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The Rock Shocks, and Dean Ambrose's "Beer Truck Moment"
October 6, 2014

by Rick Scaia
Exclusive to OOWrestling.com


I may have spoken too soon with regards to the death of my interest in baseball. Sure, neither the Reds nor Yankees are still around. But I underestimated my desire to watch the Cardinals suffer, if at all possible. (As a bonus, thanks to MLB At-Bat, I have an excuse to listen to Vin Scully be awesome, as I pull for the Dodgers to inflict the pain. In fact, that's exactly what I'm doing as I type this up.)

But even more than that, I find myself actively cheering FOR an unexpected team: the Kansas City Royals are just a damned fun team to watch. Not just the underdog factor and all the extra inning drama, but their style of play is genuinely exciting. Scrappy, speedy, almost National League-y, back when that distinction mattered.
It probably doesn't hurt that -- up until last Tuesday -- I don't think I've seen a Royals game on TV since I was about 8. Back then, I sorta hated them (mostly because George Brett seemed like such a raging asshole), but 30 years of irrelevance will change one's tune. It's kinda cool to have some fresh teams in the playoffs.
Aaaaannnnddddd, on that note, the Cards just finished off the Dodgers despite a 2-on/1-out rally, so I don't have any excuse for half my brain being otherwise-occupied. Let's get down to business. Here's what happened on the just-completed edition of RAW:

Opening Video Package for the Benefit of Those with ADD: OO does not recap recaps.


As we cut to the inside of the Barclay's Center in New York, Seth Rollins is already on his way to the ring. And, in fact, he's practically storming to the ring, still pissed off by last week's Briefcase Shenanigans. He accuses the fans of missing the real highlight from last Monday, which wasn't him being slimed, it was him Curb Stomping both John Cena and Dean Ambrose.

Mid-rant, the New Stooges -- Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury -- come down to interrupt Rollins and tell him that HHH wants him to get backstage to relative safety, instead of daring Cena or Ambrose to attack him. But Rollins won't listen to reason. He won't live in fear, he loves the spotlight, and....

And here comes John Cena, sprinting down the ramp... so Rollins bails out of the ring and escapes through the crowd.

Bzzzzzzzzt. Wrong answer. When Rollins turns to taunt Cena from the 12th row, Dean Ambrose materializes behind him. They both do a hilarious little double-take as Rollins sees Ambrose on the Tron before turning to see him in the flesh.

Rollins' only choice is to run back towards the ring, where Cena greets him with fist a-flying. Ambrose follows, and jumps off the barricade onto both men. The trainwreck allows the New Stooges to come over and pull Rollins off the pile and shoo him up the ramp.

Ambrose and Cena are getting back to their feet when Motorhead starts playing, and Triple H and Stephanie pop out onto the stage. Long story short, HHH says he'll let the two of them get their hands on Rollins later tonight. In a 2-on-3 handicap match: them versus Rollins, Orton, and Kane.

It's not ideal, but they'll take it.

Delayed Welcome: as the opening segment wraps up, we visit with Cole & The Gang, who say it's gonna be a great show in front of a sell-out crowd of 17,000-ish Brooklyn Hipsters. Of note: the Big Show vs. Rusev rematch that had been previously hyped has now turned into "Rusev and Lana respond to Big Show's Apology," since the Authority has put Show on leave to attend "sensitivity training" or some such BS. So I'm assuming somebody's injured, right? Cuz if that's legitimately WWE's desired storyline play, that's pretty fricking lame.



Well, it looks like United found Dolph's luggage, so everybody breath easy. I know you were deeply concerned...

Bell rings, and Goldust leads the heels in jumpstarting things. The blindside attack results in Jey Uso's shoulder meeting the steel ring steps, putting the good guys at an early disadvantage. Mini-heel-beatdown, then a lukewarm tag to Jimmy.

Quick flurry for Jimmy, then he gets caught in the wrong corner, where the heels triple-team him. That brings Dolph and Jey in for the save... but they fail miserably: Ziggler and both Usos wind up getting tossed out of the ring, and Ziggler gets to meet the ring steps, too, for good measure. Heels are standing tall as we break for....


Back, and Stardust is working over Ricky Uso (joking short-hand aside, I think it's still Jimmy)... frequent tags keep the ring cut in half. Crowd's red hot with "We Want Ziggler" chants, and Jimmy's eventually able to give it to them after creating separation off an enzuigiri.

