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A Night of C-List Celebrities~! 
October 16, 2007

by The Rick
Undisputed Lord and Master of OnlineOnslaught.com


I'm not sure exactly how good this'll be. But hell: for the first time in almost a month, I didn't find myself fast-forwarding massive stretches of RAW, and the result was that -- as I sat here watching the show -- I actually was paying attention to some details and wound up having a few ideas and things to say. 
I mean, if nothing else, you can't be anything but pleasantly surprised with a show that turns John Cena and Umaga into my two favorite wrestlers. And which even made reasonably effective use of Randy Orton for the first time in ages, too. Wow. Just: wow. Screw the RAW Reunion, *this* was compelling TV for almost two straight hours. 

So let's cut the chit-chat and tell you about it....

Opening Theme/Pyro/Etc., and we're not live in Los Angeles, since WWE taped both RAW and SD! last night in LA to accommodate a multi-brand tour of Japan this week. I'll point out that RAW has a new theme song. It's Yet Another Generic DoucheRock Tune, but you just know that in 3 years, you won't be able to stop yourself from humming along every week. That is not an endorsement. In fact, if you look closely, it's a very rare inverted backhanded compliment to whatever crap band is gonna need years, instead of weeks, to get us to remember their song.  Anyway: JR and Lawler welcome and promise much awesomeness, so let's kick it to the ring for our Opening Nonmatch!

Very Special Scheduled Interruption Theatre

Lilian Garcia is trying REALLY hard to intro our first contest (bless her cute little heart), but is interrupted by DX's theme song...

But not by DX. Because upon closer inspection, that's Edge sporting the Aquafina (and a big fake plastic nose) and Randy Orton wearing HBK's assless chaps (but with his usual man-panties underneath, in what I later HAD to decide was an intentional decision to make him look even faggoty than usual).

Triple Edge starts us off with a little Buffer-esque "Are You Ready?" action, but when the fans respond in the negatory, he rips off the nose and says that THIS is the reason why he doesn't give a shit about the fans. They only care about juvenile nonsense like DX's antics. That makes Edge sick, and it's the reason why he's making it his personal mission to end DX once and for all. The only unanswered question: why has he made the confounding choice of bringing Randall Orton along for the ride, instead of somebody who -- you know? -- doesn't suck?

Still, I guess as far as tag partners who can carry Orton to semi-tolerable status (in the ring, but mostly on the mic), Edge trumps Chris F. Masters eight ways till Sunday, eh? But that's a whole other matter, and christ am I ever happy that experiment is over.

And hey: good for Young Randall here, as he did some of his best mic work in ages in the opening of the segment. By remaining completely mute until it was time for Edge to hit the punchline. If you're not down with Edge and Orton finishing DX, then they got two words for ya: "YOU SUCK~!". Any grammarians out there want to check me on this: as the subject in DX's genuine version of the catchphrase is an implied "you," is this attempted turning of the tables actually just a content-wise-identical homage to the original? I mean, assuming that what Edge and Orton would have us suck is a object that would be referred to as "it" in its pronounial form, anyway. So why was everybody booing?

I am, quite possibly, thinking too hard, though. Or given the pharmaceuticals in my system, not nearly hard enough to filter out the insanity.

Either way, "You suck" is where the real DX decide to make their entrance. First, an humorous aside, as Shawn points to Orton and stage whispers (into the mic) "I.... I don't actually look that ridiculous when I come out here, do I?". HHH's simple response: "I can't lie to you, Shawn." And then he turns his attention to the bad guys.

Standard DX 101 Fake Flattery from Trips, who doesn't know where all this hostility is coming from. Afterall, these are two of the greatest superstars ever in the history of WWE. And as such, each will get their own Visual-Aid-Assisted Roasting.

For Edge, this involves harking back to that Highly Rated Segment in which he celebrated a title win with Lita and the Futon of Extreme Notgettinglaideverness. Unfortunately for Edge, it also involved a picture of Edge in his tighty whit.... er, tighty blackies, actually. And since he didn't have an actual raging hard-on on national TV, this was an excuse for DX to mock Edge cock-size and/or Lita's ability to arouse said cock.

