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Michael Chioda, Please Report to the
Principal's Office...
December 16, 2002

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG DLV entertainment non-entertainment Dawn/Torrie from last week - I had this great point about "maybe the ratings are good for that angle because (outside of HBK/HHH) it's the only one they've been building on weekly for three months now, as compared to stuff like Benoit and Angle hating each other faded into the background with no real conclusion but Frontpage ate it (1:26) open - you'd think they take the retired person out, but then the guy who's banned from appearing on the other show is still in 'em, so whatever 

Philips Arena, Atlanta, GA and SAP - 72 hours, 3 days, 1 A-Show, however you count it, we're almost to Armageddon. Tonight, since we have to have matches, how about the unlikely (as noted by Tazz) team of Kurt Angle and Edge versus the Big Show and Albert? That's quite nearly a match! Also, Scott Steiner signs, which is not really a match but should be longer than most of 'em! (Pessimism is a wonderful way to start a show off!) First...

Rikishi (350 pounds, no hometown given) vs B-2 (265 pounds, no hometown given, w/John Cena) - B2 is B-2 because they found it very annoying to have to hit the superscript button every time he came out (and no one got the pun joke of "be square".) Announcers don't acknowledge the chance because no one really cares - as shown by only one person seemingly noticing not-Cena's lyrics last week. Cena is sporting a old school Padres road jersey, because they are not in San Diego. Tazz on Cena: "Looks like you [Cole] at the hotel everyday!" Tazz points out the chain with lock around Cena's neck - eccentric taste in jewelry. Rikishi and B2 have a stare down - B-2 with the homie pose, Riksihi punks him out, Riksihi with the homie pose. B-2 with a right, it's blocked, Rikishi jab jab jab big right. Corner clothesline. Stinkface already? No, B-2 is up but walks into a backdrop. Whip, no quick reverse into a Bull knee. B-2 with rights and kicks in the corner. B-2 gets a running start, runs past Cena bit hits the springboard turning clothesline one two no. Chinlock - Rikishi is elbowing quick. B-2 tries a clothesline it's missed and he runs into the Samoan Drop. Rikishi slowly to standing over him - big sit? No, Cena's on the apron and Rikishi goes over - Cena's punch is blocked, Rikishi's is not. Rikishi slingshots Cena in (Tazz: "Tony Gwynn don't fly like that!") and knocks him out the other side. Thrust kick for B-2, and he's setting up - running corner butt bump. B-2 falls into position, Rikishi turns, Cena's on the apron distracting the ref and misses B-2 hitting a low blow uppercut on Rikishi. B-2's pulling off his belt but Jim Korderas has spotted him now and he's trying to take it away - meanwhile, Cena's got that chain around his wrist - chain punch to the head, Cena takes off, B-2 over to cover one two three. (2:44) WISE choice in jewelry is what I meant. Rikishi's not moving - B-2 and Cena celebrate on the outside. Replay - chain to the head. Regal would be proud. Confused, but proud.

In the back Cole: "the most beautiful women in the WWE" Torrie Wilson enters - we're supposed to notice a group of guys nickering as she walks bye. A conversation with Jan the Makeup Lady reveals "between you and I (and that camera guy standing right in front of me)" that Dawn's been telling everyone her side of the story of what happened in that hotel room, and we can infer it wasn't a rousing game of Twister. Actually, maybe - well, anyway Torrie walks off sad. 

Your host are Tazz and Michael Cole. Tazz says he's heard about what happened - "triple hot! off the chart on hot! I can't even explain how hot!" That's what I heard to! Cole has something hot as well - Brock Lesnar signing autographs earlier today. I think Cole has some issues there, but he promises that this will be interesting if we stay around after a break.

Earlier Today, Brock Lesnar was signing autographs - he's probably been at this for a while because he's not even bothering to look up from signing at this point. Let's skip to the second person in line we see: "What's your name, kid?" "Kurt." "Kurt." [signing away] "Kurt Angle." Brock looks up - yep. "What do you want?" "Can I talk to you? [Brock hasn't given a reaction] Folks, Brock Lesnar is going to take a five minute break, he'll be back in five minutes to sign autographs [crowd moans] Sorry for the inconvenience!" "I'll be right back, excuse me." They walk off to a more secluded hallway. 

