to win the NWA World Tag Team Titles

Thoughts: Since I already touched on it above, I’ll try to focus just on the show here. Shocker and Petey was good, but too short. I hope this is a short losing streak for Williams; he should be near the top of the X-Division at all times. Sonjay and Quartermain was quite the mix of styles, and they didn’t mix all that smoothly. Outlaw just completely squashed Batts. TNA really needs some new jobbers; it’s a little too obvious when Quartermain or Batts come out what’s going to happen. 3 Live Kru came out to confront Outlaw; they’re still going with the very slow burn on BG/Outlaw. They set up Outlaw and Konnan for next week, which set off celebrations all over the country. Okay, it didn’t, but try to play along. Director of Authority Dusty announced that UFC star Tito Ortiz would be the special referee for Styles/Jarrett at Hard Justice. Anybody else have Ken Shamrock flashbacks? Jarrett cut the same promo he’s been cutting since last summer. Naturals/AMW was excellent, one of the best Impact matches ever. The Naturals were already good (as seen by their feud with AMW last summer), but Candido made them so much better. The last shot of Candido clutching the NWA World Tag Titles was so great, and so hard to watch, all at the same time.

May 6

Results: Abyss over Cassidy Reilly, Shocker over Sonjay Dutt, Konnan over Outlaw by DQ, Chris Sabin over Michael Shane

Thoughts: Abyss is becoming the master of the squash. Cassidy Reilly is becoming the master squashee. If Dustin Rhodes is still supposed to be his mentor, he’s really doing a crappy job. This guy takes a beating every time he gets in the ring. Shocker/Sonjay was good stuff that went nearly to the ten minute time limit. I respect Shocker, but I’m still not completely sold on him. He’s TNA’s version of the Smashing Pumpkins for me. I like some of his work, but I’m still not seeing what the big deal is. Raven returned for everyone’s favorite segment: “Wacky Promo Time.” The line of the segment was Raven saying he’s caused so much pain “that God, Allah, and Buddha can’t keep track.” He also compared Jeff Hardy to Keith Richards. The gist of it was that Raven wanted to like Hardy, but he can’t because Raven’s just a prick. Hey, we all have our reasons. Konnan’s shoe throwing is more over than he is. Outlaw tired of K-Dawg’s antics and blasted him with a chair for the DQ. We got more spooky staring between BG and Outlaw post-match. Tenay had a sit down interview with Jarrett and AJ. Jarrett pulled out promo #37 where he says he’s better than everybody, he’s beaten everybody, he’s earned everything, and AJ hasn’t earned anything. Every time AJ tried to speak, Jarrett just shouted over him. Now, that’s just flat-out rude. I guess we’re supposed to forget that AJ has beaten Jarrett in the past. Shane/Sabin was quite good, that’s two good main events in a row on Impact. Traci and Trinity added a lot to the story, another reason why TNA needs to use their own history more in their storylines. After the match, Shane super kicks Sabin three times with Trinity’s help. Traci gets in the ring to check on Sabin, and the show fades to black teasing that Shane is going to super kick Traci. What a prick…

May 13

Results: Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels wrestled to a time limit draw in an elimination match with Eric Young and Jeff Hardy, Abyss won a 10 man Gauntlet match to win the right to come out last in Hard Justice’s Gauntlet for the Gold

Thoughts: Raven attacked Jeff Hardy during the elimination match to eliminate him. Don West had the worst product plug in recorded history when he threw in a plug for the new Van Zant album during Raven’s beat down of Hardy. There’s times when someone really needs to slap him in the head to knock out those Home Shopping Network flashbacks. They went to commercial with you thinking Skipper had gotten the win, but later clarified that time had run out and Daniels did not lose. The AJ Styles hype video was excellent, they really have to put the title on him after that. The good hype videos continued with a recap of The Naturals/AMW feud, going back to last summer. Very nice touch to include that The Naturals are the only tag team with a winning record over AMW. I think this was done to replace a taped Naturals match with Chris Candido at ringside, TNA did a good job improvising. A Tito Ortiz video was up next. He put over AJ, threatened to kick Ken Shamrock’s ass, vowed Jarrett wouldn’t use the guitar, and said he’d get physically involved if he had to. Since Bobby Roode went out of the Gauntlet match first, he has to enter Sunday’s Gauntlet match first. Ugh, Trytan came back. If the Orlando crowd had their way, Lance Hoyt would be a champion. The final two was Abyss and Hoyt. Their match-up was surprisingly good. I still don’t get the Hoyt love though.