Cesaro in on the corresponding move, but it's all Dolph for a 60 second flurry, ending with a Fameasser. The Dust Brothers have to come in to make the save, and just like that: a Pier Sixer breaks out.

The good guys get the better of it, save for a quick sequence in which Stardust blind tagged himself in, and caught Ziggler unawares with the Dark Matter. But an Uso dove in to make the save, and the brawl continued until the Usos and Ziggler hit an awesome TRIPLE superkick on Stardust. One Uso and Ziggler kept Cesaro and Goldust at bay while the other Uso hit a Superfly Splash to cap things off.

Your Winners: The Usos and Dolph Ziggler, via pinfall, in 15 minutes. Really really good stuff here, exactly as you'd expect out of these six. Action was tremendous, and storywise, this keeps the Usos in place as tag title contenders heading into the HiaC PPV, while Cesaro seems positioned to stay in the IC Title picture along with Miz.



Not-Regis and Kathie Lee, from one of those morning talk shows where middle aged ladies get drunk at 10am and say dumb shit, head to the ring, with Adam Rose and the Menagerie of Hipster Wangnozzles.

Then the two drink some wine, and unabashed terribleness ensues. The crowd alternates between booing savagely and just getting fed up and ignoring it. Meantime, every person who sat through this is dumber for it. Terrible on every level, and a front runner for the "Most Retarded Garbage That Has No Place on a Wrestling TV Show" award for 2014.

Sheep Mask Freeze Frame: a repeat of last week's Harper Unleashed vignette.



Henry beats the crap out of Bo to the point that Bo bails out of the ring. Henry follows, and sets up to hit the World's Strongest Slam onto the announce table... but Bo squirms out and dives back into the ring as the ref's count hits 9. Henry can't follow fast enough.

Your Winner: Bo Dallas, via count-out, in 2 minutes flat. And so Bo now has 3 wins over Henry (counting one that nobody saw on last week's Tuesday Night's Main Event). Pretend to care!



So here's Dean Ambrose for his second appearance of the night. He's got something to say... he's been sitting backstage, since the Authority made their little announcement, and he's been thinking some deep thoughts about his supposed "partner," John Cena.

He says Cena's already been kinda getting up into his (Ambrose's) space, and then on Friday, Cena hung him out to dry in a tag match. And now, he's finding it harder and harder to not not-like Cena. Since they have to work together again tonight, he figures they'd better clear the air. Ambrose invites Cena to come to the ring.

Cena complies. He hits the ring and gets, at best, a 20/80 cheers-to-boos split. And he plays right into it, saying he understands it: the fans just really like Dean Ambrose. But then he twists it by saying "So if you like Dean Ambrose, if you understand where's he's coming from, then it's real easy: then you understand me, too. We want exactly the same thing." He figures that clears things up.

And while it's pretty clear that both men are motivated by the desire to beat the crap out of Seth Rollins, Ambrose doesn't think it's that simple... Ambrose isn't here to make friends, he doesn't care what Cena wants, and he'd rather face the Authority by himself than make nice with Cena.

Cena pretty much calls "BS" on that, saying that this will be tough enough 2-on-3, and there ain't nobody crazy enough to want to fight 1-on-3, so yadda yadda yadda, quit being an ass, let's do this thing tonight, alright buddy?

And all of a sudden, Ambrose blurts out, "You know what, I'm kinda hungry. Yeah, I think I'm gonna hop on the train, head out to Coney Island, and get me a hot dot." And then Ambrose leaves. To a mixture of cheers and confusion.

Cena's left standing in the ring, and apparently, his attempt at a little chummy pep talk has landed HIM in the 1-on-3 situation.


Under the Barclay's Center: Dean Ambrose headed downstairs, and into the subway, and cameras captured him hopping the Q Train to Coney Island.

Backstage: Triple H walks up to Cena, and is all "Hey, kids today, huh?" But his faux friendliness is just an excuse to rub it in that now Cena's stuck in a 1-on-3 mess. Cena, being John Cena, just cuts a big blustery promo about how he doesn't care, he'll fight the good fight, and blah blah blah...

HHH is impressed by Cena's fighting spirit, so he makes him a promise: when the bell rings tonight, Seth Rollins will start the match, so John Cena will get his chance to get his hands on Rollins. Promise. Swear to God. Uh huh.