Brock: "Can I help you?" 
Angle: "Well, actually Brock, we can help each other. You see, I can help you get your suspension lifted. If you can help me beat the Big Show."
Brock: "How I can I help you beat the Big Show?" 
Angle: "By being in my corner, this Sunday at Armageddon." 
Brock: "Are you saying you can't beat the Big Show?" 
Angle: "I can beat the Big Show, but with all due respect, even you couldn't beat the Big Show with Paul Heyman in his corner. I mean, Brock, this Sunday at Armageddon, if you're in my corner, if you come down to the ring with me and you stand in my corner, you're gonna be looking at the man who screwed you Brock - he screwed you out of the WWE Title - he's gonna be twenty feet away from you, and I promise you, you're going to be able to get your hands on Paul Heyman for doing what he did to you. And Brock, let's be honest - I mean, Paul Heyman's never going to give you a shot at the title. You'll never have that shot at the Big Show, because he'll never let it happen. As long as Big Show is champion, you'll never get that shot. But Brock, if I'm champion, if I become the WWE champion, you're gonna be the first one on my list. Because you deserve it, Brock. Ever since you got here, you've been - you've been tearing it up - I mean you've been dominating the whole time. You know, I am impressed by what I've seen Brock, and I'll tell you this Brock, you're an NCAA Champion, okay? A national champion. You remember that feeling, right? Well don't tell me for a second that you haven't thought for a second about what it would be like to face an Olympic champion, to perhaps beat an Olympic Champion - if you can. Tell me you haven't thought about that." 
Brock: [scripted sounding] "Yes I have thought about that many times Kurt." 
Angle: "Well I have too, Brock. I've been thinking about that since you came here. I mean, Brock, I know you're a competitor and I know you want to face the very best - it's right here, Brock. Angle vs Lesnar, the greatest match in WWE history. All I'm asking Brock, is for you to help me out. If you help me out, I'll help you out. If you help me out, I'll help you out. What do you think about it?"
Brock: "If - if you can get my suspension lifted Kurt - " 
Angle: "Yea." 
Brock: "- I'll think about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to take care off." 
Angle: "Sorry for the inconvenience." [Brock walks away. Kurt is happy with how it went.]

Paul Heyman, Big Show and Albert talk about the main event in the locker room. Heyman hypes Show "teaming with this - this runaway locomotive, this train - this A-Train! [Paul catches himself as Albert stops his shuffling] Is that okay?" Albert: "A-Train - A-Train, I love it!" See, it's a repackaging by changing his name and nothing else . Paul see tag team gold potential in the team, but they're interrupted by Tough Enough 1's Josh Matthews who's apparently a new SmackDown Interviewer (I guess Loyd had the week off? And Funaki was busy doing something or other...Josh's voice cracks by the third word he gets out), who wants to know what they think of what just happened. Paul rambles on about Torrie and Dawn but Josh clears it up - the Kurt/Brock possible alliance, and Big Show is not happy. Paul figures he can go to Stephanie and get this all straightened out. They leave A-Train to stare down Josh.

RAW Live
Friday - Old Dominion
Saturday - Fort Myers, FL
Sunday - Fort Lauderdale, FL
Monday - Orlando, FL
Next Saturday - Oklahoma City, OK

As promised, Paul and Big Show walk into Stephanie's office to argue with her (while she's on the phone.) I guess she's a face this week because your attention is drawn to her cleavage. Show loudly protests but Paul ushers him out for them to wait for the phone call to be over. Paul cups his ear to the outside of the door to listen while we go back to the ring