For Orton, this involves HHH assuring him that he's the most downloaded superstar on the World Wide Web. Among the gay communitiy. You know, between this riffage and the fact that this weekend was the first time I saw the Miller Lite commercial that ends with Hunter shouting "No Fruit in Beer! MAN LAW~!", I'm starting to wonder if he doesn't read more of the internet than he lets on. If you catch my drift. HHH also punctuates his teasing here with a few pictures of Orton that are, in fact, about as gay as a French Trombone. Then he snuck in one of HBK from Playgirl that didn't exactly exude Manly. But he said he was just joshing, so lets move on to the next picture of Orton. The one with the midgets and the jelly beans.

Orton, apparently under the impression that such a picture actually exists. says Whoa whoa whoa, let's cut the crap. Because "The jokes are over and Hunter, I want you tonight." Which is the exact sort of line that guarantees that the jokes are NOT over. Edge doesn't help matters when he tries to clarify that Orton wants HHH "in a match, so he can pound his ass." D'oh.

Orton tires again of the jokes and says he wants and answer. Because his theory is that HHH is gonna duck him, because -- and I am NOT making this up -- HHH knows that Orton is "the top Athletic Wrestling Person Man" and wants no part of a match. HHH, sadly, doesn't stop to let Orton's mangling of third grade vocabulary and diction sink in, and just immediately accepts the challenge.

The tagline is intended to be "And if you think you'll ever actually kill the legend that is DX, we go two words for ya".... but on the word "two," Edge and Orton attack, and we get a brief brawl until DX gains control, leaving Edge/Orton to chickenshit their way out of the ring and up the ramp.

Maybe a tad bloated at 17 minutes, but any opening segment that effectively gives us our main event match and which also makes good use of Orton by focusing exclusively on his discernable lack of masculinity and outright line-mangling stupidity is always gonna give me a little chuckle.


Last Week: with a little help from his friends, Ric Flair continued his dominance over The Spirit Squad by beating one of the Not Kennys. Is it just me, or -- if they wanted Flair's Legend Brigade to really rock, or to at least contain exclusively people Flair's had actual dealings with in the past -- shouldn't Irwin R. Shyster have been out? And Ricky Steamboat in?

Spirit Squad vs. Cryme Tyme (Non-Title Open Challenge Match)

We are told by JR that this is Spirit Squad's lame attempt to get back on track after recent losses, as they've issued an Open Challenge to Anybody. Except it's non-title. And Ric Flair can't be involved.

So to the rescue is Cryme Tyme, your African American Stereotypes du jour. Except, I gotta admit: they've had a few comedic moments and certainly have a "Blazing Saddles"-esque "Hey, we're in on the joke, so go ahead and enjoy the Shifty Dancing Negroes" vibe to it. I'd say they certainly seemed to win the crowd over, but there is High Level Intelligence that WWE took the extra day of post-production to do some screwing with the crowd noise. So time will tell on how REALLY effective the gimmick shall be.

Almost a total squash for Cryme Tyme. Not surprisingly, JTG looked pretty smooth and solid, while Shad looked (ugh) greener than the Spirit Squads outfits. [This Horrifyingly Awful Attempt at Humor is brought to you by the Wade Keller Foundation for Those Lacking Eloquence, Insight, Personality, or Senses of Humor. I hear the top contributor is Dave Meltzer, who has a personal stake in some day stamping out this disease.] [This pointless digression has been brought to you by the Rick Scaia Fund for Those Who Enjoy Randon Tangents Way Too Much and Thus Are Rarely Able to Stay On-Topic for More Than Two Paragraphs at a Stretch.]

No real offense for the Squad, and Cryme Tyme finish things off when the ref is distracted by the very rare HEEL "hot tag that the ref doesn't see." Yep, the Squad got beat down so bad that Mikey really needed to tag in Johnny, and accomplished this while the ref was admonishing Shad. So he disallowed the tag. Which allowed Mikey to fall victim to Cryme Tyme's finisher, which is a combo Samoan Drop (by Shad) and Running Spinning Neckbreaker (by JTG). Seeing the move, I would be shocked if WWE doesn't continue the stereotype by calling it the "Rollin' with a Forty."

Your Winners: Cryme Tyme, via pinfall, in around 2 minutes. Nothing but a squash, but it seemed like a pretty effective debut for the new team. Then again: I'm the guy who thought the Highlanders would do something other than flop spectacularly, so what do I know?


During the Break: Kenny went all spazzy on the other members of the Squad, calling them losers. He even (GASP~!) REMOVED HIS STYLISH HEADBAND AND THREW IT AT THEM. Huh. For the life of me, I would have assumed that Vince McMahon would be used to break up the Squad (since they kept dedicated matches to him, and they kept losing), thus giving fans an excuse to actually care about or cheer for one splinter group of the squad or the other (the one Vince turns against). But the "internal implosion"? I don't see fans particularly cottoning to any of the slap-fighting male cheerleaders.