Cue the guillotines, head vices, Spanish Donkeys, and Jack Bauer; it’s time for Hard Justice…

Since one of the best parts of wrestling is ripping off something that works for others, I’m going to continue in that tradition. I have assembled a team of TNA experts to preview and predict this weekend’s PPV. We’ll compare notes back here on Monday with the recap...

NWA World Title Match / Tito Ortiz is Special Referee

AJ became the #1 contender at Lockdown when he defeated Abyss in a great match. On the April 29 Impact, Dusty Rhodes announced that he had signed Tito Ortiz to be the special guest referee for the match. Jeff Jarrett was not pleased. He let us know about this on May 6th during a sit down interview Mike Tenay had with both Jarrett and Styles. That led to the predictable pull apart brawl.

That’s it for the build up for this one. It really doesn’t need much honestly. They are ignoring the past history between these two, this isn’t their first World Title match you know. They’re ignoring it in favor of painting AJ as the underdog babyface against the heel Jarrett.

The OOutlOOk
AJ Styles wins: 4 votes   --|--  Jeff Jarrett wins: 1 vote

Michael T. Ford III Says... AJ Styles d. Jeff Jarrett.
This is like the fourth time these men have gone 1-on-1, but TNA would like you to forget that, (AJ is 2-1, by the way) so instead of telling the story of AJ being the guy who has Jarrett's number, who Jarrett has been trying to hold down, they'll tell the short-sighted and dishonest story of the young upstart challenging the unbeatable (ha!) legend. In a nod to true incompetence, TNA has enlisted the services of a Special Guest Referee, who is ordinarily a welcome addition to rematches, but due to the fact that they are promoting this match like a first-time match, will probably only provide the distraction of a possible screwjob. In a recurring pattern, I will predict, knowing that TNA will do the OPPOSITE of what is logical and productive, yet I will still go with my heart, despite indications to the contrary.
Cory Harris Says... AJ Styles d. Jeff Jarrett.
Jarrett won the belt 11 months ago, and it’s hard to argue against him keeping it a year before losing it next month at (ugh) “Slammiversary.” But this HAS to be the Phenomenal One’s time to shine. He dropped the X-Division belt a few months back, and his #1 contender’s match versus Abyss was the main event last at “Cage Cage Revolution” or whatever the last PPV was called. A loss here would be terrible: there’s not a better candidate for the title, and a rematch next month would just scream “inevitable.” Guest ref Tito Ortiz plays it relatively straight (for someone sharing a name with a Jackson brother), and AJ finally unseats the King of the Mountain after ducking a guitar shot and hitting the Styles Clash.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley Says... AJ Styles d. Jeff Jarrett.
I'm totally flip flopping on this one. Jarrett's been on top too long. He's the most "credible" of the old-timey, WWE castoffs to be the guy to carry the strap, but I think TNA needs a shake up at the top. Jarrett may bring a champion-like edge to the belt, not to mention an long-standing history in TNA, but his routine is getting older than the combined ages of his recent competition. The big problem is, you run into the Hogan/Helmsley paradox... when your gimmick is to be the champ, what the hell do you do with the guy if he isn't the champ? Not my problem. A.J. is almost ready for another shot with the title, but for the love of God, somebody start coaching this kid on the mic. TNA needs to get going with their youth movement and not make the mistakes the WCW did. Mix the young blood with the old blood and get things moving. I think the need to freshen up the top of the mountain that Jarrett's had himself perched upon will override the lack of promo ability found in Styles. Tito Ortiz will most likely be revealed to be in Jarrett's pocket, but Styles will either win after Jarrett gets in Ortiz's face or Ortiz double crosses Jarrett because he respects A.J. Or something like that.
Chris "Lucky" Lopez Says... Jeff Jarrett d. AJ Styles.
Because that’s what he does. I’m of the mind that JJ will lose the title at the 3rd Anniversary show (are they seriously calling it “Slammiversary”?) so Styles gets to lose to Jarrett for the 23rd time. I’m not real sure whom you’d give the title to instead of Jarrett and I’d guess that Styles should be as a good a choice as anyone. So I would expect some move to be made to keep Styles as a legitimate contender. TNA has always been big on multi-challenger main events so the Gauntlet for the Gold’s #1 Contender award doesn’t strike me as a reason to count anyone else out. 

