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John Cena Takes the Day Off,
Just Like the Rest of Us Schlubs
September 1, 2014

by Rick Scaia
Exclusive to OOWrestling.com


Happy Labor Day, everyone. In deference to all of you who had something better to do with your holiday than watch wrestling, I hereby declare my intent to cut this babbling nonsense short, and get right down to business:
Namely, telling you what happened on the show you didn't watch, so you can get to bed and focus on getting back to work tomorrow.

Am I past the ad box? I am? Good. Here's how it all went down:

No opening video package or other hoopla, cuz Chris Jericho's already in the ring (along with the JeriTron 6000 and the rest of the standard set dressing).... he gets a few cheap pops by referencing Des Moines, IA. Then, he wishes us all a happy Labor Day, a day to honor hardworking men and women everywhere.

Which is exactly the opposite of his guest tonight, who is a man who's never worked an honest day in his life, and has been handed everything on a silver platter since he made his WWE debut: it's Randall Orton.

But Orton's not alone. He's joined by Triple H, DOO Kane, and Seth Rollins. Or as Jericho puts it: "The lawfirm of Sell-out (Rollins), Suck-up (Kane), and Schnozz (duh)."

HHH responds with a "Jericho is short" joke that bombs. Then Jericho one-ups him with a crappy joke about HHH's effeminate tie, which causes Hunter to make a note of Jericho's even less masculine scarf.

After that nonsense, HHH gets down to business, which is actually a pretty big announcement... namely, after going back to rewatch Cena vs. Lesnar at SummerSlam (which we can all do for the low low price of NINE NINETY NINE~!), he can't in good conscience sanction that rematch for Night of Champions.

Whoa. Well then, Jericho wonders, who gets the title shot?

Orton steps up and says it should be him. Then Kane retorts that he can always dig that mask up and get medieval on Lesnar's ass. But it's Rollins who gets a huge pop when he proposes that the Future is Now, and he should get the shot (he is from down the road in Davenport, IA). Obviously, Jericho thinks his status as a six-time world champ puts him into the discussion, too.

Enter John Cena, who wants to know "The hell, dude?"... he says just because HHH's old cronies, HBK and Flair, think Cena is deadmeat at NoC doesn't mean he shouldn't get the shot. In fact, those same two swore up and down that Cena couldn't beat HHH at WrestleMania 22; but Cena did. And we can all watch THAT for the low low price of NINE NINETY-NINE~!

So Cena says he wants his match, and if he doesn't get it, he's going to sue HHH's pants off. Yes, that's right: Mr. Hustle Loyalty Respect just threatened to release the lawyers. HOW NOBLE AND BRAVE~!

HHH pretty much feels the same way about that ridiculously out-of-character twist, teasing that Cena's apparently getting desperate if he's stooping that low. But he also justifies his decision by saying that this doesn't have to do with Cena winning or losing at NoC... it has to do with the simple fact that Cena's career might be ended at the hands of Brock Lesnar if HHH lets the match happen.

And much as it pains him to admit, losing John Cena would not be Best For Business. So really, it's for Cena's own good that this match doesn't happen just now.

Suddenly, the thought of  a Cena-less WWE sinks in, and Rollins thinks HHH should let the match happen. The light bulb goes off for Orton, too, and he seconds the motion that HHH let Cena march to his own slaughter, and Orton will swoop in to face the winner.

This causes Jericho to chuckle, "You think you can take Lesnar? You've had a billion title matches since WrestleMania, and you've succeeded exactly.... ummm, never. And your last match, you got Superman Punched and Speared." Orton says that'll never happen again, and he'll turn Reigns' lights out the next time they face off.

So Reigns comes on down to the ring (through the crowd, per usual), and says "OK, here I am. Knock my block off." Orton just stands there with a blank stare. Reigns says he's all talk, no rock. And then it turns into a giant 6-way shouting match.

Triple H restores order and says he's got an idea. All six guys think they deserve to be the next WWE Title challenger, so tonight, they'll get their chance to impress him. Tonight's main event is Cena, Reigns, and Jericho vs. Orton, Rollins, and Kane (correction: the DEMON~! Kane). Yep, the mask is coming back tonight, afterall.