Bill DeMott (no introduction) vs Shannon Moore (already in the ring) - hey, Bill's wearing a generic WWE shirt this week! Good for him. Earlier today, he talked to - well, no one but the camera (they could've said "no one held the mic for them because they don't want to be a floor stain but you know continuity and all) "Unlike all of you, I enjoy my work. I enjoy beating the hell out of people." DEEP. Bill tries to jump Shannnon with a right, but Shannon ducks it and hits a forearm. Headlock - Bill with a back suplex. Cole is already giving this match to Bill and wondering when Bill will fight someone his own size. You know, they have a Billy (Gunn), a Billy (Kidman) and a Bill (DeMott) on this show - it's a 3 Dollar Bill. Shannon tries to fight back but he's just too small for any of his strikes to work - powerbomb. Replay of powerbomb! Cole thinks Bill likes beating people up - it's almost as if he just said such at thing a minute ago! Shannon tries a sunset flip but gets a punch. Corner whip, Bill charges, Shannon goes for the corner sunset flip, it doesn't work out right but manages to nicely pull out an inside cradle one two no. DeMott powerslam - pulling Shannon into position. Is the crowd chanting Goldberg? That's funny. No Laughing Matter one two three (1:39) They're not calling it that anymore, but it doesn't really matter. Tazz: "Bill DeMott is the real deal." See you in a couple months, Shannon!

Back in the GM office, Stephanie, the champ and Big Show (look at the funny I just made there!) discuss Brock's suspension and it being revealed. Angle made his case earlier in a clip we didn't see, apparenlty. Stephanie's viewpoint is that since Brock listened to her for a whole two weeks and didn't show up at SmackDown last week, and thus far this week, he's living up to his end. "What am I supposed to do, keep him off SmackDown forever?" Both: "YES!" Stephanie losses money that could be made on Brock when he's not on TV, so it does her no good to keep it on. Paul decides the best way to make his case is to yell and threaten Stephanie, because he's an idiot. Suspension lifted as of Armageddon. "What kind of business do you think you are?" Stephanie tells them to leave, and they do yelling.

So odd that they're making such a deal about Brock at Armaggedon, seeing as he promised to do that last week. Ah, memories.

The reason SmackDown! needs better sponsors is so they can stop showing these BOD ads. Who do they think watches this show? 

BOD men Benoit and Guerrero eliminations of last week

Los Guerreros (441 pounds) vs WWE Cruiserweight Champion Thug Life Billy Kidman (Allentown, PA, 215 pounds, moments ago) and Chris Benoit (Edmonton, AB 229 pounds) for the WWE Tag Team Titles - remember when teams had to go through 2 out of 3 falls matches to just get a title shot? I guess they could say "Chavo got a title shot last week in exchange for this one" but they, you know, don't. Hey look, Kidman and Benoit have color-coordinated (red). Eddie and Chavo are working a purple/black/blue riff. Probably Senior Referee Mike Choida finds that there actually is holding back Chris Benoit - he wants to get at Eddie now but Mike would like to get down to two wrestlers in the ring first. It'll be - hey, why not Chris and Eddie. Lockup - Eddie pushes Chris in the corner, clean break? No, Benoit shoves him away and Choida gets in the middle to warn both of them. Both swing and are short. Lockup again - Benoit with a headlock, shot in the ropes and back with a shoulderblock. Eddie with a double leg takedown and front facelock but Chris turns it over and gets the armbar but Eddie battles away before he can hook the Crossface. Eddie up, Chris misses with a clothesline, Eddie with a knee lift, chop. Have another. Benoit turns it around in the corner but Eddie ducks a chop - Eddie and Chris grapple into the corner but Chavo makes a blind tag in to help his partner, Chavo right is ducked and Benoit chops him down as Eddie escapes. Kick, slam. Tag to Kidman - slingshot legdrop one tow no. Kidman with a forearm to the face, whip, reversed, Kidman ducks under a clothesline, 'rana. Whip, again, Chavo slide under this time but Kidman turns and nails him with a clothesline anyway. Kidman picks up Chavo, Chavo with a knee, and throws him in the corner kicks. Chavo lures him referee Mike Choida away from the corner so Eddie can get in punches. Benoit is in to argue but is kept away from breaking it up. Chavo with a big back suplex - tag to Eddie for the slingshot somersault senton. Eddie picks up Kidman by the hair while taunting Benoit - elbows and rights to the head. Suplex. One two no. Tag to Chavo - snap mare, dropkick to the face, Chavo covers one  two no. Chavo with stomping, but Kidman tries to ballet up with punches. Whip, reversed, Kidman tires for a jumping DDT (I guess - maybe a Thesz Press?) but Chavo spine busters him one two no. Thrown into the corner, so he can work him over and throws Kidman out. Chavo distracts so Eddie can get in a shot again - slam. Benoit's again arguing, so Chavo has time to slide out, throw Kidman back in and fake a tag with Eddie. Eddie taunts Benoit as Kidman struggles on the mat. Powerbomb - eh maybe not. Cole is shocked because he's a moron. Kidman needs a tag - but Eddie recovers and pulls him back. Tag to Chavo, who slips in another dropkick to the face. Stomp. Stomp. Choke on the middle ropes. Front facelock - but Kidman fights out and runs Chavo into a neutral corner. Both men down - can Kidman make the tag? Looks like Chavo has a foot and Kidman isn't going - tag to Eddie. Eddie in to stomp and stop his movement for sure. Right hands - but Kidman firing back with both hands, everything he's got left - whip, big backdrop. Kidman going the wrong way - now finding Eddie again - kick, powerbomb  - tag, Benoit in, turnbuckle smash for Eddie, chop chop, Eddie tries to clothesline his way out of the corner and walks right into the Crossface! - and COMMERCIALS (6:13)