Brie's got one arm tied behind her back, because Stephanie. I guess. So it's mostly Summer on offense for a minute, then interference from Layla backfires, and she collides with Summer. Brie hits the ol' Aberdeen Facebuster knee, for the only audible crowd reaction of the entire match (save for a thunderous "DER RICK JEE TER" chant as the crowd looked to entertain itself).

Your Winner: Brie Bella, via pinfall, in 2 minutes flat. 10 out of 10 for trying to present Brie as the underdoggy Lady Bryan. Minus several million for anything that requires me to contemplate the existence of the E! "network" "reality" show.

Backstage: Miz and Damien Sandow are presenting Korporate Kane with a very lovely fruit basket. With Sandow doing the "air promo," Miz does the real talking, and says this is their way of apologizing for any disparaging remarks they made about Kane last week.

But Kane is not buying it. He says they can keep their fruit basket, and suggests they eat up now, because Miz just talked himself into a match. Against Sheamus. And he'll be eating a Brogue Kick later..


JACK SWAGGER (w/ Zeb Colter) vs. TYSON KIDD (w/ Natalya)

Swagger controls early, but then Kidd ducks out of the ring, hides behind Nattie, and turns the tables. Super time compressed heel beatdown, Swagger fires up, whiffs on a Swagger Bomb, Kidd goes up top, Swagger catches him, and awkwardly turns it into the Patriot Act. One lunge towards the ropes for Kidd, then Swagger drags him back to center-ring. No choice but to tap out.

Your Winner: Jack Swagger, via submission, in 3 minutes. After the match, Kidd sells the ankle and looks vaguely miffed at Nattie, even though she had nothing to do with anything. You know what? In the absence of horseshit clips from That Which OO Does Not Acknowledge As Valid Entertainment, this plays a lot more like the straight forward "Nattie's Husband" schtick from NXT, which is infinitely less stupid.

Later Tonight on The Network: Edge and Christian have put together a special hour-long retrospective on SmackDown's 15 years in existence, and it reeks of awesomeness. They promise all sorts of goofy hijinx, and it all kicks off right after RAW (or on-demand all week long, leading up to the 15th Anniversary of SD on Friday night).


Via Satellite: Roman Reigns basically gives a 30 second "I'm getting better but not there yet" update. Wow, thanks for the breaking news, dude. WWE had also been hyping this segment all weekend (just like the show/Rusev match), and I can't imagine being anything other than underwhelmed by the pointlessness of it all.


EL TORITO (w/ Los Matadores) vs. MINI-GATOR (w/ Slater Gator)

The Torito/Hornswoggle death feud rebeginulates. The crowd: "THIS IS STOO PID." Then, for the second time of the night, "DER RICK JEE TER." Then after failed interference by Slater and Titus, Torito pinned Swoggle.

Your Winner: El Torito, via pinfall, in 2 minutes. As genuinely entertaining as these two were for "Wee-LC," there's just not a whole lot more mileage to get out of them, no matter how many goofy costumes are involved.



Rusev and Lana hit the ring. Lana prefaces her comments by wishing Vlad Putin a happy birthday... that goes over like a fart in church. And it doesn't get any better when she proudly declares that there will be no match tonight, because Big Show is suspended for a "hate crime" and that all the fans who cheered or supported him should be in jail.

She hands it over to Rusev, who calls out Big Show and dares him to come down to the ring. When Big Show doesn't (because he's "suspended" and not allowed), Rusev calls him a coward, no different from all the cowards in the crowd.

He raises his hands in victory, and starts lording it over the fans, until....


Holy shit, it's the Rock, live and in the flesh, baby!

Rocky pauses to soak in the cheers on the stage, but then heads to the ring. He loses the stylish windbreaker, inviting us all to the gun show, and then grabs a mic. Then, he has to wait out a "HO LEE SHIT" chant. Then, a "THIS IS AWE SOME" chant.

Finally, he speaks, "Rusev, Lana, you need to do two things: Know Your Role, and" the crowd finishes it for him. Then it's story time. The Rock rolled out of bed at his home in Florida, hit the gym, just like he knows Rusev must have. "Except I didn't pull my shorts up to my nipples." Then he got on a plane and flew to New York... and then took various subways, taxis, ferries, and other modes of transportation to various places of note, getting a  cheap pop for each one (the loudest for "DER RICK JEE TER"), until he walked into the Barclay's Center, where he can now proudly say "FINALLY, the Rock has come back to Brooklyn."