I have no idea how Tito Ortiz should fit into the match, but I wouldn’t bet on it being a big one. Ortiz vs Jarrett doesn’t seem to be the match to main event the next show and Jarrett doesn’t much need another partner/enforcer. Overall his involvement just strikes me as more of TNA’s misplaced attempts at cross promotion and serve as another person for Jarrett to hit with a guitar for his “El Kabong” Highlight Reel.
Jason Longshore Says... AJ Styles d. Jeff Jarrett.
I’ve also been flopping back and forth on this one, but I’m going with what should happen instead of what I’m afraid will happen. I think some of the Jarrett bashing has been a bit unfair, but it is time that he drops the belt. AJ is the perfect guy to be the next champion. It’s obvious that he’s the most popular guy in the company. He can have good matches with anyone. Why wouldn’t you want him as your champion?

Sure, he’s not a true heavyweight. He’s a smaller guy, so what? TNA have always tried to paint themselves as the alternative to WWE. They’ve done a good job in doing that by highlighting the X Division and the Tag Team division. This can be another way to do that. I know AJ has been champion before, but TNA does have a higher profile now. I hope they don’t worry about that in making the decision on who goes over here. 

The fans have already voted AJ “Mr. TNA” every year they’ve done the voting, it’s time to make him World Champion again. 


NWA Tag Team Title Match

The Naturals won the belts in a rare Impact title change on April 29. They’ve been champions before, even defeated AMW for the belts before, but they had fallen on hard times recently. Chris Candido took a liking to them though, and started mentoring the team. He helped “his boys” get the win on Impact and the titles.

For obvious reasons, there hasn’t been much else in the way of building this up on Impact. TNA did air an excellent preview video this week, using the teams’ past history. They’ve had one of the better feuds in TNA history over the years, and Sunday’s match should add to that.

The OOutlOOk
The Naturals win: 5 votes   --|--  AMW wins: 0 votes

Michael T. Ford III Says... The Naturals d. AMW.
Ok, heel tag team with legitimately-injured manager uses said manager to screw over beloved babyface franchise tag team, taking their titles. That's simple enough; add recurring heel tactics until the rematch. Except, the manager DIES two days after the match (the day before the match airs), and now The Interference is the last thing the late heel manager did in a wrestling ring EVER. I'm saying that the heels are now faces, and they CANNOT lose the titles now. The only question is, will the beloved babyface tag team go heel?
Cory Harris Says... The Naturals d. AMW.
While it’s tempting to pick AMW because my real-life brother’s name is Chris, TNA doesn’t really flip flop their tag titles like the WWE tends to do. The Naturals win with a bit of cheating, allowing them to stretch this feud out a little longer. If not, have 3 Live Kru step up to the plate next.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley Says... The Naturals d. AMW.
I'm going against my better judgement and thinking that somehow The Naturals are gonna pull this out, with the help of some new manager/valet. Plus, Candido just died... that's got to get them some sympathy heat. It really sucks that he's gone, because without him, this team is just about as interesting as any of WWE's tag teams, and that's sad. Long haired dudes with swimmer's builds are gonna paste the rednecks with all the dirty cheating that their mentor taught them ho to use and possibly introduce a new partnership, maybe with Jarrett. I think there may be some link there from a PPV or two back. Or whatever. Should be a decent tag match either way.
Chris "Lucky" Lopez Says... The Naturals d. AMW.
I just think the Naturals need to win here. As if Candido’s death wasn’t tragic enough in its own right it also delivers a bit of a blow to the Naturals’ act. They’ve already had their decisive win over AMW to prove themselves in the past but a losing the belts 2 weeks after Candido helped them win them just seems like it would do too much damage to the team. I think the Naturals are good enough to survive on their own but they already have one tag title reign under their belts that led to them being lost in the mix. If TNA wants to make them legitimate they can’t turn this story into “the Naturals can’t win without Candido.” And it probably trivializes Candido’s death too much to just replace him. 

