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Bound For Glory PPV Preview
October 21, 2005

Compiled by Jason Longshore
and Featuring Appearances by the OO Forums TNA Posse


October has been quite a month for TNA already. They kicked off the Spike TV era with the debut of Impact. The ratings have been steady over three weeks and the network is pleased. They’re so pleased that they’re giving TNA a prime time special on November 3. Maybe Spike has found another way to improve their ratings 

after the departure of WWE instead of paying tens of millions for the Star Wars movies.

But before all of that, TNA will be delivering Bound for Glory this Sunday night. This is TNA’s big one, their Wrestlemania, if you will (Sorry, I keep forgetting Dusty doesn’t work here anymore). While the World Title match isn’t exactly scintillating, the rest of the card definitely makes up for it. I’m even going to go out on a limb and say that Jarrett and Nash will not suck and could be quite entertaining. I’m not going very far out on that limb though.

The nice thing is that while it’s hard to motivate the WWE PPV crew, the TNA crew is fairly psyched for Sunday. While there have been some disappointments along the way, at least none of us have resorted to AIM conversations to make picks. In fact, we have newcomers beating down at the door to join us. Welcome Blackdragon of OO Forums fame to the family this month, we’ll see if he can keep up with the rest of us. We’ll compare percentages after Sunday night and see.

NWA Title Match with Special Referee Chico Ortiz

Jarrett regained the World Title from Raven at a Canadian house show with the aid of America's Most Wanted and Scott D'Amore. On Impact's Spike TV debut, Jarrett did what he does best lately. He talked. This will be his first title defense. Nash returned to TNA on that Impact debut. He came out after Team 3-D showed up, gave Jarrett a Jackknife, and said he's challenging for the title. Larry Zybysko made the match official the following week, and also announced that Tito Ortiz would be returning as the special guest referee. 

If you remember, Ortiz was the ref when Jarrett lost the title to AJ Styles at Hard Justice. Tito had made it very clear that he wasn't going to put up with Jarrett's usual shenanigans and proved it by decking him after Jeff tried to bring his trusty gee-tar into the match. On Impact, Ortiz again told us that he would be the man in charge and would physically impose his will on anyone who tried to challenge him. He broke up a brawl between Nash and Jarrett by trying to choke out Nash and nearly tossing Jarrett out of the ring. He will be physically involved here as well, somehow. 

These two did face off for the NWA World Title once before, at the the Against All Odds PPV in February. It was actually a very good match, definitely the biggest surprise of the night. 

The OOutlOOk
Jarrett wins: 6 votes   --|-- Nash wins: 0 votes

Black "blackdragon" Dragon says... Jarrett d. Nash.
This classic encounter looks to be our main event seeing as they usually bust out the special guest referee of total unbias-ness for main events. I don’t mind Jarrett and for some perverse reason I still enjoy Big Sexy, but this is one of those World Title matches you can afford to have because you have so many other matches of the X persuasion to make people forget that Nash is one brisk paced entrance walk from tearing his quad and though a better wrestler than people give him credit for, I don’t see what Jarrett could do with Nash outside of a lengthy “work the leg” session. So I pick Jarrett win because if Nash was telling the truth in his latest interview, he needs to step aside for an actual TNA talent to take the belt. Jarrett has ready made feuds with Raven and Monty, either of which would make for entertaining feuds and future champions. I predict a Tito Ortiz heel turn, because damn it, it’s the American way. 
Michael T. "madiq" Ford says... Jarrett d. Nash.
There's no way in hell that Nash wins this match. By all rights, Big Lazy shouldn't be wrestling in the main event, but "Nameless Network Executives" (I suspect Palmer Cannon) have decided that TNA needs a name that "tests well" in its main event. Personally, I'd have asked the Alpha Male to change his name to "Monty Goldberg," or asked Raven to put "That's So" in front of his name to attract the Disney crowd. But anyway, look for Shenanighans and Tomfoolery to return from their summer hiatus to intrude upon this match. 

BFG = Brace For Guitars

Cory "borntorun" Harris says... Jarrett d. Nash.
Urgh. I’m sure I’m not the only person who is saying that this isn’t exactly the “Big Time PPV” matchup that TNA should have presented. Now, I’m not really a Nash-hater; he’s one of my favorite big men. But Jarrett regaining the belt still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, mostly because Raven never got a fair shake at it. This really should be Raven’s match. Oh, well. This one should have plenty of interference from the heel and face sides, and Nash should probably be able to powerbomb everyone until he gets clocked with a guitar for the loss. Monty Brown will come out to make his presence known and add fuel to the next feud.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley says... Jarrett d. Nash.
Jarrett gets help from Gail Kim, AMW, Team Canada and maybe some new debuting superstar. He'll smash a guitar on someone's head. He'll also escape with the title, maybe by DQ. Nah, he'll win it "clean" just to irk me. Raven will try to interfere as well. Tito Ortiz will look completely out of place until the end of the match when he remembers what he's supposed to do at the finish. Two words: "cluster fuck." This better not be the main event. 
Chris "Lucky" Lopez says... Jarrett d. Nash.
Jarrett wins the title a couple of weeks before Impact’s Spike debut off TV. Spike TV draws good ratings and acceptable reviews with Jarrett as champion leading the heels. Why give the title to Nash? He seems to be very happy playing TNA’s spokesman but that’s probably not enough for a championship win. A Nash victory just means a rematch with Jarrett and while TNA might have thought that Nash could help give them some marketable name power on their first Spike era PPV I can’t imagine they feel they need him to carry their main event for 2 in a row. Jarrett wins and we’ve got Monty Brown right there with Raven running around directionless. Plus anyone such as Charlie Haas that you might be inclined to bring in. So JJ wins. I think. I’m also guessing that Ortiz doesn’t really have a world of worth to TNA outside some sense of synergy with Spike and UFC. I’m not even sure I remember what he did last time he played this role. 
Jason "JLRuckus" Longshore says... Jarrett d. Nash.
There's no way that JJ is going to drop the belt to Nash. Why would you want to do that? I'm sure there are some old school Nash fans out there who will be checking this show out. That's only if they can put the case of Twinkies down and get their new acid washed jeans. But anyway... I can't complain too much about Nash being involved. He does have some name value and has been a big part of TNA's promotion of the PPV. His last match with Jarrett was also a very good brawl, so hopefully they can repeat a good bit of that one. 