Then, predictably enough, it breaks down into a six-way brawl, which the good guys win, so the bad guys powder out, because chickenshits gonna chickenshit.

Not sure I get the sudden tease of changing the NoC main event (unless Cena's nagging injuries are worse than they're letting on), and I really don't understand who in the blue fuck signed off on Cena's threat of lawyers, but hey, we're all here for 3 hours, so I guess I'll suspend disbelief and go along for the ride. Once I do that, it's an effective enough "place-setting" opener.

But if that ride is all for another dose of Super Cena (like last week) doing his Lesnar impersonation to "convince" HHH, that'll be kinda lame.



Cesaro starts, and pretty much dominates Ziggler. Meantime, Miz steps off the apron and plops down in a director's chair, where a stylist works on his hair and make-up. (I seriously hope this becomes a regular thing. Mostly because it's pitch perfect for Miz, but I'll admit that a good 49% of my reasoning is the fact the the stylist was really, really cute and actually -- in scant seconds of screen time -- gave the impression of genuinely reacting to Miz's douchiness and not just going out there to be a prop.)

Once Miz is satisfied that Ziggler is down and out, he gets up and offers to tag in. So, sure enough, that's when ZIggler mounts a comeback and tags in Sheamus. Sheamus wastes no time punching Miz in the Moneymaker and otherwise clobbering him. Builds up to the Ten of Clubs (which is again upgraded to 17, because Everybody Hates Miz).

Sheamus -- in an ethnically appropriate move -- Irish Whips Miz into the ropes, where Cesaro blind tags himself in. Sheamus catches Miz and hoists him up for White Noise, but unbeknownst to him, Cesaro is legal and comes in and just boots him in the face. Sheamus down, Cesaro taunting, so we break for....


Back, and Cesaro is still working over Sheamus. And Miz has returned to the chair for more touch-up work. Cesaro makes the mistake of getting cocky, and peppers a few bitchslaps into his beatdown. Uh oh, he just made Sheamus angry...

But before Sheamus can mount a comeback, Miz creates a distraction, and Cesaro regains the advantage. Cesaro sets Sheamus up on the top rope, thinking superplex, but instead, Sheamus fights him off and hits the top rope battering ram.

Hot tag to Ziggler. Corresponding move to Miz. Dolph with a huge flurry of moves, getting a close near fall on an implant DDT. Cesaro has to break it up. So Sheamus comes in and powders out with Cesaro. It's down to Ziggler vs. Miz.

Ziggler immediately gets the better of it, so Miz powders out, too, sending his "stunt double," Mizdow into the ring to fight for him. The ref isn't gonna let it happen, but Ziggler's an equal opportunity ass kicker and plants Mizdow with a Zig Zag. 

But while he was dealing with the stunt double, Miz snuck up behind him and hit him with the Skull Crushing Finale. Fin.

Your Winners: Miz and Cesaro, via pinfall, in about 10 minutes. Nothing special, but plenty fun. An effective implementation of the basic tag formula, if nothing else, with a nice little twist ending making use of Sandow. Poor, poor Sandow.



Yeah, so this lasted for about 2 minutes, all of which was spent hyping the upcoming season premiere of That Which OO Does Not Acknowledge As Valid Entertainment. Then suddenly all six were in the ring.

Your Winners: No One, via double DQ, in 2 minutes. So yeah, 13 more weeks of this worthless horseshit before another sweet sweet hiatus eases our collective pain.



So all last week, there wasn't even one single mention of Henry as Uber Patriot going up against Rusev. And so we're back to him being half of a tag team. This past month or so has featured some of the most jarring "left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing" booking by WWE.

But here we are, doing this Battle of the Hosses for about the third time since Show and Henry returned. And out of the gate, it's looking like it'll be the same result, as Henry dominates Rowan for several minutes. Then a distraction from Harper when Henry tries for a mount-and-punch, and the tide turns.

Henry's suddenly the Face in Peril, and so we break for...


Back, and Rowan's working a front facelock on Henry. Henry fires up, and bounces off the ropes, and something got botched, because Rowan and Henry just sort of bumble into each other at one-quarter miles per hour, and start throwing punches to cover it up.