If they feel it's the best way to keep people around to find out what's happened is to interrupt the action during a possible finish rather than a moment where everyone's out of commission, that's find and good and their choice at all, but they sap at the already very stretched credibility of the announcers when they pretend it was out of their control. It's a taped show - you can have 20 minute segments and 1 minute segments if you want, because they've done it before and they'll do it again. Just kinda silly because now you know Ross was lying (well more than usual) on Monday and Cole will when he does the same in a moment here and it hurt them. Lesson: Only lie if it's gonna help you. 

Cole apologizes for the break in the midst of his spin, which is at least nice - during the break, Eddie taped out but the referee was distracted by Chavo getting in and breaking it up. We're back and Kidman has a chinlock on Chavo. Stomping him. Pulling him up - Chavo with a knee, Bill with a right. Whip, reversed and Eddie pulls down the ropes to take Kidman out of the ring. Working him over on the outside as Benoit again yells at Mike Choida for stopping him from evening it up. Fans chanting bad things about Eddie - Chavo brings Kidman back in. Turnbuckle smash. Tag to Eddie - they take Kidman to the mat, double rolling legbar! Eddie keeps on the Grapevine as Kidman goes out - and Benoit is in to break it it up. Eddie tries to get at Benoit but he's blocked away - maybe on purpose? Eddie pulling up Kidman by the hair so he can punch him. Back suplex - no, Kidman on top one two no.! Eddie with a dropkick to Kidman's head (completely misses on camera but sold) and some better kick to the ribs. Kick to the back of the leg. Eddie with a fireman's carry into a modified hammerlock. Chavo sneaking over to help if it's needed. Crowd back to the EDDIE SUCKS chant. Chavo with some leverage help from the outside - he gets away before it's caught. Eddie has Kidman pinned one two no - Benoit in and with a kick to break it up - Chavo is in to put the hold back on as Mike pulls Benoit out and Eddie fakes the tag.  Kidman rallies back with punches, whip, reversed, Kidman spinning headscissors. Kidman opts to go for the rebound clothesline, but Chavo again has this scouted and stops him with a knee lift. Shot for Benoit too while Chavo's at it. Tag to Eddie - Kidman tries to battle 1 on 2 out of the corner, Chavo lifts him but Kidman turns it into a spinning headscissors on Eddie! Dropkick for Chavo! Tag to Benoit - or not, because after three "I only heard it but didn't see it" tags between Eddie and Chavo, Choida draws the line here - he was busy with Eddie and looking the  wrong way, so he's calling this back. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME. (I realize it's a cheap heel heat but unless Mike's gonna turn heel here, the story doesn't make sense.) Los Guerreros double team stomp Kidman as Benoit continues to argue - Benoit is in and he doesn't care about being legal any more - Rights for Eddie, release German suplex! Kick, release German Suplex for Chavo too. Right snap suplex for Eddie - kick snap suplex for Chavo. This is a hot non-tag, I guess. Benoit going up - swandive headbutt on Eddie. Cover one two NO Chavo breaks it up - Cole: "But why is the referee counting if it's not legal?" EXACTLY. Where's Tim White when you need him? Tencicos beat up rudos - Eddie whipped into Chavo, Crossface on Chavo, short powerbomb on Eddie. Kidman going up - Shooting Star Press MISSES! Eddie with the pin with feet on the rope one two three (11:48) Well they were the legal men, but not that anyone but me and maybe the announcers knew at that point. Replays - we see that Chavo as taped out and it was probably just luck that Choida happened to be looking the other way when it happened. I hope Choida is reviewed for this match!