Hype: The Marine is totally awesome, and didn't even REMOTELY disappoint at the box office this weekend. So who are you to not go see it? Besides being part of the 99% majority of Americans who didn't?

Backstage: Tough Questions Todd Grisham has Melina and Johnny Nitro for a few moments. He basically wants to know if it's true that, here in LA, they will be joined by one of their A-List Celebrity Friends. Melina and Nitro assure him they will be, and nobody will be disappointed. So who is it? We'll just have to wait and see, Melina and Nitro ain't spilling...

Elsewhere Backstage: Booker T has arrived in Jonathan Coachman's office, where Coach extends every hospitality until it's time for Vince McMahon to arrive and make his Big Announcement about the three-way Champion of Champions Match at the next PPV. But then in walk Cryme Tyme, who are spewing over-excited Street Talk about meeting the King (complete with suspiciously over-long embraces of Booker). Cryme Tyme leaves, and the trio of Coach, Queen Sharmell, and Booker T look confused as to what the two were talking about. Booker claims not to speak Ebonics, but as soon as he realizes his wallet is missing, he does a nice job of shifting into it. OH HELLS NO~!


Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Super Crazy vs. Chris F. Masters (Four-way IC Title Match)

One of these four was already ignominiously standing in the ring when we come back from break. Need I tell you it was actually the right guy who didn't even get an entrance? Poor CFM, dissed in his own adopted hometown.... can a third adoption of Louisville as his hometown really be far behind at this point? Or will the next time be the time he moves to the Unemployment Line?

You know how these matches generally work: and this one's no different. Hardy pairs up with Masters (mostly in the ring), while Super Crazy and Shelton brawl (mostly outside the ring). This does help keep things a bit more sorted out and watchable (unlike the horrific first 80% of that one six-man IC match a few weeks back), but it also means that the impact that either confrontation would have on its own is halved. And the guys know it, and put about half as much effort in as usual.

Until this big spot: CFM was incapacitated on the mat, and Jeff went up top to do something to him. But Super Crazy swooped in and shoved Jeff from the top rope to the floor. Ouch.  Then Super Crazy was gonna do something to CFM, once again off the top rope. But Shelton swooped in and did that awesome Broad Jump from the mat to the top rope (bonus feature: he did it over CFM's carcass, which was about five feet away from the turnbuckle... wow). Shelton's no in position to superplex Crazy, but CFM has finally had time to recover. And he decides he's gonna powerbomb Shelton off the top rope. This has the added effect of bringing Crazy along, as he gets superplexed at the same time Shelton gets powerbombed. Always gotta love those doublestack moves.

Masters' pinfall attempts, however, go for naught when Jeff Hardy drags his injured self into the ring. All four men are down for the moment, so let's break for:


Back, and it's time for another staple of the Four Way Match: one heel beats down a babyface, and the second the face hits a move, the other heel comes in and continues the beat down. In this case, that means Crazy's nowhere to be seen, and CFM and Shelton are trading off on Hardy. 

Once Jeff finally takes a huge bump to the outside, Shelton and CFM have no choice to lock horns. For about 12 seconds. Cuz that's how long it took for Crazy to re-appear and take out Shelton with a killer Missile Dropkick. Crazy and Masters do a minute or so together, ending with an admittedly nice spot in which Crazy tried some wacky tilt-a-whirl stuff, but Masters smoothly countered into the full nelson. That's twice he's done that recently. But since both times came against Super Crazy, and it's not happened any other documented times, I suspect we know who to REALLY credit with those spots.

Crazy's about to have no choice but to tap out, but that's when Shelton strikes with a kick-ass Springboard Neckbreaker (flying over Crazy, and picking off Masters). Thus we enter a slightly more chaotic four-way end game, where all the guys are hitting moves and near falls, and I pretty much lost track of the play-by-play until both Shelton and Crazy powdered out with some zany move, leaving Jeff to pretty easily score the win over Masters with a Twist of Fate and a Swanton.

Your Winner, and STILL IC Champ: Jeff Hardy, via pinfall, in about 10 minutes. Shelton returned to his once-weekly role as The Most Spectacular Guy on RAW (although that motivation may be coming from an unfortunate source, if rumors of WWE considering just giving up on the guy due to a lack of personality are true), Super Crazy was up to snuff, Jeff didn't blow any spots, and the other guy fulfilled his role as a prop. Really good stuff.