It counts as the start of Henry's comeback, though, and soon thereafter, he gets the hot tag to Big Show. About the same time, Rusev and Lana materialize on the stage. The hell? So Henry vs. Rusev IS still a thing after not even being mentioned once all last week? My brain hurts.

Show comes in and goes to town on Harper for about a minute, but when things spill outside, Harper reverses a whip, and Show eats the barricade. Harper tosses him back into the ring, where a secondary heel beatdown commences.

The crowd is so thrilled by moves such as Rowan's Atomic Noogie that they try entertaining themselves by chanting "USA USA USA" at Rusev. And then, when that gets old, they try "SEX SHUL CHOCK LAT." Rowan finally gets a rise out of them when he does his effortless scoop bodyslam on Big Show. That's Cesaro Caliber strong.

WHen Rowan tries to hit it a second time, though, his luck runs out, and Show counters into a DDT. Big tag to Henry. Harper also in. Henry on a tear, Show and Rowan brawl on the outside. And hen Henry sets up for the World's Strongest Slam, Rusev decides to run in and hit a kick to Henry's face.

Your Winners: Big Show and Mark Henry, via DQ, in about 12 minutes. I know I've been calling for WWE to serve up more bell-to-bell action, but uhhhhh, Show and Henry aren't exactly the guys I was thinking of when I lobbied for it.Between the slowish pace and the cheap ending, this is NOT the way to reestablish the value of wrestling matches. I mean, it wasn't horrible, but you could have accomplished the EXACT same thing in 4 minutes, and then repurposed the other 8 to a match where the guys could use it to improve the quality of performance.



After a lengthy recap package of Lesnar/Cena, Paul Heyman comes out onto the stage. He says he has been authorized by his client, Brock Lesnar, to lecture us on the issue of "overcompensatory behavior."

He reminds us of the beating Lesnar laid on Cena at SummerSlam, and how it was the night Cena came face to face with his mortality, and had to admit he'd lost it, and his best days are behind him. And now, he's ignoring all reasonable evidence and trying to prove to himself that's not true.

That desire to still believe he has "it" is what drove him to maul the Wyatts last week, and it might even serve him well tonight (oy, so this IS just so Cena can dominate 3 guys; maybe 5; and NOT because there's even a shred of a reason to actually believe anything other than Cena vs. Lesnar is happening at NoC). But it doesnt matter.

Cena SHOULD be listening to what legends like Flair and HBK said. Cena SHOULD recognize Triple H really does have his best interests in mind, because it's not Best For Business if WWE's cash cow is milked for the last time, at the hands of Brock Lesnar (ewwwwwww; I mean, I get the metaphor, and it's a valid one, but still, somehow, that exact wording? Ewwwwwwww).

Cena can delude himself all he wants, but the entire WWE lockrroom, multiplied by infinity, is still not equal to half of the brutality Brock Lesnar will unleash at Night of Champions.

So yeah, excellent promo by Paul. But if HE's not suspending disbelief about the pointlessness of HHH's "proclaimation," then none of us are under any obligation to do so, either. Paul says it's still Lesnar vs. Cena at NoC, and THAT I can believe.



Yep, Zeb is back.

But Ryback is on the shelf for a month or so. If you believe Curtis Axel is a viable singles star, then good for you; you might actually be able to muster up some interest in this match.

But I'll be over here, assuming it's a foregone conclusion.
Your Winner: Jack Swagger, via submission, in 90 seconds. Told you so.

After the Match: Bo Dallas is up on the stage, with three people. Bo says that Jack let down 317 million Americans when he lost to Rusev, but now Bo wants Jack to see the faces of those Americans. Not just a faceless mob, but individuals. So one guy lost his farm by betting on Swagger. Another was so distraught that he failed his citizenship test and is being deported. And the third's son is so disillusioned that he's decided to take up Vladimir Putin as his new role model.

Of course, Bo wants to get them back on track after Jack failed them, so he assures all three it'll be OK. If only they BOlieve.