The match should be outstanding. Both teams are great classic teams and entertain me pretty much every time out. And they’ve put on some stellar matches against each other over the last year or so. This match should get as much time as any and TNA has shown faith in AMW so I see no reason why it won’t. Match of the Night if I had to wager.
Jason Longshore Says... The Naturals d. AMW.
Once again, I’ll make it unanimous. I was psyched when I saw that TNA had put these teams against each other again, their feud last summer was one of my all-time favorites in TNA. I’ve been campaigning for a bigger role for The Naturals here for months. The question is, how will the crowd react to them in light of Chris Candido’s death? I don’t know if the crowd will treat them as heels. From all accounts, Douglas and Stevens were pretty tight with Candido and I’m sure it won’t be easy for them in this match. 

I’m not sure what the original plan was, but I hope The Naturals retain here. AMW doesn’t need the win, they’re over regardless. The Naturals need to have the belts for more than a couple of weeks, especially considering what’s happened outside the ring. A loss could really hurt their standing in TNA in my opinion. 


X Division Championship Match

Shocker earned the right to challenge Daniels by winning the X-Division Xscape Match at Lockdown. Since then, he’s claimed wins over Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt. He said that he wanted to prove himself in America after his years in Mexico.

Daniels entertained himself by doing guest commentary on Shocker’s match with Dutt on the May 6 Impact. After Shocker’s win, Daniels started trash talking him at ringside. Shocker was ready for a fight, but Daniels backed off. He then gained a time limit draw in the May 13 elimination match with Elix Skipper, Eric Young, and Jeff Hardy.

Daniels won the belt at Destination X with his win over AJ Styles in the Ultimate X Challenge and defended it last month with a win over Elix Skipper. This will be Shocker’s first attempt at the X Division Title. It will also be the first match between Shocker and Christopher Daniels anywhere.

The OOutlOOk
Chris Daniels wins: 5 votes  -|-  Shocker wins: 0 votes

Michael T. Ford III Says... Christopher Daniels d. Shocker.
You know, it's quite surprising that given the nature of the X Division in TNA, that their aren't more luchadors in the company. The presence of the X Cup guaranteed at least four, but later, only Hector Garza could muster a position, albeit as "Token Latino Superstar," complete with the Spanish Announcer of Ethnic Pandering. (That's the SAEP button on your computer, if you're following at home.) ¡Pobrecito, Hector! The Garza debacle led to the signing of Shocker, who has not connected with fans AT ALL, which is surprising considering how hard TNA has worked to get us to care about the International Superstar who has won COUNTLESS titles all throughout Mexico and is recognized the world over...ok, you may turn off the SAEP button. Hey TNA, if you want to put over a guy's International Star status, you have him come into TNA like Ultimo Dragon, with three cool looking belts, and with a phalanx of press. Why am I talking about Shocker so much? Because he is DEFINITELY doing the job; I can talk about The Fallen Angel next month.
Cory Harris Says... Christopher Daniels d. Shocker.
Can I just say that I love the song “Mama’s Fallen Angel?” No? Okay, back to wrestling. Personally, Shocker really hasn’t impressed me and he’s just the latest in a line of guys that appear one month and are in the title hunt the next. There really is no buildup for this, and Daniels has only had the X Division title for a couple of months. Daniels retains, but helps put Shocker over for a rematch down the line.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley Says... Christopher Daniels d. Shocker.
Shocker is fun to watch at times, other times, he seems completely lost in the ring. His flashy mexican style is a bit unbelievable at times (even in TNA's decidedly "indie" environment) but does help give the product an international flair. With that said, there's no way Daniels doesn't wipe the mat with him. Christopher Daniels is one of the best reasons to check out TNA and his X Division title reign is just getting started. He's got a ton of dickish/cocky personality to hold that belt for as long as he wants and then go after A.J.'s World Title, when that eventually does happen.
Chris "Lucky" Lopez Says... Christopher Daniels d. Shocker.
If Shocker beats Daniels I’ll cry. Seriously. If there is a more pedestrian wrestler in the X Division or WWE’s Cruiserweight division please point him out to me. I am sometimes convinced that TNA takes these mediocre wrestlers like Shocker, Apollo, and Nosawa solely in an attempt to convince Nashville fans that have no exposure to these other styles that these are the best that far away places have to offer in wrestling. I cannot conceive of a single reason to give Shocker an uninteresting and not particularly hyped PPV match for the X Division title except to annoy me. I hate Shocker. 