Lana tells Rock to "Shut Tup." Rock tells Lana to quit dressing like a Soviet Streetwalker. Rusev will not stand for that and tells Rock to leave, or else Rusev will crush him.

So Rock responds by telling Rusev that his breath smells like "Chewbacca's sweaty beanbag," and when he asks what Rusev thinks of that, catches him with a "It doesn't matter what you think." Then a point of clarification, because the Rock doesn't want them anybody claiming this is racism or a hate crime: people don't hate Rusev or Lana because they're Russian. They hate them because they are ay-holes.

At Lana's behest, Rusev steps up to Rock, ready to fight. Rocky rattles off a quick rhyme, and gets to it. The Rock wins the battle of right hands, sending Rusev tumbling out of the ring. Lana corals him, and they retreat while Rocky tags it with a "If you smell what the Rock is cooking."

Huge celebration with the ringside fans brings the near 20-minute segment to a close... so forget my theory that somebody must be injured for them to resort to a lame bait-and-switch. Instead, somebody found out Rock was gonna be in NYC on business and decided to write him into the show at the last second. Rusev vs. Show can wait, and it's all good by me.
It's always fun when WWE has a genuine ace up its sleeve and surprises us, and on top of that, Rock was definitely bringing some grade-A promo material. Worth checking out on the youtubes if you missed it...



So Paige is continuing with the notion that Alicia is her new BFF, while AJ has accepted Emma as a partner but isn't exactly thrilled about it. AJ wins an early exchange against Paige, then both teams switch out...

Emma goes on a tear, but then gets all excited and dances, instead of going for the win. AJ keeps imploring her to go for the pin, but Emma keeps dancing, so AJ walks out. This makes Emma sad. Meantime, Paige tags herself in and demolishes Emma from behind. Fin.

Your Winners: Paige and Alicia, via pinfall, in 3 minutes. Nothing to see, match-wise, but effective in terms of painting AJ as a proud loner, while Paige is willing to take advantage of "friends" to get what she wants.

Sheep Mask Freeze Frame: a companion piece to the Harper Unleashed vignette, this time with Bray Wyatt announcing that he has "fixed" Erick Rowan and is setting him free, too. Then, the final image is a pregnant woman's belly with "It's Coming" spelled out on it.

Cree. Pee. Color me intrigued.


Happy Birthday: Bruno Sammartino is 79 years old today, and is not an evil dictator.

SHEAMUS vs. MIZ (w/ Damien Sandow) (Non-Title)

Sandow is once again genius with his new "air wrestling" shtick of mirroring everything Miz does, offensively. Sadly, he doesn't get a whole lot material, as Miz pretty much instantly goes on defense. Sheamus dominates the early stages, but the crowd still voices its approval by chanting for "DAY myin MIZ dow *clap*clap*clapclapclap*"...

Finally, Miz has had enough, and bails out of the ring to regroup. Break in the action means we break for...


Back, and Miz has gained the advantage, which means Sandow is on full display. And the crowd is chanting "WE WANT MIZ DOW" and also "SAN DOW's BET TER." Sandow's actually able to get the fans to transfer some of that good will onto Miz, and the fans boo when Sheamus begins his comeback.

Miz rolls out of the ring, and Sheamus chases... Sandow runs interference, and Sheamus punches him, to massive boos. He takes it back into the ring, where he sets up for the Brogue Kick. Sandow, looking for revenge, gets up on the apron. Miz ducks the Brogue, and Sandow eats it to even more vociferous boos.

But Miz is able to capitalize by hitting a flash roll-up for the cheap win. Miz and Sandow don't really get to celebrate, though, as Sheamus grabs a chair and chases them away.

Your Winner: Miz, via pinfall, in 10 minutes. Really fun match, with the Sandow love adding a delightful extra dimension. OO's loved it some Sandow since Day One, and it's awesome to have him getting others on board. And storywise, Miz now holds a contractually obligated rematch against IC Champ Ziggler and a non-title win over US Champ Sheamus, which means plenty of moving pieces to keep the upper-mid-card exciting, setting up all kinds of tag and multi-way matches, and maybe even lasting through to be the basis for a 5-on-5 Survivor Series match.


Boobies Good, Cancer Bad: Joan Lunden thanks WWE and the fans for all the support -- both financial and moral -- and role calls the half-dozen or so cancer survivors at ringside, and hopes to join their ranks after she wins her own battle with breast cancer.


After RAW: Edge and Christian will be doing awesome things on the Network, so pony up your NINE NINETY-NINE already!