Now the question is, how will Jarrett win? You just know that Jarrett's new cronies will be involved somehow. AMW, Gail Kim, and/or Team Canada will have to be involved in some way. That also opens the door for the return of Team 3-D to get some revenge for the beating and mock funeral. The wildcard here is Raven. He's only been seen on Impact ranting and raving about getting screwed out of the title by Jarrett, AMW, and D'Amore. He's also specifically complained about Nash getting this title shot. I have a feeling he'll show up here too and play a part in the finish. It should be a brawl with lots of crazy run-ins and could be good fun. 


30 Minute IronMan Match for the X Division Title

We have another rematch from Against All Odds as AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels face off in Iron Man 2. That meeting ended up with AJ winning in overtime after Daniels wasn't able to make AJ submit at the end of regulation. The shot of blood spurting out of AJ's head while trapped in the Koji Clutch was one of the best all-time TNA visuals. 

The following month, Daniels stole the X Division title from AJ in the Ultimate X Challenge. AJ pulled the belt down, but the referee was out. Daniels hit the Angel's Wings on Styles, took the belt, and ref declared him the winner when he came to his senses. AJ went on another run in the World Title scene while Daniels dominated the X Division throughout the Summer. Styles reclaimed the X Division title last month in the excellent triple threat match also involving Samoa Joe. 

The OOutlOOk
AJ Styles wins: 4 votes  -|- Chris Daniels wins: 2 votes

Black "blackdragon" Dragon says... Styles d. Daniels.
If it weren’t for Tito Ortiz, I could see this being the main event. Doesn’t matter though, these two can deliver the goods. Should be a fast paced, high impact match with a minimal of rest holds (I’m looking at you Kurt and that thing you do where you lock in a body scissors for like two minutes). In short, this will be what Michaels/Angle should have been at Homecoming. I know I was the only one that thought it felt like it was lacking something. Given the way AJ and Daniels mesh, they shouldn’t deny us a great match. AJ’ doesn’t seem to hold onto Gold very long, but I doubt Daniels regains because I can’t see them putting the belt right back on Daniels. Maybe if they had done it before he became the longest reigning champ, a quick one month break in his reign may have made sense, but I think AJ.’s going to repeat his performance from earlier this year and out last Daniels one more time. Styles wins in overtime and I get to see two of my favorites possibly bleed for the X-Title 
Michael T. "madiq" Ford says... Styles d. Daniels.
I don't like calling these matches "Iron Man" matches, when they are shorter then the average main event match. Can't we compromise, and name them after another Avenger? ("Wonder Man Match?" "Henry Pym Match?" Are racial quotas still keeping Luke Cage out of the group while The Falcon remains?) Anyway, despite AJ's penchant for shorter title reigns than episode runs on new FOX shows (try again, Chris O'Donnell), I say that the Fallen Angel falls short of regaining The Most Important Belt in TNA. It's a shame, but I blame the Purple Priest's Collar; it was all downhill after he started moonlighting at Chippendale's between ROH bookings. 

BFG = Bona Fide Goodness 

Cory "borntorun" Harris says... Styles d. Daniels.
This will be the main event, and rightfully so. Styles and Daniels are probably the two signature guys TNA needs to build on, and new fans checking out the PPV will get a look at something special. Longtime fans may not see much new stuff, but they always tell a good story and Daniels is great at oozing dickishness. Expect lots of jumping out of the ring and CRAY-ZEE stuff like that. And while I love Daniels as the world-beater champ, heels will hold the other belts so it’s a no-brainer to pick the Phenomenal One. The question is: where does Daniels go without the X-Division title?
Brad "angstboy" Smoley says... Daniels d. Styles.
Styles was a good guy to put the X-Title on for the Spike debut, but the "face chasing the heel" schtick is always more compelling than the other way around. Daniels will pull this one out to become the X-Division champ. Or not. I dunno, really. What I DO know is that 3LK vs Team Canada will be on this card as well, but it isn't "officially" posted as of this writing. Or typing. Or something. Flippy shit owns your ass for 30 minutes. The real winners? Us. 
Chris "Lucky" Lopez says... Styles d. Daniels.
Winner’s really not important, is it? The match should be great and either guy can carry the division on his back. The match should really be something special and I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets the main event slot on the show. The only disappointing aspect of this for me is that Daniels has largely been a casualty of TNA’s lack of time on Spike. He hasn’t really been given the opportunities to shine and I fear that’s probably a sign of which guy isn’t necessarily in permanent plans for the near future. Styles can enter into a feud with Petey Williams and hopefully Daniels isn’t forgotten to Xplosion or fodder in X Division 3 ways any time soon. 