And I rant because I really have nothing worth saying about this match. Shocker’s not nearly as bad a wrestler as I pretend he is and Daniels is great so I’m sure they’ll have a match ranging between passable and surprisingly good. And again, I can’t imagine Shocker winning. It actually looks like Daniels is getting a good strong push for once and one that’s working. Plus he seems to still have unfinished business with Elix Skipper. Daniels can defeat the Mexican superstar, boast that he’s an international star, and move on to Skipper or someone else. Daniels seems to be the one heel in TNA who doesn’t need to cheat to win a match, but he could still engage in some bending of the rules or excessive force to give an excuse for an altercation with Skipper.
Jason Longshore Says... Christopher Daniels d. Shocker.
I’ll make it unanimous here. I respect Shocker, but I’m still not completely sold on him. He’s TNA’s version of the Smashing Pumpkins for me. I like some of his work, but I’m still not seeing what the big deal is. Daniels is too good right now to take the belt off of him. They definitely won’t bury Shocker, but Daniels will win fairly convincingly. 

The match itself could be great, or ugly, depending on how their styles mesh. I haven’t seen enough of Shocker to say he can adapt to Daniels, but I do believe Daniels will be just fine doing a primarily lucha styled match. I’m leaning towards the good, but not great, rating for my early prediction. It could surprise all of us though. 


20-Man Gauntlet Match to Determine Next #1 Contender

We don’t know all the participants here, TNA loves their surprises. Thus far, they have announced that Ron Killings, Apollo, and Lance Hoyt will be involved. We also learned on Impact this week that Bobby Roode will entering the match first. He was the first eliminated on Impact’s Gauntlet match. Abyss won the right to come out last with his win in that match.

TNA has used the Gauntlet match many times throughout their history. Two men start for two minutes. Every ninety seconds, someone new enters the match. Eliminations occur when someone is thrown over the top rope. However, it becomes a normal match when it gets down to the final two in TNA.

The OOutlOOk
Abyss wins: 2 votes
Monty Brown, Chris Sabin, Ron Killings:: 1 vote each
(No Other Superstars Received Winning Votes)

Michael T. Ford III Says... Monty Brown wins.
As the "big names" trickle out, TNA is left with no new stars made, and bereft of championship options. The main eventers in-waiting have all lost credibility, and as such, The "We Can't Call it the Royal Rumble" Battle Royal Match, is brought into play. Suffice it to say, there's only one REAL option. However, the one thing that TNA has been able to do well is work the smarts. So, we have spent nearly a month speculating on Monty Brown's WWE (OVW?) future, instead of talking about how his character was shat upon by the heel turn and subsequent reposturing as Jarrett's henchman. Victory for TNA, I guess. Surprise, surprise, he returns, Pounces everyone, and The Alpha Male is back in business.
Cory Harris Says... Chris Sabin wins.
As of this writing, I’m not aware of very many participants, and aside from Abyss, none of them are very appealing. And even if I knew all twenty names, this would be a hard one to pick. A win by a heel would almost telegraph an AJ Styles victory in the main event. A face v. face matchup at the next PPV, though, isn’t the best idea either for (I’m hoping) the new champ Styles. Ideally and logically, Monty Brown would be Styles’ first challenger, especially if they’re serious about getting him over as a heel. But he might not even be in the match, so I won’t go with him.

So, I’m going to go out on a limb and pick someone that could be a good foil for both Jarrett and Styles, as well as someone who can bring it in the main event. Chris Sabin enters around number 16 and squeaks out a victory.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley Says... Abyss wins.
Since I'm not at all sure, and it doesn't look like anyone really is, who the hell all is going to be participating, I'll take the safe bet and go with Abyss. He's the biggest name in TNA who isn't in a match right now, so he's an easy choise. Plus, he lost his #1 contender shot to Styles last month and having him get his shot against A.J. would make for a fun return match, or having it against Jarrett would be something fresh. Win/win as far as I can tell. Just for fun, I'll go ahead and pick the final 4: Abyss, Lance Hoyt, Apolo, and Dustin Rhodes (because TNA hates me). Also, Trytan will show up and fill the "big guy that 5 guys have to gang up on to toss over the top" role. Cassidy Riley will be in the ring way longer than he deserves. Don West will ask me "did you see that?!?!" and because of shitty camera work, no, I will not.
Chris "Lucky" Lopez Says... Ron Killings wins.
I absolutely love the Gauntlet match format and I always seem to enjoy these, but I honestly have no idea who would/should win. Looking at the 12 folks actually named for this match Ron Killings and Abyss are the only two with any main event experience, but neither strikes me as the guy to displace Jarrett. I wouldn’t be too surprised to see Chris Sabin propelled up or Apolo given a push for the umpteenth time. And I must admit, I’m having some mild fears of an AMW/Hoyt vs Naturals/Jarrett feud, after all TNA did push Erik Watts (and I think I even supported it on this website). 