Next Week: WWE is inviting Michael Sam to RAW. Which is an odd way to word it. It's almost like they're daring him, because if they already had a deal in place, you'd just say "Next week, Michael Sam WILL BE at RAW." But they didn't. So you're perfectly justified in assuming this might be WWE shenanigans where Vince wants to get credit for including Sam, while the entire NFL has apparently said "We don't want him" after he got cut by the Rams. But he doesn't actually care if Sam appears on the show or not. He just wants it noted that he offered. Good for you, Vince. Good for you.

ADAM ROSE (w/ the Menagerie of Hipster Wangnozzles) vs. TITUS O'NEIL (w/ Heath Slater)

Titus pretty much dominates, but Rose's bunny is more animated than usual to the extent that Slater finally goes over and punches it.

The bunny is not amused. So the Bunny tackles Slater and starts raining down blows. TItus is distracted. Rose rolls him up for the cheap pin.

Your Winner: Adam Rose, via pinfall, in under 2 minutes. Do not mess with the bunny?


ZACK RYDER vs. RUSEV (w/ Lana)

Lana prefaces the match with a spiel about how Labor Day prove how America will use any excuse to sit around being lazy and fat. Funny, a good communist should congratulate us on having a day celebrating the noble working class.

Then she finishes up without mentioning Putin (because Bo already did). The bell rings. We're all adults here, so let's not pretend this is something it wasn't.

Your Winner: Rusev, via submission, in 1 minute flat. Thrilling.

After the Match: Mark Henry interrupts the celebration, and Rusev immediately bails out and walks away. So Henry grabs a mic, instead. He says Rusev's scared, but that's OK because Henry's scared, too. Scared of what he'd do to Rusev if he ever got his hands on him.

Also, he's just opened up an International Wing to the Hall of Pain. And if Rusev is man enough to face him in a match, Henry will make him the first inductee. 

Backstage: HHH is talking with Stephanie. Apparently, Steph isn't done with Brie Bella. HHH doesn't understand why she can't just walk away; she already won. But Steph says she just really relates to Nikki and wants to help her out. So she's gonna make an announcement, coming up next. Whee.



Stephanie hits the ring, and reiterates how much she relates to Nikki and yadda yadda yadda. So come on down, Nikki, and let's shit on Brie some more.

Down comes Nikki, and the two spend 3 or 4 minutes comiserating with each other over what it's like to have a crappy sibling. Or something. I really don't give enough of a shit to pay much closer attention. The live crowd is with me, as they start a "BORING" chant after all of 30 seconds.

Then Steph announces that she's so proud of Nikki that she (Steph) is hereby granting Nikki a women's title match.

Then Brie comes out, once again trying to offer the olive branch, and Nikki pisses all over it, at great length, but without anyone's interest, as the crowd once again opines "BORING."

Eventually, AJ has had enough, and comes on down to the ring to remind Steph that she (AJ) is the #1 Contender, so the Bellas can work out their drama on their own time. And just leave the title to the professionals. That actually gets a mild rise out of the audience.

Thenn Paige comes out and says this is an awful lot of talk about the Women's Championship, without the actual Women's Champion, and it almost seems like this might be headed somewhere worthwhile.

But then Nikki starts talking again. So forget worthwhile. Forget the champ, forget the #1 contender, because we must listen to Nikki implore Brie to just quit for what felt like three and a half months.

Once Brie has had enough, she tackles Nikki, and Nikki tumbles back, knocking Paige down. Brie leaves. AJ picks up the title belt, and skips around with it until Steph steps in front of her and tells her to hand it over. So AJ does, and she leaves. Then Steph hands the belt back to Paige.

And somehow, that counts as the punchline. Goddamit, that was weak. That had basically negative value as an idea for a segment. Combine that with a complete lack of implementing an actual ending, and you've got Instant WrestleCrap.
No, strike that. I didn't mean to insult WrestleCrap like that. This was just bad, the kind of bad where you actually wonder "Who thought this was a good idea? And then how did everybody else involved allow it to make it onto the air?" But then you remember that That Which OO Does Not Acknowledge As Valid Entertainment is starting up again this week, and you can probably piece the rest together. I feel so bad for AJ and Paige. This segment was shit, on its own merits, but dragging those two down with it is really demoralizing, even for me as a viewer.
Whether it's that "reality" show or this segment, leave it to WWE to find a way to turn an assemblage of really attractive women into something in which I have zero interest.