I feel like I should say more about the match but I don’t know that there’s anything to say. Some matches don’t need hype. If you see “Styles vs Daniels, Ironman Match” and don’t want to watch it you’re either completely ignorant to who those two guys are or not particularly a wrestling fan. The two have experience with each other and have done this very match in the past. I really don’t know what I could say about the match without sounding like I’m just prematurely gushing over it. 
Jason "JLRuckus" Longshore says... Daniels d. Styles.
It really doesn't matter who wins this, we'll be winners for getting to see it. This is definitely my pick for Match of the Night honors, their original Iron Match was one of my favorites of the year. It also doesn't matter because a loss won't hurt either of these guys. I think that there's more options in the X Division if Daniels is the champ as opposed to AJ. 

I'm also thinking a loss could allow AJ to add a little bit of an edge to his character. He's played his vanilla babyface character for a pretty good while now, and it seems like the crowd reactions aren't what they used to be for him. I could've swore I even heard a smattering of boos a few times. A loss to Daniels here could be the catalyst for a more aggressive AJ who will cheat to win. Cocky heel AJ was a highlight of the early days of TNA for me and I think it could be time to start heading back to that.


Ultimate X Match

Matt Bentley set this up by returning to TNA at last month's Unbreakable PPV, superkicking both Sabin and Williams after their match and calling for an Ultimate X match at Bound for Glory. Well, it only made sense to include Sabin and Williams in the match after that. 

The added attraction of this match, besides the gimmick itself, is that the winner will be the new #1 contender in the X Division. All three of these men have held the belt before, with Bentley and Williams having two of the longer reigns in history and Sabin being the only man to lose the title twice without being pinned. 

The OOutlOOk
Williams wins: 2 votes   --|--  Bentley wins: 2 votes
Sabin wins: 1 vote

Black "blackdragon" Dragon says... Bentley wins.
Yay, my second time seeing this match style. Should be awesome. I have no clue who to pick to win this thing. You have two faces in Sabin and Bentley and a constantly jobbing heel in Williams. I’m picking Bentley since he seems to be getting pushed. Petey always has Sabin to feud with and Team Canada to hang out with. I figure Sabin and Petey get so wrapped up in each other that when one hits the other with his finisher, Bentley pulls a HBK and plays a sweet tune on somebody’s unsuspecting chin. Everybody do the Bentley bounce. 
Michael T. "madiq" Ford says... Williams wins.
Ahh, the Ultimate X, aka the "Creative Ways to Fall" Match. I'm joking. Still, it's hard to get hyped for this match, because TNA never really uses this match to get people over. Now that Matt Bentley is being used as a face, my favorite to challenge AJ is cast into doubt. I guess since Petey Williams has never won an Ultimate X match, he's the underdog, and thus, the most likely winner. Hopefully, post-match we'll get the quarterly Traci heel turn, and all will be right in the universe. Ah, Sabin, you patsy. 

BFG = Bentley Falls Gracefully

Cory "borntorun" Harris says... Williams wins.
This should be a mat-wrestling classic, with all three fully capable of making the other submit at anytime. Matt Bentley’s Powerbomb Texas Shamrock is probably the most painful looking in sports entertainment history, while Sabin can unleash his Motor City Mandible Masher at a moment’s notice. Also, what I’m saying is off the wall, but that’s okay because SO IS THIS MATCH! A triple threat of fun, if you will. Trying to predict what’s going to happen within the match is a crapshoot at best, since the X-Division guys like to try to top one another with all their turning and flipping and Canadian Destroying. While Sabin is one of my favorite guys in TNA, this match is going to Bentley or Williams so that they can feud with AJ. My gut, heart, and logic dictate they want to make Team Canada more integral to the show, and giving Petey some spotlight is the best way to do it.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley says... Sabin wins.
Chris Sabin is the logical choice assuming that Daniels wins the belt over AJ. Which is what I did, and is probably VERY wrong. Anyway, I want Sabin to win and then chase Daniels for the title. Unfortunately, the way TNA books things, the whole "number one contender" bit will mean very little when AJ and Samoa Joe lay claim to shots at the X-Belt too. Stupids. 
Chris "Lucky" Lopez says... Williams wins.
Williams definitely seems to be the standout personality of these three over the last few weeks. A bit of a harder image and a slight half step away from Team Canada and I’m suddenly very into the guy. He seems like an excellent heel to go and make a run after Styles and the X Division title, be it a month+ feud or just a quick matchup for TNA’s prime time debut. Either way, I’m seeing some real potential for Petey to make a step up out of the X division midcard and forge a very real personality and niche for himself here. And my feeling is that TNA wants him to do it. To that end I thinking some added edge and brutality helps him score this win, and some outside interference wouldn’t be too strange considering his interactions with and over Traci as of late. But I wouldn’t be surprised of that interference didn’t come from the established members of Team Canada but rather from somewhere else to continue to separate Petey a bit from the “pack” of the stable. Then again, Traci’s Canadian, isn’t she? I’d outright pick that if I didn’t think that she’s been at Bentley’s side so long now that it seems wrong otherwise. Once again Sabin strikes me as the unluckiest guy in TNA. He needs a heel turn, a manager, or something just so I can stop feeling bad about picking him losing every month (not that I’m right that often). 
Jason "JLRuckus" Longshore says... Bentley wins.
I've always felt like Michael Shane/Matt Bentley was underrated. He brings a little bit more of a traditional approach to the X Division, which is a nice change of pace. He's also getting quite a positive reaction from the TNA crowd, the Bentley Bounce is all the rage these days. To go along with my earlier prediction, I could go for some Bentley/Daniels matches.