But as best as I can tell this #1 Contender should move on to June and Slammiversary (God, that’s bad) so I expect it to be an unnamed wrestler. The participants in the under card all work to fill in these slots and almost all of them have runs at the World Title in the past. And there are players such as Sean Waltman and Dustin Rhodes who could slide into this slot. I honestly wouldn’t be shocked to see a genuine surprise pop up to put a little sizzle on the Anniversary show, but I also wouldn’t be shocked if that surprise was underwhelming. I’ve given up on expecting D’Lo Brown, Low Ki, or Jerry Lynn and it would be stupid to start thinking of names like The Rock, Austin, or Goldberg. But if TNA is looking to make that show a big event I expect one of two things, either a “big name” free agent or a convoluted situation leading to a multi-challenger match. With nothing in mind, Killings seems like as good a choice as any. 
Jason Longshore Says... Abyss wins.
I’m not exactly sure where TNA is headed with the winner of this match. Originally, the word was that the winner was guaranteed to be in the title match at Slammiversary (yeah, that is bad). In their press release about the match this week, TNA backed off of that though. They said that the winner was only guaranteed a future title shot. We know where that got Abyss last time, so we’ll see. 

I’m going with Abyss because I think he can have the best match with whoever comes out of the World Title match later. The fans respect him enough and would get behind him if they choose to keep the belt on Jarrett. We know what Abyss and AJ can do, so that wouldn’t be a problem either. 

A true babyface will make a valiant run through the Gauntlet, only to lose to the fresh man Abyss who’s coming in last. Ron Killings would be a good choice for that. I used to say that he was the most underused guy WWE has had in recent years, he’s starting to challenge for that crown here in TNA as well. The guy just deserves better. Hopefully, his work here will lead to a greater push. 

Lance Hoyt could be the other one for that push. I still don’t understand it, but the crowd loves him in Orlando. His face off with Abyss on Impact this week was much better than I thought it would be. A final four of Abyss, Killings, Hoyt, and Bobby Roode would be just fine. 


Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match

These two fought it out in a tables match last month that was won by Jeff Hardy. The match surpassed most people’s expectations. It was full of crazy moves, good brawling, and some usual Hardy insanity. No, I’m not even talking about his pink body paint.

Raven didn’t take the loss well, as evidenced by his promo on the May 6th edition of Impact. He called himself a human cancer and said that Jeff Hardy stood in the way of his destiny. Raven said that Hardy would be “terminated with extreme prejudice” at Hard Justice. The following week, Raven jumped Hardy during the X-Division elimination match, taking him out of the match in the process.

For those who haven’t followed TNA long, the Clockwork Orange House of Fun match is one of Raven’s concoctions. It’s been done different ways, but it’s primarily a hardcore match. I’m assuming with last month’s overload on cages, this one won’t involve the steel cage, but you never know.