Backstage: Police are talking to King Booker about his missing wallet, but Booker can't provide a description because "those people all look the same to me." Ha? Then Big Show walks in, and Booker's all "What are you doing here, peasant?". And Big Show's all "Same thing as you, waiting to hear Mr. McMahon's announcement." And Booker's all "It doesn't matter because I'm the one true champion of champions no matter what." And Big Show's all "Where's your wallet?". And then Vince arrives and instantly breaks up the shouting match. He just wants to know one thing: where's Cena so we can do this announcement? Nobody knows, so Coach is sent out on the scavenger hunt.


This Was Lots More Fun Than Watching Paint Dry

Nitro and Melina are out, presumably to introduce us to their A-List friend. And sho' nuff, once the standard primping, preening, and rump-exposing is done, they grab mics and confirm that this is the case. Dating back to the backstage bit with Grisham, I was actually wondering why Nitro seemed to be Wiggering it up when that's not usually part of his toolbox gimmick.

But it was for a reason.

It was because their A-List Rapper and Actor friend is none-other than....

C-List Britney Spears Impregnator Kevin Federline! Lots of (intentionally, I have to assume, otherwise, it would even be funnier) really shitty attempts by Nitro, Lawler, and JR to sound "hip" with stuff like "K-Fed in the hizzouse" as Federline makes his way to the ring amidst a chorus of lusty boos.

Federline initially says "thanks" to Johnny and Melina, because it's great to be here tonight. But when he registers the 100% loathing of the fans, he shifts gears and says "No, it's not great to be here, among all you phony LA posers." And yes, that's where the IronyMeter broke, which is too bad, since it would have continued to get an insane workout pretty much throughout this whole segment.

Federline says the fans might as well stop pretending, and just give him the respect he deserves, cuz they might be booing now, but they're the ones who'll be lining up to buy magazines with him on his cover. And to buy his new record when it "drops" on October 31. The whole time, Nitro was peppering in little bits like telling Federline not to worry, cuz "dem fans just straight ig'nant, dawg." I'm going to pretend he was doing it because he loved secretly mocking K-Fed and not because he really wanted to come off as a douche on TV.

But wait: did somebody mention a new record coming out? They sure did, and Melina thinks it'd be just swell if K-Fed graced us with a live performance of the debut single. The crowd vociferously declares its desire to not be tortured this way, and K-Fed says "Screw You, I wasn't gonna rap anyway." It's time to get outta here and hit the clubs, anyway, dawgs.

But their exit is interrupted by John Cena. I guess that, although his current act is "Petulant Over-Hyped Marine Poser," he sees some of his former self in K-Fed's current "Petulant Over-Hyped Wigger Poser," and wants to lend some advice?

Well: not quite. He's here because it's bad form to promise a big hip-hop rap extravaganza and then not deliver. That's disrespectful to all the fans in the Chain Gang, yo. So to remedy the situation, Cena's just gonna revert BACK to his old self for a night, with a little freestyle:

Your album's called playing with fire, but I got a better line
"The World's Biggest Scumbag," by Kevin Federline

The only reason know you is cuz your fame is built-in
But you got John Cena street-cred, and less talent than Paris Hilton

You wanna knock my peeps, you must be dreamin'
They're hanging with a Marine, you're with a guy who likes seamen

Gimme a break, Nitro, you ain't got the nuts to hit me
And if K-Fed wasn't around, I'd be the one spearing Britney

Oy. If that's your a-material, Homey, you should've kept the rapping on the shelf, collecting dust. Well, unless every single instance of irony here was intentional, in which case... well, it's still not clever or funny, actually.

Anyway, I guess that last line hit a little too close to home, as Britney really is just one divorce away from becoming a relatively beloved and successful contributor to pop culture and seems to be inching closer every day to realizing it. Cuz K-Fed appears interested in getting him some revenge.

But we all know K-Fed is an impotent little wuss, so Nitro steps up to defend his bitch. And does it badly. As Federline evaporates to ring side, Nitro gets his ass kicked by Cena. But before Cena can celebrate his meaningless victory, he is interrupted.