You wouldn't necessarily expect a 1-on-3 handicap match to be played straight as a competitive contest, but here, we're not even bothering to pretend. By the time everybody's in the ring and ready to go, it's 11:00pm (eastern), so we're definitely just doing a main event angle, and to hell with a pretense of a match...

No love for Cena, as that initial 20/80 split has -- if anything -- gone even more towards boos. He even gets the rare sing-songy "John Cena Suuuuuuuucks" in the tune of his entrance theme.

When the bell rings, Rollins is, indeed, in the ring. But then he immediately tags out to Kane, so HHH keeps the letter of his promise while (predictably) not following through on the spirit of it.

Kane and Orton take turns beating Cena down for a bit, and after 2 whole minutes of that Cena's weakened enough that Rollins is willing to tag in and  pick over his carcass. You know, that probably would have rung a lot truer and gotten a bigger pop if it was more like 6 or 8 minutes; just sayin'...

Rollins gets about 90 seconds of offense in, then Cena makes his comeback. But he can't fight the numbers game. They actually re-do the EXACT finish as Friday, but to Cena. Rollins shoves Cena into a big boot by Kane, and the ref has to call for the DQ.

Your WInner: John Cena, via DQ, in 4 minutes. So yeah, don't bother asking whether it was any good as a match... but it definitely got its point across by having the script flipped from Friday. Ambrose hangs Cena out to dry, gets a DQ win with the exact same finish. Good for the goose, good for the gander.

After the Match: the poetic justice continues, as Ambrose does show up, after the fact, just like Cena did on Friday. Major difference: Ambrose is pushing a hot dog cart. Heh.

He pops up the umbrella, and heads to the ring. Kane and Orton get slathered in ketchup and mustard, but the brawl still starts to go in their favor until Cena's able to rejoin the fray. Kane and Orton get dropped out of the ring, and then Ambrose hits a Flying Goat Dive onto Rollins.

The final humiliation: Ambrose covers Rollins in sauerkraut and pickle relish, and then uses the old Tongs-to-the-Testicles. Ahh, the classics. Kane and Orton rush to help, and the trio retreat, with Rollins again overselling the indignity, slip-and-slide-style.

That leaves Cena and Ambrose to eyeball each other, the tension building until Motorhead once again plays, and HHH and Steph come out onto the stage. HHH declares that he realizes this won't end until one of them gets Seth Rollins. So one of them will.

But only after they fight each other. At Hell in a Cell, Cena and Ambrose will have a match, and the winner will face Rollins later in the night, and inside a Cell. Then, in an absolutely awful/hokey/ham-handed/writer-y/eyeball-roll-enducing tagline, Steph chimes in that "Either way, one of you is going Straight. To. Hell." Jesus, with a dry cool wit like that, she could be an action hero.

Luckily, that's not the punchline to the show. Instead, Hunter and Steph depart, and leave Cena and Ambrose to have a staredown. It appears as though it's gonna end peaceably... but then AMBROSE ALERT~!

A sneaky Dirty Deeds gets a HUGE pop from the crowd, and Ambrose stands tall over Cena as we fade to black...
And so ends the show. It was a bit of a slog for the first two hours... a delightful blend of forgettable 2-minute matches and horrible crap, with only the six-man tag to recommend it. But the final hour certainly brought it all home with an entertainind mix of spectacle (Rock's surprise appearance), in-ring action (Miz/Sheamus), and storyline (Ambrose/Cena).
Sure, it'd have been nice if they'd at least made an effort to have the main event TRY to be an actual match (and it would have been easy, given the amount of throwaway 2-minute bits earlier in the show that nobody would have missed), but whatever...
In a vacuum, it's a show that probably adds up to a C-minus-y type grade. But the build up to an actual climax, combined with the atmospheric bonusses created by the Rock and the livey crowd, had a "greater than the sum of its parts" effect on things. It just felt like a big show, and one that you'll actually end up remembering and rewatching in the future. I mean, if things break the right way, this may well end up being Dean Ambrose's "beer truck moment," rendering the Rock's cameo an afterthought.
That's not nothing. So let's be charitable and upgrade tonight's episode to a B-minus. You can't complete ignore the existence of crap, but you can definitely opt to focus on the positives. Solid show...

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28



Rick Scaia is a wrestling fan from Dayton, OH.  He's been doing this since 1995, but enjoyed it best when the suckers from SportsLine were actually PAYING him to be a fan.



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