The OOutlOOk
Raven wins: 5 votes   --|--  Jeff Hardy wins: 0 votes

Michael T. Ford III Says... Raven d. Jeff Hardy.
This is part of the Jeff Hardy "I only wrestle gimmick matches, so TNA manufactures blood feuds out of thin air" Series. (I swear, when he and Abyss were feuding, in my mind, I envisioned a Roadrunner/Coyote-style freeze frame with "Monstrus Jobberus" and "Blowspotius Xtremus" as captions beneath the two performers. Raven, or Freakius Loquatius, decided to get funky with Hardy, so now they've decided to face off, in a pure wrestling, technical mat-based grappling and submission contest, aka "Raven's (If we say 'Clockwork Orange' we'll get sued) House of Fun" Match. I'm pretty sure that this feud goes on longer, so look for Raven to grapevine the leg and bridge out of Hardy's Fujiwara Armbar to apply a modified Stretch Muffler with a back neck vice to score the victory, leading to a handshake and a standing ovation.
Cory Harris Says... Raven d. Jeff Hardy.
The only thing enigmatic about Jeff Hardy is how he can afford 49 buckets of body paint every week on a TNA salary. Anyway, he won his tables match against Raven last time. Plus, Raven never seems to win, so he’s due, and I doubt Raven’s idea of “fun” is perpetually jobbing to someone even freakier and more verbose than he is. The finish will involve Jeff Hardy landing a Swanton on a stray kitten, causing him to compose some emoetry and allowing Raven to hit the DDT for the win.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley Says... Raven d. Jeff Hardy.
Hardcore time! This match will be fun for the simple fact that Don West will most likely blow out at least 3 veins in his forehead before the match is half way over. See, that's why Don West rules, he juices the hard way without even getting hit by anything. Anyway, Raven hates Hardy because he's a fruity goth and Raven is a tough goth. People are gonna get bloodied the heck up and girls will squeal for their poor pain-killer addicted, sensitivity-riddled, poet master. Raven's been getting the short end of the stick on matches lately and I think he'll pull out a win here to drive the rusty black nail into the coffin that is this feud.
Chris "Lucky" Lopez Says... Raven d. Jeff Hardy.
I have a hard time imagining Raven losing to Hardy on 2 straight PPVs. In his match and looking for revenge I would expect Raven to get it. I’m actually not nearly as down on Hardy as most are and I think he’s largely done a good job in TNA. Raven and the House of Fun certainly work towards some of Hardy’s better skills. So I’d expect the match to be an entertaining brawl, if nothing else, with a few crazy moments. I definitely think it has a chance to be on the top half of the show in terms of quality matches. 

It being Raven I always expect some sort of mind games and underlings. As best as I know Matt’s not free up yet, so my hopes aren’t quite up there. Raven and Hardy feel like a good mix with me, as their characters just seem to work so well with each other. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see this extend to a 3rd and final match, even if they would have already burned their way through a cage and House of Fun match in the first 2. And if I’m TNA I’m doing anything to get M. Hardy in here and have Raven play one against the other (whether that means partnered with Matt or manipulating Jeff). If I’m TNA I send any old masked CW out to hit a Twist of Fate and let Raven smile maliciously. Then he can taunt and mess with Jeff for a few weeks even if Matt doesn’t show.
Jason Longshore Says... Raven d. Jeff Hardy.
To a large degree, I agree with Chris on this one. There’s no good to come out of Raven jobbing out to Hardy for a second time on PPV. I can guarantee that someone will bleed, someone will blow a spot (or two), someone will take a crazy bump (or three), and someone will wear a ridiculous amount of stupid body paint to ring. While I don’t think they can top the insanity of the first Clockwork Orange House of Fun match with Raven v. Sandman and Kevin Sullivan as the special referee, it should be entertaining nonetheless. Raven will win, but it shouldn’t end the feud. I’d love to see it stretch out until Matt can come help out his emo-addicted brother. The promos alone between Scrabble champions Raven and Matt Hardy would be worth it. 



This was also announced late in the week, but we do have some predictions and a story here. The match is a spill over from the Lethal Lockdown match last month. They subtracted Jarrett and Waltman, and decided to have these four go at it again. This time though, it’s without the weapons. Isn’t that backwards from tradition?

There are some interesting under currents between these four though. DDP and Monty Brown have unresolved issues stemming from Monty’s heel turn at Destination X in March that cost DDP the NWA World Title. Brown has allied himself with Jeff Jarrett and his buddy Outlaw. There’s been tension between James and Outlaw since Outlaw showed up to help Jarrett against Kevin Nash at Against All Odds in February. Outlaw has been talking with James backstage at times, which has caused dissention between James and the 3 Live Kru. Every time James has had a chance to attack Outlaw, most notably in the Lethal Lockdown match, he’s backed off. Could it all be a set up to reunite the New Age Outlaws?