And besides, anything that's going to bring more Traci to my television is welcome. I'm even down with those Morphoplex commercials...


Monsters' Ball Match

Monster's Ball made its debut at Victory Road last November. The match is no disqualification, with weapons provided. Also, the entrants are locked away 24 hours prior to the match with no water, food, or light. Even Kathie Lee gives her sweatshop workers better conditions, these poor guys. 

Abyss was a part of that first Monster's Ball match. With his new partnership with James Mitchell, he's looking to get back into the World Title picture with a win here. He had quite the feud with Jeff Hardy earlier this year, with them splitting a pair of PPV matches. Hardy was facing off with Rhino in the main event of the inaugural Impact on Spike TV when Abyss interfered. With Rhino and Abyss teaming up to destroy Hardy, Sabu showed up to even the odds, which led to the announcement of this match. 

The OOutlOOk
Abyss wins: 4 votes   --|--  Rhino wins: 1 vote
Hardy wins: 1 vote
(No Other Superstars Received Winning Votes)

Black "blackdragon" Dragon says... Rhino wins.
Hardcore goodness. Jeff Hardy is the master of killing himself so watching him and Sabu try to out do one another in that department will make me smile. I’ve always had a soft spot for Rhino and since his arrival in TNA, he’s gotten to show how he looks at full speed and when he can bust out more of his move set. Abyss is always fun to watch and tossing all four of the guys in this environment guarantees and exciting match that will make you cringe at what the do to one another. I’m picking Rhino because he could easily feud with Monty Brown for a legitimate stake for the World Title and I wouldn’t mind seeing them in a good brawl. Abyss has won two straight PPV matches, so I think he’s due for a loss. Hardy needs to go through about twelve tables and get GORED through a thirteenth. Sabu could possibly win, being the other face in the match, but I doubt it. As Coach would say, Rhino wins with the SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!!! I mean GORE! 
Michael T. "madiq" Ford says... Abyss wins.
The "Monster Balls" match is another Raven creation, a hardcore high- concept contest where sensory deprivation and lack of nourishment or hydration creates wrestlers who will fight to the death. I guess things in the Levy household got crucial when the groceries ran out, and no one paid the electric bill. One of these days, they're going to shock me and start busting out amateur-style moves. If we don't see broken tables, a tacked back, dented chairs, and copious amounts of blood, they'll put everyone BACK in isolation, and give the prize for the match (a weekend in a Palm Springs hotel and spa for the winner and a guest) to ME. But James Mitchell REALLY wants to spend some quality time in the tanning bed, so he'll give Abyss that extra motivation. I suspect a sandwich. 

BFG = Blood-Filled Gorefest 

Cory "borntorun" Harris says... Hardy wins.
Sometime after you read this (hopefully), these four PSYCHOS will be LOCKED in individual rooms with NO FOOD, WATER, LIGHT, AIR, MOUTHWASH, SHEL SILVERSTEIN BOOKS, or NAKED PICTURES OF HARRIET MIERS. It’s a cruel setup indeed. In spite of the stupid premise, the actual in-ring action should be solidly entertaining. Abyss and Rhino will brawl all over the place, and Jeff Hardy will not try to trip over his own feet while avoiding Sabu’s craziness. Abyss will bring out thumbtacks and then get gored onto them. Sabu will pick up a fan and use him as a weapon. Don West will ask me if I’ve seen something, and I will happily tell him, “Yes, I did see that.” When all is said and done, everyone will be bleeding except the one who forgot to bring his razorblade.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley says... Abyss wins.
Even with one of the dumbest stips in wrestling history, this match might turn out to be fun. I mean, being in the dark by myself without food or water for 24 hours isn't gonna make me more angry. I'm gonna be hungry and tired and I'm more likely to go to a Denny's and a Best Western to catch some shuteye that I am to even show up for the PPV. So that rules out Jeff Hardy. Anyway, TNA needs to focus on this "hardcore" stuff more often, because WWE doesn't at all. I get the feeling that Abyss is gonna get the token Monster Win here. 
Chris "Lucky" Lopez says... Abyss wins.
I’m not the only one COMPLETELY ignoring the weird stipulations surrounding this match, am I? I don’t even want to mention them because I can’t without shaking my head and following it with an apology for endorsing such silliness. But the match itself will be a fun garbage brawl. Hardy and Sabu aren’t going to win over some new fans but they’ll entertain the fans they bring in and give us a couple of moments where we pay attention. The match tends towards the most savage of the competitors and that obviously favors Rhino and Abyss. I can’t say that I really see any clear future for either guy or a reason to separate them but Abyss IS the home player and the one who needs to be legitimized to newer fans a bit more. This seems like a viable place to use as a showcase for Abyss wrecking a couple of guys smaller than him and then going toe to toe with Rhino. Whatever the plans may or may not be for any of these guys the nature of the match seems to be more about giving the fans a look at everything TNA has. A few broken tables, some blood, and some ECW-esque brawling that doesn’t pop up elsewhere. Fun, but not overwhelmingly important. 
Jason "JLRuckus" Longshore says... Abyss wins.
Abyss has seemed to be on the verge of becoming a main event player in TNA for a long while now. He's dabbled in the top of the card, but never stuck there. With the addition of James Mitchell as his new advisor, he seems to be heading somewhere. Palling around with Jeff Jarrett at funeral homes also seems to give the impression that Abyss could be moving up in the ranks. If I had to pick somebody to win a match after being locked down for 24 hours, it'd be this lunatic. 