First by Big Show's music, then by Booker's, and finally by Vince's. All three hit the ring, cuz now it's Big Announcement Time. I haven't had a chance to mention it in recent weeks, but it's looking like a REALLY good idea that WWE is holding Show off the road and limiting his activity on ECW, cuz man alive, does it look like the man is hurting. Not that I sympathize or anything.

So this is the part where Vince announces that the Booker vs. Show vs. Cena match at Cyber Sunday won't just be for the imagined or figurative title of "Champion of Champions." Instead, it will be for one of these men's actual titles. And who'll decide which of the three titles is defended in that match? Why, the fans, of course, as voting starts tonight for Cyber Sunday Stipulations.

That is all, so they play Vince's music, and he leaves along with Show and Booker. But Cena stays in the ring. Because he's noticed K-Fed is still lurking about ringside. And he has an idea.

Federline's always saying people rip him off and how he's a trendsetter. So tonight, Cena says he's gonna give Federline a chance to start a trend. If Cyber Sunday voting is open, why not have Federline cast the first ballot? K-Fed's down with this, because he'd vote for Cena's title to be on the line so he can watch Cena get his ass beat. Ohhhh, nasty. Cena scowls briefly, but then takes a deep breath and does a bit of yoga, and calms down. He offers the Handshake of Peace to Federline.

And K-Fed gets F-U'ed for trusting the Marine. The crowd LOVES this, and even I must admit, that in picking the lesser of two evils, this one's a no brainer. OMG JOHN CENA IS MY FAVORITE WRESTLER EVAR~!

As Cena celebrates, we cut to a lengthy series of replays, and this is where I notice that Jim Ross seems to be having a ball calling the guy "Britney's Husband" and "Mr. Spears" and never once uttering the names "Federline" or "K-Fed." Devious, JR, devious. But also hilarious.

Fun segment, which speaks pretty clearly to Federline's Pop Culture Relevance. Cuz even when William Shatner was at the nadir of his career (think "Tek War"), he came on WWF TV and got to punch out a wrestler or two. And yet, here's K-Fed The Attention Whore, willing to go on national TV and be embarrassed and covertly mocked in desperate hope that if he keeps it up, he may one day be as respected and successful an artist as Weird Al Yankovic.


Carlito vs. Some Guy

Actually, I think that was Rob Conway, but he didn't get a ring entrance, and this match didn't last long enough for me to really register what was happening or why. Ninety seconds in? Double Knee Back Cracker, and it's over.

Your Winner: Carlito, via squash. I'd say I'm not sure what the point was, but I guess maybe it's a "bounceback" match for Carlito after he lost his feud to Orton? JR hinted at that, suggesting that Carlito just hasn't been the same since Trish left RAW. Then again, in the voluminous e-mails from You Fine Readers Inquiring After My Well-Being, a full one in three of you made the same exact joke about the odd timing of my decline in column output, and I can assure you that theory doesn't hold any water. 

Backstage: Edge and Lita approach Vince McMahon, wanting to talk about DX and what they did earlier. Vince already has an idea, and says at Cyber Sunday, it'll be DX vs. Edge/Orton. Which is exactly what Edge was gonna suggest! And in fact, Edge has an additional idea, since this is the interactive PPV and all. He thinks this match needs a guest referee, and he thinks the fans should decide who it is. After buttering Vince  up with talk of how the Guest Ref would have to be respected and mighty, and how Vince could certainly fit that bill, Vince agrees with enthusiasm and tells Edge he's quite the clever lad and "You've got a future in this business, kid." I guess any suggestion that ends with the possibility that Vince could get in the ring in a position of power to dick over That Damned DX makes the boss pretty happy...


This Week in Wrestling History: Jimmy Snuka lost the match, but won the war when he Superfly Splashed Done Muraco off the top of a steel cage at MSG.

Finishing What TNA Started

More celebrity guests! Cuz Todd Grisham is in the middle of the ring and notes that at ringside are Two Guys From Jackass. Federline is only famous for latching onto Britney, and these two are only famous for latching onto Johnny Knoxville. It's a fact baby: C-List "celebrities" will do anything for 10 minutes of TV time!

Todd invites Steve O and Another One Of Them up into the ring, and the jackasses are only too happy to comply. We get the basic explanation that these guys' "gimmicks" is that they'll do anything, but Steve O has to stop Todd there and correct him. Because it's not a gimmick or an act. They really will do anything. Anything? Anything.

So let's hit the Tribal Music and bring out Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrrrrrrrrrrrada!