Next Week: we're getting the Rubber Match between Chris Jericho and Bray Wyatt. And it'll be free, on RAW, inside a steel cage.

Sheep Mask Freeze Frame: Bray Wyatt has a few thoughts about that huge announcement. A VERY few, as it turns out. Bray can't wait to be locked in a cage like an animal, because it's time for Jericho to pay for his sins. In and out in 20 seconds.

JIMMY USO (w/ Jey Uso) vs. GOLDUST (w/ Stardust)

Jey is barely walking under his own power, due to the knee injury sustained last week (and aggravated by the Dust Brothers post-match attack).

Before the match, Goldust says they want to apologize because they got caught up in the heat of the moment last week... but the Usos are having none of that happy crappy, and attack before he can finish the sentence. Once the ref gets things sorted out, the bell rings, and we're off.

Pretty much right off the bat, Goldust settles in on offense for a bit. A little hope spot for Jimmy off a Samoan Drop, but Stardust decides to get involved. Jey tries to counter, but Stardust just shoves him down. So Jimmy has to take Stardust out with a plancha. Of course, as soon as he re-enters the ring, he gets the Final Curtain.

Your WInner: Goldust, via pinfall, in 3 minutes. Back to the match that has no intrinsic value as a match, but tries to get away with it by telling a story. To that end....

After the Match: as soon as Stardust gets back to his feet, and joins Goldust for a celebration, the two notice Jey Uso still on the ground at ringside. So they decide to do more damage to his left knee, using the ring apron and post. We're obviously setting up for the eventual match featuring the Usos as a three-legged team in an ass-kicking contest.


Backstage: Mark Henry and Big Show are chatting. Show is proud of Henry standing up to Rusev, but he hopes this doesn't mean Henry's backing out on their partnership. Henry says nope, they're still on... but he's gotta take care of this first. For himself, and for his country. Show gets it, and pep talks him, saying he hopes Henry crushes Rusev.

See, WWE, was that so hard? Now my brain doesn't hurt, anymore.

Partial Ring Entrances: it's main event time, so here's Triple H (with Stephanie) to take a ringside seat, so he can make an informed decision about who will face Lesnar at NoC. PRETEND TO BELIEVE THIS MATTERS!

Then Cena enters. But then, before we can get anywhere near the actual match, we break for...



Uhhhh, so where is the DEMON~! Kane, Hunter? This is clearly Korporate Kane. Did someone write the opening promo and forget to give Kane a call to tell him to pack his gear?

Regardless, everybody's in the ring, and we ring the bell at 10:41pm (eastern). So OK, for the first time in a month, RAW's shaping up as though it'll deliver a genuine main event wrestling match.

If the story is that Cena's gonna be a wrecking ball again this week, they're waiting to spring it. Reigns starts for the good guys, and easily handles Orton for a few minutes. Meantime, the Iowa crowd is all "WE WANT ROLL INNS."

The first moment of separation Orton gets, he obliges them. And Reigns demolishes him, as well, to the extent that Rollins decides to dive outside to regroup. As Orton and Kane join him, we break for...


Back, and Kane has just regained the advantage from Reigns. Tag to Orton, who quickly loses said advantage, leading to the first near fall of the match (off a Samoan Drop by Reigns). But when Reigns goes for the turnbuckle mount-and-punch, Orton counters it into a modified version of his wraparound backbreaker.

Tag to Rollins, and it appears that Roman's our Face in Peril. The crowd has certainly lost its pro-Rollins zeal. Once Rollins has had his fun, he tags in Kane. The crowd, once again left to entertain itself on a night of subpar entertainment supplied by WWE, fires up the "Let's Go Cena"/"Cena Sucks" game, despite Cena not having contributed anything to the match so far.

Reigns finally gets some  separation, and it's Jericho who gets the tag. Rollins in on the corresponding move, and Jericho goes to town, hitting the Lionsault and then locking in the Walls. Orton breaks it up. Reigns comes in and Superman Punches Orton. Kane chokeslams Reigns. Cena F-Us Kane. Rollins chucks Cena out of the ring.