Let me vent about that part of the match for a second. It's lame. It's unnecessary. It's just silly. How are Tenay and West going to explain Jeff Hardy covered in his Hot Topic brand body paint after being locked away all night? Did he put it on in the dark? It's just a stupid gimmick and sticks out like a NASCAR fan at a wine tasting.



We have no backstory here, this is Liger's debut in TNA. In fact, it's his first PPV match in the United States in nearly a decade. He is one of the originators of the style that gave TNA the X Division. Liger is one of the most decorated wrestlers in Japanese history and had epic feuds with Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero during their time in Japan. His appearance will be a treat for the fans. 

Joe will make his Impact debut Saturday night after weeks of hype. He was last seen coming up on the losing end in the epic triple threat X Division title match with AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. He still has not been pinned or submitted in TNA. 

The OOutlOOk
Joe wins: 6 votes   --|--  Liger wins: 0 votes

Black "blackdragon" Dragon says... Joe d. Liger.
He is one of the most legendary figures in wrestling and I’ve never seen a single match of his. I feel so dirty. I hear good things about Liger, but I’ve seen good things from Joe. I know Joe works well with Japanese opponents and even if Liger is a step or two slower than at his peak, this should still be an intense match up. I’m picking Joe because he’s got the winning streak thing going for him and is basically TNA’s “hey look at this guy we’re pushing. He’s a monster and he does like wrestling moves and stuff” Some would question bringing in a legend just to job him out, but hey Liger seems interested in working with TNA so he can always get his job back later. Joe is professional wrestling and a high profile win over =a legitimate living legend will do wonders for him, especially because we know his in ring skill cannot be questioned. So if I’m Joe, I’m thinking “He may be a legend, but he’s still a bitch in my book.” And seeing as Joe has an affinity for choking bitches out, Mr. Liger will have to pick up a PPV win some other time. 
Michael T. "madiq" Ford says... Joe d. Liger.
This is one of those matches that, on paper, seems to be geared to the smarks, but we know better. Samoa Joe is being pushed as the Unstoppable X Division Force. Liger, at this point, is being presented to fans as a "pioneer of the X Division style." Never pick a pioneer. Still, the match will be highly entertaining, because both men are great workers. 

BFG = Brutality Faces Greatness 

Cory "borntorun" Harris says... Joe d. Liger.
A gun in the hand of a good person is not a weapon. Samoa Joe in the hand of a bad person is…uh, impossible since Samoa Joe is big. I have to admit, as long as I’ve been watching wrestling, I haven’t really ventured outside the WWE/WCW/TNA triangle of things that have been on the teevee, so I really don’t know much about the guy I always call “Justin.” But I do know Samoa Joe. I know he hasn’t been directly beaten since coming to TNA. And I know that huge things are in store for him. Liger gets to do a bunch of cool stuff, and Joe throws Jushin around a bit and then locks him in 9 submission maneuvers for a bit. Then he celebrates by looking stoic.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley says... Joe d. Liger.
The only reasons to bring in Liger are to 1) impress the smarks, 2) showcase a great performer, and 3) put Samoa Joe over in a big way. That's it. Joe continues his streak. Also, there's no way AMW and Team3D don't go at each other at this PPV. The Naturals might be thrown in there too. I'm just saying... none of them are on the card right now, and that makes Samoa Joe and Jushin Liger sad. I saw them crying in the 7-11 parking lot. Joe was drinking a grape Slurpee. Swear to God. 
Chris "Lucky" Lopez says... Joe d. Liger.
Very interested in seeing how this one goes. I’m not sure that I can say I’m exciting because I don’t really know what Liger has these days or how he and Joe will work with each other. I know that Joe teamed up with Liger recently in ROH but I have no idea if they’ve worked against each other at all. But I would think that Liger could pull off the strong style at least well enough to help showcase Joe. I’m hoping he’s still got a little bit left in him to wow us just so I don’t get disappointed that he’s actually aged and faded a bit in the 10 years since I last saw him. Either way, I’m guessing its Joe’s to win. TNA’s kinda been low on the Joe play since debuting on Spike but that’s probably necessary evil considering he was booked in a match with an absent player that didn’t need much hype. He became a casualty to time restraints. But I have no doubt that TNA still has every intention to push Joe to the moon and a win over a universally loved and respected star is certainly a good way to start that off for the new fan. I’m not sure what you do with Joe after this, whether he takes back up his issues with Daniels, gets back involved with the X Title (despite their being a #1 contender), moving into the heavyweight ranks (which will surely happen sooner or later) or just continuing his path of destruction. But its Joe’s future that’s the interest, not the 40+ year old guest star. No matter how much I love him. 
Jason "JLRuckus" Longshore says... Joe d. Liger.
If Liger was going to stick around for a while, this would be much more difficult to predict. Unfortunately, it looks like this will be his only appearance for a while. There's no way TNA would waste Joe's first loss on someone who isn't a regular. It will be real interesting to see how well they work together. They are familiar with one another, Joe tagged with Liger in Ring of Honor last year, but this is their first match against one another.