The OOutlOOk
Brown/Outlaw win: 3 votes
DDP/James win: 2 votes

Michael T. Ford III Says... DDP/James d. Brown/Outlaw.
The story here is obviously the interaction between BG James and The Outlaw, but given the lack of involvement of Konnan or Ron Killings, their turmoil won't figure into the finish. I predict that heel miscommunication costs Brown and Outlaw the duke, as a way of keeping DDP strong.
Cory Harris Says... Brown/Outlaw d. DDP/James.
If they’re going to run with “The Alpha Male” and “The Alpha Ass” as legitimate heels, they need to give them some wins. Thankfully, DDP and BG James can job with the best of ‘em. Look for Brown to hit 14 Pounces, including one to the referee and Don “Gem Mint 10” West, allowing The One to cover BG James for the win. I imagine they’re trying to set up for singles matches between DDP/Brown and James/Asslaw (an always delicious side dish!). By the way, The Outlaw is my favorite wrestler. OMG BILLY~!
Brad "angstboy" Smoley Says... Brown/Outlaw d. DDP/James.
Um... huh? Where did this come from? They didn't want to pull the trigger on James v Gunn just yet I suppose, but I wasn't aware that Brown & DDP still had a thing going on. Maybe they'll cover it in the Impact episode I have yet to see, this week's episode to be exact, check your local listings! I can't see the faces going over in this situation, each feud, especially the Dogg/Billy one, need individual resolution and i don't see much being gained by DDP and BG getting the win. Then again, that's probably exactly what will happen. Meh, I'm sticking with my original though, simply because i don't give a crap about this match, even though it'll probably be surprisingly fun.
Chris "Lucky" Lopez Says... DDP/James d. Brown/Outlaw.
This doesn’t seem to be the time to make a move on the whole James/Outlaw/3LK storyline so I’d expect any turns or swerves in that to be pushed off till the June show when they can put together some kind of one-on-one or tag match. This just seems to be a place setter to keep the story going and give Page and Brown a little showcasing (all while covering for the fact that 3 weeks didn’t allow much time for storytelling). I’d expect the basics. Konnan and Killings will be suspicious of the Outlaw/James relationship. I imagine that Page and James triumph just because of some more of the Outlaw trying to avoid a confrontation. Then I expect absolutely nothing to happen.
Jason Longshore Says... Brown/Outlaw d. DDP/James.
I’m not completely sure what they have in mind with the BG James/Outlaw storyline. The slow burn has been fine, but we have to start having some things happen soon. I think James will avoid all contact with Outlaw here. DDP will have Outlaw set up for a move, James will be too slow to take advantage, Outlaw will get out of the way, and James will “accidentally” help Brown/Outlaw pin DDP. Tenay and West will then question James’ actions for the rest of the night. 



TNA sure knows how to make it damn hard to do a proper preview when they wait until two days before the event to announce the final card. The show will kick off with a Shark Boy v. David Young match on the pre-show, which should be a fun opener. Young is too talented for this role though, I hope they can get him involved in something more substantial soon. And, you can’t ever be upset with Shark Boy getting involved.

Team Canada v. Sonny Siaki/Apollo is un-important match numero uno. Their paths haven’t crossed since Siaki and Apollo became a team, this match has just been thrown together. I guess it can flesh out the tag team ranks a little bit. If that’s the case, I’m really hoping this will be a vehicle to begin rebuilding Team Canada. They’ve been doing a lot of jobs lately, both in singles and tag action, and need to start getting some wins. Coach D’Amore, we want some clean wins while we’re at it. At least, some not involving you running in with a hockey stick would be a nice start.

The other match is one that most TNA fans could see coming. It’s going to be Michael Shane/Trinity v. Chris Sabin/Traci. This should have been announced and publicized in advance, it could be one of the top matches on the show. We all know what Shane and Sabin can do, throw in a little storyline, and you just might have something interesting.

Trinity, in her goal to piss off Traci as much as possible, started coming to ringside with Michael Shane. Traci used to be Shane’s valet back in the New Franchise and Shane/Frankie Kazarian days. Trinity got involved in the X-Division Xscape match at Lockdown, even doing a moonsault off the top of the cage to try to help Shane get the win. It didn’t work, and she ended up eating a clothesline from a furious Traci for her troubles. Shane and Sabin had a singles match this month on Impact, with Trinity and Traci in their respective man’s corner. Sabin got the win, got super kicked repeatedly afterwards, and the show ended with a tease of Traci eating a super kick as well.

Sabin and Shane will bring the goods, and Trinity and Traci could be a pleasant surprise in the ring. We’ve seen Trinity get physically involved before, she even had a solid match with Kid Kash back in the day. Traci hasn’t been involved in a match in TNA before, but she hasn’t been afraid to take a crazy bump. I haven’t seen her indy work, but I’ve heard many good things. I’m looking forward to it. As for a prediction, Traci will get the better of Trinity here, but Shane will get the win. Hopefully, this feud will continue on.

We all hope you enjoyed the new format. I’ll be back on Monday with a recap. Enjoy the show…


Jason Longshore has not yet filed one of these mini-bios.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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