Backstage - well, if you like the Torrie/Dawn angle, my description of Torrie's protruded nipples aren't going to do it for you. Ah, Dawn's in lingerie now. "Stop undressing!" Dawn's telling no lies, according to Dawn. Torrie says Dawn better come through with her side of the plan and break off the marriage. The code word this time is "Indecent Proposal". 

RAW Retro: The Wedding, 11/29/99. I think we've all learned our lesson. They dub over Triple H's "My Time" theme song with "Time to Play the Game" for no particular reason. Look how smaller her breasts were back in the day. I have no idea where I'm going with that concept. (1:16

Cole and Tazz declare that a great RAW moment - I wonder how Stephanie feels about that now.

So then, after this break, we have this long segment where Al says he's still in love with Dawn after whatever happened in that hotel room, Dawn swerves Torrie by saying that she's just so taken by what Al said, she simply can't break up with Al. And Torrie runs (bounces) out and attacks Dawn, because she doesn't have sex for free, you know, even shoving down Al in the process. You know, at some point you've just got let people make their own mistakes and get out of the blast zone until they actually want your help, Torrie. Dawn retaliates by promising to show footage of what happened in the hotel room at Vengeance. And SCENE. From Dawn's music to break, it runs (8:23) We're supposed to feel sorry for Torrie but really turned on to see this footage.

Tazz can't wait to see the footage - "it's gonna be off the hook! Skin on skin!" During the break, Torrie broke down in tears on the apron. Tazz doesn't seem to care all that much.

Jamie Noble (w/Nidia, Hanover, WV, 200 pounds, 4) vs Crash (Salisbury, NC, 214 pounds, green, 3) - Jamie and Nidia are really sure this will be the time everything changes - no sign of Nunzio, yet. Noble is trying to get himself psyched up as they circle. Lockup - no, Jamie with a kick, forearm, forearm. Elbow to the back of the neck. Snap mare cover zero. Slam, one two no. Joey Numbers research says Nunzio is about seven foot, 320 pounds. Noble with a corner whip, revered, rebounds out into a hiptoss. Crash with a dropkick, and then an inverted atomic drop off the ropes and into a back elbow. Punch exchange - Jamie goes to a kneelift to get the better of it. Whip, Crash with a clothesline. Backdrop! Crash backing him into the ropes, short whip into a kick, whip, into a Crash face first powerbomb one two NO not this week. Corner whip, Noble rebounds back - Crash Bulldog, Jamie pushes him off, Crash lands on his feet. Crash tries to pulls Jaime out of the corner by his legs but Jamie hooks his arms around the top rope and kicks his legs on Crash's neck. With Crash stunned, Jamie comes out of the corner - 'rana is countered and Crash is setting up the Crash Landing - and here's Nunzio. Dressed all in white but looking familiar - forearm to Crash's back to break it up (DQ 2:08) time for stomping. Nidia warily checks on Noble as Nunzio continues to stomp.  Right hands as Koderas tries to clean it up but he's being ignored by the new man. Weak ECW chant. More right hands. He turns to Jamie, who tells Nunzio to get Crash - fisherman's buster [called by Cole!] is probably Nunzio's finisher. Jamie is happy to see him - Nunzio says he told him. Hug. Nidia is less than happy but not actively following up on it right now. Nunzio kick Crash out of the ring - Jamie introduces Nidia and Nunzio, but we cut away...