This is the obligatory, "Let's throw a bunch of X Division guys in a match and let them go CRAZY," segment of the PPV. That isn't a complaint either. Aries and Strong are more recent additions to the TNA roster with them best known from their work in Ring of Honor. Shelley is another ROH regular who recently returned to TNA. Dutt was last seen as a part of the Iron Man Challenge on Impact last week, putting in a strong performance against Christopher Daniels before coming up on the losing end.

The OOutlOOk
Shelley wins: 3 votes   --|--  Aries wins: 2 votes
Sonjay wins: 1 vote
(No Other Superstars Received Winning Votes)

Black "blackdragon" Dragon says... Shelley wins.
The X Division is on full display tonight. Can’t fault TNA for that. Of the four guys involved, I think I like Austin Aries the most. But I’m still picking Alex Shelly because I don’t mind jumping on the bus for his Total Non Stop Alex Tour. I’m thinking Sonjay does some nice crowd popping maneuvers only to get killed on the floor somewhere, Austin Aries and Strong play up their ROH affiliation a bit, which leads to miscommunication and Shelly capitalizing. Either, this should be another of those matches I watch three or four times after the PPV goes of the air. 
Michael T. "madiq" Ford says... Aries wins.
Three of these men were members of ROH's "Generation Next" faction, and in the last two years, solidified themselves as big names on the Indy scene. Aries, in particular, grew into a main event star. In TNA, however, they are being introduced to the fans. Sonjay Dutt, the fourth man in this match, is a talented wrestler in his own right, but TNA likes to use him as enhancement talent, because, apparently, Palmer Cannon told them that "Sonjay" doesn't test well. (On the same market research, it was discovered that Alex Shelley "sounds too much like a queer," and Rod Strong "is a good name...for a 1970's porn star.") Austin Aries wins, and next month Roderick grows a bushy mustache. 

BFG = Booked Fairly Generically 

Cory "borntorun" Harris says... Shelley wins.
The fact that “The Original Play From the Himalaya” Sonjay Dutt has a nickname should be enough to give him an advantage in this match. Roderick Strong has been all up in my TV since iMPACT debuted on TNA. But the guy I want TNA to go with is Alex Shelley, and I think TNA agrees. He was a co-winner of the Chris Candido Memorial Cup during iMPACT’s last days on the Internet, and he and X-Pac could have been a good team. Don’t blame the 1-2-3-Bitch’s missteps on Shelley. Hey, it’s X-Division action, so it’s always good regardless of the winner.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley says... Shelley wins.
And this is because... why, exactly? Maybe the winner will get to become the "number four contender" for the X-Division title! If it's a well worked match, which I'd assume it's going to be, it'll be worth it. But please TNA, do something with these guys. Throw out a tid-bit. Develop a grudge. Just a tiny little SOMETHING to make matches like this have an itty bitty reason to be. Or at least do it because I have absolutely no criteria with which to pick a winner. We'll go with, um... 
Chris "Lucky" Lopez says... Aries wins.
I honestly couldn’t have less of an idea of who comes out of this one on top. Dutt or Shelley would probably be the safer bets since Dutt’s a fun character and Shelley’s had a couple of pushes derailed by bad luck now. Shelley’s actually probably the best bet if TNA wants to get him back into the attention of its viewers. But I just have a feeling that Aries might have himself an opening in the company and that this might be a place for a “big” win. The match itself could just be to throw four good X Division guys in the ring and let them put on a show, but I also like these matches as a tool to lift someone up into the next level of the X Division with the Sabins and Bentleys. Shelley’s probably a little closer to there than Aries so I’d like to see him get the push. I don’t know what to say about Strong. He’s getting better billing than Jerrelle Clark so things can’t really be considered bad for the guy but TNA hasn’t been booking him as much of a threat. But he knows Shelley and Aries from ROH so he’s a good addition to this match from a quality standpoint and probably a more believable contender than the established jobbers of ROH. 
Jason "JLRuckus" Longshore says... Sonjay wins.
Nothing against the other guys here, but Dutt has been in the ranks of TNA for quite a while. This would be a nice victory for him on the path to bigger and greater things. Tenay mentioned that TNA would be airing some footage from Dutt's recent promotional tour of India that caused some crowd riots. I think TNA would want to use that footage, along with a high profile PPV victory, to push Sonjay higher up the X Division ladder.



Last Saturday on Impact, Monty Brown destroyed Mikey Batts and Jerrelle Clark in a handicap match. Then he got on the mic and said that his mission was to become the NWA World Champion and said that no one would stand in his way. Big Lance took offense and here we are. Hoyt is the fan favorite going in due to his inexplicable popularity at the Impact Zone. 