It's back to Jericho vs. Rollins. The two exchange a few moves, and then both men collide and are down in the middle of the ring. Cole, understandably, sends it to the ad break, but after he finishes, but before the actual break, Jericho hits a flash Codebreaker.

Do we hang around to at least see Rollins kick out? Nope, we still go to the break. Jesus, even the production crew is having an off night tonight. A gaffe that bad is almost as inexcusable as however that confoundingly awful Bella segment got greenlit.


Back, and they at least acknowledge the gaffe, showing that Orton broke up the pinfall after the Codebreaker by dragging Jericho out of the ring. And now, Rollins is decimating Jericho.

After a bit, Rollins decides to try going to the top rope. But when he comes off, Jericho catches him in mid-air with a drop kick. But Rollins gets a tag to Kane, and Kane cuts off Jericho before he can make a tag.

Kane mostly works a chinlock (make your own Orton joke here, I'm fresh out), which is a perfect move for Jericho to fire up out of. And he does, but Kane snuffs out the hope spot and tags Orton in.

Orton works on offense for a bit, but when he sets up for a superplex, Jericho chops his way out of it, and hits a Steamboat style flying body press. But again, Orton is able to tag in Kane before Jericho can tag out... Kane appears to break up the tag for the second time, but it's just a decoy. As soon as Kane shoves Reigns and Cena to the floor, Jericho dropkicks him in the back.

Cena's back up on the apron, Jericho dives, and makes the hot tag.

Cena cleans house in about 30 seconds. And then he tags in Reigns, and lets him finish the job by spearing Kane and getting the pin. Uhhhh, so even CENA didn't really think this match meant jackshit, so he mostly stands on the apron, and then lets another guy get the pin?

Your Winners: Roman Reigns, John Cena, and Roman Reigns, via pinfall, in 24 minutes. In a vacuum, that was a really nicely done six man that added a few wrinkles to the standard formula: first Reigns as the decoy Face in Peril, then Jericho's chance for a hot tag being foiled by Kane... it made for a nice build to the finish. But this isn't a vacuum, and it was presented as being a match to determine a #1 Contender. But at no point did anyone other than HHH actually seem to believe that was the case. Heyman sure didn't; he cut a promo exclusively about Lesnar vs. Cena. And not even Cena deemed it important to do anything remotely impressive in said match. Bleh.

After the Match: Cena went over to HHH and Steph, and basically said, "I'm the #1 Contender, no matter what you say." Rollins tried to sneak attack Cena, but Cena caught him and F-U'd him onto the announce table So naturally, they play Cena's music and focus on him celebrating, because he's not the one that won the match.

Then, we linger for a bit, so Cole & the Gang can do a hard sell for next week's RAW, when -- presumably -- thinks won't stink so much. In addition to the already announced Jericho/Wyatt cage match and invitation to Michael Sam, we also learn that there will be a Reigns vs. Orton match, too. Not to spoil things, but if they're doing the Reigns/Orton rematch on RAW, I guess that pretty much confirms that WWE will rush Ambrose back and do a tag match at NoC, instead of easing Ambrose back onto TV and building to that match at Hell in the Cell.

After the hard sell, Cena's still celebrating his not-being-the-one-who-won as we fade to black...
And so ends the show. I almost feel sorry for wasting your time telling you about it. But then I remember that it only takes you about 8 minutes to read this. I spent 3 hours watching. So really, who should be feeling sorry for whom?
But that said, I won't belabor the point and waste much more of your time. I think I made myself clear in the body of the recap: the opening tag was solid, and the main event was quite good if you could get past the complete lack of credible premise. And in between, it bounced between forgettable and aggressively terrible.
To me, that adds up to a grade of D. So congratulations, WWE: you did just enough to pass. But efforts like this will only guarantee that you graduate at the bottom of the class.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28



Rick Scaia is a wrestling fan from Dayton, OH.  He's been doing this since 1995, but enjoyed it best when the suckers from SportsLine were actually PAYING him to be a fan.



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