A limo arrives...

Over at the GM's office, Stephanie is told Scott Steiner is here. She sends a message back - she's got the contract and will meet him in the ring.  

X-Box Scott Steiner getting in a limo with Stephanie two weeks ago on RAW

Okay, so Stephanie and Scott Steiner talk in the ring - they talk about the clip we just saw, where Steiner reveals that after the camera stopped rolling, Stephanie did as well - no sex in the champagne room. This goes against Cole saying "Stephanie sacrificed for SmackDown!" earlier in the segment. Stephanie promises they'll seal the deal later but he wants her to make good right now - and pulls her on to the signing table to take care of business right now. "Right there's the video camera, let's make our own home movie!" Stephanie manages to push him off and starts into a heel speech about having higher morals than his freaks. She's all business right now - she wants him to sign. He takes the microphone to point out the fans claiming that she's not a person of high morals. Scott says if he can't trust her to have sex with him, when can he trust Stephanie? Stephanie's nothing but a "tease." Scott asks the crowd if he can trust her - they say no. Scott opts for no - SmackDown!'s good, but he's not signing because of Stephanie. He's going to RAW. Stephanie tries to plead with him - she seems to be rethinking her no from before, but it seems he's done. As Scott makes it to the stage, he passes Eric Bischoff walking out. I wonder how he got in. Eric just stands and smiles. Stephanie throws her contract up the ramp and "tears up the furniture in the ring" weakly. Scene. 

SmackDown Live
Saturday - Jacksonville, FL
Sunday - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Monday - Sarasota, FL
Tuesday - Tampa, FL

A-TRAIN A-TRAIN A-TRAIN okay I get it. Let's see what he did last week - and here's some surgery footage. Yes, Rey wears his mask in the hospital. I love when they do that. Rey doesn't want to retire with a bummed out knee that he can't even walk on, which seems against the odds at this point. We almost see Rey's face as he goes into surgery. He promises revenge. (1:39)

Wow, is Josh Matthews ever not ready for his spot - as much as Marc Loyd might be Generic White Male Announcer #34, he sounds professional. Anyway, Edge points out that even with one knee, he almost became #1 contender. And so at Armageddon, A-Train will have to be beaten severely. As for tonight and Kurt Angle - hey, here's the man himself. Edge wants to know if Angle has his back - Angle says he has his back just as much as Brock has his back at Armageddon. Good enough for Edge, I guess.

Cole and Tazz talk about the main event - but let's transition to PPV hype

  • Dawn shows footage of her and Torrie
  • Triple H (c, w/Ric Flair) vs Shawn Michaels for the World Heavyweight Title match in best 2 out 3 falls match (street fight, cage, ladder)
    • "We Called [a slightly different version of] This Three Stages Of Hell At One Point But Have Since Forgotten That Name"
  • Victoria (c) vs Trish Stratus vs Miss Jackie for the Women's Title
  • Edge vs A-Train
  • Jericho/Christian (c) vs Goldust/Booker T vs Storm/Regal vs Dudley Boyz for the World Tag Team Championship
  • Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero
    • "This match over here has five stars written all over it"
  • Kane vs Batista (w/Ric Flair)
  • the Big Show (c, w/Paul Heyman) vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Title

A-Train, Paul, and Big Show are walking to the ring. They're next.