The OOutlOOk
Brown wins: 6 votes   --|--  Hoyt wins: 0 votes

Black "blackdragon" Dragon says... Brown d. Hoyt.
Monty is your default number one contender for Jarrett’s Title. Hoyt-a-mania is running wild. I expect a competently worked match where Lance goes for one high spot too many and gets POOOOUUUUUNCED. Period. 
Michael T. "madiq" Ford says... Brown d. Hoyt.
As popular as Lance Hoyt is with the Impact Zone faithful, he isn't the one being featured prominently in ads. The Alpha Male is the future of the heavyweight division, and fans will chant "Hoyt" whether he wins or not. 

BFG = Brown: Future Gold 

Cory "borntorun" Harris says... Brown d. Hoyt.
For this preview, I turn things over to TNA vignette voice-over guy: The Alpha Male. Monty Brown once roamed the Serengeti as a vicious carnivore, devouring all prey that heedlessly crossed his portentous path. Now, stalking the six-sided jungle that is TNA, he stands on the precipice of victory, waiting to pounce on the World Title contenders like the injured gazelles that they are. Lance Hoyt is but a Delta Male, and even his unearthly following will not be enough to transmute certain defeat. Period.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley says... Brown d. Hoyt.
Hosses! Mah gawd! Rumor had it that Brown was supposed to face Raven here because both men are on a path to the world title. But now Hoyt is doing some... stuff. I'm sorry. It's really late and I'm going through the finishing stages of purchasing a new home so, picking the PPV matches wasn't my highest priority this week. I'm kind of phoning it in. Brown's getting the super-push and Hoyt is ridiculously over hyped. Yes, even compared to Monty Brown. 
Chris "Lucky" Lopez says... Brown d. Hoyt.
I would think this one’s a no brainer. TNA and the local fans love Hoyt, and I’m personally warming to the guy, but Brown is the golden boy. He’s definitely headed for a Title feud sooner rather than later and Hoyt isn’t. This is probably an important match for TNA because he hasn’t exactly struck gold thus far on Spike. Longtime TNA fans can only say “give him some more time… he’s better than that…” so many times before everyone just accepts the Ahmed Johnson label being put on the guy. Hoyt’s probably not the best option to try and score a gold star out of Brown but he’s not the worst option either. Hopefully Monty can cut a real quality promo before the match, but on a good big man match with Hoyt and then hit a good Pounce and actually get the fans saying something good about him coming off this match. Hoyt’s status is fine with his fans and he won’t be losing any ground should TNA have a plan for something to do with him. I’d theorize that extending the feud with Monty might be his best bet but I’d bet on Brown heading right into the title picture after this. 
Jason "JLRuckus" Longshore says... Brown d. Hoyt.
Even though I have a feeling it won't be, this should be a quick and decisive win for Monty Brown. If the push is done right, he should be the one to take the belt off of Jeff Jarrett. That push should start right here with a convincing victory over Hoyt. Nothing against Lance, he's still my vote for Most Improved in 2005, but he should not be a serious contender to Brown. The Serengeti Slaughter Tour should start at Bound for Glory.



If there was a backstory here, I blinked and missed it. Simon Diamond made his return to TNA with his new Diamonds in the Rough stable. He vows to make these guys more successful through his coaching. While that remains to be seen, it has provided a decent heel crew for the undercard. Apollo and Siaki have been languishing in the lower reaches of the tag division for a while now, with no improvement in sight. Maybe Simon should give them his card? Shark Boy is a fan favorite and should provide some fun in this match. 

The OOutlOOk
Diamond/Skipper/Young win: 4 votes
Siaki/Apollo/Shark Boy win: 2 votes

Black "blackdragon" Dragon says... Siaki/Apollo/Shark Boy d. Diamond/Skipper/Young.
I’d love to get behind the whole Diamond in the Rough’s concept, but the guys need more time to develop their group dynamic. Hell, Simon Diamond needs to be on Impact working a match and showing his Diamonds how to win a friggin’ match. Should be a decent match. Primetime and Sharky have worked pretty well in the past, Young’s pretty competent for a jobber, Apollo’s palatable in small does and Siaki surprises me every now and again. I pick the make shift team of Apolo/Siak/Shark Boy because I guess right now, the Diamonds’ gimmick is that Primetime and Young are bigger jobbers than Jerelle Clark.
Michael T. "madiq" Ford says... Diamond/Skipper/Young d. Siaki/Apollo/Shark Boy.
aI'm pretty sure that this is the last hurrah for Siaki and Apolo. Hopefully a heel turn will do Siaki some good. The Diamonds may not be forever, but they'll last past this PPV. 