Now it's Estrada's turn to question whether or not he should believe what his ears are hearing. Anything? Yes, anything. Let's just get to the good part already. Sheesh. Anything, really? ANYTHING.

So Estrada basically says "Umaga: KILL." And he does. The beatdown ends in a Samoan Drop for The Other Guy. And a nice top rope Fat Man Splash for Steve-O. And then a few more stomps and forearms for Steve O when it appears Umaga is dissatisfied with his weak sell job.

Hey, as much as TNA got roped into pimping the Jackass movie, I was ready and waiting for this to happen there. And I would have loved it. So I loved it just as much happening here on RAW. Though I think we also all learned a valuable lesson: one should not get pretend-beat-up by Samoa Joe for a 0.7 rating when one can hold out and get pretend-beat-up by Umaga for a 4.0 rating.

Also: this is one of the spots where some readers have already accused WWE of screwing with the sound, as the Jackass guys were booed savagely by the live fans on Sunday, but magically cheered by them on Monday.


Victoria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Maria the Mic Stand vs. Candice Michelle (Four-Way Bra and Panties Match to Determine Last Semi-Finalist in the Women's Title Tournament)

Just as I was settling in for a nice bit of Lilian Ogling, I noticed something fishy: why is Lilian using notecards? Is she reverting back to her line-mangling, dim-witted, flowerpot self of 2001? Thank god, nope: she's just using them as a prop to goose a cheap reaction out of all you Stupid Marks. Flipping the cards at random, Lilian is forced to pause right before uttering the words "Bra and Panties." Clever girl.

The match? Well, it didn't end with Victoria making a mockery of the whole thing by beating the piss out of the other three, and if WWE isn't gonna give a shit about taking the women's title seriously, then neither will I. God, you know that thing I said above about your Trish theory holding absolutely no water? Well, maybe it holds some, afterall. It's been a month, and christ is she ever missed.

Your Winner: Maria, by fluke stripping of Torrie after Victoria had done the damage. So Maria's a semi-finalist. I guess because she can be the cute and sympathetic fodder for either Melina or Lita en route to the Mickie/Lita final. Yee haw. I still like My Idea for the disposition of the women's title better.

SmackDown! Rebound: I don't recap recaps.


Triple H (w/ Shawn Michaels) vs. Randy Orton (w/ Edge)

DX does the full Buffer-style ring intro before the match, and even though it struck me as a bit of overkill given the mic work done earlier in the show, Pavlov's Dogs didn't care.

Orton hits the ring, brawls with HHH for about 30 seconds, and is sent flying out over the top rope. He immediately clutches his knee, and we take what is (even by WWE standards) an suspiciously early break for....


Back, and it should be noted that the same live fans who wrote in about the audio fuckery with the jackasses' fan reaction also mentioned that they thought Orton was genuinely injured, because the match was slow and marked by stalling from here on out. What I'd like to know is: How could you tell? I mean, is there a difference in boringness between "Ouch, I'm Really Injured" Pacing and his "I Just Don't Give a Damn So Dig This Chinlock" Pacing?

Anyway, HHH is briefly in command here, but that changes when Lita struts on down to ringside, creating a distraction that allows Edge to DDT HHH without the ref seeing it. From there: punch, stomp, chinlock, punch, stomp, chinlock, HHH's fire-up. I'll say this for Young Randall, he makes keeping track of play-by-play easy when he's dogging it (either by nature or due to injury).

HHH has a rally, leading up to a Pedigree Attempt, but Edge gets up on the apron and creates a distraction. Orton folllows that with a mini flurry that leads to an RKO attempt, which HHH counters with a spinebuster. Lita creates a distraction, as Edge gets in the ring and punches HHH in the balls. As the ref becomes re-distracted by Shawn and Edge at ringside, Lita slides a steel chair in to Orton. Said chair is relatively easily procured by HHH, who takes advantage of the ref's continued distraction to whack Orton in the skull with it. And that's all she wrote.

Your Winner: Triple H, via pinfall, in about 6-8 minutes (only about 3-5 minutes after returning from the oddly timed ad break). As short and as tepid as the match seemed, maybe I'll go with "Orton really did tweak the knee and WWE edited out a lot of the early match stalling right after it happened to protect us Home Viewers." If so: thanks, I guess. Things got over-booked well enough in those final 2-3 minutes that this still felt like a satisfying conclusion to the show, even if it wasn't exactly the conclusion to an all-around satisfying match.

Show ends with DX celebrating and Edge/Orton retreating. 


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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