Lugz Angle win/free ride of last week

WWE Champion the Big Show (500 pounds, no hometown given, w/Paul Heyman) & Anthony Thomas (350 pounds, no home town given, w/new train related music, train related video) vs you think you know Edge (T dot O, 241 pounds) and Kurt Angle (Pittsburgh, PA, 237 pounds) - I guess the train doesn't still board in Boston, MA? Cole makes much of Albert and Big Show weighing 850+ combined - the better way to flaunt the ability to add is that Angle and Edge combined is still less that Big Show. Edge and Show to start - Edge doesn't appear to be favoring the knee this week - Show shoves him down. Show: "I'm going bust your ass. You don't get up in my face. Bring your ass up, let's go." Edge ducks a lockup, kick to the left knee, kick, kick, kick, duck, right, right, shoved into the corner and a big open hand slap. Edge rolls out to the apron - jawbreaker over the ropes. Tag to Angle. Show makes the motion that he has the belt - and he wants a tag out. A-Train in. Lockup - Angle with a headlock, Albert tries to lift him up and throw him off but failing, Angle is shot in the ropes and A-Train takes him down with a shoulderblock. More talking and stalling - crowd with a Shave Your Back chant. Lockup again - Angle with a single leg takedown, front facelock on the mat. Angle lifts him up and runs him back first into the corner. Corner shoulders and punches. Corner whip, charge in to a back elbow. Angle to the second rope - missile dropkick one two NO. Tag to Edge. Edge write after Albert with kicks in the corners and right hands. Hebner tries to get him off and gets yelled at. Corner whip, reversed and Edge goes down. Turnbuckle smash. Right. Right. Kick. Albert talking trash in the corner - and Edge rallying back with punches. Off the ropes, ducks the clothesline, right into the press slam but slides down the back for a sunset flip one two no. Edge does briefly grab his right knee as he gets up - right, right, off the ropes and into the Albert scissors kick. Heyman is loud. Replay of said kick. Albert working that knee - smashing it into the apron. Tag to Show. Side backbreaker. Heyman is loud, have I mentioned that? Legdrop on the leg. Cheap shot to Angle. Legdrop on the leg. Knee driver. There are nice five second pauses between moves to make it easy to transcribe. Heyman taunts Edge with the belt as Show does something or other. Elbow drop to the inside of the knee. Tag to A-Train to kick the knee some. I'm supposed to be just calling him A-Train but I don't care all that much - this is a slightly less dramatic change from Prince Albert, anyway. Tag to Show - Albert holds the leg to Show can hit it, so Show just takes the leg instead of hitting it. Toe hold - Show threatens to break it off, but I don't think he will. Stomps to the midsection. Stomp to the knee. Edge using the ropes to pull himself up - open hand slap doesn't quite work well, and he gets a knee. Suplex. One two no. Angle wants the tag but Edge is kinda on the mat now. Pulling Edge back to Albert - open hand slap, tag to A-Train. Rights in the corner. Shave Your Back chant distracts A-Train again, but Heyman directs him back. Bending the knee around the ropes. Albert with a right, it's blocked. Edge to the second rope and there's a swinging DDT. Edge needs to make the tag - tag to Angle, Show in without a tag - Angle ducks a clothesline, right, right, Show with a knee to cut him down. Whip, dropkick to Show's knee, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, A-Train saves me by breaking it up. Corner whip, Choo choo corner splash but no one's home - German Suplex German Suplex German Suplex release - and Show big boots him to stop it. Hey, it's the Alley-Oop! Hey, Angle has no idea how he was supposed to take that! Edge with a missile dropkick on Show but Edge hurt his knee again. Running forearm to Show's head, but he's just wobbly. Again. A third time - this time the Spear, but Show sidesteps and A-Train takes it. Show tries for a big boot but Edge ducks and Show gets crotched on the ropes somehow. Show complains and blocks Hebner's view - A-Train chairs Edge as he's going up, then stashes the chair back under the ring before Hebner can spot it. Edge got taken to the floor by the chair shot and he's in some pain - got him right on that bad knee. Show back to work - slaps on Angle. toss. Corner with Albert into a choo choo corner splash on Angle. Show picks him up - jawbreaker right, right, Albert charges and clotheslines his partner by mistake -  kick, Olympic Slam! Goozle - no, Angle with a kick, (kinda) Olympic Slam! Angle pulls down the straps - Anglelock! Heyman on the apron, and Angle drops it to get after him, Heyman drops off the apron - chokeslam, one two three. (11:25) I'm pretty sure Albert was the legal man but it's not a good night for that. Angle taunts Angle on the mat. Edge is down on out on the outside. Show talks to Albert - Albert picks up Angle - shoulder backbreaker drop! Play Show's music again. He won this match twice, that's neat. Will Show come on top on Sunday? He shows Angle the belt one more time and raises it above his head.

That's it. 


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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