BFG = Beware Flimsy Gimmicks 

Cory "borntorun" Harris says...  Diamond/Skipper/Young d. Siaki/Apollo/Shark Boy.
Here again is TNA vignette voice-over guy: Shark Boy. This predator of the deep maliciously clenches his mandible and maxilla on his opponent’s buttcheek. However, The Diamonds in the Rough stand on the precipice of certain victory, their ranks running with all the potential Allah, Yahweh, and all the gods in heaven have to offer. The spoils of this match are certain to springboard the victors into the annals of bravery and chivalry, while the losers will most surely not transport themselves to the International House of Pancakes.
Brad "angstboy" Smoley says...  Diamond/Skipper/Young d. Siaki/Apollo/Shark Boy.
Another reason why I'm half-assing my predictions is because I had no time to make them last evening because Thursday night is my D&D night. No, really. Did I mention that my girlfriend and I are buying a house? Really! She totally exists! Anyway, Cory "don't call me Wildcat" Harris suggested that I let my role-playing 20-sided dice decide the outcome of this match... so here goes! *Rolls 20-sider.* Natural 20!!! That means the Diamonds in the Rough are going to win. I have a girlfriend. 
Chris "Lucky" Lopez says...  Diamond/Skipper/Young d. Siaki/Apollo/Shark Boy.
Obviously the match isn’t really much more than time filler and a chance to get more talents on the show, but it should be a fun match. Diamond and Young have made a good combo (in various equations) for years now and Skipper goes pretty well himself. Sharkboy should be fun when he unleashes on the Diamonds. And there’s enough quality wrestling talent in that ring (although leaning heavily towards one side) to put on a good match. A good part of it will be antics with guys like Sharkboy and Young in there but in the end it should just end up being a good overall show. But even if it doesn’t click the couple of spots and number of people should be enough to keep it from getting rough during its timeslot. I’d like to see great things in the future for Young/Skipper but I can’t say that they really seem to fit into the tag title picture as is. But a good win here could be a good reason to slip them in as a team to give the top teams a run for their money for the time being and maybe score the big win sometime in the not too distant future. The stable’s probably not going to reach its potential without letting the guys get some mic and backstage time. Apolo will probably win just to bug me.
Jason "JLRuckus" Longshore says... Diamond/Skipper/Young d. Siaki/Apollo/Shark Boy.
The only thing I have here is that there does seem to some sort of direction for the Diamonds in the Rough and none for the other guys. I've always said that Young's role should be increased, and Skipper also seems to be slumming it here. Diamond makes for a good coach/mentor type. Their journey out of jobber-dom should begin here.



A few additional thoughts and predictions, including a match you can look for to be added to Bound For Glory card following tomorrow night's Impact...

The OOutlOOk

Black "blackdragon" Dragon says... Happy Birthday to me.
Extras? WE don’t need no stinkin’ Extras. 

I’m on the main page bitches!!! Respect the skills or at least the nepotism. Go shorty, it’s my birthday, and we gonna party like it’s my…well somebody else’s birthday. I’m watching Bound For Glory on my Birthday and as pitiful as that sounds, will be the definite high light of me turning 23. 

If anything, TNA proved they can do skits if they want to, but I don’t see them wasting much time backstage outside of quick interviews. TNA’s strength is in the ring, so keep the back stage shenanigans in check and you got several happy fans. 

I’m no commie, so I didn’t read any spoilers, and have no clue if the tag titles are on the show, which would make me sad seeing as we were talking about TNA actually having a PPV ready tag division with depth. In an ideal scenario, Larry Z makes a triple threat between The Naturals, Team 3D, and AMW and presto, tag titles on the PPV and whomever walks out as champs, sets up the AMW/Team 3D hardcore match that I know TNA wants. This show needs more Gail Kim by the way. I expect Jerelle Clark and MIkey Batts to get killed on the Pre-Show. TNA has done a great job of cramming this show top=to-bottom with matches ranging from “should be decent" to “if you didn’t like this match you have no soul.” If I had planned this better, I’d be on my way to Florida right now, but watching it with a house full of people and a belly full of cake and ice cream will have to suffice. TNA! TNA! TNA! (Did I mention I’m on the main page?)

Michael T. "madiq" Ford says... Paging the Ghost of Chris Candido...
Now, I don't read spoilers, but I imagine that AMW is wrestling for the tag titles at the PPV. Furthermore, it is clear that TNA wants the franchise tag team walking out of its Big PPV as champs. Without Candido to save them, the Natural's chances seem slim. 

BFG = Belts Firmly Gripped 

Cory "borntorun" Harris says... Needs More Billy Gunn.
The Naturals vs. AMW. Jason told me to pick this match. I haven’t spoiled myself for iMPACT, but I assume if this is on the card then at some point, either Saturday or at the PPV, America’s most wanted will be the champions. Regardless, AMW should be the showcase team, and it will be nice for my brother The Wildcat Chris Harris and Cowboy Bob James Orto-Storm to take the dickishness to a new level in a long-term feud with the Dudz. Anyway, I blame this all on Jimmy Hart. Also, “Where’ KIP JAMES, DAMMIT!”
Brad "angstboy" Smoley says... Nothing.
Chris "Lucky" Lopez says... Nothing.
Jason "JLRuckus" Longshore says... What will be the TNA Surprise of the Month?
They always have something in store each month. What will it be this month? Without giving away any spoilers for Saturday night's Impact, there could be a Tag Title match added to the show. There will at least be something going on involving those titles. I fully expect Team 3-D to return at the PPV, and they will possibly make AMW (and the rest of Jarrett's crew) cry like little girls. There's also going to have to be some things set up for the prime time Spike TV special on November 3. A big rating there will be crucial to TNA receiving other opportunities like that in the future. TNA is billing this as their World Series, Super Bowl, and Wrestlemania all wrapped into one. The quality of the card is there, we'll see how everything turns out Sunday night.

If you’re still undecided on the show, check out Impact on Spike TV Saturday night. I’ll be back with recaps of both on Monday. See y’all then…


Jason Longshore is your second-most-favorite wrestling fan/writer from Atlanta, GA.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
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PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
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RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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